Sickle Cell Awareness Edition • 2017
MARKUS GOLDEN, Named as a SCDAA Celebrity Champion
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STAFF Ivory D. Payne Publisher CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Annie J. Ross-Womack (OSCHA) Brenda D. Spencer (OSCHA) Leslie Carter (ASCAA) Andray Simmons (DCH)
CREDITS Paper funded in whole or part by the Ohio Department of Health Sickle Cell Services Program, Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council and Sickle Cell Disease Association of America. NEWS PARTNERS Baptist Press Black PR ChristianNewsWire EUR Gospel Family Features North American Press Syndicate The Praise Reporter by Global Impact Media, LLC and Impact Christian Center BR (888) 978-3790 Toll Free 904.410.2379 Jacksonville, FL 614.678.5765 (studio) Columbus, OH 866.528.5267 Fax The Praise Reporter reserves the right to edit, reject or cancel any advertisement or editorial at anytime. We will not be responsible for checking accuracy of items submitted for publication or for more than one wrong insertion of advertising copy.
Inside this issue
Special Sickle Cell Awareness Month Section
• Publisher’s Greeting........................................................................................................................................................ 4 • Executive Director’s Letter : STATEWIDE....................................................................................................................... 6 • OSCHA Pictures Of Success ...................................................................................................................................8 & 9
• SICKLE CELL PROJECT PROFILE: REGION VI-AKRON............................................................................................ 11 • SICKLE CELL PROJECT PROFILE: REGION I-CINCINNATI...................................................................................... 12 • SICKLE CELL PROJECT PROFILE: REGION V-CLEVELAND.................................................................................... 14 • “ALL IN THE FAMILY” Blood Drive & Sickle Cell Rare Donor Match............................................................................... 15 • 10 Items to Test Your Knowledge................................................................................................................................. 17 • SICKLE CELL PROJECT PROFILE: REGION IV-COLUMBUS.................................................................................... 18
• SICKLE CELL PROJECT PROFILE: REGION II-DAYTON........................................................................................... 20
• SICKLE CELL PROJECT PROFILE: REGION III-TOLEDO.......................................................................................... 21
• Markus Golden, NFL Player for the Arizona Cardinals, Named as a SCDAA Celebrity Champion.................................. 22
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• Kingdom Works Returns The 4th Annual Kingdom Image Awards At The Lincoln Theatre...................... 25-27 • Oprah Winfrey is Joined by Pastor A.R. Bernard.......................................................................................... 30 • Tina Campbell Announces 20 City Tour ‘It’s Still Personal Tour’ Oct. 18 – Nov. 18....................................... 31 • Four NFL Players Ask League For One Month Dedicated To Social Activism................................................ 32 • From T.D. Jakes to T.D. Jakes Lecrae: Why Millennials Should Go to Church............................................... 34 • Tamela & David Mann Announce Fall 2017 Mann’s World Family Tour Dates................................................ 35
VISIT US ON THE INTERNET... • Sharing Good News And Great Music
September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month
Ivory D. Payne CEO/Publisher Global Impact Media, Praise Reporter
For over five years the Praise Reporter has partnered with Ohio Sickle Cell and Health Association (OSCHA) to educate, inform and bring awareness to Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to OSCHA and Annie J. Ross - Womack, Executive Director for allowing the Praise Reporter to participate in such a worthy endeavor. OSCHA gives homage to the issues, activities and information surrounding Sickle Cell Disease in Ohio with this special edition of the Praise Reporter. September is “National Sickle Cell Awareness Month”, which was officially recognized by the federal government in 1983. This month calls attention to Sickle Cell Disease, a group of inherited red blood cell disorders that affects approximately 100,000 Americans. About 1 in 13 African Americans carry the Sickle Cell Trait (SCT) and SCD occurs in about 1 in 365 African American Births.
Trait is not the same as Disease and this can cause a lot of confusion, even among doctors. To help the reader to understand the Sickle Cell Phenomena, the following is an historical insight on this major health concern: nT he annual observance of Sickle Cell Disease originated in 1972 when the National Sickle Cell Disease Program and member
organizations began conducting monthlong events to raise awareness about SCD and the need to address the problem at the national and local levels.
n T he Association (now called the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc. – SCDAA) and its member organizations, sponsored public educational programs and fundraising activities during the month. State and local officials issued Sickle Cell Month Proclamations and introduced the Poster Child Contests. n SCDAA tradition of selecting a National Poster Child (now called the Child Ambassador Contest) from local candidates began in 1975 with President Gerald Ford greeting the first winner, 8-year-old Bridgette Earby of Oakland California, at the White House. Presidents’ Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Obama have also greeted the National Child Ambassadors. n T he effort to have Sickle Cell Awareness Month officially recognized at all levels succeeded in 1983 when the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed the resolution, introduced by the Congressional Black Caucus, asking President Reagan to issue a proclamation designating the month of September as “National Sickle
Cell Anemia Awareness Month”. The President, signed Proclamation 5102.
n I n Ohio, legislation designating the month of September as “Sickle Cell Awareness Month” was signed by Governor Bob Taft in February, 2003. Since its official recognition, the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) Sickle Cell Services Program in collaboration with a regional network of grant-funded Sickle Cell projects have dedicated the month of September to raising public and professional awareness and understanding about Hemoglobin Disorders in Ohio. n September 2017 marks the fifteenth official year designated as “Sickle Cell Awareness Month” in Ohio. It is our hope that you will have an opportunity to participate in some of the statewide health and awareness events. For more information about Sickle Cell Disease, Sickle Trait, Hemoglobin Disorders or to receive educational materials, contact the Sickle Cell Project for your region (see Project Profiles).
Ivory D. Payne Publisher
Past Special Editions of The Praise Reporter Sickle Cell Awareness Month
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SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
A Message From Annie J. Ross-Womack, Executive Director bassador in his youth and was a Teen and Adult Advocate to the end. He will truly be missed. His family have set up a memorial scholarship fund in his name to keep his legacy of advocacy alive.
Annie J. Ross-Womack, Executive Director The Ohio Sickle Cell and Health Association (OSCHA) had an exciting and productive year filled with great events, information distribution and welcoming new staff. There have been tremendous highs and lows. We salute the lives of those who continue to live bravely with Sickle Cell Disease and those who fought the good fight, but are no longer with us. There in one in particular that we would like to mention, Mr. Jordan M. Jones. Jordan was special to OSCHA, he has been with us from his introduction to his parents. He served as our Sickle Cell Child Am-
Sickle Cell Disease affects countless of families in Ohio and through-out the nation and it is imperative that we continue to raise awareness and funds in order to continue educating and advocating for those living with this disease. We also welcomed a new regional program staff member, Mitchell Morrison, Sickle Cell Project Director for Nexus Healthcare in Toledo and OSCHA’s three staff members with the assistance of the SCDAA HRSA Grant, Adam Porter, Statewide Health Care Coordinator, Tracey Calloway, Community Health Worker (Dayton) and Zena Nash, Community Health Worker (Akron). OSCHA has served as Ohio’s statewide family support organization, working full time to resolve issues
Ohio Sickle Cell And Health Association Ohio Sickle Cell and Health Association 341 South Third Street Suite 200 Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: (614) 228-0157 Counties: Statewide-88 Ohio Counties Standard Services: • Consumer and professional training and education • Statewide public awareness and media campaigns • Sickle Cell Sabbath and Sickle Cell Month (September) activities Expanded Services and Programs: • Ohio Sickle Cell Advisory Committee • Empowerment Scholarship Fund for educational events • Advisory organization to the Ohio Sickle Cell Affected Families Association • Empowerment Day Event for Adults Living with Sickle Cell Disease
surrounding Sickle Cell Disease since the 1960’s. Our organization and partners have been on the forefront of improving the quality of health, life and services for individuals, families and communities affected by Sickle Cell Disease and related conditions. Along with other state, regional, national and global organizations, we are promoting the search for a universal cure. During September, National Sickle Cell Awareness Month, events took place across the nation including Festivals, Galas, Walks and National Sickle Cell Sabbath Weekend held September 16-17, 2017.
• Ohio Chapter of the National Organization - Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc. Non-Grant Supported Services and Programs (provided through the Ohio Sickle Cell and Health Association): • Patient/client/legislative advocacy for issues related to sickle cell disease • Information and referral services for extended family testing • Emergency support services for individuals/ families with sickle cell disease • Statewide, Regional and National marketing campaigns • Run.Walk.Jog for Sickle Cell (5k Run, 5 Mile Walk) • Case management and physician referral (per request) Project Director: Annie J. Ross-Womack Medical Director For OSCHA – Dr. Payal Desi, MD (The Ohio State University Medical Center – Sickle Cell Clinic)
September is the month we increase our awareness activities by sharing information about Sickle Cell Disease, Sickle Cell Trait and other Hemoglobin Disorders, we also discuss other health concerns prevalent to our population like Infant Mortality, Heart Disease, Hypertension and Diabetes, along with the services we provide. Sickle Cell Disease affects countless of families in Ohio and through-out the nation and it is imperative that we continue to raise awareness and funds in order to continue educating and advocating for those living with this disease.
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FOR CARE OF SICKLE CELL DISEASE? WHAT TO KNOW BEFORE YOU GO. Children and adults with sickle cell disease (SCD) often require care in the emergency department (ED) of hospitals or clinics for health issues related to SCD. The ED may be your only option for health care when symptoms, such as pain crises, cannot be managed at home or when you do not have access to a healthcare provider who specializes in treating SCD. The Sickle Cell Data Collection (SCDC) program found that in California, people with SCD seek care in the ED an average of three times a year from their late teens to their late 50s. Excruciating pain, known as a sickle cell crisis, is the most common reason for these ED visits.
Emergency Department (ED) Visits Among People with Sickle Cell in California, 2005-2014
average visit per year
average visits per year
average visits per year
average visit per year
Tips for receiving better care in the ED Before you get sick or have a pain crisis, work with your regular doctor to Make sure that information in your electronic medical record (EMR) is updated, including your medical history and current pain medicines. Create a pain management plan and make sure it is entered into your EMR. Keep with you a printed copy of the plan and a list of all your medicines.
When you go to the ED Tell the ED staff right away that you have SCD. Share openly with your ED nurse and doctor Your medical history, including a list of your medicines. Your pain management plan. Ask the ED nurse or doctor to look up your plan in your EMR or share a printed copy.
0-16 years
17-39 years
40-59 years
60-80 years
Your regular doctor’s contact information. If the ED nurse or doctor has concerns about your pain management, ask the ED staff to call your regular doctor.
CDC’s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities is committed to protecting people and preventing complications of blood disorders. Learn more about CDC’s work to help people with SCD here:
SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
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SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
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Thank YOU! The Ohio Sickle Cell Regional Projects would like to thank the many Faith-Based Groups and Congregations who participated in past “Sickle Cell Sabbath” Awareness Campaigns….we invite you to continue your involvement. • Pledge Your Support Today • Stand Up, Go Beyond, Overcome Challenges and Celebrate Victories • Increase Awareness of Sickle Cell Disease • Contact OSCHA @ 614-228-0157 10 | | Toll FREE (888) 963-7186 | SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017
Sickle Cell is a Family Affair for Ava and Olivia
Ohio Region VI Sickle Cell Program Akron Children’s Hospital One Perkins Square Akron, OH 44306 (330) 543-3521 or (800) 262-0333, Ext. 8730 cell_program/index.html Region VI counties: Ashland, Ashtabula, Carroll, Columbiana, Crawford, Holmes, Portage, Mahoning, Richland, Stark, Summit, Trumbull, Tuscarawas, Wayne Standard services available: • Newborn screening coordination and follow-up • Patient and family advocacy • Hemoglobinopathy counseling and patient/family education • Resource center for audiovisual and print materials regarding hemoglobinopathies • Communication with physicians on newborn screening and follow-up standards and practices • Hemoglobinopathy education, outreach and awareness activities for health care professionals/ providers, consumers and the public • Sickle Cell Sabbath/Sickle Cell Month (September) activities Expanded services and programs: • School intervention services • Quarterly newsletter • Patient and family disease education
Twins Ava and Olivia both have Hemoglobin SC disease, a type of sickle cell disease, and are always there for each other, especially when one is hospitalized. Sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait may sound interchangeable, but the prognosis and care are as different as night and day. For kids diagnosed with sickle cell, Akron Children’s has a team of medical specialists who provide ongoing education and care so families are never in the dark about the blood disorder. Three years ago, twins Ava and Olivia were 2 months premature when they came to Akron Children’s neo-
natal intensive care unit (NICU). During their 3-week stay, mom talked with doctors about the girls’ newborn screening tests, which revealed both were positive for sickle cell disease. “I was scared for them at first, but the hematologists at Children’s had a lot of good information for us,” said Megan Lancaster, the girls’ mom. “They told me it’s not a death sentence for them. It’s a part of them, but they can live with it if we stay informed and manage their condition.”
