shopaholic goes to manhattan

Page 219

'I really couldn't say. Her diary's very full at the moment.., and then she has a two-week vacation...' 'Listen,' I say, trying to stay calm. 'I'd really like to talk to Kent, please. It's quite important. Couldn't you get her for me? Just for a second.' There's a pause - then Megan sighs. Tll see if I can fetch her.' The tinny song begins again - then Kent is on the line. 'Hi, Becky. How are you?' 'Hi!' I say, trying to sound relaxed. 'I'm fine. I just thought I'd see what was happening today. About the screen test?' 'Right,' says Kent thoughtfully. 'Tell the truth, Becky, a couple of issues have come up, which we need to think about. OK? So we'll be passing on the screen test until we're a little more decided about things.' Issues? What issues is she talking about? What's she-Suddenly I feel paralysed by fear. Oh God. Oh please no. She's seen the Daily World, hasn't she? That's what she's talking about. I clutch the receiver tightly, my heart thudding, desperately wanting to explain it all; wanting to tell her that it all sounds far worse than it really is. That half of it isn't even true; that it doesn't mean I'm not good at what Ido... But I just can't bring myself to. I can't bring myself even to mention it. 'So we'll be in touch,' Kent says. 'Apologies for putting you out today - I was going to have Megan call you later...' 'That's all right!' I say, trying to sound bright and easy. 'So when do you think we might reschedule?' 'I'm really not sure . . . Sorry, Becky. I'm going to 249 have to run. There's a problem on the set. But thanks

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