Sadržaj / content UVODNIK / INTRODUCTION 3 NOVOSTI / NEWS 5 InterAdria SC registrirala je svoj logotip / InterAdria SC has registered its logo 5 SAJMOVI / BOAT SHOW REVIEW 6 SESSA MARINE NOVITETI / NOVELTIES Profil kompanije: Sessa Marine / Company profile: Sessa Marine C 68’ - Izniman dizajn i performanse / Exceptional design and performance Fly 45’ - IPS 600 / IPS 600 Key Largo 34’ - Tako jedinstven / So unique C 32’ - Mali Yacht Cruiser na dohvat ruke / The small Yacht-Cruiser at your fingertips
8 8 12 16 18 21
RABLJENA PLOVILA / USED VESSELS 22 Vodič kroz kupnju rabljenih plovila / Guide for purchase preowned boat 22 Ponuda rabljenih plovila / Offer of preowned boats 24 TESTOVI / TESTS C 38’ - Tako elegantan, profinjen i inovativan / So elegant, sophisticated and innovative Key Largo 24’ - Maleni koji se natječe sa velikima / A little champion that takes on the big boys Key Largo ONE - Stvoren kako bi impresionirao / Designed to impress
28 28 32 36
SAVJET PRAVNIKA / LEGAL ADVICE 38 Neka pitanja prije početka krstarenja / A few questions arising before you go on a cruise 38 RENT A BOAT 42 Charter ponuda / Charter offer 43 ZANIMLJIVE DESTINACIJE / INTERESTING DESTINATIONS 48 Kastav - Živući grad muzej / A living museum 48 POPRATILI SMO / WE HAVE SUPPORTED 53 Kastafsko Kulturno Leto 53 GASTRONOMSKI VODIČ / GASTRONOMIC GUIDE 56 Restoran „Pepe Nero“ / „Pepe Nero“ Restaurant 56 KULINARSKI KUTAK / CULINARY CORNER 58 Škampi sa cous-cous-om / Shrimps with cous-cous 58 VINSKA PRIČA / WINE STORY 60 Postup Donja Banda - Veliki Plavac Mali / The Great Plavac Mali 60 DOBRO JE ZNATI / GOOD TO KNOW 62 Međunarodne pomorske signalne zastavice / International maritime signal flags 62 NAUTIČKE INFORMACIJE / NAUTICAL INFORMATIONS 64
Dragi čitatelji,
Dear readers,
Vrlo smo ponosni što upravo u rukama držite četvrti broj InterAdria magazina. U ovom broju donosimo pregled InterAdriinih aktivnosti, kao i niz zanimljivih tema iz svijeta nautike. Mnogi od vas planiraju krenuti na krstarenje, u potrazi za prirodnim ljepotama, stoga smo pripremili niz savjeta na što obratiti pažnju prije plovidbe, te savjet odvjetnika o pravnim problemima kako vam nepredviđeni nesporazum ne bi pokvario cijelo ljetovanje. Osim niza praktičnih savjeta naše charter osoblje pripremilo je zanimljivu flotu plovila kojima možete otkriti sve tajne i čari Jadrana.
We are very proud to have a pleasure of publishing the fourth issue of InterAdria magazine. In this issue we bring reviews of InterAdria’s activities, as well as a lot of interesting topics from the world of navigation. Many of you are planning to go on a cruise looking for natural beauty and relaxation, so we have prepared a series of tips on what to pay attention to before sailing and lawyers’ advice what to do to not let the unanticipated trouble spoil your holidays. Besides the many practical tips, our charter staff has prepared an interesting fleet of vessels ready to take you on a trip to reveal all the secrets and charms of the Adriatic.
Nautički segment InterAdria magazina pokriven je testovima najnovijih plovila do 12 metara dužine, za koje čitatelji pokazuju najviše zanimanja, a tu je i najava Sessa Marine noviteta za nadolazeću sezonu. Po prvi puta predstavljamo i paletu rabljenih, ali nikako manje atraktivnih modela, te savjete za sigurnu kupovinu plovila za one koji nautičarima tek planiraju postati. Iz naše rubrike „Dobro je znati“ ovoga puta izdvajamo korisne pouke o tajnama plovidbe; komunikaciji na moru. Vodimo Vas i u obilazak grada Kastva, živućeg grada muzeja koji odiše bogatom povijesnom i kulturnom baštinom, te donosimo priču o zanimljivom malom restoranu „Pepe Nero“ i šampionu među vinima - vinu Postup.
The nautical segment of InterAdria magazine is full with tests of the newest boats under 12 meters in length, for which the readers have shown the most interest. There are also announcement of Sessa Marine novelties for the upcoming season. For the first time we present the variety of used, but not less attractive boats, and tips for safe vessel purchase for those who plan to become sailors. From our “It is good to know” segment this time we point out useful lessons about the secrets of navigation, communication at sea. We take you on a tour through the city of Kastva, a living museum that exudes with rich historical and cultural heritage; we bring you a story of an interesting little restaurant „Pepe Nero” and the champion of wine - Postup.
Veselimo se što ćete čitajući ovaj broj postati dijelom i ove naše nautičke priče.
We are glad that by reading these lines you will become a part of our nautical story.
Dobro more!
We wish you peaceful navigation!
Klaudio Brnečić direktor / general manager
InterAdria SC registrirala je svoj logotip InterAdria SC has registered its logo Vizualni identitet u cjelini jedan je od sve važnijih elemenata prepoznatljivosti brandova na tržištu. Logotip, kao njegov centralni element ima glavnu ulogu u kreiranju imagea tvrtke i strategiji unapređenja, doprinoseći definiranju predodžbe o proizvodu i usluzi.
Visual identity is one of the most important elements of recognizing brands in the market. Logo, as its central element has a major role in creation of corporate image as well as strategy of its improving. It is helping in definition of image and reputation of the products.
