Guide 2016

Page 46


The full reference of a source needs to be created for the reference list as well as when it is initially referenced in a footnote. This chapter, first and foremost, gives instructions on how to create full references for the reference list. For footnotes, see mrg 113 ff.


With literary sources, all information is taken from the front side of the title page. If the information there is inconsistent or there is no title page at all, the information is obtained from other parts of the work (oftentimes, the publication date is on the reverse side of the title page). If the information about the source is still insufficient and it is possible to get this information based on other source, it is allowed to do so and the information obtained in this way is put in square brackets [C. J. A. Paucker] Uebersicht der neuesten juristischen Literatur Livlands. – Das Inland. Eine Wochenschrift für Liv-, Esth- und Curländische Geschichte, Geographie, Statistik und Literatur, 1836.


It is possible that there is no title page – in that case, the reference is taken from the cover. If the place or year of publication cannot be identified, sine loco (with no place) or sine anno (with no year) is written. BGHSt 2, 194 (Anwalts-Nötigung). – Best of. Die wichtigsten Entscheidungen für Ausbildung und Praxis. Strafrecht. Achso! Sine loco, sine anno.


Usually, the subtitle needs to be written out as well. This requirement does not apply to sources where the title itself or the subtitle is very long (it is mainly the case with older books – but sometimes with newer ones as well). In such instances, the title can be cut short at a substantively suitable place or the subtitle can be excluded. This kind of abbreviating in the reference list does not exclude the necessity of shortening the repeat reference in the footnotes. Actually on the title page: Friedrich Georg von Bunge. Ueber den Sachsen-Spiegel als Quelle des mittleren und umgearbeiteten livländischen Ritterrechts, sowie des öselschen Lehnrechts. Riga, gedruckt bei Wilhelm Ferdinand Häcker 1827. Reference list: F. G. v Bunge. Über den Sachsenspiegel. Riga: Häcker 1827. 46

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