The girls were diagnosed with Hemoglobin SC disease, a type of sickle cell disease, which can cause anemia, repeated infections and periodic episodes of pain and possible organ damage. “I knew I had (sickle cell) trait and the girls’ dad did, too, so there was a chance the girls could get it…you just don’t want to think it could happen,” said Megan. The CDC estimates that 100,000 Americans are affected by sickle cell disease (SCD) and about 1 in 13 Black or African-American babies are born with sickle cell trait (SCT). Yet many parents don’t
• Adolescent transition program • Holiday events for patients and their families • Monthly parent/patient support group meetings • Support services, including personal, career/ vocational counseling and group activities • Psychosocial assessments and interventions • Annual sickle cell awareness walk • Annual weekend summer camp, Camp Ed Bear, for patients age 6-16 and Counselor in Training (CIT) Program for patients age 16-21 Non-grant supported services and programs (provided through the Showers Family Center for Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders): • Specialized medical care for pediatric and adolescent patients affected with sickle cell disease • Monthly comprehensive clinics for sickle cell disease patients (with incorporated genetic, psychosocial counseling, nutrition, physical therapy and radiology services) • Confirmatory testing for abnormal newborn screening hemoglobin results • Individual hematological consultation and diagnostic testing • Computers available for patients and families to perform sickle cell related information searches • Apheresis Program (Red Blood Cell Exchange) Project Director: LaTonya Lewis Medical Director: Prasad Bodas, MD
know if they, or their partner, are a carrier. “In 1990, testing for abnormal hemoglobin was added to the newborn screen blood test in the state of Ohio. As of 2006, it’s part of the newborn screening in all 50 states,” said Lisa Sidebotham, RN, CPHON and sickle cell nurse at Akron Children’s. “Now we can identify those who are born with SCD or SCT and provide treatment and/or counseling. Knowing your sickle cell status allows an individual to make more informed decisions about family planning or changes in their own health.”
OHIO SICKLE CELL AND AFFECTED FAMILIES ASSOCIATION SPOTLIGHT - NEO DAY CLINIC Neo Sickle Cell Day Clinic provides awareness and support to persons affected with Sickle Cell Disease and family members. They provide Information, Home Health Care, Nursing Care, Personal Care Assistance, Dressing, Home Health Care , Medication Management, Occupational Therapy, Adult Day Care, Physical Therapy and Hospice Care
Neo Sickle Cell Day Clinic P.O. Box 1036 Akron, Ohio 44309 Zenia Nash, Founder 330-328-4635
SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
Changing the Outcomes in Cincinnati The Cincinnati Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center (CCSCC) has a rich sickle cell disease (SCD) history with many “firsts.” Dr. Marilyn Gaston started locally- targeted newborn screening for babies in the early 1970’s, which led to a landmark study that showed penicillin could greatly reduce the risk of death from infection in babies with SCD. Additionally, the Center was one of the first nationally funded National Institutes of Health Comprehensive Sickle Cell Centers, beginning in the 1970’s. The CCSCC has been the “first” trailblazer for clinical treatments including using incentive spirometers to prevent acute chest syndrome, and doing the first sibling matched bone marrow transplant for SCD in the United States. The legacy of striving for excellent clinical care and improving the quality of life for children with SCD continues today. The Center is currently leading several research studies about SCD. Center Director Dr. Punam Malik is leading the groundbreaking effort to use gene transfer therapy for SCD and will be opening a clinical trial for adults with SCD in the very near future. The Center is proud to announce our new Hematology Director, Dr. Russell Ware, an international expert in SCD, who has done extensive research about the use of hydroxyurea, as an important treatment for sickle cell, and especially for prevention of stroke. Globally, Dr. Ware launched the Angolan Sickle Cell Initiative in Africa in March 2011, which led to the newborn screening of over 16,000 babies, identifying several hundred with
SCD, who otherwise would have not been diagnosed and would have likely died before their 2nd birthday. Additionally, Drs. Charles Quinn, Theodosia Kalfa and Punam Malik are leading several novel clinical research trials targeting hemolysis, stroke prevention, acute chest syndrome and sickle renal and heart disease to improve treatments for sickle cell disease. The CCSCC has also formed the Ohio Sickle Cell Research Alliance (OSCAR) with regional intuitions including The Ohio State Medical Center, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, University of Louisville, and Akron Children’s Hospital, for research studies and educational activities. The CCSCC has several educational programs throughout the year for families. One such program is an educational program at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens for parents of children ages newborn through six-years old with SCD. The CCSCC also co-sponsors a Sickle Cell Disease Education and Research Day each year for pediatric and adult individuals with SCD in Cincinnati, and it is a fantastic opportunity for families to enroll in current research studies, learn about results fro recent research trials, network with othe families, and enjoy a day of fun, games and giveaways. The Center also partners with the Ohio Sickle Cell and Health Association for an annual Empowerment Day for Ohio adults living with SCD statewide. The CCSCC team is dedicated to quality improvement and is currently working on several projects, including a home pain management plan, designed
Cincinnati Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center 3333 Burnet Ave., MLC 7015 Cincinnati, OH 45229 (513) 636-7541 svc/alpha/c/cancer-blood/blooddisease/sickle-cell Region I Counties: Adams, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton, Highland, Warren Standard Services: • Newborn screening coordination, counseling and education • Free hemoglobin testing • Outreach education and training for healthcare professionals and the public • Care coordination for pediatric patients diagnosed with sickle cell disease • Regional center for hemoglobinopathy educational materials • Sickle Cell Sabbath and Sickle Cell Month (September) educational activities Expanded Services and Programs: • Annual newsletter for regional healthcare providers • “Center Talk” newsletter for pediatric families
to prevent the need for frequent Emergency Department visits for children with SCD, led by Dr. Kalinyak. In fact, the CCSCC is participating in a national Hemoglobinopathy Learning Collabo-
Non-Grant Supported Services and Programs (provided through the Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center): • Comprehensive sickle cell clinic for pediatric patients, including social work and school intervention program • Expanded educational and support programs for individuals/families with sickle cell disease • Extensive clinical research studies for individuals/families with sickle cell disease • Transition to adult care program with University of Cincinnati Adult Sickle Cell Clinic • Quality improvement outcomes projects for sickle cell disease, including a regional 6-state learning network (Sickle Treatment Outcomes Research in the Midwest – STORM) • Annual summer camp program • Healthcare provider education programs including the annual National Hemoglobinopathy Counselor Training Course • Grantee of the Health Resources and Services Administration Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Demonstration Project (2014-2018) • Training/rotation in hemoglobin disorders Lisa Shook (PD/ROE)
rative with 14 other sickle cell centers across the country, in an effort to improve outcomes for individuals with SCD.
OHIO SICKLE CELL AND AFFECTED FAMILIES ASSOCIATION LISTING n Akron – Neo Sickle Day Clinic, Inc. Zenia Nash – 330-328-4635
n Cincinnati – Sickle Cell Affected Families Support Group Of Greater Cincinnati, Inc. Gwendolyn Brown – 513-888-5839 Gwendolyn D. Brown
n Cleveland – Kincaid Kindred Spirits Adrienne Kincaid – 216-347-1931 n Columbus – Sickle Cell, Reaching, Empowering And Mentoring Joanna Floyd – 614-354-0205 n Dayton – Dayton Sickle Cell Affected Families Association Tracy Calloway – 937-903-6563
12 | | Toll FREE (888) 963-7186 | SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017
Friday, September 29, 2017 7:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Dinner and Reception
Tickets: $50 Adult/$25 Child
$60 after September 8, 2017
Normandy Party Center 30310 Palisade Parkway Wickliffe, Ohio 44092
(off Euclid Avenue - next to USA Skating Rink)
Please RSVP:
Adrienne Kincaid 216/347-1931 or any KKS, Inc. Member Music By: Live Band Hubbs Groove DJ Linedance King Robert Johnson Jr. SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
University Hospitals Expands Services for Sickle Cell Patients
American Sickle Cell Anemia Association 10900 Carnegie Avenue Suite DD1-201 Cleveland, OH 44106 (216) 229-8600 Region V counties: Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina
More than 75,000 Americans have sickle cell disease, one of the most common genetic diseases in the country and the most common inherited blood disorder in the United States. The debilitating pain of sickle cell disease can come on suddenly. The pain is so severe, and so unexpected, that many who suffer from this disease -- some 1,000 in the Greater Cleveland area -- can’t work full time. “Most people just don’t get it,” says Stanley Little, 49, of Cleveland. Little changed physicians -- and hospitals -- so he could be around people who knew how to treat sickle cell. “People say, ‘You look fine. There can’t [be anything] wrong with you,’ “ he says. About a year ago, University Hospitals started its Sickle Cell Fast-Track Clinic, adopting the model from places such as the Georgia Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, a pioneer in the treatment of sickle cell disease. At the first signs of a crisis, a patient can call the clinic with a heads-up that he or she needs treatment. By the time the patient gets there (bypassing the emergency room), pain medication and intravenous fluids are waiting. Also waiting are medical professionals well-versed in treating sickle cell patients, instead of physicians who see it infrequently. If needed, patients can be admitted to UH for further observation. The clinic’s goal, however, is to avoid as many ER visits and hospital admissions as possible by treating a crisis before it becomes full-blown. “It’s a pretty innovative approach,” says Lawrence, adding that sickle cell
patients have the second-highest readmission rate within a 30-day period. “Readmission is a very large concern.” So far in 2010, the Fast-Track Clinic has had roughly 250 patient visits, says UH oncologist Dr. Joseph Bokar, who leads a team of oncologists and oncology nurses in providing care for patients with sickle cell disease. “We think our patients are becoming more comfortable using this approach,” he says. Since late 2008, University Hospitals Ireland Cancer Center has been expanding resources to deal with the often misunderstood symptoms and side effects associated with the disease. Because the fields of hematology (blood disorders) and oncology (cancer) often overlap, sickle cell patients are treated at Ireland. Social worker Christine Lawrence, who facilitates a new support group there, joined UH nearly two years ago. Her full-time focus is sickle cell patients. “Working with this patient population, I realized there are a lot of unmet needs,” she says. UH also has begun a transitioning program for children with sickle cell, so they can become wellversed in making their own appointments and following treatment plans. Starting at age 13, younger patients at Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital meet regularly with the physicians and nurses who treat adult patients so there is some familiarity
14 | | Toll FREE (888) 963-7186 | SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017
Standard services available: • Newborn screening follow-up and diagnostic testing • Hemoglobinopathy counseling and education (additional on-site counseling locations at the Cleveland Clinic, MetroHealth Hospital, McCafferty Health Center, J. Glenn Health Center, Miles/ Broadway Health Center, Lorain City Health Center, Lake County Health Department and Medina County Health Department) • Resource center for hemoglobinopathy education materials • Sickle Cell Sabbath/Sickle Cell Month (September) activities Expanded services and programs: • Hispanic community direct services and outreach
long before a patient leaves Rainbow. All of these resources are applauded by patients living with a disease that is often met with ignorance and skepticism from the general public. Often, sickle cell patients don’t get the same degree of attention as people with other genetic diseases, Bokar says. “There are a lot of inherited serious lifelong diseases,” he says. “[Diseases such as cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy] get a lot of press and support from the public. Sickle cell anemia is more common than those but gets very little publicity. “This disease affects every organ system in the body,” he says. Diagnosed at age 3 months with sickle cell anemia, Jamele Green says he has had more health challenges in recent years than at any other time in his life. The Fast-Track Clinic, however, has made his hospital stays -- once as often as every few weeks -- much less frequent. “I’ve been through Fast-Track several times,” Green, 32, says. “It is a lot better. You’re not waiting in the ER for hours.” UH’s support group has been met with the same enthusiasm. Tasha Taylor is in an associate degree program in medical assistance and hopes to eventually become a registered nurse.