InterAdria SC, od samog osnutka 1997. godine, velike napore ulaže u izgradnju reputacije i prepoznatljivosti na tržištu, te je s vremenom zahvaljujući predanom radu izrasla u jednog od renomiranih poslovnih subjekata u nautičkom sektoru. Kako bi zadržala i unaprijedila svoj ugled čini sve kako bi poboljšala i proširila svoje usluge s ciljem krajnjeg zadovoljstva svojih korisnika. Važan element image-a InterAdrie njen je vizualni identitet. Ponosna na svoj logotip stiliziranih jedara zaštitila ga je kako on kao takav ne bi bio upotrijebljen u neprikladnom kontekstu. Registrirala ga je pri Državnom zavodu za intelektualno vlasništvo, sektoru za žigove i industrijski dizajn, te se sada uz logotip nalazi i oznaka autentičnosti ®
InterAdria SC, since its foundation in 1997, inputs great efforts into building a reputation and recognition on the market. Over time, thanks to dedicated work, it has grown into one of the best known businesses entities in the nautical sector. To maintain and enhance its reputation InterAdria is trying to improve, expand their range of services. Its final aim is satisfaction of all its users. An important element of the image of a company is its visual identity. Proud of its logo, the stylized sail wings, InterAdria wanted to protect it so it would not be used in an inappropriate context. Therefore, it is registered at the Croatian State Intellectual Property Office, the sector for trademarks and industrial designs, and now the authenticity mark ® is applied to it.
Cannes 2010
Cannes 2010
Genova 2010
Sezona sajamskih manifestacija 2010/2011 vezanih uz nautički sektor je za nama. Što se tvornice Sessa Marine tiče, ovo je bila sezona apsolutnih noviteta. Predstavljeno je 6 potpuno novih modela plovila u 3 segmenta: Yacht , Cruiser i Key Largo čime je upotpunjena gamma Sesinih plovila. Sezonu je tradicionalno otvorio Cannes Boat Show održan u 1. tjednu rujna. Ondje su se po prvi puta predstavili modeli: C 54, C 35, Key Largo One, te redizajnirani Key Largo 36. No, kako Sessa Marine uvijek iznenađuje, ondje nisu predstavljeni svi noviteti, već su neki od njih ostali strogo čuvana tajna za prezentaciju na Genova Boat Show-u. Riječ je o modelima C 48 i C 44 koji su i obilježili izlaganje, dok je prezentacija novog yacht-cruiser mališana C 32 ostavljena za Paris Boat Show održan u prosincu 2010. U međuvremenu, InterAdria je na sajmu Nautica u Rijeci održanom od 22. do 26. rujna premijerno predstavila model F 54 koji je osvojio i nagradu sajma za najistaknutiji eksponat. Uz njega veliku pažnju publike privukao je gumenjak Mar-Co 23, vjerni suputnik Ivice Kostelića na adrenalinskom putovanju do Malte.
Genova 2010
Biograd 2010
Nautical Fair season 2010/2011 has finished. For Sessa Marine shipyard this was year full of absolute novelties. 6 completely new models in 3 categories: Yacht, Cruiser, and Key Largo were presented. This models complemented gamma of Sessa Marine boats. The season was traditionally opened by the Cannes Boat Show held in the first week of September. For the first time, there models: C 54, C 35, Key Largo One and a redesigned Key Largo 36 were launched. But, as everybody knows, Sessa Marine always surprises. Not all novelties were presented; some of them remained a secret for the presentation at the Genoa Boat Show. Finally the closely guarded secret was reviled, models C 48 and C 44 was presented, while the presentation of the new small yacht-cruiser C 32 was left for Paris Boat Show which was held in December 2010. Meantime, InterAdria presented its model F 54 at the Nautica fair in Rijeka, from 22nd to 26th of September, which won the award for most outstanding exhibit of the fair. Great attention was attracted by a rubber boat Mar- Co 23, Ivica Kostelić’s faithful companion on his adrenalin trip to Malta.
Rijeka 2010
Zagreb 2011
Zagreb 2011
Jesensku sezonu sajmova zatvorio je Biograd Boat Show održan od 21. do 24. listopada 2010 gdje su se osim razgledati mogli i testirati atraktivni modeli: Key Largo 30 i Dorado 36. Nakon kraće zimske stanke, uslijedio je novi niz predstavljanja. Sajam Nautike u Zagrebu, koji predstavlja nezaobilazno mjesto susreta proizvođača i zastupnika uglednih svjetskih brandova sportske i nautičke opreme u Hrvatskoj, održao se od 23. do 27. veljače gdje je InterAdria premijerno predstavila trenutno najmanje Sessino plovilo, no ne i manje atraktivno - model Key Largo ONE u društvu vrlo snažne i graciozne ekipe: automobila Abarth 500 i jet ski Yamaha - Rius.
Tulln 2011
Tulln 2011
The autumn fair season was closed by the Biograd Boat Show held from 21st to 24th of October 2010 where visitors could visit and test the performance of attractive models Key Largo 30 and Dorado 36. After a short winter break, new series of boat presentations began. Zagreb nautic fair is an unavoidable meeting place of all producers and agents of prestigious nautical and sport brands in Croatia. This year’s edition, held from 23rd to 27th of February, InterAdria has presented the smallest Sessa marine vessel - Key Largo One accompanied by a powerful team: Abarth 500 car and Jet Ski Yamaha Rius edition.
Tjedan poslije zagrebačkog sajma točnije od 3. do 6. ožujka 2011. u gradu Tullnu, Austrija, održan je nautički sajam Boot Tulln 2011., gdje je InterAdria po prvi puta nastupila i tako proširila svoje poslovanje i na ovo tržište. Tamošnjoj se publici po prvi puta predstavila Key Largo linijom. Izloženi model Key Largo 24 kao i apsolutni novitet sezone 2011 – Key Largo ONE pobudili su veliki interes posjetitelja.
Only a week after the Zagreb Fair, from 3rd to 6th March 2011 in the town of Tulln, Austria, the boat show - Boot Tulln 2011 was held. InterAdria came there for the first time as an expositor and expanded its presence on this market.
Potvrdivši svoju prisutnost na svim velikim nautičkim manifestacijama InterAdria se još jednom približila kako postojećim tako i budućim kupcima Sessa Marine plovila.
