Island Traveler Issue 4

Page 25

Photo by Bruce Bateman

Susan Fishman US PARK RANGER

A visit in the American Memorial Park is made more memorable by park rangers. Park rangers of the US National Park Service serve as interpreters of the nature and history of the park. They serve to protect the park’s resources and its visitors. One of them is Susan Fishman. Susan is a licensed chiropractic doctor and a registered nurse who chose to become a park ranger in June 2010 to work outdoors in the warm Saipan sunshine and share her love of nature and of people with those who visit the park. Donning a uniform and “flat hat”, the iconic emblem of the National Park Rangers, Susan gleefully leads groups and individuals visiting the park. She explains the sights, sounds, objects, wildlife, geology and history found there. Knowing the park from end to end, Susan can answer almost every inquiry about her beloved work place. She also helps oversee special educational programs and events held in the park. So make sure you don’t miss the opportunity to meet Ranger Susan when you visit Saipan!

苏珊·菲什曼 美国纪念公园的巡游员

公园里的巡游员也是美国纪念公园的一道风景。他们不仅 在公园巡游,也是公园历史的口述讲解员,同时担任着保 护公园自然资源和为游客服务的任务。苏珊·菲什曼就是 其中的一位。 苏珊曾是拥有执照的脊椎科医生和专业护士,由于热 爱在温暖的阳光下进行户外工作,并喜欢接触人群以及与 游客分享她对大自然的喜爱,于2010年6月成为公园的巡 游员。穿上制服,戴上平顶帽,巡游员就成了公园的象 征。苏珊总是对带领团体和个人参观公园感到非常兴奋。 她对公园的景象、声音、一花一木、野生动植物、地质和 历史都了如指掌。从公园的一个角落到另一个角落,苏珊 几乎可以回答每一个关于公园的问题。同时她还监督那些 在公园举办的特殊教育活动。 如果你有机会参观美国纪念公园,不妨认识一下这位 巡游员。 Photo by Haidee Eugenio / Courtesy of Saipan Tribune

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