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Formal Dance Neðrs; Candidates For King, Queen Are Announced




ruI¡ttþ vot.



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Plans for the Fresno Junior College Christmas Formal are drawingto a close as the date set for Saturday, Deqember 15 draws closer. "finsel Time" is selected as the theme. The formal will be in the social hall of the University NO. il Avenue Campus, which will be decorated in red and silver.



JCsfudenfs AreOÍÍere

Music Dept. Assembly Set For Dec.14

New Clssses SeYeral new courses


The music rtepaitment of

F-resno Junior College

offered to the students at trlesno

Junior College next semester. The business division is offerlng economic problems of the Ssn Joaquh Valley, labor relations, sec' retarial tralning, secretarial problems, adYertising, Products analYsis, a,nd ts-x accounüng.

Thb general educatlon


is offerlng Integral calculus


dete¡mlnative geolory for the flrst

time at FJC. ChemistrY 6, home economics 20, art for elementarY teachers, and music for elementary

teachers are offered onlY during the spring s€meater.

T¡€ fDdustrial education ûivieion

is offe¡l¡rg luduetri¿I


stafic røtg:iaeptlng, and .mechanlsm engfnesring r¿s sPrtnd semester

cosr¡rês.'fÞe.Áivis'ion :has one ¡ew :cÈa¡s, techniques of conference lesdrcg. Et'tencled,dsy classee ¿lso'insluate Ûwo whlch gre otfered


Spellmcn, Clinton Cozby, cmd just lhree of the members of the Fresno Tom JLdcnns ree-.Drdcie Junior College droir thcrt will perform qt the Christmqs Pendergross Photo ¡,ssemblv. E1{IERTAII{EB,S

o¡ly .:ln tle spring,

descriPtive geometrT, :and,l rrferenttal ealqdl¡s.

ElìgihìlilySlips Dece mber l4,ls Deqdline Avøílable lFor Re d Key Toy Drive

9l l0 |



#:#: Ho nor Sociefy #Jffi':"#;ï ja petitlons, which sbquld I


Ia t


rurÐedrn.at the resr"tàãìã"* Stndents :.u¿y obtain thetr pett'l




IPIOnS -EVentS ' :- - - -


or Sfudenfs

.Eråd€B wlll be cUecA'| p¡1 Thet¿ Ke¡lpa, .the trtesno 'ed:s¡d, upon -e¡rproval, .tùe Bñrden_ ts | ¡,,nior Co¡ege chapter.of tJre.¡e¡o: should see the deaus, Mrs' _K"{ I o"l honor society, ts plannlng a ¿iuSeagraves for the women and Paul I o"r, ..oo* trip, and an open house

the student's

doza, Latin-American; Joe Gibson,

Mary Lanotte, AWS president, requests that a¡l candidates for king and queen should meet at 3:30 PM today in the University Avenue student union social hall.

Attire for the dance will

said, "The choir will begin the Freshman Class; Gene Wiggins, assembly with a number of sacred AMS; Gordon Smith, Rally ComChristmas selections and Bopular mittee; Ruben Ban'ios, Rampage, Bernie Mitchell, Callfornia State songs." Teachers Assoclation and Hugh Spencer said, "The assembly Autrey, Alpha Gamma Sigma. will be made up of a variety of The candidates for queen are entertaining musical sele'ctions." Dulcie Spellman, FBLA,; Paula Charles Davis. a member of tåe James, Rampate; Marilyn Isheim, choir and master of ceremonies, A'W'S; Diane Diamond, Rally Comwill introduce the FJC choir in its mittee; Beverly Underwood, -A.MS; opening number, "Behold, Ä Virgin Barbara Fragus, Recl Key; Yolanda Shall Be With Child." Marquez, Latin-Amerlcan; Jovita The choir will sing Fred W'ar- Huerta, Newman Club; Carol ing's setting, "Twas The NlBht Bolv'man, Phi Theta Kappa; and Before Christmas," featuring vo- Sharon Hussey, CSTA. calists Älton Banis, baritone, and Davis, tenor. Other numbers by the choi¡ are

"Ave Maria," "Sweet Little Jesus Boy," and "Holy Night," with soloists Davis and Dorothy Rubalcl. The men's chorus will sing Dean Martin's version of "Memories Are

Two Students Get Counc¡l ?II¡. )cnorarsnlp


;r;" i',:,Jîi #l:,::



trumpet, Nate HYgelund Playint Archie Bradshaw, dean of stuthe vibraha¡p; Dick Johnson on dent personnel at FJC and chairbass vlolin, and. GarY LinglY, marr of the scholarship committee, drums."

explained that the student council scholarships were the most competed for, although FJC awards a number of $50 and $100 scholarland." Other numbers bY the dance ships. The student council scholarthe band are "Joshua's JumP," in com- ships are financed by the sale of

As an introduction, the dance band lvill play "Winter 'Wonder-


will be tlistrtbuted in

to tn" underprrvilu"it"Jst't., aud the poor'

bo style, "God Rest Ye

MerrY student privilege cards

of 35 slg¡atures of





membershtp tn-

then rated them on a point system;

nations .assembly at 9:30 AM on I .f"¿u B averagg and candidates " at least 15% units. CanFrlday, Dec. 2l in the Fresno State | ;;;t carry College auditorium in the adminlt- I di¿ot". -ây ."r.y 12 units durf.og tr.ation ,building of the Universltyl;h;i fourth semester. avenue campus, The officers of the troup are Barrios said that candidates Tt{ltowiliams, presrdent; Jamee be nominated from the floor boIÄdr-., vice president; Harumi would have to follow the above pro- I Otr-ori, secretary; Edith Forath, cedures like any other orrrceltreasurer; Lucille Capelti, historseeker. He atso stated that no one l;;;å' pat Sevoiau, parllam€nperson is permltted sigrt the dtffer- | tarian. ent p€titions for the same office. I

30 points for leadership in student organization, 30 points for citizen-

ship shown by participation in community activities, and. 40 Boints

for scholarship.