• Global/international education and referral initiative • School/home intervention program • Supportive services/crisis intervention/ community referrals • Collaborative relationships with Region V hospitals • CBS Cares public service announcement for sickle cell disease (local and national airing) • Website (in over 70 pull down languages) • Facebook and Twitter Non-grant supported services and programs (provided through the American Sickle Cell Anemia Association): • On-site diagnostic hemoglobin testing (in association with the Cleveland Clinic) • Summer residential camp for youth with sickle cell disease (one-week) • Choosing Health Awareness, Mobility, Personal Power and Success (C.H.A.M.P.P.S.) Youth Transition Program • Cleveland Clinic resident physician rotation program Project Director: Ira Bragg-Grant Medical Advisor: Lisa Hackney, MD (Cleveland Clinic)
“It was good to meet different people, different ages,” says Taylor, 30. The attendees at the inaugural group meeting ranged in age from 19 to 68. For Taylor, diagnosed with sickle cell anemia at birth, cold weather triggers extreme joint pain and headaches that can send her to the hospital for up to two weeks at a time. Two things struck Stanley Little as he walked into the support group meeting last month. There was nowhere for him to sit -- and most of the 27 other sickle cell patients there were strangers. “I was like, ‘Wow!’ “ says Little, of Cleveland, who thought he had met all of his fellow “sicklers” in town. Diagnosed at age 10 with sickle cell beta thalassemia, Little says he doesn’t have as many severe attacks, or sickle cell crises, as other patients with the disease. He did have a total hip replacement surgery a few years ago, the result of avascular necrosis, in which one’s bones are deprived of oxygen and a blood supply. (Sickle cell patients have a higher risk of developing the condition.) Meeting new people with sickle cell, he says, has been eye-opening. “I’m learning how many different ways it affects people,” he says.
Blood Drive & Sickle Cell Rare Donor Match
On Saturday, April 22, 2017 the Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Inc., Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter hosted the first annual Blood Drive in partnership with the Ohio Sickle Cell and Health Association in Columbus, Ohio at the Third Episcopal District Headquarters of the AME Church. This Blood Drive was supported ENTIRELY by Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter, where Bro. Tarik White is the president. The purpose for this drive was to provide blood from Men of Alpha Phi Alpha, and specifically African American males, with the hope of discovering “Rare Donors” who are Sickle Cell Donor Matches. “We understand that Sickle Cell is a condition that plagues the African American community. This is why we specifically pursue donating blood,” said Brother Tarik White. “We realize that our blood, if matched, will enhance blood transfusions for Sickle Cell patients. Sickle Cell patients are in many of our own families. So that’s why we… here at Alpha Rho Lambda say…it’s “ALL IN THE FAMILY”…. and Family takes care of Family,” continued White. Why Should You Designate Your Donation for a Sickle Cell Patient? Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) affects millions of people throughout the world and is particularly common among our African American community. Sickle Cell Disease affects approximately
80,000 African Americans in the United States. While there is no cure, the painful symptoms of this disease can be prevented by regular blood transfusions. Due to the nature of this disease, matched donor blood is often necessary but difficult to find because of the production of rare or multiple antibody combinations. Sickle cell patients nearly always require blood that is tested for unique characteristics. The treatment for these patients often is based on blood transfusions. Because of the need for regular transfusions over a patient’s lifetime, it is critically important that blood transfused to Sickle Cell patients be as closely matched as possible. If the blood is not closely matched, the patient may build antibodies against the donated blood, and the transfusions will be ineffective in treating the symptoms of the disease. Like other genetic factors, blood is similar among people of the same ethnic group. That is why the closest match for an African American Sickle Cell patient will most likely come from an African American donor. To help increase the availability of blood for Sickle Cell Association extends special Thanks to patients, it is very important to increase Rosemarie Simmons, who is the Donor the number of African Americans who Recruitment Account Manager-Diverdonate blood. Those of us who already sity Columbus Franklin Team of the donate should donate as often as pos- American Red Cross and the Men of Alsible, and those of us who do not do- pha Phi Alpha Inc., Alpha Rho Lambda nate … should make it a point to give. Chapter who took the time to donate The Ohio Sickle Cell and Health blood…especially since you are an Afri-
can American men who may ultimately possess rare donor match blood! Brothers like you are truly Men of Excellence! The next proposed date for Alpha Phi Alpha Inc., Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter “All In the Family Blood Drive & Sickle Cell Rare Donor Match” is projected for April 2018.
SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
45th Annual Convention: Thursday, Oct. 26th Concurrent Workshop-Session I Speakers Announced
SCDAA is pleased to announce the 45th Annual National Convention on Sickle Cell Disease. This year’s theme is “Going Beyond: Overcoming Challenges and Celebrating Victories in the SCD Community.” With over 447 researchers, physicians, nurses, socials workers, individuals living with SCD & SCT and more we are excited to reunite with you again on October 25-28, 2017!
Broad Objectives: 1. The Participants will be able to: 2. Demonstrate in an effective manner procedures for addressing pain crisis in various settings
3. Utilize evidence-based guidelines and best practices in their The SCDAA Annual Convention is a four-day conference designed daily care of self and patients to improve patient outcomes and to address the multi-factorial aspects of Sickle Cell Disease. This quality of life. year the event will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, a city near and dear 4. Identify alternate treatment options for the care of themselves to the sickle cell community! and patients. In an effort to advocate for improved quality of life for individuals and families affected with Sickle Cell Disease and its associated 5. Use clinical trial websites to access information regarding morbidity and mortality, the conference fosters the exchange of participation in various available clinical trials. the latest scientific and clinical information related to the disease. 6. Decrease the amount of fragmentation in care from adolescent This is done through the offering of innovative symposia, training to adult providers. seminars and interactive panel discussions. In addition, this year’s convention offers an array of exciting activities designed to edu- 7. Recognize, identify or assist in the development of social and cate and motivate the entire community to get involved in the fight emotional resources for patients and families. against Sickle Cell Disease. To register go to Audience: Physicians. Researchers, nurse community health tional-convention-sickle-cell-disease/e122253 workers will also benefit from this educational offering.
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4. True or False: There are several different types of sickle cell disease. 5. True or False: There is no universal cure for sickle cell disease. 6. True or False: There are several things a person with sickle cell disease can do to avoid some of the complications.
How many of the following statements about sickle cell disease do you know? Read each statement and then circle the answer (True or False) that you think is correct. The answers to the questions can be found below.
7. True or False: People with sickle cell disease should get immunizations.
1. True or False: Only African Americans can have sickle cell disease.
8. True or False: It is important to know whether or not you have sickle cell trait.
2. True or False: Pain is the most common symptom of sickle cell disease.
9. True or False: All infants born in Ohio are screened at birth for sickle cell disease.
3. True or False: A woman with sickle cell disease cannot have a healthy pregnancy.
10. True or False: There is only one FDA approved medication to help treat sickle cell disease.
1. False: Only African Americans can have sickle cell disease. Sickle cell disease affects millions of people throughout the world and is particularly common among people whose ancestors come from sub-Saharan Africa, Spanish-speaking regions in the Western Hemisphere (South America, Cuba, and Central America), Saudi Arabia, India, and Mediterranean countries such as Turkey, Greece, and Italy. For this reason, hospitals and birthing centers in the United States test all newborn babies for sickle cell disease. 2. True: Pain is the most common symptom of sickle cell disease. While sickle cell disease affects people in different ways, pain is the most common symptom. A pain episode or “crisis” often causes people with sickle cell disease go to the hospital. When sickle-shaped (crescent shaped) cells travel through small blood vessels in the body, they can get stuck and clog the blood flow. Pain can start suddenly, be mild or severe, and last for any length of time. 3. False: A woman with sickle cell disease cannot have a healthy pregnancy. Women with sickle cell disease can have a healthy pregnancy, but need to be extra careful to avoid problems during pregnancy that can affect their own health and the health of the unborn baby. The disease may become more severe and pain episodes may occur more frequently. There is a higher risk of early (preterm) labor and of having a low-birth weight baby. However, with early prenatal care and careful monitoring throughout the pregnancy, women with sickle cell disease can have a healthy pregnancy. 4. True: There are several different types of sickle cell disease. Sickle cell disease is caused by differences (known as mutations) in a person’s genetic information (genes) that tell their red blood cells how to make a part of the cell known as hemoglobin. Hemoglobin attaches to oxygen so that the red blood cells can carry oxygen to all parts of the body. The genetic information for making hemoglobin is called the hemoglobin gene. Every person has two hemoglobin genes. A gene is inherited from each parent. A person who inherits two abnormal hemoglobin genes may have a type of sickle cell disease
called hemoglobin SS or “sickle cell anemia”. This is the most common type of the disease and usually the most severe. There are several different types of sickle cell disease. To learn about the different types, go to ncbddd/sicklecell/facts.html.
5. True: There is no universal cure for sickle cell disease. Bone marrow/stem cell transplant can cure sickle cell disease for some individuals that have a donor match. However, there is no universal cure for the disease. 6. True: There are several things a person with sickle cell disease can do to avoid some of the complications. People with sickle cell disease can live full lives and enjoy most of the activities that other people do. There are several things that people with sickle cell disease can do to stay as healthy as possible. Here are a few examples: • Get regular checkups. Regular health checkups with a primary care doctor and/or hematologist can help prevent some serious problems. • Prevent infections. Common illnesses, like the flu, can quickly become dangerous for a child/adult with sickle cell disease. The best defense is to take simple steps to help prevent infections, including an annual flu shot. • Learn healthy habits. People with sickle cell disease should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day and eat healthy food. They also should try not to get too hot, too cold, or too tired. • Look for research. New research studies are happening all the time to find better treatment and, hopefully, a universal cure for sickle cell disease. People who participate in these studies might have access to new medicines and treatment options. • Get support. Find a patient support group or community-based organization in your area that can provide information, assistance, and support. 7. True: People with sickle cell disease should get immunizations. People with sickle cell disease, especially infants and children, are more at risk for harmful infections. Pneumonia is a leading cause of death in infants and children with sickle cell disease. Immunizations can protect against harmful infections. 8. True: It is important to know whether or not you have
sickle cell trait. Sickle cell trait (also known as being a carrier) occurs when a person inherits one gene for sickle hemoglobin and one gene for normal hemoglobin. Approximately one in ten African-Americans carries sickle cell trait. If two people with sickle cell trait have a baby, there is a 25% (1 in 4) chance with each pregnancy of having a child with sickle cell disease. Most people with sickle cell trait do not have any symptoms. In rare cases, the following extreme conditions could be harmful for people with sickle cell trait: • High altitude (e.g. flying, mountain climbing, or visiting a city with a high altitude). • Increased pressure in the atmosphere (e.g. while scuba diving). • Low oxygen levels in the air (e.g. when mountain climbing, exercising extremely hard in military boot camp or training for an athletic competition). • Dehydration (e.g. too little water in the body).
9. True: All infants born in Ohio are screened at birth for sickle cell disease. Since 1990, Ohio has screened all infants at birth for sickle cell disease and other disorders (including sickle cell trait). Sickle cell disease is a part of the newborn screening (NBS) panel of tests that currently includes a total of thirty-six genetic, metabolic or endocrine disorders. 10. True: There is only one FDA approved medication to help treat sickle cell disease. It is true that there is currently only one FDA (Food & Drug Administration) approved medication to help in the treatment of sickle cell disease. Hydroxyurea is a medication used to help prevent the red blood cells from sickling and causing many of the complications seen with sickle cell disease, including pain and organ damage. However, not all patients who could benefit from hydroxyurea are currently taking the medication. A recent study showed that 75% of adults who are eligible for hydroxyurea are not currently taking it.
SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
Peer Mentor Program For Adolescents and Young Adults With Sickle Cell Disease Nationwide Children’s Hospital Comprehensive Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and Thalassemia Program has developed a new innovative program designed to meet the specific needs of Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA). This program links older adolescents with young adults for the purposes mentorship, education and support. Our program goals include teaching young people tools for self-advocacy, SCD education and the identification of coping strategies for living with a chronic illness. Initially, our focus was to decrease unplanned hospital re-admissions within 30 days. We planned to accomplish this by providing programming and psychosocial support for this group outside of the inpatient setting. While this is still a primary focus of the program we also want equip and empower this group to become selfadvocates through the provision of education and coping strategies for successful disease management. At the onset of group formation we chose patients with the highest number of hospitalizations for SCD and pain over the previous 12 months. These patients wereinvited to participate in the new Peer Mentor Program for Adolescents and
Young Adults with Sickle Cell Disease. The sickle cell hospital staff also invited young adults with SCD who are managing their illness, while working, going to school and/or completing essential daily life activities to become mentors to adolescents and other young adults. An initial overnight retreat was held in June, 2012 to kick off the group’s activities. The retreat was followed by monthly events facilitated by hospital psychosocial staff members who include, a Program Coordinator, Social Worker, Psychologist, and Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. During the retreat mentors were trained in a one day workshop and had ongoing support from the sickle cell psychosocial staff. Mentors and mentees were also paired and participated in several educational and coping skill(s) building activities, then, instructed to communicate by phone or text at least one time per week until the end of December, 2012. Our hope continues to be that this psychosocial network will help promote staying healthy outside the hospital setting. Group members subjectively report a positive experience and the desire to continue with the project. Currently, we are continuing the group and expanding
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Comprehensive Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassemia Program Nationwide Children’s 700 Children’s Drive Columbus, OH 43205 (614) 722-5948 sickle-cell-and-thalassemia-program Region IV Counties: Athens, Belmont, Coshocton, Delaware, Fairfield, Fayette, Franklin, Gallia, Guernsey, Harrison, Hocking, Jackson, Jefferson, Knox, Lawrence, Licking, Madison, Marion, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Morrow, Muskingum, Noble, Perry, Pickaway, Pike, Ross, Scioto, Union, Vinton, Washington, Wyandot Standard Services: • Newborn screening coordination and follow-up services • Hemoglobinopathy counseling • Hemoglobinopathy education, outreach, and awareness activities • Sickle Cell Sabbath and Sickle Cell Month (September) activities Expanded Services and Programs: • School/daycare intervention program • Patient/family disease education
membership in 2013. The participants have formed -Educational, Activities and Fundraising Committees. They have also developed a Mission Statement: “Paving the way for others by educating the com-
• Blood/bone marrow donor education •P eer Mentor Program for Adolescents and Young Adults • Nursing education • Transition to adult care Non-Grant Supported Services and Programs (provided through the Hematology/Oncology/BMT Division at Nationwide Children’s): •Infusion services •C onfirmatory testing for abnormal newborn screening hemoglobin results • Comprehensive medical management and follow-up for hemoglobin disease • Genetic counseling and extended family testing • Case management • Dental evaluations • Psychological testing and evaluations • Apheresis Program • Psychological/clinical research trials • Student training Project Director: Tanica Jeffries Medical Director: Anthony Villella, MD
munity and spreading awareness about Sickle Cell Disease”. We have held our Second Annual Weekend Retreat and members maintain the eventual goal of Mentees graduating to become Mentors.
Cheers the Day When Sickle Cell Disease Will Faith Ministries Church CheersBecome the Day WhenHistory! Sickle Cell Disease Will Become History
Worship with us Sundays @ 10 AM�
2747 Agler Rd., Columbus, OH 43224 Worship with| 614-416-8500 us Sundays|� @ 10 AM Dr. C. Dexter Wise III, Pastor - Dr. Shirley D. Wise, First Lady�
2747 Agler Rd., Columbus, OH 43224 | 614-416-8500 || Dr. C. Dexter Wise III, Pastor Dr. Shirley D. Wise, First Lady SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
The New Trayvon Calloway Sickle Cell Outreach Center By Tracy Calloway, Executive Director I attended my first National Sickle Cell conference in 2016 and I heard things that were not pleasing to my ears. I have a child with sickle cell and thought about what would happen if things were not set up for him if I died. While volunteering with the Dayton Sickle Cell Affected Families Association, it was clear that more needed to be done so that sickle cell patients would receive fair treatment. The conference was very enlightening. As a new sickle cell parent my thoughts were crazy and I was scared for my child. Thankfully, Dr. Mukund Dole at Dayton Children’s assured me that he would live to be 65 or older if we took care of him in the right fashion. He could live with this disease and grow to be an old man. I laughed at his conversation, knowing deep inside I was scared as hell. I spoke to my husband, Charles about what we could do to help the sickle cell population. The first things I thought was that sickle cell teens need to know who each other are. They also need to have classes for transitioning to adulthood, how to be financially responsible and help finding suitable affordable housing. We decided to open the Trayvon Calloway Sickle Cell Outreach Center and an apartment complex that would allow the young adults to live amongst each other and be a support network. I was also offered a chance to become a Community Health Worker for my region through The Ohio Sickle Cell and Health Association. The class on becoming a Community Health Worker for sick-
le cell has given me an even bigger push that what I am doing for our sickle cell patients is right on track to helping them become self sufficient. I realize they face a lot of challenges trying to find a hospital that does not think they are drug seeking because everyone’s pain looks different. I have heard many stories as I met with the adult sickle cell patients in my region. I’m glad they have someone they can call to check on them while they are in the hospital. I have received all the information to be able to open my own business and become a non-profit. I set out in the Dayton community to try and find some businesses that would help. I started a coin campaign called, Change for Sickle Cell its going great. I have several businesses that allowed me to put the red box in their establishment to collect change from their patrons. Then I started thinking about what would be beneficial to the sickle cell community and this year we held our 2nd Annual Sickle Cell Sabbath Day on September 10th at the Harris Memorial CME Church. We also have planned a Taste for Sickle Cell event on September 23rd at Bainbridge Hall, 267 Bainbridge Street in Dayton, Ohio. This event will educate the community about sickle cell and advocacy for our clients. So many people that I have spoken with thought that sickle cell was cured because they haven’t heard anything about it. I have explained time and time again, it’s not cured, that’s why we need your help to educate those who have that same misunderstanding. I have purchased a building to be the headquarters for the youth and
West Central Ohio Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center Dayton Children’s Hospital One Children’s Plaza Dayton, OH 45404 (937) 641-3111or 1-800-228-4055 ext. 5014 http://www.childrensdayton. org/cms/dayton_childrens_ services/0aa34374b79c9d18/index. html Region II Counties: Allen, Auglaize, Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Hancock, Hardin, Logan, Mercer, Miami, Montgomery, Paulding, Preble, Putnam, Shelby and Van Wert Standard Services: • Newborn screening coordination and follow-up • Free hemoglobin testing for adults of child-bearing age • Hemoglobinopathy counseling and education • Care coordination and specialty resource referrals • Community education and outreach • Regional resource clearinghouse of educational materials • Sickle Cell Sabbath and Sickle Cell Month (September) activities
teens to come together. The building is in bad shape and needs plenty of work before we are able to use it. I pray that an angel sponsor will show up and help us get this building together so the youth will be able to come together once or twice a week and just hang out together and get to know one another. It’s important that they know
Expanded Services and Programs: • Patient and family disease education • School intervention program • Patient assistance program • Special family events/activities • Living Healthy with Sickle Cell Disease Workshops for Adults (part of the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program) Non-Grant Supported Services and Programs (provided through the Hematology/Oncology Department at Dayton Children’s Hospital): • Diagnostic evaluation, treatment, and management services for patients birth to 22 years of age • Consultation and collaboration with adult health care providers • Nutrition assessment and counseling • Social work services • Psychosocial assessment and intervention • Transition Clinic at Five Rivers Health Center (725 South Ludlow Street, Dayton, 45402) • Training/rotation/internship in hemoglobin disorders Project Director: Cynthia L. Moon, MSEd Medical Director: Mukund Dole, MD
each other and have the opportunity to help one another in the event of a crisis. If your organization or business is interested in helping us get this wonderful and much needed project off the ground please feel free to contact me at 888-742-5530 office or cell at 937-903-6563 any and all help is greatly appreciated.
OHIO SICKLE CELL AND AFFECTED FAMILIES ASSOCIATION SPOTLIGHT – DAYTON AFFECTED FAMILIES The Dayton Sickle Cell Affected Families Association, Inc., established in 1978. Currently provides services for approximately 1,200 families living with Sickle Cell in the Montgomery County area. They provide the following services
to individuals living with Sickle Cell: • Transportation assistance, Vouchers,Attending appointments, • Sitting with the family while their loved one is hospitalized • Other assistance as needed or requested
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Toledo Native One Of The First With Non-Narcotic Pain Pump To Treat Sickle Cell Pain
Sickle Cell Project of Northwest Ohio Sickle Cell Project of Northwest Ohio 313 Jefferson Avenue (mailing address) Toledo, OH 43604 Renee Chenevert (PD/NBSC/ROE) 615 Division Street Toledo, OH 43604 (419) 255-7883 ext.110 Region III Counties: Defiance, Erie, Fulton, Henry, Huron, Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca, Williams, Wood Standard Services: • Newborn screening coordination and follow-up services • Hemoglobinopathy counseling (off-site locations at Toledo Children’s Hospital and Mercy Children’s Hospital) • Education, outreach and awareness activities • Regional resource center for hemoglobinopathy educational materials • Sickle Cell Sabbath and Sickle Cell Month (September) activities
September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month, so it’s very fitting that it is also National Pain Awareness Month. Chronic pain is one of the hallmark complications of sickle cell disease, and for those living with chronic pain, the only relief they may feel is when taking opioid (narcotic) medications such as Vicodin, Percocet, OxyContin, methadone and morphine (just to name a few). While these medications offer patients legitimate treatment options for pain, when taken at high doses on a regular basis they can severely inhibit a person’s ability to function normally on a day to day basis. Long
term, regular opioid use can also lead to physical dependence and therefore addiction. Many adults living with sickle cell disease know these facts all too well, and are constantly struggling to maintain a delicate balance where their pain is being treated adequately while still being able to live productive lives free from the physical side effects of these medication. Meet Shau’nea Thomas (friends and family call her Shay). Mrs. Thomas, who resides in Chandler, AZ but is originally from Toledo, OH, is a 33 year old wife and step-mom who is living with sickle cell disease. She is also one of the first sickle
cell patients in the country to have a pump implanted to administer medicine to treat her pain. And the most amazing aspect of the pump is that it releases a drug to treat her pain that is a non-narcotic, non-opioid. The drug is called PRIALT, and it is synthesized from the venom of a marine snail. Yep, you read that right, a marine snail. But as strange as it sounds, it works! Mrs. Thomas moved to Columbus, OH a number of years ago and began seeing Dr. Gladstone McDowell, medical director at Integrated Pain Solutions, for treatment of her sickle cell pain. It was under his care that she had the pump implanted in 2011 for use with PRIALT, which was only approved for use in 2004. “How does the pump work?” you ask? Well, it is implanted in her abdomen, and it releases timed doses of PRIALT to relieve her symptoms. The medicine is released into the fluid surrounding her spi-
Expanded Services and Programs: • Patient and family disease education • School outreach and interventions • Genetic counseling (in collaboration with the University of Toledo Division of Genetics) Non-Grant Supported Services and Programs (provided through Cordelia Martin Health Center): • Primary and pediatric medical care for uninsured and underinsured populations • Social work services • On-site pharmacy and laboratory • WIC Services Project Director: Kortney Weber Medical Advisors: Crawford Strunk, MD (Toledo Children’s Hospital) Rama Jasty, MD (Mercy Children’s Hospital)
nal cord, which acts to block certain channels on nerves that transmit pain signals. She also has access to a button to release more medication if she feels the onset of more severe pain. Mrs. Thomas said “It works very well and sometimes I even forget about the pain button period.” And considering that PRIALT has no addictive qualities, there is no chance of the physical dependence that you find with opioids. Many sickle cell patients face unfair labeling as “drug seekers” or “addicts” due to their need for these drugs to alleviate their pain. The nature of PRIALT could change the face of sickle cell pain treatment in the future for many patients. To learn more about Mrs. Thomas story, PRIALT, and Dr. Gladstone Mc-Dowell, please visit our Facebook page by searching “Sickle Cell Project of Northwest Ohio”.
SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
National Sickle Cell Disease Poll of African Americans Dispels Long-Held Views NEW YORK-- Pfizer Inc. (NYSE:PFE), the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), and scholars from Howard University today announced results from a new national poll designed to deepen understanding and gauge perceptions around sickle cell disease (SCD) among African Americans. The poll, which included responses from adults in the US who self-identified as African American, revealed that while the majority of respondents were familiar with SCD and understood the disease in general, only one-third (36%) were aware that it disproportionately affects people of African descent,1 demonstrating a critical need for education and awareness. Sickle cell disease is a lifelong and debilitating disorder that affects red blood cells.2 It is the most common inherited blood disorder in the US, and most people living with sickle cell disease are of African descent.3 In fact, SCD occurs in one out of every 365 African American births.4 “These poll findings will give our readers an in-depth understanding of how sickle cell disease is perceived by
African Americans,” said Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., President of NNPA, a trade association of 211 African American-owned community newspapers from around the US. “With this knowledge from the dedicated research team at Howard University, and through our collaboration with Pfizer, we can spur meaningful conversation and assess the best ways to improve disease education for those impacted in our communities.” THE POLL ALSO REVEALED: n Despite long-standing historical perceptions of mistrust in medical professionals by the African American community, in this poll 91% of respondents indicated that they believed health care professionals to be trustworthy. n Over three quarters (79%) of respondents described SCD as “more important” or “just as important” as other health conditions. n Most respondents (76%) had positive
or neutral attitudes toward SCD clinical trials and a majority indicated a willingness to participate in future clinical trials for SCD, given appropriate knowledge and recommendations from health care professionals.1 n Historically, clinical trial recruitment obstacles have been a barrier in SCD research. In a review of 174 SCD trials, difficulty enrolling patients was the stated cause in nearly half of the trials that terminated early. n The majority (79%) of respondents understood the importance of disease education and expressed the need for additional current information, specifically regarding pain relief, clinical trials, and progress toward better treatment or a cure. “We are encouraged by the poll results as they have allowed us to gain a better understanding of the perceptions of SCD among African Americans. These insights will not only help us determine
how to further enhance disease education and awareness, but will also help us educate SCD patients and their families about the importance of clinical trials in bringing novel treatment options to market for those in need,” said Dr. Kevin W. Williams, Chief Medical Officer, Pfizer Rare Disease. “Through our work with patients and the community, as well as through research and development and clinical trials, Pfizer remains committed to addressing the unmet needs of people affected by sickle cell disease.” The poll is a key initiative under the Pfizer-NNPA collaboration. Throughout the rest of 2017, a series of articles with more information regarding SCD, its impact, as well as the common myths, is also being published in NNPA-affiliated newspapers. The poll results and information about SCD will be shared with the NNPA network and incorporated into future educational programs. More information about SCD can be found at For more information about the NNPA, please visit
Markus Golden, NFL Player for the Arizona Cardinals, Named as a SCDAA Celebrity Champion One of the NationLike so many families, Goldal Football League’s most en has lost loved ones to sickle punishing pass rushers, cell disease. He and his mother, Markus Golden, is also Rhonda, have partnered with leading the charge against the Sickle Cell Disease Assoa disease that affects many ciation of America, Inc. (SCfamilies, including his own. DAA) to increase awareness Golden, a Universiabout this rare blood disease. ty of Missouri alumnus, As a SCDAA Celebrity was selected by the ArChampion, Golden hopes to izona Cardinals in the inspire those affected by sickle second round of the 2015 cell disease to speak out about Linebacker, Marcus NFL Draft. The linebacker their triumphs and struggles. Golden earned six starts in his 15 “I also want to use my platgames played as a rookie, form to bring attention to a recording 31 tackles, four sacks and disease that sometimes gets neglected two forced fumbles. In 2016, Golden and forgotten,” says Golden. “I am excittied for third in the league with 12.5 ed and honored to be able to serve as a sacks, a Cardinals best, along with SCDAA Celebrity Champion, and I look 51 tackles and four forced fumbles. forward to being a voice for the sickle cell While Golden is formidable on the community and to helping to bring attenfield, his mission off the field is equally tion to this cause that is so important to relentless, as he fights for a great cause. me and my family and so many others.”
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Linebacker, Marcus Golden leads the Cardinals with six sacks thus far
My Life’s Journey with Sickle Cell Disease
“I’ve been blessed to live a happy and productive life. I have two beautiful children (both have trait but not the disease) and two gorgeous grandchildren with another on the way. God has kept me…”
By Gala Rogers
Gala Rogers Cincinnati, Ohio
September is Sickle Cell Awareness Month. Most articles you’ve seen, if you’ve seen any at all, basically give clinical information about the disorder. I’d like to tell you a bit about what it’s like to suffer from this debilitating disease. Sickle Cell Disease is an inherited disorder that affects the red blood cells. The red blood cells when working properly transport oxygen throughout our bodies to all our organs. Red blood cells are supposed to be round, pliable, soft and have an average lifespan of 120 days. But a person with Sickle Cell Disease red blood cells become hard, crystalised, C or sickle shaped (hence the name Sickle Cell) and only last an average of about 30 to 60 days. Because the red blood cells are hard and misshapen, they don’t move through the blood vessels properly. They can become stuck in smaller blood vessels preventing oxygen from getting to those parts of the body causing excruciating pain that can last anywhere from a few hours to weeks. This usually occurs in the patient’s joints but can occur in any part of the body. Sickle Cell can cause strokes, heart failure, organ failure, skin ulcers and a host of other complications. Most who contract the disease are of African descent. In America there are approximately 150,000 babies diagnosed each year. The average lifespan of some-
“Gala, you’re in God’s hands so I know you’re going to be alright”.
one with Sickle Cell is 45 years. One can also have Sickle Cell Trait, which is not the disease but there’s a chance you can have children with the disease if your mate also has Sickle Cell Trait or the disease itself. Most people with trait do not show symptoms of the disease, it simply means you’re a carrier. My personal sickle cell story began when I was diagnosed with the disorder at 2 years old. Throughout my life I’ve struggled with bouts of extreme pain among other complications related to the disease. From that point on I’ve spent a lifetime in and out of hospitals, forced to take strong pain meds, dealt with extreme fatigue, constant needle sticks and other uncomfortable experiences. Growing up my mother had to watch over a sick child she could do nothing for when I was having pain episodes. I remember having a particularly bad pain crisis in combination with pneumonia when I was 5 (Sickle Cell patients are more susceptible to infections). I was in and out of consciousness and not able to focus. I woke up in the hospital, of course my mother was right by my side. I’ll never forget the look on her face. A combination of stress, anguish and fear. I can only imagine what it was like for her to watch her 5 year old child suffer so. But when I woke up again, she was praying harder than I’d ever seen or heard her pray before. I remember her saying to me “Gala, you’re in God’s hands so I know you’re going to be alright”. Through the years I’ve gotten used to the issues and complications that come with Sickle Cell. Constantly being in and out of the hospital has interfered with my ability to maintain consistent employment among other issues. It can cause major interruptions in mine and lives of everyone around me. Also, I’ve had to deal with a healthcare system that isn’t as knowledgeable as it should be about the disease. I’ve had instances where I’ve had to instruct doctors and nurses as to how to treat me. I’ve also had in-
stances where healthcare professionals have been sceptical about my knowledge and refuged to treat me properly. It’s not easy, but by the grace of God I’m still here. I’m truly blessed...many of my peers who also had sickle cell have passed away. I’ve been blessed to live a happy and productive life. I have two beautiful children (both have trait but not the disease) and two gorgeous grandchildren with another on the way. I was able to go off to college and earn my bachelors degree in business administration. I was even able to fulfill a longtime dream and become a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. God has kept me….He’s comforted me and allowed me to do things that doctors told me I’d never be able to do. When I was diagnosed, the doctor told my mother I wouldn’t live past 20 years old. BUT GOD... earlier this month I turned 47 years old. I am a living, breathing, walking testimony of God’s goodness and mercy. My family, friends and loved ones have always kept me in prayer...I firmly believe that OUR faith has kept me throughout my life. In addition, I’ve been blessed to be able to teach others and help people to understand not only what Sickle Cell is but what is means to have Sickle Cell. Today there are new treatments and a few patients have even been cured with bone marrow/stem cell transplants but there is still no practical cure. There’s a lot of work to be done and a lot of us still need to be educated about Sickle Cell...what it is and how it’s contracted. Do you know your status... do you know your childrens status? If you don’t ask your family physician about being tested for Sickle Cell Trait and Sickle Cell Disease. Even if you don’t suffer any symptoms it’s still very important that you know so that you and your family are aware. Visit the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America’s website https:// for more information.
SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
Sensory Friendly Performances – Friday, December 8 at 1 pm and Saturday, December 16 at 10 am A tradition returns to Columbus Children’s Theatre this holiday season with Mr. Scrooge, written by CCT’s artistic director William Goldsmith. This is the story you know and love presented in a family-friendly, hour-long performance. Join Tiny Tim, Bob Cratchit, Jacob Marley, and dozens of other colorful characters as we watch Ebenezer Scrooge change his ways when he learns the true meaning of Christmas. Bring your entire family and see how this heart-warming classic fills audiences with joyous holiday spirit! • 1 Act Musical, No Intermission, 60 Minutes • Recommended for everyone age 6 and up • Performed at Park Street Theatre, 512 Park Street, Columbus 43215
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Book by William Goldsmith Music and Lyrics by Janet Yates Vogt and Mark Friedman Based on Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol • Nov 24 – Dec 23, 2017 • Thursdays and Fridays at 7:30 pm • Saturdays and Sundays at 1 pm and 3:30 pm • Dec 21 & 22 at 1pm
ColumbusOH News
Columbus Library Breaks Ground On New Martin Luther King Branch COLUMBUS—Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML) has broken ground on its new Martin Luther King Branch. Groundbreakers include: • Kathleen Bailey, Chair, Near East Area Commission • Trudy Bartley, Associate Vice President for Community Relations, The Ohio State University • Carzel Betton, VolunTeen, Martin Luther King Branch, Columbus Metropolitan Library • Lela Boykin, Commissioner, Near East Area Commission • The Honorable Mitchell Brown, Member, Columbus City Council • Katie Chatas, community volunteer • Erika Clark Jones, Member, Columbus Metropolitan Library Board of Trustees • Tom Dillard, community volunteer • Keisha Gibbs, Manager, Martin Luther King Branch, Columbus Metropolitan Library • The Honorable Andrew Ginther, Mayor, City of Columbus
Architectural rendering of the new Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML) Martin Luther King Branch.
• Dr. Dan Good, Superintendent, Columbus City Schools • Mary Jo Green, community volunteer • Jennifer Hadden, Member, Friends of the Columbus Metropolitan Library Board • The Honorable Shannon Hardin, Member, Columbus City Council • Stephanie Hightower, President & CEO, Columbus Urban League • Charles Hillman, President & CEO, Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority • Cindy Hilsheimer, Managing Principal, BeecherHill • Larry James, Managing Partner, Crabbe Brown & James • Sandra Jamison, community volunteer • The Honorable Bernadine Kennedy Kent, State Representative • Doug Kridler, Chief Executive Officer, The Columbus Foundation
• The Honorable David Leland, State Representative, District 22
• Charles Richardson, Principal, East High School
• Patrick Losinski, Chief Executive Officer, Columbus Metropolitan Library
• Elizabeth Seely, Executive Director, University Hospital East
• Jordan Miller, Secretary, Columbus Metropolitan Library Foundation Board
• Renée Shumate, Manager, External Affairs, American Electric Power
• Ray Miller, Publisher, Columbus African American News Journal
• Reita Smith, Poindexter Foundation
• Jonathan Moody, President, Architectural Designer, Moody Nolan
• The Honorable Michael Stinziano, Member, Columbus City Council
• Curt Moody, Chief Executive Officer, Moody Nolan
• The Honorable Priscilla Tyson, President Pro Tempore, Columbus City Council
• Brian Mooney, Vice President & General Manager, Turner Construction
• Robert Weilbacher, Office of U.S. Representative Joyce Beatty
• Shannon Morgan, Vice President, PNC Foundation
• Catherine Willis, Founder and Director, Urban Strings Columbus
• The Honorable Jaiza Page, Member, Columbus City Council
• Ellen and Edward Yen, community volunteers
• Frederick Ransier, Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP
See JUMP, on page 26
COTA to Honor Active and Retired Military Personnel with Free Fares on Nov. 10 COLUMBUS, OH—In honor of Veterans Day, the Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) invites all active and retired military personnel to ride COTA buses free of charge on Fri., Nov. 10. Fares will be waived on fixed-route and Mainstream service. “Providing free rides to military personnel in honor of Veterans Day is COTA’s
small way of saying ‘thank you’ to the brave men and women who have served our country,” said Emille Williams, Interim COTA President/CEO. “COTA proudly employs 100 service members and veterans. We salute these employees and all of the members of our community who have served.”