InterAdria once again confirmed its presence in all major nautical events by presenting Sessa Marine novelties to both current and future customers.
Key Largo line was presented there. Model Key Largo 24 and the absolute novelty of the 2011 season - Key Largo ONE aroused great interest.
Profil kompanije: Sessa Marine
Company profile: Sessa Marine
Brodogradilište Sessa Marine osnovala je obitelj Radice 1958. godine. Danas ova tvornica proizvodi visokokvalitetna plovila raspoređena u linije; open, cruiser, yacht i fly, raspona veličina od 18 do 68 stopa. Poznata je po inovacijama i jedinstvenom dizajnu kreirajući ekskluzivna plovila koja odlikuje optimalan balans između dizajna i tehnologije, stila i kvalitete, težeći ka misiji buđenja pozitivnih emocija svih vlasnika Sessa Marine plovila.
Established by the Radice family in 1958, Sessa Marine now offers 4 top quality lines of open and fly vessels measuring 18 to 68 feet. A family-run company known for its dynamism and ability to innovate, Sessa Marine designs and builds exclusive vessels successfully combining design and technology, style and quality, without ever losing sight of its ultimate goal: guaranteeing a great experience for anyone who goes to sea in a Sessa Marine boat.
Svako plovilo rezultat je pomnog planiranja i stručnog rada djelatnika koji zadovoljstvo svakog kupca vide kao svoj osobni cilj.
Every Sessa Marine yacht is the result of industrial and professional work, by men and women who see the client’s satisfaction as their personal final goal.
Sessa Marine smatra da su za uspjeh najvažnije tehnologija i inovativnost koje proizvodima daju dušu. Tvornica ima samo jedan cilj; ojačati ono što je uvijek bio ključ uspjeha same tvrtke, a to su razvoj, istraživanje i kreativna intuicija zaposlenika.
Sessa Marine considers technology as an inescapable, strategic element of success and in that way the factory has only one goal: to strength what has always been key to the success of the company, such as development, research and creative employee formation. Continuity, not only in the product, but also during the process guaranteeing excellent quality. Sessa believes that the design is determining element easily recognizable in all its products. Attention to detail, formal linearity and sharpness of the structure, together with high value of materials, have become Sessa Marine’s synonyms for “Made in Italy” brand.
Kontinuirani napredak ne samo proizvoda već i samog procesa proizvodnje jamči izvrsnost. Osim visokom tehnologijom Sessa se može pohvaliti savršenim oblikom trupa i vrhunskom opremom. Veliku pozornost posvećuje dizajnu koji se smatra ključnim elementom lako prepoznatljivog u svim proizvodima. Pažnja posvećena detaljima, zajedno sa visokom kvalitetom ugrađenih materijala postala je sinonim za “Made in Italy” brand. Stvoriti ugodan i elegantan ambijent polazna je točka svakog novog Sessinog projekta. Već više od 12 godina Sessa s punim povjerenjem svu brigu za detalje, izbor materijala, i završnu obradu prepušta svom glavnom dizajneru Christianu Grandeu.
Create a pleasant and elegant atmosphere is starting point of each new project. For more than 12 years Sessa with confidence all the care for details, elevated choice in material and finishing left to its main boat designer Christian Grande.
Oslanja se i na svoj specijalizirani tim zadužen za završnu obradu, te tim inženjera i voditelja projekta koji uz pomoć instrumenata kao što su Cad Unigrafix and Alias razvijaju strukturni i inženjerski dio jahte. Otvaranjem novog centra za razvoj proizvoda u mjestu Cortenuova, Bergamo (Mi) počela je važna strateška akcija koja će položaj Sessa Marine u sljedećih nekoliko godina dovesti u jedan od vodećih brodogradilišta u smislu inovativnosti i stila, kvalitete i industrijalizacije yacht sektora. Sessa je prva kompanija u Italiji koja je usvojila Unigrafix u pomorskom sektoru i nakon deset godina istraživanja i razvoja spojila brojne tehnike kako bi optimizirala ovaj instrument. Kako bi vizije nastale u razvojnom centru ostvarile svoj cilj, neizostavnu kariku lanca u brodogradilištu čine proizvodni pogoni. Proizvodni pogoni tvornice Sessa Marine smješteni su u gradiću Cividate al Piano nedaleko Bergama, broje 215 zaposlenika i podijeljeni su u 5 proizvodnih modula koji su uravnoteženi i usklađeni s logistikom tržišta. Glavni proizvodni pogon koji se prostire na površini od 4000 m2, vezan je za 1. fazu izrade plovila, koju čine izrada trupa i palube kroz jednu od najnaprednijih „Infusion“ tehnologija. Gelcoat se radi u robotskim kabinama koje su osigurane najvišim standardima kvalitete a garancija su zdravog
In collaboration with the printing sector, made up of model designers and specialized finishers, a team of engineers, organized in platforms and project leaders, supported by instruments such as the Cad Unigrafix and Alias, develop the structural and engineering part of the yachts. The opening of the product development center in Cortenuova, Bergamo (Mi) starts an important strategic action, which will position Sessa Marine in the next years as one of the leading shipyards, in terms of innovation and style, quality and industrialization, in the yachting sector. Sessa is the first company in Italy to adopt Unigrafix in the naval sector and, after ten years of research and development, put together numerous techniques to optimize this instrument. Revive the vision and achieve the goal; an important link in the chain is in the shipyard and manufacturing facilities. The main factory is located in Cividate al Piano (Bergamo) and its workforce counts 215 employees. It is divided in five main productive modules, balanced in tense flow, which are coherent with the logistics of the market. On the area of 4000 m2, the first phase of the production cycle happens. This phase is the building of macro elements that makes a yacht, such as hulls and decks, through one of the most advanced “Infusion” technology.
