Back To Godhead Year 2011 Volume-08 Number-01

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Happiness Part


By Vraja Vihäré Däsa Real happiness is more than the happiness enjoyed by animals. This is the first in a series of six articles that will deal with understanding happiness and how to obtain it.

said, “Dear king, happiness is simply a butterfly.” The king, confused by the cryptic answer, probed further, to which the revered sage

Happiness is like a butterfly—it eludes us when we try to get it, but it comes to us when we least expect it.


king enquired from a learned sage, “I often wonder what happiness really is. O enlightened one, could you please reveal to me the secrets of happiness?” The sage cast his merciful glance upon the king and

smiled and said, “Very soon, O King, it will be revealed to you.” The sage then departed, leaving the king confused about the mysterious wisdom he had just heard. A few days later as the king relaxed in his royal garden, he saw a

butterfly resting on a leaf. Intrigued by the sage’s wisdom that he had pondered upon, he carefully went behind to catch the butterfly. As soon as he moved his hand, the butterfly flew away and landed on another plant. The king pursued the butterfly, but each time the insect slipped away to another leaf, flower or a plant. A little later, the king, exasperated by his unsuccessful attempts, resigned to his seat. As he closed his eyes, he felt a slight itch on his arm. Slowly he opened his eyes and, lo and behold, the same butterfly now rested on his arm. He was amazed, and just then a special realization gushed forth in his heart, “Yes, the sage was indeed right. Happiness is a butterfly, for when we intensely search after it, it eludes us and when we least expect it, we receive it.” SIMILARITIES BETWEEN HUMANS AND ANIMALS To explore higher and deeper levels of happiness, we need to understand that humans are a very special species in God’s creation, and they are capable of experiencing a much more satisfying and purposeful life. Let us first examJANUARY 2011



12/10/2010, 1:46 PM


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