InterAdria Magazin 5

Page 52

“Ciklus Terpsihora nastao je kao razmišljanje o urbanim skulpturama velikih dimenzija koje bi se postavile u parkove, šetnice uz more, kao interaktivne, zanimljive, vesele skulpture. Jednako tretirajući urbanu skulpturu velikih dimenzija i galerijsku skulpturu odnosno skulpturu za interijere, nastao je ciklus pod nazivom Terpsihore, brončane skulpture visine oko 70 cm. Premda su nazvane Terpsihore – muze plesa, ključna obilježja su ritam i energija. Ponovno je riječ o pokretu u skulpturi i lociranju pokreta u prostor. Terpsihore svojim izgledom pobuđuju razne asocijacije: ritualne, divlje, erotične, animalističke, modne…” Nismo se mogli otrgnuti dojmu da je to nastavak plesa Isadore Duncan, te nadahnuti umjetničkom inspiracijom, sad uviđamo istinsko blago koje ovaj grad posjeduje i čime se mi kao stanovnici i posjetitelji možemo i trebamo ponositi.


about Opatija as an inexhaustible inspiration for artists. Here’s what the artist told us about her new cycle: “Cycle Terpsihore was born as a reflection on urban sculptures of large dimensions, to be set up in parks and promenades along the sea, as interactive, interesting, fun sculptures. Equally treating urban sculptures of large dimensions, gallery sculptures and sculptures for the interior, a cycle called Terpsihore, came to light, with bronze sculptures of about 70 cm height. Although they are called Terpsihore - dance muses, key features are rhythm and energy. Again, it is about movement in sculpture and locating movement in space. Terpsihore by its appearance evokes different associations: ritual, wild, erotic, animalistic, fashion…” We could not tear away the impression that this is a continuation of Isadora Duncan’s dance. Inspired by art, we now discover the true treasure of Opatija and what we, as citizens or visitors can and should be proud of.

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