radnog okoliša. Računalni sustav upravljanja temperaturom u radnoj jedinici osigurava optimalne uvjete za proizvodnju smole pri čemu osjetno doprinosi smanjenju potrošnje energije. Odjel predmontaže ukupne površine 1500m2 sa svojim radnim stanicama posvećen je ugradnji detalja od stakloplastike (kao što su hard top i paluba), električnih komponenti, te mehaničkih i hidrauličnih sastavnica plovila koje u skladu s standardima Sesse olakšavaju i ubrzavaju nadolazeće faze i omogućuju brže isporuke klijentima. Odjel montaže 1 podijeljen je na 2 radne jedinice - linije od kojih se svaka sastoji od 6 stanica opremljenih bočnim komunikacijskim kanalima kako bi proces montaže učinili što bržim i jednostavnijim. Ovaj odjel posvećen je proizvodnji Cruiser linije, te se na istoj liniji može proizvoditi više različitih modela sukladno tržišnim zahtjevima. Odjel montaže 2 - produktivni modul na oko 2300 m2 sa radnim otocima i rasporedom predviđen za proizvodnju modela yacht linije. Odjel za testiranja - Proizvodni proces završava na odjelu za testiranja kojeg čini prostor s bazenom i sustavom za simulaciju tropske kiše. Ondje se testiraju sve komponente povila u najekstremnijim vremenskim uvjetima.
The gelcoating happens in robotic cabins, to assure elevated quality standards, which can be repeated, and to guaranty a healthy work environment. A computerized management system of the temperatures in the unit, assure optimal conditions for the resin manufacturing and contribute to a sensible reduction in energy consumption. Pre-assemblage module is situated on an area of 1500 m2, organized in work cells, dedicated to the mounting of details in fiberglass (such as hard tops, decks), to the assemblage of electric components, mechanical and hydraulic components, which conform to Sessa standards. The module facilitates and speeds up the next phase in the yacht’s assembly, allowing a more rapid delivery to the client. Assembly module 1 is developed in two lines, each one of them divided into six haulage stations, equipped with long lateral communication trenches, to facilitate assemblies. The module is dedicated to the production of Cruiser line, mixing on the lines models, of quantity and style coherent with the market’s demands. Assembly module 2 is productive module of 2300 m2, divided into work islands, with lateral gangways for the Yacht line’s assembly. Testing module is an area equipped with a pool and a system for simulating tropical rain, to test all components in the
Sukladno zahtjevima kupaca Sessa se orijentirala na mjerenje kvalitete proizvoda. Udruge kao što su „Quality Club“ i FMEA instruments (Failure mode & Effect Analysis ) prate menadžere u njihovim odabirima i radnike u težnji ka izvrsnosti. Ukupni razvoj, kredibilitet dobavljača, kontrola procesa i ispitivanja proizvoda, te isporuke, strateški su elementi koji se moraju dokazati u finalnom proizvodu uz neizostavnu pažnju, trud, predanost i brigu Sessa Marine kompanije. Sessa ne samo da želi isporučiti besprijekoran finalni proizvod već nastoji svim svojim klijentima pružiti tehničku podršku u svim situacijama, gdje god se nalazili. Upravo s tim ciljem razvila je mrežu Servisnih centara na Mediteranu i širom svijeta. Dio mreže servisnih centara je i InterAdria SC koja nastoji klijentima biti na raspolaganju 24 sata na dan, 7 dana u tjednu duž čitave Jadranske obale. Stručni team InterAdriinih servisera sposoban je odgovoriti na sve probleme i potrebe vlasnika, te ih riješiti u roku od 24 sata.
most extreme weather conditions. Here all the finished products are tested. Ever the more orientated in anticipating and satisfying the client’s demands, Sessa Marine has internally incremented its control over process and product quality. Associations such as the Quality Club and FMEA Instruments (Failure Mode & Effect Analysis), guide our managers in their choices and our operators towards more ambitious aims to excellence. The development and accreditation of our suppliers, the control on the process and testing of our products and the delivery are strategic moments that must prove, in the final product, Sessa Marine’s attention, effort, dedication and care. With the aim of never leaving the Client alone, Sessa want to provide technical support in all situations, and build a “Business Unit Service” . For give a client full-fledged support. A part of Service network is InterAdria SC which tries to be available to customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week along the Adriatic coast. InterAdria professional team is able to answer all the problems and needs of boat owners and resolve it within 24 hours.
Sessa C68’
Izniman dizajn i performanse Exceptional design and performance
C 68 i snaga novog IPS 1200 ostavlja svoj trag
Kada je 2009. premijerno prvi puta izašao na tržište Sessin C 68 sve je impresionirao svojim izvanrednim dizajnom. Danas, dvije godine nakon svog spektakularnog dolaska, novi model C 68 dobio je „facelifting“ s potpuno novim interijerom i novim IPS 1200 pogonom. Ova jahta opremljena je najnovijom generacijom Volvo Penta motora ; najnovijom i najsnažnijom do sada.
At the time of its launch in September 2009, Sessa Marine’s flagship the C 68 impressed with its extraordinary design and validated the brand’s entry into the universe of large yachts. Today the C 68 has been given a facelift with a brand new interior and an IPS 1200 engine. One of the first yachts to be equipped with the latest generation of engines from Volvo Penta, the most recent and most powerful generation.
C 68 je Sessino peto plovilo sa IPS pogonom. Brodogradilište je ponosno na godine iskustva i suradnju sa Volvo Penta tehničkim timom koji je razvio motore najviših performansi na tržištu. Sa svojom besprijekornom upravljivošću IPS tehnologija u C 68 nudi 25% povećanja autonomije u usporedbi
The C 68 is the fifth boat to have an IPS engine revealed by Sessa. The shipyard can be proud of the valuable years of experience and partnership it has spent with Volvo Penta’s technical teams to develop the highest performance engines available on the market. Above and beyond its flawless
s prijašnjim modelima, te se i dalje nastavlja razvijati do savršenstva. Sa ovim novim IPS sustavom C 68 lako doseže brzinu od 35 čvorova.
maneuverability, IPS technology now offers the C 68 a 25% increase in autonomy by comparison with the previous engines and still continues to perform to perfection.
Smanjena razina buke; ugodniji život na brodu
Razina buke u salonu smanjena je za 40% zahvaljujući IPS-u i tehnološkom razvoju koje je Sessa provela sa Sveučilištem u Brescia kako bi proizvela što kvalitetnije izolacijske panele. Zahvaljujući pozitivnim rezultatima postignut je cilj: poboljšana je kvaliteta života na brodu.