To take advantage of free fares on Fri., Nov. 10, proof of veteran or active military status must be presented to the bus operator. When boarding the bus, show a military ID, a VA medical ID card, a veteran designation on a driver’s license, or a certificate of release or discharge from active duty.
COTA will honor employees who have served our country with a special ceremony on Thurs., Nov. 9 before the 2017 Columbus Veterans Day Parade. After the ceremony, COTA veterans and active service members will march in the parade alongside a COTA bus
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Jump from page 25 The current Martin Luther King Branch is one of the smallest locations in CML’s 23-library system with 8,933 square feet of space. The new branch, which will be located two blocks to the west, will be roughly 18,000 square feet. On Dec. 8, 2016, the Ohio General Assembly approved the sale of Ohio State University land at the southwest corner of Long Street and Taylor Avenue to CML for the site of the new Martin Luther King Branch. The dedication of the new branch is expected to take place in 2018. “At nearly 50 years old, the Martin Luther King Branch is the oldest location in our system,” said CML CEO Patrick Losinski. “A larger and more visible 21st Century library will be much better equipped to meet the changing needs of this growing and diverse Near East Side community.” The Martin Luther King Branch project is part of CML’s 10-project aspirational building program:
• The new Driving Park Branch opened July 12, 2014 • The new Whitehall Branch opened April 11, 2015 • The new Parsons Branch opened June 4, 2016 • The transformed Main Library opened June 25, 2016 • The new Northern Lights Branch opened Sept. 24, 2016 • The new Shepard Branch opened Oct. 13, 2016 • The new Northside Branch opened June 22, 2017 • Planning is underway for a new Hilliard Branch • Planning is underway for a new Dublin Branch CML hopes to have all 10 projects completed by 2020. CML understands that great libraries create stronger communities, and each branch is an essential hub that reflects the unique needs of the neighborhood it serves. Some of CML’s 23 locations are 40 to 50 years old and inadequate to meet the demands of a growing 21st century community. Demands and expectations will continue to grow, along with the population of Franklin County. CML’s aspirational building program is the result of a community-wide process that will continue to serve the needs of Franklin County well into
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the future. The plan is a multi-phased comprehensive blueprint that reinvents and revitalizes the entire 600,000 square feet maintained by the library. In addition to being a vital community asset, Columbus Metropolitan Library strives to minimize its environmental footprint. With each new building or renovation project, CML plans to use sustainable building materials, incorporate glass for natural light to reduce energy costs and introduce other design and building elements friendly to the natural environment. Phase one of CML’s aspirational building program is transforming and significantly upgrading seven urban branches (Driving Park, Whitehall, Parsons, Martin Luther King, Northside, Northern Lights, Shepard) and two suburban branches (Hilliard and Dublin). In addition, changes to Main Library represent a major investment in downtown Columbus and the Discovery District. Visit for more information and to track progress of CML’s ambitious building program.
This holiday season, witness the story of the first Christmas... through a whole new set of eyes. In Sony Pictures Animationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Star, a small but brave donkey named Bo yearns for a life beyond his daily grind at the village mill. One day he finds the courage to break free, and finally goes on the adventure of his dreams. On his journey, he teams up with Ruth, a loveable sheep who has lost her flock and Dave, a dove with lofty aspirations. Along with three wisecracking camels and some eccentric stable animals, Bo and his new friends follow the Star and become accidental heroes in the greatest story ever told - the first Christmas. SEE THESE OHIO THEATERS FOR SHOWTIMES n AMC Lennox Town Center 24 n AMC Classic Grove City 14 n Regal Georgesville Square Stadium n AMC Easton Town Center 30 with Dine-in Theatres & IMAX n AMC Starplex Columbus 10 n Cinemark Movies 16 n Marcus Crosswoods Cinema n AMC Dublin Village 18 n Marcus Pickerington Cinema n Rave Cinemas Polaris 18 + Xtreme n Cinemark River Valley Mall and XD n AMC Indian Mound 9 n Chakeres Cinema 10 n Danbarry Cinemas Chillicothe n Republic Theatres Centre Cinem SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
ColumbusOH Sports
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Kingdom Works Returns The 4th Annual Kingdom Image Awards At The Lincoln Theatre
ColumbusOH News
Columbus, Ohio: The Executive Board and Production Staff presents the 4th annual Kingdom Image Awards Weekend Celebration in Columbus, Ohio, Saturday, October 7, 6:30 PM/EST. The production will take place in the revitalized King-Lincoln District, near the beautiful downtown area. The Lincoln Theater has been the resident theatre for the awards the past three years. The Kingdom Image Awards will feature over 12 live performances from independent and national recording artists, 16 award categories, and honorees Lady Patricia A. Ross, Legacy Award and Bishop Jerome & Lady Patricia Ross, Sr., Community Leadership Award Recipients for a “must see” live televised event. National Comedian Marcus D. Wiley, of the Yolanda Adams Morning Show, will host this year’s awards. A portion of the event proceeds will help to raise awareness for mental health illness and provide community resources and workforce development training through the Kingdom Works nonprofit organization. The Kingdom Image Awards recognizes and exposes artists for their positive contributions in their local community. Artists from over 27 states are represented and travel to attend the annual awards weekend. The awards will feature some of today’s top artists from multiple artistic disciplines. As in previous years, the awards weekend will draw thousands of fans and performers to the area. “We are looking forward to exposing and bringing awareness of the arts to our local community and showcasing the beautiful city of Columbus, Ohio”, states Executive Director and awards founder Ramáni Hunter, who is a native of Columbus. KIA weekend experience will feature The Artist Outlet on Thursday, October 5, 6:30 PM/EST at Christ Cathedral Church. The Artist Outlet is an opportunity to network with industry executives and professionals and See JUMP, on page 30 SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
ColumbusOH News Jump from page 29 multiple genre artists. On Friday, October 6, 7:30 PM/EST; Choir Fest returns to host the reunion of Keith Dobbins & the Resurrection Mass Choir in full
concert. The choir maintained national prominence and recorded over four top selling albums. The concert will be held at Church of Christ of the Apostolic Faith. This reunion marks 29 years since the choir has performed together. Prepare to be in awe of a star-stud-
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ded, action packed weekend experience. There will be positive community conversations, creative arts impact, and network opportunities at all events. The Kingdom Image Awards has earned the reputation of â&#x20AC;&#x153;best arts experienceâ&#x20AC;? and looks to continue to gain national attrac-
tion from attendees all over the country. Tickets for the Kingdom Image Awards are on sale and can be purchased online at For more information on the event, media, sponsorship opportunities, please call (614) 835-7743.
ColumbusOH News
Kingdom Image Awards: 2017 Nominee Finalist Kingdom Image Awards 2017 Nominee Finalist
Best Drama Performance Krash Krew
RLeigh Enterprise
Best Female Vocalist Kara Brooks
Autumn Charles
Tanesha Owens
Best Male Vocalist Richard Hollis
Seth Nix
Best Group Performance Isaac Brown & G.A.N.G.
City of Zion Praise Team
Comedian of the Year Demond Cherry
Mark Gregory
Kenston Henderson
Female Artist of the Year Tara Crawford
Lynn McCree
Male Artist of the Year Andre Byrd
Jeremy Jackson
Hip Hop Artist of the Year Jonathan Baker
Marcus Carr
Vincent Bohanan & The Sound of Victory
Small Group/Duo of the Year Animated Rebels
Brieah Taylor
Z.F. Taylor
Brigitte Williams-James
Iran Watson
Earl White
Ralph Williams
Devlonta Davis & JBF Movement
I-KAN, LLC. (I Know A Name)
Mike Willis & The Called
Christopher Hoyte
Garren Smith
Patrice E. Turner
Sharon Moore
Teresca Terry
Patrice E. Turner
Colyn Kristopher
Bernard McKenzie
Karlos Nichols
Bryan Carter
Large Choir of the Year Anointed Voices of Higher Ground
Voiceless Praise
Debra Ruff
Instrumentalist of the Year Morris Davis
Street Angelz
Chester Burke, Jr. & Company
Earl White
Brigitte Williams-James
Glenn Johnson & Innerpeace
The Miami Mass Choir
Raise Choir
Jeremy Jackson & W.O.R.S.H.I.P.
Diquan Julius & U.T.K.
Antwan Simmons & Peculiar Crew
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A Closer Look at Vision Health
An estimated 4.3 billion people suffer from the same health problem regardless of gender, age or ethnicity: vision impairment. Whether moderate or severe, vision impairment can have far-reaching social and economic impacts. As the number of Americans with visual impairment is expected to double by 2050, vision health has an obvi-
ous role in the national health conversation. Uncorrected vision is highly noticeable among certain groups, like the elderly and workers who rely on vision for safe and effective job completion. According to the Vision Impact Institute, two other groups s i g n i f i c a n t ly impacted by poor vision are See VISION on page 42
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Oprah Winfrey is Joined by Pastor A.R. Bernard to Discuss the Turning Points That Led to His Spiritual Journey and His Life Calling
OWN Network welcomes pastor/author A. R. Bernard on Super Soul Sunday. Sept. 10th 2019. Please join the conversation on social #SuperSoulSunday, @SuperSoulSunday, @OWNTV, @Oprah
Oprah Winfrey and Pastor A.R. Bernard In an all-new episode of Super Soul Sunday that airs on Sundays at 11 AM (EST) — host Oprah Winfrey talked with Pastor Bernard about things that matter deeply to people in today’s society such as Making Faith Work, Your Purpose In Life, How Crisis Can Help Us and more. Revered “The Power Pastor” by the New York Times, A.R. Bernard discussed his best-selling book, Four Things Wom-
en Want from a Man, recently released in paperback. The book brings to bear the powerful wisdom Pastor Bernard has gleaned from four decades of being a pastor, counseling, and teaching couples — and from being married to his wife Karen for 45 years. He shares the 4 things women want men to know. In the inquisitive, heartfelt way only Oprah can, she delved deep with A.R. Ber-
nard on the four qualities he has discovered a woman wants and needs in a man: maturity, decisiveness, consistency, and strength. They also talk about spirituality, faith, relationships, peace, and purpose. Pastor Bernard accepted an invitation to serve on President Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board, but due to a deepening conflict in values with the administration, resigned recently, the only member to do so to date. With his dynamic communication skills, Pastor Bernard has led Bible studies for celebrities in entertainment, athletics, and government. Many well-known personalities have attended services at CCC, including Alonzo Mourning, Curtis Martin, Reuven Rivlin, Angela Bassett, Reince Priebus, Kim Cattrall, and Robin Roberts. Hollywood superstar Denzel Washington and his wife Pauletta are quoted as saying: “A.R. Bernard has been a major influence in our lives… [helping us reach] a higher level in our relationship and spiritual growth.” Pastor Bernard has made appearances on Fox News Channel, CNN, NBC’s Today, MSNBC, CBS News, BET,
The 700 Club, TBN’s Praise the Lord, Tony Brown’s Journal, and numerous national and local TV programs. He has also been featured in New York Magazine, The New York Times, The New York Post, The New York Daily News, Black Enterprise, Essence, Ministry Today, Class Magazine, Charisma, and a host of other newspapers and magazines. “Super Soul Sunday” is the threetime Emmy award-winning series that delivers timely, thought-provoking, eye-opening and inspiring programming designed to help viewers awaken to their best selves and discover a deeper connection to the world around them. The series features all-new conversations between Oprah Winfrey and top thinkers, authors, visionaries and spiritual leaders exploring themes and issues including happiness, personal fulfillment, spirituality, conscious living and what it means to be alive in today’s world. To watch the full episode, please visit the following link the morning after the episode airs: app/super-soul-sunday.html
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Tina Campbell Announces 20 City Tour ‘It’s Still Personal Tour’ Oct. 18 – Nov. 18 Tina Campbell, the multiple award winning soloist, multi-Grammy® winning recording artist, author, WE tv original series star, and now web series star, who, with sister Erica is one-half of the iconic Gospel duo, Mary Mary, announces her upcoming “It’s Still Personal Tour,” kicking off in LA October 18th. The tour runs up until just before Thanksgiving. A gathering of top Gospel stars have assembled for the tour, including Grammy® winner Erica Campbell, Grammy® nominated Gospel artist Jekalin Carr, Grammy® nominees The Walls, Inspirational a cappella group Resound, comedian/singer Jermaine Dolly, not newcomer Jor’dan Armstrong, spoken word poets Ezekial Azonwu, David Bowden and Matthew Strange and host Thomasina “Goo Goo” Atkins. Fans will be treated to a free, live viewing of Tina and husband Teddy’s hit web series, “10 Minutes with Tina and Teddy” followed by audience Q&A on Saturdays in each tour market, as stand-alone shows, taped for future web postings. Currently available as a pre-order, Tina’s upcoming solo release, It’s Still Personal, will be out on Friday, September 29th. All fans pre-ordering the new album will automatically receive a download of first single “Too Hard Not To.”
