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DRAFT: For Review Only In 2001, I predicted that Islam will be defeated in our own time. Since then Islam has advanced. Mosques are mushrooming everywhere in the West and the population of Muslims has grown. (Loc. 8086) Given the factual reality of Islam growing and advancing inexorably in the world, particularly in “the West”, how credible is the author’s messianic vision given its proven failure to date? While the author prattles his messianic faux optimism from his Islam-free dream world, his devotees know all too well what is the only possible solution given the ominous threat he is constantly warning them of. But is it fair to even assume that the author is in a dumbfounded stupor of paranoid schizophrenic delusion, or could the truth be much more sinister – that he already knows his messianic vision is just a propaganda lie to cover for and catalyze his real vision of “genocidal terrorism”? Clearly his devotees have already answered that question, but so has the author, in his own words: Our objective should never be to win [Muslims’] hearts. This will never happen. Our objective must be to stop their advancement and to eradicate Islam. (Loc. 8015) In addition, take note how the author is opposed to pacifism and advocates violence and “striking back” as part of his solution, yet these are obliviously absent from his innocuous two goals “to help Muslims see the truth” and “to warn the world of the threat of Islam”. It seems like there is a missing third goal here that the author really doesn’t want us to know too much about. What is perhaps most troubling is the author’s apparent paranoid schizophrenia towards Muslims. For example, he has stated (on his website) that for those who have deep knowledge of Islam, “it is criminal to call yourself a Muslim”, while at the same time claiming that he doesn’t hate Muslims at all – just Islam. Apparently, those who know a lot about Islam and still call themselves Muslims must be evil, without any doubt, based on what they know Islam teaches. They are criminally guilty just for being a Muslim. Not only Muslims, but Islam itself should also be “criminalized” according to the author, and it can ominously be done “after many deaths”: The Quran contains 100s of evil verses and yes it's time to criminalize it. Evil must be condemned in all its forms. (per ) The only thing we need to do is ban Islam. It will be done after many deaths. (per ) And even if Muslims staunchly claim to support universal democratic values, then they must be lying, which of course is supposedly required of Muslims according to yet more Islamophobic fantasy propaganda. The author is clearly suffering from some extreme paranoid delusions about all the lying Moozlims out to get him or deceive him. It is so wacko that it is actually somewhat entertaining to behold such paranoid delusions in real life – without even having to buy a movie ticket! Popcorn anyone? Oh, in case you still had any doubt about the author presenting extreme symptoms of schizophrenia, try reconciling his desired “eradication” of 30% of humanity above with this little gem of warm and fuzzy messianic ‘guiltless’ love for all “mankind as one family”, along with his extremely ironic personal motto of being “against hate”:

40 Author: Chameleon_X

Last Updated: May 27, 2014

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