Prostranstvo dobivenog prostora
Furthermore, noise levels in the lounge have been reduced by 40% thanks to the IPS and technological developments carried out by the shipyard in collaboration with the University of Brescia to produce insulating panels. Thanks to these results Sessa proved that is able to attain near-obsessive objective: to constantly improve quality of life aboard.
Novim motorom dobilo se više prostora u stražnjem dijelu plovila, te je strojarnica postala prostranija.
The new engine has also allowed the space at the back of the boat to be reorganized; now offering a more spacious engine room and a new access point onto the deck.
Kabina za posadu sada ima odvojenu kupaonicu i dodatna sjedala koja se mogu pretvoriti u krevet. Za ovu jahtu sa snažnim dizajnom i neporecivim skladom Sessa sada nudi nekoliko mogućnosti za uređenje interijera uključujući i posljednju
The crew cabin now has a separate bathroom and extra seating that can be converted into a bed. For this yacht with its powerful design and undeniable harmony, Sessa now offers several choices of decoration and layout, including the latest
21 m
5,1 m
2 x IPS 1200
1000 l
3300 l
400 l
„Cocoa“ verziju. Spoj smeđe kože u kontrastu sa tkaninama boje bjelokosti savršeno se uklapa sa metalic smeđim lakiranim površinama. Christian Grande je u ovo plovilo unio novi stil suptilnom mješavinom boja i materijala.
Cocoa version. A perfect blend of brown Havana leathers contrasting with the ivory colored fabrics, impeccably matching the splendid metallic brown lacquer. These subtle blends of color and materials demonstrate the new assertive style of designer Christian Grande.
Unutarnji sustav (L/H) 419 IPS sustav (L/H) 334
Inboard system (L/H) 419 IPS system (L/H) 334
25 % manja potrošnja dizela i emisije CO2
Kapacitet spremnika 3300 litara
Tank capacity: 3300 liters
Unutarnji sustav raspon (Nm) 256 IPS sustav raspon (Nm) 320
25% less diesel & CO2
25 % veća autonomija
Inboard system range (Nm) 256 IPS system range (Nm) 320
25% more autonomy
100 sati / 35 čvorova , odnosno 8500 litara / 12.000 € uštede!
100 hours at 35 knots i.e. 8500 liters and 12000 € economy!
Sessa Fly 45’ IPS 600
Atletski dizajn, okretnost i sportski izgled jednog open-a u kombinaciji sa svestranosti prostranog flybridge-a
The athletic design, agility and sportiness of an open combined with the incredible versatility of a spacious flybridge.
Postaviti trendove i odgovoriti na zahtjeve tržišta imperativi su koji određuju Sessino sveukupno poslovanje što potvrđuje i Riccardo Radice, jedan od suvlasnika Sessa Marine, govoreći o novom projektu Fly 45.
‘‘Setting the trends and responding to the demands of the market are the imperatives determining all new Sessa designs,’’ says Riccardo Radice the co owner of Sessa Marine.
Ujedinivši elemente open jahte i fly bridge-a Sessa Fly 45 svojim oblikom i performansama pravi je preokret u segmentu plovila od 45 stopa. Umjesto da ovo plovilo naziva „sporty flybridge“ Sessa je uvela pojam „advanced open yacht“ za model Fly 45; jahtu koja je u savršenom skladu s trendovima prateći kretanja u modi, arhitekturi i autoindustriji. Ovaj novi dragulj pruža idealnu kombinaciju dizajna i komfora, sportskog duha i funkcionalnosti. Dizajn potpisuje Christian Grande.
Like an Open yacht in form and performance, but like a Flybridge with its generous distribution of space, the Sessa Fly 45 is a true turning point in this segment of the market. Rather than calling it a Sporty flybridge, Sessa introduces the concept of the advanced open yacht for its Fly 45: a yacht that is perfectly in line with the trends- as in automobiles, fashion and architecture. This is exactly what the shipyard’s new jewel designed by the unique Christian Grande does: offer the perfect combination of design and comfort, sportiness and practicality.
Ova jahta kreirana je za ljude koji zaista plove, te je odgovor na sve njihove potrebe i pruža savršenu ravnotežu između vanjskog i unutarnjeg prostora, prekrasnih linija i forme, performansi i tehnologije. U ovom modelu postignuta je savršena optimizacija prostora koja uključuje 3 vrlo udobne kabine (oko cca 17 m2) i kupaonice sa odvojenim tuš kabinama, prostranu i ergonomski dizajniranu kuhinju, svijetao i prozračni salon, te flybridge koji može ugostiti od osam do deset osoba (16,5 m2). Fly 45 sedmo je Sessino plovilo sa IPS pogonom, koje je definitivno neuobičajeno za ovaj tip.
This yacht is designed for people who really sail, in response to all their needs: the perfect balance between indoor and outdoor spaces, bold lines and sculpted forms, performance, technologies and, in particular, outstanding optimization of space in the first 45 foot vessel on the market with three very comfortable cabins (about 17 m2), featuring bathrooms with separate shower stalls, a spacious, ergonomic galley, a brightly l living area and a flybridge that can comfortably host 8-10 people (16.5 m2). The Fly 45 is Sessa Marine’s seventh boat with IPS drive, definitely uncommon in this type of vessel.
Ovo je jedan od onih projekata koji se naizgled čini jednostavnim, no kada se promatra finalni proizvod koji spaja i nespojivo otkriva se zapravo jedan vrlo složen dizajn.