astating marital crisis a few years ago. The original song is the lead single from It’s Still Personal, a re-working of Tina’s 2016 NAACP Image Award-winning solo debut It’s Personal. The creation and recording of It’s Still Personal will be highlighted throughout the upcoming sixth season of Tina’s original hit WE tv show, “Mary Mary.” The final season of the NAACP Nominated series premieres September 28th, 9PM ET/PT For the most updated information, please visit: • Instagram: @teddyandtina and @ iamtinacampbell https://www. • Twitter & Periscope: @IAmTinaCampbell •
Tina Campbell The singer unveiled a video for “Too Hard Not To” in an exclusive premiere Friday, August 11th, on Sitting at the top of the home page of the
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popular web site, Tina’s gorgeous video fully enhances the song’s lyrics, a message that Tina has lived by and has shared with fans since overcoming a near dev-
• • Website: www.IAmTinaCampbell. com
SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
Four NFL Players Ask League For One Month Dedicated To Social Activism
A group of four players sent the NFL a memo in August requesting league support and asking for a month to be dedicated to social activism, not long after commissioner Roger Goodell reportedly had talked to several players regarding their gameday activism efforts. According to Yahoo! Sports, Seattle Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett, Philadelphia Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins and wide receiver Torrey Smith, and former Arizona Cardinals wideout Anquan Boldin co-authored a 2,740-word document intended to push the NFL to honor activism in an effort “similarly to what the league already implements for breast cancer awareness, honoring military, etc.” The letter was obtained by Yahoo! Sports and originally published Wednesday night. “We would like November to serve as a month of Unity for individual teams to engage and impact the community in their market,” the memo states. The letter was prepared shortly after Goodell spoke with several players who had protested on game day before the regular season kicked off, the Yahoo! report stated, citing two sources. “For us, support means: bear all or part of the weight of; hold up; give assistance to, especially financially; enable to function or act. We need support, collaboration and partnerships
to achieve our goal of strengthening the community,” the letter stated. NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy issued a statement on Goodell’s visit to Philadelphia, where he and Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie accepted an invitation by Jenkins to take a closer look at the city’s justice system. “Commissioner Goodell has been talking with players for some time about social justice issues and how to recognize the progress and the important work of our players in their communities across the country,” McCarthy said in the statement. “Malcolm invited the commissioner to Philadelphia a couple weeks ago to see and share in what they’ve been doing to impact criminal justice reform. Joined by Mr. Lurie, the
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Commissioner spent the day along with Malcolm and others meeting with community leaders and representatives of law enforcement.?The commissioner is grateful to our players both for sharing their experiences and for all the important work they are doing in the community.” The meeting in Philadelphia occurred after the memo was sent to Goodell by the four players. Bennett, Jenkins, Smith and Boldin either didn’t return requests for comment to Yahoo! or declined to discuss the memo, citing an agreement to keep talks private, according to the website. The league declined to comment on the memo to Yahoo! Sports but told ESPN’s Josina Anderson on Thursday that “We are continuing
to work directly with the players. These are private conversations.” Boldin retired in late August, two weeks after signing a one-year deal with the? Buffalo Bills. He said in a statement that he felt “drawn to make the larger fight for human rights a priority. My life’s purpose is bigger than football.” Earlier this month, the NFL affirmed it had no plans to investigate Bennett’s behavior during an August incident in which he was detained and handcuffed by police in Las Vegas.? The league was responding to a letter Goodell had received from the president of the Las Vegas Police Protective Association, the union that represents police officers in that city. In the letter, the union alleged that Bennett made false accusations against Las Vegas police and asked the league to “conduct an investigation, and take appropriate action.” Bennett, who accused the Las Vegas police of unfairly targeting him and pointing a gun at his head, sat on the bench during the national anthem for a Seahawks preseason game on Aug. 13 and said at the time, “I can’t stand right now. I’m not going to be standing until I see the equality and freedom.”
Is there a radio broadcast in your vision? 247 Praise Radio has you in mind. For a limited time Four 15 minute broadcast for only
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SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
From T.D. Jakes to T.D. Jakes Lecrae: Why Millennials Should Go to Church
Bishop TD Jakes You’ve been at that event — some graduation, some concert, some ceremony — where someone gets up to the mic, shakes their head and says “see, the news cameras should be here showing the good things all these kids are doing, instead of focusing on the bad a few do.” The audience always agrees because we know, despite how we are represented sometimes, most black kids do graduate high school and most have never even touched a gun. But to someone outside of our
Lecrae culture, just looking at the news, they’d think we were all wired to shoot and run. This is the same “SMH” moment I had when I read “From Eddie Long to Kim Burrell: Why Millennials Should Abandon the Church” on yesterday. It’s the same moment millions of black Christians experience when Black Twitter spends days telling them that they are all just a bunch of hypocritical bishops and fanatical singers. My longtime friends love and respect
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me. They think I’m a pretty good guy, but every so often some send me a screen shot captioned “this is why I don’t go to church.” My decade of unconditional love for them, even while knowing all their successes and failures, beauty and ugliness, seems less impactful than a clip of some far-off YouTube preacher that went ballistic. A lifetime of knowing me and my Christian mom, our imperfections and our love, is immediately canceled by a trending topic. No matter how solid my Christ
rep is, it can quickly be voided out by one crazy sermon thousands of miles away. Truth is, the Church, even the Black segment of it, is no longer always that overcritical, big hat, Amen corner, cartoon of a building we see in movies. Have you listened to Lecrae’s music? Kierra Sheard’s? Mine? What about the culturally sensitive sermons of T.D. Jakes and E. Dewey Smith? We do our best to talk See MILLENNIALS, on page 39
Millennials from page 38 about real life, with grace, and love, and hard truths. But despite all those speeches and albums, the same way a family in suburban Wyoming may have a stubborn, incomplete view of young Black men, I fear some have that stubborn, incomplete view of Christians. What gets the tweets, what gets the articles, what gets the press, is when we do this Church thing wrong. I admit when we do it wrong, we do it wrong! Abandoning that church may be necessary, but please don’t abandon God and the Church. I’m a millennial too and when someone says something we don’t like, our first mind is to punish them, protest, by withdrawing from the community they represent. Most of the time though, when we see a popular Christian trippin’, and when I am myself, it’s normally because they, I, have somehow withdrawn a bit from our community of believers and
friends ourselves. The trouble doesn’t come because I joined the church, but because I stopped going. I stopped confiding in my like-minded friends. I started focusing on the ones that didn’t understand me. I stopped praying, fasting and reading — all that stuff the pastor told me I should probably do. In true millennial fashion, I started pursuing approval from people instead of pursuing God’s. There are plenty of reasons for a millennial to be “in church”— in a real, loving community of believers. God loves us so much that he looks beyond our faults and sees our needs, but he rarely leaves a love bomb on your doorstep. Instead, he connects his people. It should comfort you that church folks are notoriously imperfect, because we all are. Make yourself at home! Those imperfect people have found forgiveness and a reason to wake up and try to do better. We have found identity, hope, and a strategy for tomorrow. We’ve found an answer to that feeling we get when we go to a funeral:
“there’s got to be more than this.” We have seen legitimate miracles! We find friends, wives and husbands there. We learn how to sing and play instruments there. Some of us learned public speaking and writing there. Twenty-thousand people, thanks to Dave Ramsey, figured out how to get debt free there. (Where was I at?!) It’s God’s family, but it’s a family nonetheless. It’s a family with crazy uncles that we wish would shut up, overzealous grandmothers that can’t believe what kids are wearing these days, and cousins that just can’t seem to get it right. Luckily, we don’t depend on how much we get right, but rather how much we give God. Everyday I try to give God the reins to my life, my words, my talent, my heart, my relationships, and my identity, because if He really did all that Bible stuff for me, He deserves it and knows what is best. I can’t undo what the man is accused of doing to those boys and I can’t unsay what the woman said on that pulpit. We know it hurts. Imperfect people trying to
deal with their own imperfections and love other imperfect people is a doubly imperfect process. There are molestation victims with daddy issues trying to comfort molestation victims with gender dysphoria. There are abuse victims with guilt trying to teach abusers with insecurities. That’s church! We give grace to the sinner and we give grace to the ones that need help giving grace. We’re all in the same boat trying to steer it toward the shore. And not just any shore, but the right one, the one we believe is right. All of us are not just wrapping hate in faith, but we’re trying, successfully and unsuccessfully, to navigate history’s most sensitive generation and present our truth in love. Trust me, while us Christian Millennials sit in church, we feel the cut when the preacher shows us how God doesn’t like something we know we do and love. Even when it’s perfectly said, we are quickly reminded that Church is not built for us to feel good, but to feel God. And that’s exactly why we need to be there.
SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
ating well and regular exercise are part of a healthy lifestyle, and so is making sure you have the right health care coverage. Medicare’s annual Open Enrollment period is a good time to review your current coverage and decide if there may be a better fit based on changes to current plans, your budget or health needs. During Medicare Open Enrollment, which runs Oct. 15-Dec. 7, 2017, you can enroll in or make changes to your Medicare health or prescription drug plan for coverage that begins Jan. 1, 2018. If you miss the deadline, you will likely have to wait a full year before you are able to make changes to your plan. To make Medicare Open Enrollment part of your healthy lifestyle, follow these five steps: 1. Review your current plan notice. Read any notices from your Medicare plan about changes for next year, especially your “Annual Notice of Change” letter. Look at your plan’s information to make sure your drugs are still covered and your doctors are still in network. 2. Think about what matters most to you. Medicare health and drug plans change each year and so can your health needs. Do you need a new primary care doctor? Does your network include the specialist you want for an upcoming surgery? Does your current plan cover your new medication? Does another plan offer the same coverage at a lower cost? Take stock of your health status and determine if you need to make a change.
See HEALTH, on page 41
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Protect Your Medicare Card Protect your identity as well as your health by guarding your Medicare card like you would a credit card. Medicare is aiding in the fight against Medicare fraud by removing Social Security Numbers from Medicare cards and replacing them with a new, unique number for each person with Medicare. Medicare will mail the new cards with unique numbers between April 2018-April 2019. Here are some steps you can take to protect yourself from identity theft: n Don’t share your Medicare number or other personal information with anyone who contacts you by telephone, email or approaches you in person, unless you’ve given them permission in advance. Medicare will never contact you uninvited and ask for your Medicare number or other personal information. n Tell your friends and neighbors to guard their Medicare numbers.
Don’t ever let anyone borrow or pay to use your Medicare number. n Review your Medicare Summary Notices to be sure you and Medicare are only being charged for services actually provided. n Be wary of salespeople who knock on your door or call you uninvited and try to sell you a product or service. n Don’t accept items received through the mail that you didn’t order. You should refuse the delivery and/or return it to the sender. Keep a record of the sender’s name and the date you returned the items. n
If someone calls you and asks for your Medicare number or other personal information, hang up and call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) and learn more about how you can fight Medicare fraud at
Information provided by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
Health from page 40 3. Find out if you qualify for help paying for Medicare. Learn about programs in your state to help with the costs of Medicare premiums (through Medicare Savings Programs), your Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) and Medicare Part B (medical insurance) deductibles, coinsurance and copayments, and Medicare prescription drug coverage costs (through Extra Help). Visit or call your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) to learn more. 4. Shop for plans that meet your needs and fit your budget. Starting each October, you can use Medicare’s Plan Finder tool at Medicare. gov/find-a-plan to see what plans are offered in your area. A new plan may: n Cost less n Cover your drugs n Let you go to the providers you want, like your doctor or pharmacy. If you find your current coverage still meets your needs, then you’re done. Remember, during Medicare Open Enrollment, you can decide to stay in Original Medicare or join a Medicare Advantage Plan. If you’re already in a Medicare Advantage Plan, you can switch back to Original Medicare. 5. Check your plan’s Star Rating before you enroll. The Medicare Plan Finder is up-to-date with the Star Ratings for Medicare health and prescription drug plans. Plans are given an overall quality rating on a 1-5 star scale, with 1 being the lowest performing and 5 stars representing excellent performance. You can use Star Ratings to compare the quality of health and drug plans being offered. For more information, visit or call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) and say “Agent.” TTY users can call 1-877-486-2048. Help is available 24 hours a day, including weekends. If you need help in a language other than English or Spanish, let the customer service representative know the language. You can also get personalized health insurance counseling at no cost to you from your local SHIP by visiting More information about Medicare is available on the Medicare Facebook page and by following @MedicareGov on Twitter.
