International Gas 2015 - Autumn Edition

Page 134

◆  New technologies on the horizon;

industry is still in the process of introducing

◆  Small-scale LNG for all kinds of end-users;

this tool.

◆  Upgrading of biogas. Each study group and topic team prepared

With the advancement of production tech­ nology, unconventional gas, such as shale gas,

and presented their final report during thematic

has become a focus of global attention. The

sessions. These reports contained specific

committee studied the environmental effects of

information about topics listed above.

this new natural gas resource to find out what

Additional information could found in oral and

the truth is and what the industry can do to

interactive presentations made at WGC 2015.

reduce its environmental impact.

Program Committee A – Sustainability

promising source of energy, and it will continue

PGC A focused on the environmental effects of

to be well into the future. However, to make

natural gas. Although natural gas is the clean­

this possible, the industry must continue to

est of the fossil fuels, it still contributes to

work hard and communicate with stakeholders

global warming by emitting greenhouse gases.

along the way.

Right now natural gas is a competitive,

It is crucial that the gas industry understands the true impact of natural gas on the global

Program Committee B – Strategy

environment so it can be more than transitional

During the 2012-2015 Triennium, PGC B

or bridge energy.

focused on three topics for study:

During the 2012-2015 Triennium, PGC A

1 World gas supply, demand and trade;

focused on four topics: carbon capture and

2 Wholesale gas price formation;

storage (CCS), biogas, life cycle analysis (LCA)

3 Strategy and regulation.

and unconventional gas. CCS technology coupled with natural gas is a

The committee also carried out a study on the long-term prospects for natural gas; identi­

promising technology to cope with global warm­

fying the main drivers that will determine the

ing. Although it is not an ultimate solution, it

future market for gas.

buys precious time as the world unites to cope

The world gas supply and demand study

with one of the greatest challenges of our time.

highlighted a continued growth for natural gas

The committee published a report outlining

in the world. Global demand, which is currently

how CCS can be introduced to the gas industry

at 3300 bcm per year, is expected to grow with

and made useful recommendations.

a compound annual growth rate of 1.1 % per

Biogas is a carbon-neutral type of natural

year, which means that by 2035 global demand

gas. It is not available everywhere because the

will have reached 4800 bcm. However, growth

feedstock is either unavailable or insufficient.

has started to shift from the established gas

But it could play a valuable role in remote areas

industries in Europe, North America and the CIS

where energy infrastructure is not in place. The

to growing markets in Asia, in particular China

committee produced a biogas country report

and India. Considerable growth is also expected

on how the gas is produced and to what extent.

in the Middle East, which has seen continuous

The LCA of natural gas, which describes its

growth in recent years, adding almost 200 bcm

comprehensive environmental effects, will help

in demand within the last 10 years.

understand how the industry could do more to

The wholesale gas price formation study was

reduce greenhouse gases along the natural gas

the seventh in a row and covered almost all gas

chain. The committee’s study showed that the ind­

demand in the world. It was found that 43% of

ustry is aware of the LCA and its usefulness,

gas traded is priced based on some form of gas-

but due to the lack of basic information the

on-gas competition, with 35% of global gas

132  P o s t - C o n f e r e n c e R e p o r t s f r o m t h e C o m m i t t e e s a n d Ta s k F o r c e s

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