‘‘The Fly 45 is one of those projects that seem simple, even obvious, when you look at the finished product: a spacious, well-lit, comfortable boat which manages to reconcile needs
Kompleksan dizajn ovog proizvoda trebao bi odgovoriti na mnoge zahtjeve novih kupaca koji nisu isključivo mediteranskog tipa, već su usmjereni na nove horizonte, od Kariba do Bliskog istoka. Cilj je integrirati novi proizvod u širok raspon industrijskog projekta u kojem se iz jedne platforme mogu proizvesti 4 modela prilagođena različitim ciljnim skupinama. Sessa želi postići i provesti industrijsku strategiju s naglaskom na inovacije u kojima troškovi razvoja novih proizvoda nemaju utjecaj na krajnjeg kupca. that are often in conflict, revealing that it is actually a highly complex design.’’ The design’s true complexity is undoubtedly a product of the need to respond to the multiple demands of a new kind of customer who is not exclusively Mediterranean but oriented towards new horizons, from the Caribbean to the Middle East. The aim is to integrating the new product into a wide-ranging industrial project in which a single platform can produce four models, each targeting a different public. Sessa wants to continue implementing an industrial strategy with a focus on innovation, in which the cost of developing new products has no impact on the end customer. TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DUŽINA PREKO CIJELOG BRODA / LOA
14,27 m
4,38 m
870 hp / 640 kw
560 l
2 x 636 l
165 l
Key Largo 34’
Tako jedinstven
So unique
Potpuno novi model Key Largo 34 Sessa Marine bit će predstavljen na Cannes Boat Show-u 2011, u rujnu ove godine.
A brand new model of Sessa Marine, the Key Largo 34 will be presented at the Cannes Boat Show 2011 in September this year.
Najnoviji brod rođen u obitelji Key Largo, uz svoj jedinstven stil i karakter osmišljen je kako bi postao novi simbol ove linije. Key Largo 34 biti će dostupan sa dva vanbrodska Yamaha V6 motora snage od 300 ks svaki, te će biti opremljeni s dvostrukim LCD instrumentima i elektroničkim komandama. Doći će i u izvedbi sa 2 unutarnja motora Volvo Penta. Model će biti opremljen novim T – Top-om posebno dizajniranim i opremljenim za ovo plovilo s integriranim električnim biminijem, skrivenom električnom pasarelom, potpuno prilagođenoj novoj Key Largo liniji. Uz standardnu opremu, plovila će biti dostupna i sa 2 dodatna paketa opreme: Cruise i Comfort. Cruise paket uključuje
The newest born boat in the Key Largo family with its unique style and character is designed to become the new landmark in the market. Key Largo 34 is powered by two outboard Yamaha V6 engines with 300 hp each, double LCD instrumentation and electronic controls. It will be also available with inboard engines - 2 x Volvo Penta This model will be equipped with a new T – Top specifically designed and equipped for this vessel with an integrated electric bimini, and disappearing electric passerelle,a brand new and fully adapted for the new Key Largo line.
pramčani propeler, GPS C120W, jastuke u salonu, zvučnike, dok Comfort paket osim navedenog uključuje i plinski štednjak, bojler tople vode, priključak za struju 220 V i frižider u kokpitu. Kupcima će se na odabir prepustiti i elementi kao što su: kokpit u eko tikovini, mikrovalna pećnica, pokrivka za konzolu, pokrivka za stol u kokpitu. Nekoliko prvih prototipa Key Larga 34 sa novom metalic srebrnom bojom trupa zaploviti će već ovog ljeta kako bi se sve karakteristike ovog modela testirale. Uz to, dodatna ljetna kampanja na Sesinim web stranicama iznijeti će pravu sliku, sve detalje o plovilu, no nesumnjivo je da će ovaj model postati pravi hit sezone 2012.
9,99 m
3,30 m
700 hp / 515 kw
220 l
1200 l
95 l
With standard equipment, boats will be also available with 2 additional packages: Cruise and Comfort. Cruise Pack includes bow thruster, GPS C120W, dinette cushion, kit bow speakers, while the Comfort Pack includes gas cooker, water heater, 220 V shore power and cockpit fridge. Buyers can also choose elements such as; cockpit in eco teak, microwave oven, console cover sofa and cockpit table cover. The first few prototypes of Key Largo 34 with new metallic silver hull color will sail this summer as a test models. An additional summer campaign on Sessa Marine website will give a true picture, and give all the details of the vessels. There’s no doubt that this model will become a real hit of the season 2012.
Sessa C32’
Mali Yacht-Cruiser na dohvat ruke! Živahan, elegantan, dotjeran i ugodan ... Stil na talijanski način The small YACHT-CRUISER at your fingertips! Lively, elegant, smart and comfortable… STYLE the Italian way
Vodič kroz kupnju rabljenih plovila
Guide for purchasing a preowned boat
Razgledavanje izložbenog salona ili šetnja nautičkim sajmom....Pronalaženje odgovarajućeg plovila.... Novi ili rabljeni? Osobne financije često su odlučujući faktor u odluci kupnje, stoga vam donosimo nekoliko savjeta pri kupnji.
Standing in a dealer’s showroom or strolling through the boat show…Finding a suitable or preowned boat? Personal finances are often a key factor in the making of a final decision for buying a new or used boat. We bring you a few tips when buying a vessel.
Nabava plovila predstavlja veliko zadovoljstvo ali i veliki izazov samom činjenicom da su plovila relativno skupa. Većina kupaca razmišlja o kupovini plovila čija cijena graniči s njihovim financijskim mogućnostima. Zbog toga se nametnula potreba da se kupac unaprijed informira o vrijednosti samoga plovila, kao i svim dodatnim troškovima koje slijede tijekom godina korištenja.
Purchase of a boat is a great pleasure, but also a great challenge due to the fact that the vessels are relatively expensive. Most customers think about buying a boat priced within their financial capabilities. This is one of the reasons to be informed in advance about the value of the vessel, as well as any additional costs of maintenance that follow over time.
Novo plovilo na vrijednosti gubi najviše kroz prvu godinu korištenja, te je potom njegova cijena daljnjih godina u manjem padu. U tom pogledu valja istaknuti da Sessa Marine plovila visoko kotiraju na tržištu i drže dobru cijenu.
New vessels lose most of their value after the first year of use, after that its price declines slower. With regards to this fact it should be noted that Sessa Marine boats are highly marketable and keep a good price.
