Programa de la Asignatura de Inglés Secundaria

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nouns, respectively (e.g. How much sugar do we need?, How many apples do we need?, etc.) • that some linking devices indicate alternative (or) while others indicate sequence (first, then, after that, next, finally) and use such language features appropriately.

• Students can recognise when confused and use verbal and/or non-verbal language to repair communication breakdowns. – Can interrupt a conversation politely. – Can repeat/ask for repetition. – Can refer to dictionary entries. – Can ask for/give examples to illustrate message. – Can paraphrase. – Can self-correct pronunciation. – Can re-read. – Can ask for/give the spelling/meaning of a word. • Students can give/take the floor sensitively in verbal and/or non-verbal ways. – Can initiate a conversation appropriately. – Can show sensitivity towards others. • Students can make sense of the organisation of reference books (dictionaries, encyclopaedias, textbooks) in order to look for help. – Can look up words to decide when they are used. – Can look up unfamiliar words to find their meaning.

Unit Focus

Functions 3.1 and 3.2 should be treated sequentially and could be integrated later, if desired. The nature of Function 3.1 suggests that oral language should be emphasized, although some written support (e.g. menus, restaurant reviews) can be used as cues for oral production. While most of the language in the unit will be handled as set phrases, it will be important to introduce enough vocabulary related to food and drink. Function 3.2 would seem to be more appropriate for reading and writing work. However, discussion prior to or after reading or writing also seems natural and necessary. This function provides a great opportunity to expose students to texts on food from different cultures, and then personalise by asking students to write/talk about typical food in their town/city. It is important to mention that language used to express preferences, likes and dislikes was introduced in 1st grade, Unit 3, so it may need some

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