Health Surveillance in South America: epidemiological, sanitary and environmental

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control in frontier zones in the Andean region: a communitarian approach) and another in Suriname (Experiences and Challenges in Surveillance and control of Malaria in Suriname); b) articulation of epidemiological surveillance and care network, also through two experiences, both in Brazil (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in Belo Horizonte: opportunity to implement surveillance in hospitals) and (The Control programmes of major endemic diseases – Dengue in Brazil). Regarding sanitary surveillance, priority experiences were: a) Information and education for youngsters with Anvisa’s Educanvisa Project (Brazil): Education in Sanitary Surveillance, an educational action, which trains teachers and professionals in the educational and sanitary surveillance areas so they can promote notions on proper use of drugs and food in the school community; b) Argentina presented, with the Anmat Observatory, the need to count on objective and trustworthy information, based on scientific evidences for decision-making; and c) Uruguay presented information management specific to the incorporation of new technologies and its monitoring through a technology surveillance project (Health technology: evaluation of incorporation and surveillance). At last, the chapter “Paths to advance: an agenda for the 21st Century”, written by the organizers, closes the book with an evaluation of the main thematic areas, conflicts and challenges for the area of Health Surveillance in South America, bringing also proposals presented in the Workshops on Health Surveillance and on Sanitary Surveillance, as well as those presented in the development of the chapters. More than that, it indicates ISAGS’ collaboration possibilities for the strengthening and development of knowledge production and technical cooperation in the Health Surveillance actions in the region. We thank all of those who contributed to this publication and, especially the organizers, the authors and ISAGS’ staff for their dedication in the organization of this edition. We hope this debate contributes in a way the countries, jointly and in solidary manner, may identify the necessary paths for the reduction of social inequalities and reach higher health levels in a sustainable way. ISAGS Board


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