Za one koji se odlučuju za kupnju svojeg prvog plovila, ideja o kupnji rabljenog, 2-3 godine starog zvuči zanimljivo. Prvenstveno iz razloga što se sve potrebe korisnika ne mogu unaprijed točno definirati. Tek se korištenjem plovila uviđaju prave potrebe i definiraju krajnje želje. Mogućnost da izaberete jedno takvo rabljeno plovilo nudi Vam i InterAdria SC.
For those who decide to buy their first boat, the idea of buying a used, 2-3 years old, sounds interesting. Primarily because all the needs of the owner cannot be precisely defined in advance. Only by navigating can the owner determine the real needs and define its ultimate desires. InterAdria SC apart from brand new Sessa Marine boats offers a large range of used ones.
Sva rabljena plovila iz InterAdriine ponude održavana su u ovlaštenom servisnom centru, te je stoga njihova ispravnost i sigurnost tijekom plovidbe neupitna. Osim garancije samog proizvođača na pojedine dijelove plovila; 3 godine garancije na trup, 2 godine na dodatnu opremu, do 3 godine na motor, InterAdria vam jamči dodatnu garanciju na svako svoje rabljeno plovilo. Nakon isporuke plovila na raspolaganju je „after sale service“ (kompletna servisna usluga nakon kupnje). Team servisera spreman je odgovoriti na sve potrebe. Dostupan za sve hitne intervencije u bilo koje vrijeme i na bilo kojem mjestu, te stoga možete zaista biti bezbrižni.
Odlučite li se ipak nakon nekog vremena zamijeniti svoje rabljeno plovilo novom Sessom, InterAdria SC će vaše plovilo po izvrsnim uvjetima procijeniti, te uzeti pod račun za novo plovilo. Naime poznato je da plovilo nakon godinu-dvije upotrebe korisniku postane „pretijesno“, te se odlučuje za kupnju većeg. U većini slučajeva ukoliko je korisnik zadovoljan prethodnim modelom ostat će vjeran modelima iz iste gamme, što je za Sessa Marine plovila nadaleko poznato.
All used boats from InterAdria offer are maintained at an authorized service center and therefore their safety and security during the sail is unquestionable. In addition to the manufacturer’s warranty on certain parts of the vessel, this is: 3 years warranty on hull, 2 years for accessories and up to 3 years on the engine, InterAdria provides you with an additional guarantee on all their used boats. After the boat delivery our “after sale service” is at your disposal (full service provider after purchase). Our Support Team is ready to meet all your needs. Available for all emergency situations at any time and any place, so you can actually be carefree. If you decide to replace your boat with new Sessa after some years of use, InterAdria SC will take back your old boat, evaluate it and take it in account for the new one. It is known that a vessel after a year or two of use becomes “too small” for the owner, so he decides to buy a newer, larger, bigger one. In most cases, if the user is satisfied with the previous model, he will remain faithful to the same line, for which Sessa Marine boats are widely known.
Financiranje rabljenog plovila od strane leasing kuće prilično je jednostavan proces ukoliko imate dobar bonitet, no morate imati na umu da ova mogućnost vrijedi samo za plovila starosti do 5 godina. InterAdriini prodajni savjetnici pružit će vam svu potrebnu pomoć oko realizacije financiranja i kupoprodaje, te riješiti sva ostala pitanja vezana uz transport, registraciju i osiguranje vašeg plovila.
Financing of used boats by leasing companies is a fairly simple process if you have good credit, but you must keep in mind that this option is valid only for vessels up to 5 years of age. InterAdria sales advisors will provide all necessary assistance with the implementation of financing and trading, and solve all other issues related to transportation, registration and the insurance of your boat.
Izaberite plovilo i avantura može početi....
Just choose the boat and the adventure can begin…
InterAdria Sales Center Ćikovići 73c, Kastav Tel: +385 (0)51 705 563 Fax: +385 (0)51 705 579 gsm: +385 (0)91 215 44 90 e-mail:
Key Largo 36’ Oprema: boja trupa bež, dodatni jastuk u salonu, TV u kabini 26’’, I-pod, pokrivka za konzolu, GPS plotter Raymarine C 120, DSM 300 fishfinder, air conditioning 10 000 BTU, pramčani propeler, brojač metara lanca, T - TOP sa el. biminiem, led svjetla, pramčani kliznik sidra sa inox sidrom, set bokobrana i držača za bokobrane.
Equipment: color boat hull ochre, additional dinette cushions, TV in cabin 26’’, I-pod, console cover, GPS Raymarine C 120, DSM 300 fish finder, air conditioning 10 000 BTU, bow thruster, anchor chain counter, T - TOP with el. bimini, led lights, bow roller + stainless steel anchor, set of fender holders.
Sessa Marine
Key Largo 36
11,50 m
3.50 m
3 x Yamaha F350
1200 l
230 l
53 knots
Key Largo 30’ Oprema: 2 baterije, rezervoar tople vode, boja trupa koraljna, stražnje sunčalište, plinsko kuhalo, mikrovalna pećnica, tuš sa ispustom vode, ledenica, priključnica 220 V, meki krov na izvlačenje, pokrivka za klupu, GPS Raymarine C 80 sa dubinomjerom, pramčani propeler.
Equipment: 2 x battery, warm water tank, hull color coral, aftersunpad, gas cooker, microwave, toilet shower with pump discharge system, el. Cooler chest, shore power 220 V, soft top extensible, bench cover, GPS Raymarine C 80 with depth finder, bow thruster.
Sessa Marine
Key Largo 30
9,05 m
3.50 m
2 x Honda BF 225
700 l
100 l
44 knots
Key Largo 25’ Oprema: 2 x akumulatori 100Amp/h, punjač akumulatora sa priključkom na 220V, radio CD sa dva zvučnika i daljinskim upravljanjem, bimini, el. sidreni vinč sa sidrom i lancem, el. marine WC, stol u kokpitu, hidraulični cilindar volana, GPS Raymarine C 70, dubinomjer Raymarine DSM 300, VHF Raymarine 240, boja trupa bež, hladnjak, pokrivka za konzolu, kokpit u tikovini.
