Isolomzi express 19 12 2013

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December 19, 2013 Isolomzi Fever

Bagotywa bebatsha

SIMBONGILE MDLEDLE ITSHANTLIZIYO kumasiko, izithethe nesiNtu ngobubanzi kwidolophu yaseMt Ayliff, uMhlangeqwele ‘Sihlobo’ Mrhabula ukholelwa ekubeni ukulwa ukuziphatha ngokungatshongo khona kwabantwana kunganqandeka ngokuthi bakhunjuzwe ngemvelaphi yabo besebancinane. Ngawo onke amaxesha babeneminyhadala efana nezi-“jadu”, ukhuphiswano lweentombi nabafana neminye iminyhadala ye-siNtu nanjengoko kwakusenzeka mandulo. USihlobo nowazalelwa kwindawo yaseTon-

ti kwakuyo la dolophu yamaXesibe uthi into esamgcine ehlonipha yindlela akhule ngayo esekeleze-lwe kumasiko, nto leyo anqwenela ukuba ingenzeka nakwesi isizukulwana silandelayo nesibonakala ngathi silahlekile. “Ndibona isizwe esimnyama esilahlekileyo nesingazaziyo ukuba siyaphi,” uthethe watsho. Udize ukuba isiko lihamba nentlonipho yilo nto kufanele kuzanywe aba bantwana basebancinane bangasalahleka ngokuthi balandele inkqubo yaseNtshona nebenza bangakwazi ukuziphatha bangene tshitshe kwiziyobisi kwakunye nokwenza izinto e-zinxamnye nesiNtu sabo. Le ndoda neyayisakuba yindlavini ithi em-

Mnu Mhlangeqwele Mrhabula ephakathi kwamaqela akhe ngelixa lokhuphiswano eSigidini eMt Ayliff. PHOTO: SIMBONGILE MDLEDLE

badala bakwazi ukubaluleka kwemvela-phi yabo. Uthe yena akuyo nto ayijonge kakhulu inkxaso e-suka kurhulumente koko uyakuthi urhulumente amfumane endleleni kuba eyona nto ayilwelayo kukuba kungalahleki imvela phi yomntu omnyama. Ngaphandle kokukhuphisana ngeempela veki amaqela kaSihlobo ayacelwa ukuba aye kunandisa kwizinto ezohlukeneyo kuzo zonke iilali zaseMt Ayliff. Oyinkosi kula ndawo uNkosi Mnyamezeli Gaga uliqhwabele izandla ilinge lalo kaMrhabula watsho ebhenela eluntwini ukuba lizeke mzekweni kufundiswe abantwana ngemvela-phi ikwazi ukugcineka.

veni kokuphela kwento eyayisaziwa ngokuba bubundlavini yagqiba ekubeni izenzele into eza kuthi iqhubeke nayo izonwabisa. Ubundlavini ke kula-pho bekuthi kudibane abafana neentombi ko-nwatywe kwizinto ezazifana nemitshotsho nezinye. Emveni kokuphela kobundlavini uthi wagqiba ekubeni aqokelele abantwana abaselula kwilali yakhe kwakunye neelali ezingqongileyo ze enze amakhuphiswano ngomsino wesiNtu ngeempela-veki. “Oku kukuzama ukubagcina bematasatasa ngezinto zakubo bahambele kude kwizinto ezi-ngendawo, nezithi zentziwe lulutsha ngeempela veki.” Uhambise wathi ufuna bathi nokuba sebe-

Elinye lamaqela kaSihlobo lisenza ezidume ngazo kumnyhadala ubuseMt Ayliff. PHOTO:SIMBONGILE


ECATU celebrates achievements REPORTER THE Eastern Cape Appropriate Technology Unit (ECATU) celebrated the completion of the organic farming (or food gardening and water care projects) implemented in Upper Sinxako and Si-qhungqwini. ECATU has implemented organic farming

or food gardening and agro-processing in 120 households and installed water tanks, water pipes and taps in those two villages. According to Sibongile Somdaka, Business Development Manager, the two projects form part of the Provincial Integrated Anti-Poverty Strategy which seeks to ensure coordination and integration of all poverty interventions by provincial departments and entities.

The strategy was launched by Premier Noxolo Kiviet in March this year. Somdaka said that the centre of the Strategy brings empowerment for their own development, mobilisation and the strengthening of public/private partnerships. Upper Sinxako and Siqhungqwini villages were the two identified poverty sites within the Joe Gqabi District Municipality and are

two of the 16 pilot sites identified throughout the province. The event was attended by officials from the Department of Rural Development and Agrarian Reform, the Department of Social Development, the Municipality and local chiefs.

