Theatre Yearbook 2021 ― Theatre in Japan

Page 51


Canceled Performances and Reopening Theatres During the Coronavirus Pandemic Yanai Kenji

One after Another, Performances Are Temporarily Stopped, Canceled and Postponed For kabuki, as with all other genres of live performance, this was a year of disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Starting at the end of February, the national government and municipal bodies called for voluntary restraints on going out and organizing events, and from March on, different theatres partially canceled performances. After that, detailed specifications were issued for different stages of closing and reopening of theatres and other public venues, with criteria for each stage, but nevertheless, all kabuki performances in March were canceled. At the end of March, it was announced that the April performances would be canceled as well, and right after that, on April 7, the national government announced a State of Emergency. After that, performances of kabuki—not only in the big cities, but regional tours— had what must be described as the first long-term cancellation in modern times. The Kabukiza Theatre had scheduled a three-month event beginning in May for the name-taking ceremony of Ichikawa Theatre in Japan

Theatre Yearbook 2021

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