Miss Snyder is president of the Newman Club, editor of the tr'JC annual, The Rambler, and an art major. Barrios is chairman of the interclub council, vice president of the student body, assistant editor of the FJC paper, the RamBate,

candldates may besin thelr cam-l CAIENDAR 0t THE WEEK paigning Jan. 2 th¡ough the gttr. I OÈCerúeEn O

This is the week folloìring Chrfst-l 1r"30

mas vacation. The election wilf bel Wedneettay Jan. I from 8 AM tol 4 PM p:rcl on Thursday, Jan. 101 from 8 AM to PM. I Students are eltglble to run fo"l


and an education major.

Student Councit M-109

12:30 pM La',n Amerioan, M-2ü) OióLlvleen z ,Z,SO pM Frosh noon dance, cy-nasium


Freshman Class W¡ll Have Dance


"Sorry, we had to cancel last week's dance," apologizes Gene Wiggins, freshman class prexy, '¡but the freshman class is going to make ¡t up by sponsoring a

offlce if they are a student body I g"*""efield Tournament, Baker+ card holder, are carryins a mlnl- | -ìi;iJ mum of 12 unlts wlth at leest al S ppl Los Angeles, GSTA Con_ -

"C" average, and are in good le8e



The electlon committee conslsts of Lucille Capelll, Jo An-'r 'Wilson, Rochelle Harford, Muriel Maxwell, Barrios, and Eugene Thomas. The four ¿dvisors to the Brouplare Mrs' Seagroves, Dr. Bolf Ordal, Floytl Qutok autl JosePh Ktûg.

| I


DEoEMBER to Speaker from US DePt Annex 1 DECEMBER 12 12:30 PM IVCF, B-7

I PM Bakersfleld JC Yosemite GYm



Compcring scholorships cne Morilyn Snyder snd Ruben -Bqrrios, Miss Snyder crnd Bqrrios eqch received $25 scholarships from the Fresno Junior College Throneberry Photo Student Council. AtrVÄRD WINNERS



The four students names were submitted to a faculty committee by the council members, which


b€ introduced et a noml- | OuìIifications



| The club is also planning a redent body card holders. The candf-lception for au eligible candidates. detes


Gentlemen," and "Man With The of the local theaters. lleged Horn," featuring McKaY with his Barrios and Miss Snyder were selected from four nominees for trumpet. number, the awards on the basis of scholconcluding the in, For brtngs i:n to comparieon ltJon its membership. A plaque will be everyone will be invited to sing a arship, leadership in student orgaI awarded to tbe winning club with Christmas carol, with HYgelund nizations, and participation .w.illiamin com| munity activities. Jones playing vibraharP. his its name inscribed on lt. I and Dorothy Rubald were the other




formals and su¡ts.

Matle Of This." Ruben Barriors and Marilyn SnySpencer said, "The dance band der were awarded the $25 scholarwill present a varietY shov¡ that ships given by the student council the wlll feature Donald McKâY on the of Fresno Junior College.

ooro.". clrit-2, Dresident or R€.llcollecttns toys Friday noon in Key, Fresno Ju¡lor Collegels stu- | basement of Mclane Hall. Club ^;_^ | sald thel presrdenrs Þluuru dent-servlce shoutd uuutuL couecr the Lro toys Lovs -f"tfT: tro o..*-. vvle.Þe ---*-.. :.il;ïl for f,he C*'Êtû¿s toylaurins-tle Tm+t'lã""Afio" 'o'oo'to-rÞ *::I o-d.l"nd them ln rst¡¡.ceru¡, .Þ',¡4ÞÆ tr!ol.¡-¡-;announeed th¿t @1 t€e, i¡r.uuu!ïu Lrr€¡ lro rìeøenÌ¡a¡ 14 wlll -be.December.14, -".i"|:drive rrr on tr'riday to- Miss Critz. -bodyl plan .to pl&Ir -ÞLWuu -uuutl rarl tur ¿ å -a¿urlont lo 'rrm.:,fÛr sha aìsô.nrirì få¡t:stre ryould ¡ bel âlso.Baid tå¿t:she She : .sectrrÐ . The pla¡s to send most of the . -ilErhi¡lty 's[pg I offtce . nay I -. startrng on tr4onday, Dec, 10 I _ _ ltoys to Hungary are well on their



v¡ill present a Christmas assembly on Dec. 14 at 10:30 AM in the University Avenue auditorium. Lowell Spencer, music instructor of FJC, who also is in charge of the assembly,


dance will be from 8 to 12 PM, Mary Lanotte, AWS president, submitted the names of candidates for king and queen, The candidates for king are Gilbert Chacon, Newman Club; Kenny Pipes, Red Key; Adolph Men-

noon dance tomorrow from 11:30 to 1:30 in the gymnasium." The Fresno Junlor College Pep Band will play, directed by music

¡n6tructor G. Lowell Spencer. Refreshments wlll be served. Stag 10 cents, drag 15 cents.

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