Using Moodle 2nd Edition

Page 282

view grades page, 193 view hidden timed posts (forums), 78 view my entries link, 168 view ratings (forums), 79 view subscribers (forums), 79 viewable from/to option (databases), 177 viruses, 242 visible group mode option, 57 visible mode option, 98 visible module option, 86, 125, 133 choices, 208 databases and, 178 forums, 72 wikis and, 159 visible option (lessons), 147

wildcard (*), 104 window options displaying text/web pages, 31 linking to files or web pages, 36 Windows Media Player, 44 WinZip, 42 with chosen files menu, 41 WMV file, 44 word censorship filter, 239 word lists, 140 word processors, reading file formats and, 44 workgroups (student), 22 WYSIWYG mode (HTML editor), 34


XHTML, 111 XML, 111 glossaries, exporting/importing entries, 138 XMLDB editor, 253

wanted pages (wiki links menu), 163 WAV files, 44 web applications, Course Management Systems and, 1 web logs (see blogs) web pages, composing, 32 web sites external, 46 web sites, linking to, 34–36 WebCT format, 111 weekly format, 17 weekly-based word lists, 140 weights, setting, 196, 201 wiki links menu tools, 162 wiki page autolinking filter, 239 Wikibooks, 48 Wikipedia, 48 wiki pages and, 165 wikis, 157–166 administering, 162 basics, 165 capabilities, 164 creating, 157–159 effective practices, 164 introductory survey courses and, 216 managing, 159–164 options, 158 pages, creating, 160 permissions, 163 practices, creative, 165 theory/discussion courses and, 219 tools, 161 266 | Index


Z ZIP files, 248 courses, restoring and copying, 63 creating, 42 databases, exporting as, 187 themes and, 243 using deploy button, 38

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