Finances & The End TImes (Preview)

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think Satan was sleeping when the laws of the lands were established? Most assuredly not; it was while we were sleeping that these laws were established!

He has been proactive in every form of government:

worldwide, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without one blink of sleep or slumber. He knows that sheep cannot be led to a slaughter without “cattle rails” – policies and laws. Since over 90% of our world’s countries have adopted this type of land law, I personally believe the Antichrist will gain ownership of the planet by way of these established laws.


historian worth their salt knows what I just said is true. Why? History proves itself over and over again. Policy proves ownership and ownership grants permission. So many Americans are concerned about being enslaved to “BIG Government,” but I say that our very own government better examine the ring in its own nose. If indeed our government has a ring (debt) in their own nose, a couple of questions are begging to be asked: What master is leading the American people and where is he taking us? Does the global climate policy of land ownership bother you? Consider this: God is the originator of this mandate. Satan is just doing his normal thing and replicating what God does. You see, this way, it is guaranteed to work. Satan wants debt: individually, nationally, and globally. Without debt, he cannot rule! There is nothing we own that cannot be taken from us – nothing. Even if we did find something completely free of debt, God could take it away in a heartbeat. After all, He is the owner of ALL – and that ALL includes us, our banks, and even Satan. JEALOUSY:

Individuals who suffer with debt are typically a jealous

people. Jealousy, according to the Greek, is “the passion of ownership of; or possessing an exclusive right over a person, place, or thing.” God is the only being that has this exclusive right over people, land, and their possessions.

When humans attempt to use the verbiage of rights of

ownership, they provoke God Himself to be a jealous God (Ex. 20:5). Usually when I bring up this topic around lukewarm “Christians,” I’m accused of the sin of semantics. From what I read in the Holy Scriptures, provoking God to jealousy by making claims of ownership is a big deal. In


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