Two States in One Space

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coordination mechanisms, collaborative forum and dispute resolution mechanisms. Again, the establishment of such structures must be gradual and begin with ad-hoc and limited mechanisms coupled with nation-building efforts and internal reconciliation processes in each society, as well as decentralization processes and strengthening of local authorities. As a second stage, after several ad-hoc joint governance institutions operate for a significant period, establishing trust between the parties and fostering positive emotions and cognitions, the two states could gradually develop 'thicker' confederative structures. Such structures might further entail parliamentary bodies and voting rights directly to the region's citizens. As a third stage, and on a further temporal horizon, broader regional options of cooperation could be presented and negotiated with additional neighboring countries and regional stakeholders. A broader regional umbrella, beyond Palestine and Israel, might further contribute to stabilizing relations in the region, despite the limited prospect of pursuing such an avenue in the foreseeable future. In order to clearly present the architecture of the suggested governance structure, three layers of governance will be addressed: a supra-national confederation between Israel and Palestine; national states in both Israel and Palestine, with full competencies, while identifying important national institutions and reforms; and stronger emphasis on local governance in each of the countries. As a precondition to formulation of any joint institution, a mutually agreed upon legal framework must be forged between the two countries. This accord will outline the legal basis for the cooperation, reflect joint understanding and express the aspirations


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