Transform Your Life Through Sacred Geometry Yantra

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Meditation yantra are an amalgam of three princi- The Symbolic Syntax ples: the form principle, the function principle, and The symbolic syntax of the yantra reveals a ‘universethe power principle. pattern’ of totality of existence, in which all planes The ‘form principle’ reveals the inner basis of the and aspects of the existence form a formless syntheforms and shapes abounding in the universe. All sis. This formless synthesis is allowing the seeker to matter is made up of an intrinsic basic unit, the discover a unity of the world in its diversity, while at atom, so each aspect of the world can be seen in its the same time attain the awareness of its own spiristructural form as a yantra. Matter is basically the tual purpose as an integral part of the whole. condensed energy, the energy creating the form, therefore the yantra can be considered as ultimate The symbolic syntax of yantra can be divided into form-equations of a specific energy manifesting in two specific dimensions - the cosmic and the psychic the perception of the one who is meditating. In its - macrocosmic and microcosmic, or macro-psychic widest application, the form principle refers to the and micro-psychic. inner or hidden form of structure, so that any struc- The cosmic dimension is meaningful only with ture, from an atom, leaf, to a star, has its own visibly awareness of the metaphysical principle of the laws formed yantra. A flower has an outer visible structure and processes governing the universe. which is immediately perceptible, but it has an inner invisible structure, which is generally constructed of The psychic dimensions are mantras, where Sanskrit a blue-print, the skeletal framework in which all lin- syllables act as intuitive thought-forms representing ear forms intersect with the central axis or nucleus. cosmic power within, which exert their influence This inner subtle structure is refracted in gross outer by means of sound vibrations in meditation. The entire world is symbolized in the principle of vibraform - molded and held by the center, the axis. tion born out of unity of duality. Sound is important The ‘function principle’ provides psychological sym- as form in yantra, since in its essence is sound conbols that correspond to the inner state of human con- densed as matter. sciousness through which expression and expansion of psychic forces are possible. This is the central axes Watching something in objective or subjective realholding and molding the consciousness in one place. ity creates a certain situation in you, a certain figure in you. In outside reality everything is vibration Yantra forms shake their dormancy and act together in different forms and aspects, moving and changwith consciousness as emblems of psychic power. ing constantly. Listening to the sound outside, that The yantra moves beyond ‘form principle’ and ‘func- sound hits inside, creating something inside of you. tion principle’, to merge as ‘power principle’ or power Watching the forms in outside reality, the geometry yantra, where the inner and outer merge and trans- of the form creates a form inside of you. That sound form the mundane reality into a psychic one. It is at and form creates a certain vibe. The mind cannot exthis point that the yantra is revealed in meditation. ist without interpretation, so the mind interprets acThe meaning of yantra in outward reality may be rel- cording to its belief and attaches itself to it or rejects atively easy to understand, but it is the inner meaning it as impossible or ignores it as irrelevant. If you are that gives it its efficacy and often times is difficult to in the company of people who are sad, how long can grasp. It is, however, this transcendental part which you remain happy? Or, if you are sad and go out into is beyond both outer and inner that is inconceivable the company of happy, jovial and upbeat people, how because of its ‘beyond self-evident facts’ of psychic long can you remain sad? The situations function experience, which are only gained through intuitive like a yantra, a yantra of sadness or a yantra of happiness. The situations in your life will change your clarity of vision. focus and move you in different directions. The situations are changing all the time, so the yantra-situa-

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