Lixesha lokugqebha, nootsotsi bajonge ngamehlo abomvu BABALWA NDLANYA ABANTU abaninzi kwilali zase makhaya bathi bangene imigalelo eyahlukeneyo ngenjongo zokuthi ngelixa likaDisemba nabo babe nento yokonwaba kumakhaya abo kwaye babe nokutya nemali yokubagcina ixesha elide. Bambi bathi bohlukaniselane ngemali abanye bathenge ukutya ze bohlukaniselane ngako (ukugqebha).Ubungozi obuthi bube khona kule

nto yomgqebho kukuxhonyiswa kwabantu abasuke be-hlukaniselana ngemali okanye belungiselela ukuya kuthenga. Badala ingozi ngokuthi izigadla abalayishe kuzo ukutya kungo gqunywa ze kuhambe kusiwa, okambe kube khona umntu ohleli ngaphezulu kwako. Nalapho lowo osuke ehleli ngaphezulu usuke ese mngciphekweni wokuba angawa nalapho kwenzeke ingozi. Osisithethi seSebe lezoThutho phantsi kwephulo likaFika uPhila, uDr Tshepo Mach-

aea uthe abantu abathenga ukutya kufanele baqiniseke ukuba akukho mntu uhlala ngaphezulu kwako, kuba lo nto ibeka ubomi bakhe esichengeni. “Abanye abantu bathi bafumane ukulimala ngenxa yalo mkhwa. Abantu mabazi ukuba oku akuvumelekanga futhi akukho semthethweni. Abahlali maba qinisekise ukuba ukutya oko bayo kuthenga baya kogquma ukuze kunga daleki iingozi ebe sino kwazi ukuzi khusela,” kubeka uMachaea.

Osisithethi samapolisa kwiCluster yaseXhora, uMajor Zamukulungisa Jozana uthe abantu abaza ziyo ukuba bane mali abazo kuyahlula mabaxelele amapolisa ukuze abakhusele. Uthe kuye nzeka ukuba kuthi kufika usuku labo lokwahlula iza phuli mthetho zibe sele zisazi kwaye zizilungiselele. “Iziganeko zoku thathelwa kwabantu imali yabo ngeli xesha ziqhelekile yilo nto kubalulekile ukuba basebenzisane namapolisa ukuze bakhuseleke,” kubeka uJozana.

Liquor Board’s fight against excessive use of alcohol intensifies AS the Festive Season starts in earnest, the Eastern Cape Liquor Board will embark on an aggressive campaign to raise awareness and to educate people of the Eastern Cape about the repercussions of excessive use of alcohol, especially drivers. Road accidents continue to haunt our society in more than one way. Alcohol is reportedly one of the leading causes of road accidents in the country. Drunk driving and erratic pedestrians are a huge issue, and according to the Road Transport Management Corporation report, over the 2013 Easter Weekend 60% of fatalities were Pedestrians.

The findings of the study on the socio-economic impact of liquor abuse commissioned by the Eastern Cape Liquor Board (ECLB) in the past year, revealed that a fair share of the country’s most dangerous roads are located in the province of the Eastern Cape and that the number of accidents occurring on these roads is disproportionately high. The Eastern Cape Liquor Board is committed and is working diligently to educate communities about the dangers of drunk driving, ensuring that the number of accidents that take place as a result of alcohol abuse would be reduced.

This initiative is done in partnership with other stakeholders, such as the Department of Transport. The study revealed that Eastern Cape roads contribute significantly to annual road accident mortality rate, specifically on the N2 between East London and Mthatha and on the N2 between Mthatha and Kokstad. Working with other stakeholders, the Eastern Cape Liquor Board will go all out to ensure that drivers are informed about the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol and drivers that are identified as having exceeded alcohol consumption limit will face the full might of the law.

During this time of the year, illegal taverns usually abound and the Eastern Cape Liquor Board duly sends a stern warning to people that trade illegally to refrain from such practices. Similarly, licensed liquor traders are encouraged to obey their trading conditions by, among other things, not selling liquor to the underage children, playing loud music disturbing their neighbourhood and selling liquor throughout the night. In the event where such cases are experienced by community members, we urge them to report them to the Eastern Cape Liquor Board using their Toll-Free Line 080 000 0420.

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