InterAdria Magazin 7

Page 42


Osiguranje i pomorska nesreća

Insurance and Marine Accident

Čim se naš brod otisne iz sigurne luke (a ponekad niti luka nije baš sigurna za naš brod za vrijeme strašnih vjetrova ili ciklona) iza lukobrana vrebaju mnogi rizici koje skiper mora izbjeći na svojoj „điti“ i sretno se vratiti u svoju matičnu luku.

As soon as our boat leaves its mooring in a safe port (although sometimes even a port is not entirely safe for our boat during strong winds or cyclones) on the other side of the breakwater a lot of risks prowl and a skipper must avoid them and return safely to a domicile port.

Na putu se mogu dogoditi različite nezgode ali najčešće nezgode koje uzrokuju glavobolju su udari u tvrdu podlogu i sudar brodova na moru. Ovo drugo je razrađeno u Pomorskom zakoniku RH dok za udare u tvrdu podlogu i slično nema posebne pravne regulative. Nakon takvog događaja često se pojavljuju nesporazumi i razočaranje prilikom zahtjeva za naknadu štete. Tako sam primijetio da nautičari rade podjednake greške koje je kasnije teško ispraviti. Ovdje ne mislim na pogreške prilikom „naviganja“ nego izostanak predradnji koje bi svaki skiper morao učiniti prije polaska na svoje rute ili otvorenja ljetne sezone a što su: provjera važećeg osiguranja plovila i putnika, provjera važeće registracije plovila ili Dozvole za plovidbu teritorijalnim vodama RH, provjera vremenske prognoze za područje namjeravane plovidbe, obnovljene navigacijske karte i ispravna navigacijska oprema. Osvrnimo se na prvi i vrlo bitni zadatak skipera: osiguranje plovila i putnika i spašavanje plovila i posade nakon nezgode. Osiguranje plovila dijelimo na obvezno osiguranje od odgovornosti vlasnika/korisnika brodice ili jahte za štete nanesene trećim osobama i kasko osiguranje plovila i/ili putnika i druge imovine na brodu. Iako je svaki nautičar bar jednom osobno ugovorio osiguranje i danas se pojavljuju problemi kada treba naplatiti štetu koja je nastala na vašem ili tuđem plovilu. Opasnosti koje vrebaju za vrijeme sezone plovljenja postoje i u mrtvoj sezoni kada se plovilo nalazi u moru ili na suhom doku.


During a voyage various accidents may happen but the most frequent ones giving a headache are impacts with a hard base and collisions with other boats. The latter are elaborated in the Maritime Law of the Republic of Croatia while the mentioned impacts and similar are not specifically governed by any special legal regulations. Following such event there are often misunderstandings and disappointments when an application for damages are made. I have noticed that boaters make the same mistakes which are subsequently difficult to be corrected. Here, I do not mean the mistakes during navigation but the absence of preliminary actions which should be done by every skipper before departing to his voyage or opening of a summer season, such as the check of a current insurance of a boat and passengers, the check of a current registration of a boat or permit for the sailing in the territorial waters of the Republic of Croatia, insights in weather forecasts for the area of prospective sailing, updated navigation maps and navigation equipment in working order. Let’s see about the first and very important task of a skipper: insurance of a boat and passengers and salvage of a boat and passengers after an accident. The insurance of a boat refers to either a compulsory insurance against liability for persons operating vessels ( of owners/operators for damages caused to third persons) or a full comprehensive insurance of a boat and/or passengers and other property located aboard a boat. Although every boater has taken in his life at least once an insurance policy the problems still occur when a damage suffered either by your or somebody else’s boat is to be paid. The

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