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Vision from page 32 d r i v e r s and children. DRIVERS A study from the British Journal of Ophthalmology found that one of the major causes of visual impairment is uncorrected refractive error (URE), and that preventable URE causes nearly 80 percent of the global burden. The number of people impacted by URE is especially troubling when taking into account day-to-day activities such as
driving. A report from the American Academy of Optometry revealed that even moderate visual field loss causes drivers to have significantly poorer capabilities in completing tasks such as matching speed when changing lanes and maintaining lane position. When you consider how changing technology and business models like ride-sharing companies and delivery services are adding drivers to the road, this impact becomes all the more crucial. If eye exams were part of the standard for renewing driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s licenses then these issues could be called out by an eye care provider in advance of potential accidents on the road.
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CHILDREN Today, vision impairments and eye disorders are the third-leading chronic conditions among children in the United States, with costs for direct medical care, vision aids, devices and caregivers amounting to $10 billion per year. In the U.S. alone, the total economic burden of eye disorders and vision loss was $139 billion in 2013. Uncorrected vision problems in children can have serious negative impacts on their educations and future employment opportunities. In 2014, researchers studied the impact on academic performance after providing a vision screening
and free eyeglasses to low-income and minority elementary school children in the U.S. The study found that among fifthgrade students both the screening and eyeglasses significantly improved student achievement in math and reading. As 80 percent of all learning occurs through vision, a simple pair of eyeglasses could correct poor vision and drastically change the course of a childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life. There are many correlations between vision health and the financial, educational and safety implications it can have on society. To learn more about vision standards and giving vision a voice in the national healthcare dialogue, visit
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utumn is the perfect time to fall in love with maple syrup. The caramelized flavor of syrup pairs well with other fall flavors, like apples, cinnamon and pumpkin. From spiced syrups to game-day dips, McCormick Executive Chef Kevan Vetter has tasty ideas for incorporating this fall flavor in dishes throughout the day:
n Maple
syrup is a perfect complement to sweet banana pancakes. Mix mashed bananas into the pancake batter. Once cooked, top with sliced bananas, chopped walnuts and maple syrup.
n Add
maple syrup to a melty grilled cheese sandwich. Layer cheddar cheese, bacon, sliced apples and maple syrup mixed with apple pie spice between two slices of buttered bread.
n For
a twist on a traditional game-day appetizer, drizzle maple syrup over a cheddar bacon dip.
n For
a sweet treat, mix vanilla extract and pumpkin pie spice into maple syrup then drizzle over a coconut pumpkin bread pudding.
Find more recipes featuring fall flavors at
Maple Banana Bread Pancakes
Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 12 minutes Servings: 3 2 large ripe bananas 2 eggs 2 tablespoons packed brown sugar 2 tablespoons melted butter 1 tablespoon McCormick Maple Extract 2 teaspoons McCormick Pure Vanilla Extract 1 teaspoon McCormick Ground Cinnamon 3/4 cup flour 2 teaspoons baking powder Heat lightly greased griddle or skillet to medium heat. In large bowl, use potato masher to mash bananas. Add eggs, brown sugar, butter, maple extract, vanilla and cinnamon; mix well. Add flour and baking powder; mix until well blended. Pour 1/4 cup of batter per pancake onto griddle or skillet. Cook 1-2 minutes per side, or until golden brown, turning when pancakes begin to bubble.
Coconut Pumpkin Bread Pudding with Spiced Maple Syrup
Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 40 minutes Servings: 16 Bread Pudding: 2 cans (13 2/3 ounces each) Thai Kitchen coconut milk 4 eggs, lightly beaten 1 cup sugar 1 cup canned pumpkin 1 tablespoon McCormick Pumpkin Pie Spice 1 tablespoon McCormick Pure Vanilla Extract 8 cups cubed challah bread (or cubed French or Italian bread) 1 cup flaked coconut 1 cup chopped pecans Spiced Maple Syrup: 1 cup maple syrup 1 teaspoon McCormick Pure Vanilla Extract 1/4 teaspoon McCormick Pumpkin Pie Spice Heat oven to 350 F. To make Bread Pudding: Pour coconut milk into large bowl. Stir with wire whisk until smooth. Add eggs, sugar, pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice and vanilla; mix until well blended. Add bread cubes; toss to coat well. Pour into greased 13-by-9-inch baking dish. Let stand 10 minutes. Sprinkle evenly with coconut and pecans. Bake 35-40 minutes, or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Cool slightly on wire rack. To make Spiced Maple Syrup: Mix syrup, vanilla extract and pumpkin pie spice in microwavable bowl or measuring cup. Microwave on high 1 minute, or until warm, stirring once. Serve with bread pudding.
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Maple Apple Grilled Cheese
Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 8 minutes Servings: 4 1/4 cup maple syrup 1/4 teaspoon McCormick Apple Pie Spice 3 tablespoons butter 8 slices whole-wheat bread 8 slices sharp cheddar cheese (1-ounce slices) 1 medium Golden Delicious apple, cored and cut into 16 thin slices 4 slices cooked bacon, coarsely chopped Mix maple syrup and apple pie spice. Set aside. Butter one side of each bread slice. Layer two slices of cheese and four slices of apple on each bread slice with buttered side down. Sprinkle with chopped bacon then drizzle with maple syrup mixture. Top with remaining bread slices with buttered side up. Place sandwiches in large skillet or griddle on medium-low heat. Cook 3-4 minutes per side, or until bread is browned and cheese is melted. Cook in batches, if necessary.
Maple Bacon Dip Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 25 minutes Servings: 16 1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1/2 cup milk 8 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled 1 package McCormick Original Country Gravy Mix
1 1/2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese, divided 1/3 cup chopped red apple 2 tablespoons maple syrup Heat oven to 350 F. In large bowl, mix cream cheese, mayonnaise, milk, bacon, gravy mix and 1 cup cheese until well blended. Spray 9-inch glass pie plate with nonstick cooking spray. Spread mixture in plate and top with apple and remaining cheese. Bake 25 minutes, or until heated through and cheese is melted. Drizzle with syrup.
Look And Feel Your Best, Just Add BLUEBERRIES (NAPSI)—The path to better eating can be bumpy. Our best-intentioned, healthconscious plans sometimes go out the window on hectic days. Finding easy, go-to favorites may help. One smart option: blueberries. If you’re looking to satisfy a sweet tooth and stick to healthy eating goals, blueberries can help you do both. They’re very flavorful, but they’re also packed with nutrients and are a good source of fiber. Portable, low-prep foods also encourage good choices. Blueberries fit that bill. Once you’ve rinsed them, they’re ready to eat— and you can eat the whole berry. No peels, pits or other parts to contend with. It’s why
blueberries fit easily into most routines, no matter what your day holds. What Blueberries Offer Beyond great taste, blueberries bring plenty of healthful benefits. • Blueberries contain 80 calories per cup, are low in sodium and have virtually no fat. • With 3.6 grams of fiber per serving, blueberries help you meet your daily recommended intake of fiber. See JUMP, on page 45 SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017 | | (888) 963-7186 |
or many homeowners, aesthetics and function are the primary considerations of a kitchen renovation. However, before you lay out your space and start selecting colors, there is another essential factor to explore: the materials you will use for each feature. In fact, there are numerous factors to consider as you narrow down your options. Giving special attention to the material composition of your kitchen, particularly when it comes to the aspects that take the heaviest use – the floors, sink and countertops – can help ensure your renovation stands the test of time.
Flooring Though often taken for granted, the floor is generally the kitchen feature that sustains the heaviest use over time. Whether your tastes tend toward tile, wood or another option altogether, there are still numerous variables to explore. Tile is an excellent choice for the kitchen because it stands up well to the heavy traffic and spills common in that space. However, tile can also be slippery and can be uncomfortable if you spend long amounts of time on your feet in the kitchen. Ceramic tile is the easiest to install but not as resistant to damage as porcelain or stone tile. The latter options require more skilled installation, and stone especially tends to be more expensive. You’ll also need to pay attention to factors like water resistance and
texture, both of which affect safety and how easily the floors can be cleaned. When it comes to wood, one of the first decisions is whether you prefer engineered or solid hardwood. Engineered versions tend to offer greater durability and flexibility in installation while the texture and appearance of solid hardwood are its strongest appeals. Other variables include the wood type, which further affects the look and strength. Oak is most common, but other traditional selections include options like maple or cherry and specialty woods like teak or bamboo. Plank width influences overall aesthetic, with slimmer boards lending a more modern look. Color is also a consideration, as you’ll need to determine whether you want to match, complement or contrast your cabinetry.
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If something a little less traditional is more your speed, an option like footfriendly cork or a modern take on vinyl may be more to your liking.
Sink Identifying the shape and size of the sink you need can help narrow down the options for this aspect of the renovation, but considering the abuse this vessel endures, this is one place the material is especially important. Classic stainless steel is not only practical, it’s also extremely versatile. It complements any kitchen and is a favorite of enthusiastic cooks and designers alike. While stainless steel’s neutral color and
sleek looks work with a wide range of kitchen styles, it’s most often found in contemporary, professional-style kitchens. This classic, durable material lives up to its name. Hot pans won’t hurt it, and it’s less likely than harder materials to damage delicate dishware that may slip from your grip. If you’re looking to make a statement, an enameled cast iron sink may be the answer. These sinks withstand whatever your family dishes out, from heavy pots to searing skillets, and with a range of colors to choose from, you can go bold with deep hues, be subtle with pale tones or choose a finish that adds dimensional character.
Selecting a Sink
Materials aside, there are many factors to consider when choosing the right sink to complete your new kitchen.
Installation n Top-mount
sinks extend above the countertop surface. This type is the easiest to install and is often used with laminate counters. n Under-mount sinks are mounted beneath the countertop, making it easy to sweep debris off the counter. They are most commonly used with solid-surface, stone and quartz countertops. n Apron-front sinks, also known as farmhouse sinks, are notable for their attractive front panel or apron. This style can be mounted under or on top of the counter. n A tile-in sink is specially designed for installation in a tile countertop and can be grouted as if it were another tile for a clean look similar to that of an under-mount sink.
When your kitchen requires both rich color and a rock solid design, a composite sink will deliver. An option like Kohler’s Cairn sink offers a transitional style to suit contemporary and traditional kitchens alike, but it’s also made of Neoroc, a matte-finish composite material designed for extreme durability and unmatched beauty. Richly colored to complement any countertop, Neoroc resists scratches, stains and fading and is highly heat- and impact-resistant. Learn more at
Countertops In a bustling kitchen, hot pots, sharp edges and spills mean the counters can take a
real beating. That’s what makes stone a favorite choice for this surface. Natural stone like granite or quartz is hardy, but engineered options offer even greater resilience. Options like marble or limestone deliver beauty similar to natural stone but these softer materials require more care and caution. Concrete and wood are popular and stylish alternatives, but their susceptibility to stains and other imperfections may make them impractical for a busy family. For the budget-conscious renovation, there are ample options in laminate, which falls in the mid-range for durability, to achieve an eyecatching look for less.
Bowl Configuration n Single-bowl sinks: Ideal for n Offset bowl sinks: Provide
washing large pots and platters. separation for washing and rinsing, typically with one large and one small bowl. n Double-equal sinks: Separate bowls offer versatile workspace, with the option for extra-deep bowls. n Smart Divide sinks: Available exclusively from Kohler, these sinks feature dividers half the height of conventional double-bowl sinks for the openness of a single bowl and the function of a double bowl.
Accessories Sink accessories add another level of function and convenience. Choose from a wide range of practical options, such as sink racks, baskets, cutting boards, caddies and colanders. Other accessory selections such as soap dispensers and sponge holders aid in cleaning and organization.
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You’re invited to join Joyce and a bunch of her best girlfriends for a sunny Florida getaway. That’s right, we’re taking the Love Life Women’s Conference to Tampa! 48 | | Toll FREE (888) 963-7186 | SICKEL CELL SPECIAL EDITION 2017
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