Equipment: 2 x battery 100 Amp/h, battery charger, radio CD with two loudspeakers and remote control, bimini, el. anchor winch with anchor and chain, el. marine WC, table pic-nic , hydraulic steering, GPS Raymarine C 70, echosounder Raymarine DSM 300, VHF Raymarine 240, hull color ochre, refrigerator, console cover, cockpit and back platform in teak.
Sessa Marine
Key Largo 25
7.41 m
2,56 m
2 x Yamaha F115 AETX
500 l
45 l
37 knots
C 38’ - Tako elegantan, profinjen i inovativan C 38’ - So elegant, sophisticated and innovative Predstavljamo jedan od najuspješnijih modela Sessa Marine brodogradilišta, model C 38.
We proudly present C 38 , one of the most successful models of Sessa Marine shipyard.
Ovo plovilo izražava filozofiju Sessa Marine u kojoj se jedinstveni izgled, udobnost i dizajn isprepliću. Istraživanje i želja za stalnim napretkom i poboljšanjem oduvijek su bile glavne karakteristike Sesse koje su se spojile u izradi ove elegantne i inovativne jahte. Ta nastojanja potvrdila je i osvojena nagrada za najbolji sportski cruiser u kategoriji do 45 stopa na London Boat Show-u.
This remarkable vessel expresses Sessa Marine philosophy in which unique look and comfort meet.
Jedan od ključnih elemenata C 38 je odlično iskorišten unutarnji prostor gdje se posebno ističu: jedna od najvećih kupaonica za tu klasu, luksuzna i komforna vlasnička kabina, kao i kabina sa dva odvojena kreveta koji se mogu vrlo jednostavno spojiti u bračni krevet. Drugi jedinstveni element su dvije kuhinje, unutarnja kuhinja dizajnirana prema modelu poznatih talijanskih dizajnera i vanjska u kokpitu sa mini barom. Posebnost i veliku preglednost daju skladno dizajnirani prozori koji vas pozivaju da pogled skrenete na more.
The research into quality and desire for continuous improvement, both of which have always been a part of Sessa Marine, have been incorporated with the creation of this yacht, elegant yet innovative. C 38 won award for the best sport cruiser, in the less than 45 foot category at the London Boat Show. One of the key points of this yacht is the optimization of the internal space allowing it to have one of the biggest bathrooms in its class, as well as an independent owner’s cabin and an aft cabin with two separate beds that can be made into a large double. Another unique element are two kitchens, an internal one designed by a famous Italian kitchen designer and another
C 38 opremljen je modernim električnim Hard Top-om pri čemu je osiguran najviši stupanj udobnosti pri krstarenju. Automobilski dizajnirano kormilo samo je jedan od detalja koji ovaj brod čine jedinstvenim. Velikom platformom na krmi dominiraju kožna garnitura, sofe i ležaljke, dok led svjetla pridonose dašku glamura i nema sumnje da vas sveukupni dojam poziva da sve svoje slobodno vrijeme provedete ondje. Plovilo C 38 dostupno je s Volvo Penta motorima D4 od 300 KS kojima se vrlo jednostavno i lako upravlja i koji s lakoćom sječu valove pri brzini od 34 čvora. external one, found in the cockpit, with mini bar, counter and stove. A key innovative design feature of this yacht is the large number of windows and portholes that help to reduce the structural barriers and allow one to get closer to the ocean. C 38 is equipped with a modern electrically Hard Top to ensure the highest degree of comfort when cruising. On a large stern platform dominates leather furniture, sofas and chaise lounges, while led lights contribute to glamour, as well as an automobile styled helm station as perfect details that make this yacht unique.
Idealna krstareća brzina ovog ljepotana iznosi 28 čvorova. Ukoliko na pučini primijetite plovilo zavodljivih linija koje naglašavaju posebne Sessine boje: brončana, mornarsko plava, crna ili bijela znajte da je to C 38 jer već 4 plovila samouvjereno plove i našim morem. The yacht is available with Volvo Penta D4 300 hp engines. C38 can easily cut the waves at speed of 34 knots, while the ideal cruising speed is 28 knots. You can easily notice these vessels on the sea with its seductive lines and special Sessa colors; bronze, navy blue, black or white. Four of them confidently sail on the Adriatic sea.
11,70 m
3,80 m
VOLVO 2 x D4 - 300 hp
310 l
2 x 480 l
95 l
Key Largo 24’
Maleni koji se natječe sa velikima A little champion that takes on the big boys Key Largo je danas sinonim za plovila Open linije visoke kvalitete i prepoznatljivog stila. Idealan predstavnik osnovnih smjernica produkcije Sessa Marine u ovom segmentu je model Key Largo 24. Može se reći da je ovaj brod pobjednik u „lakoj kategoriji“ plovila, trenutno zastupljenoj u svijetu nautike. Isklesan i robustan kao pravi sportaš Key Largo 24 zadivljuje svojim izgledom. Dovoljno je navesti prednje sunčalište i kabinu koja je zaista prostrana sa ormarićem predviđenim za hladnjak od 42 l, bračnim krevetom i prostorom za električni protočni wc. Sjedala u kokpitu su podesiva, te prema želji mogu postati jedan pravi salon. U kokpitu se nalazi i praktičan tehnički prostor za odlaganje nautičkog pribora. Apsolutni hit ovog modela je i velika pomična bimini tenda, koja je vrlo jednostavna za montiranje i pomicanje. Zanimljiva je i sportska komandna ploča obojena u nextel sa svim potrebnim instrumentima za vanbrodski motor, radio CD uređajem ugrađenim u konzoli i pripremom za GPS.
Key Largo is already synonymous with open boats of high quality and a special style which represent the main characteristics of entire Key Largo range. One of the best representatives of this segment is model Key Largo 24. It can be said that this ship is a champion of the light weight division, currently placed on the nautical market. Sculptured and robust like a champion sportsman who lets you admire his well defined muscles. It is enough to see the spacious sundeck at the prow, complemented with a chaise longue in the cockpit area. The cabin with its mobile bar is set up for a 42 l refrigerator, double bed and place for a foldaway electric WC. The seating in the bridge area can be reconfigured, and can become a real dining area. Still on the bridge, there is an extremely practical technical area for storing marine equipment and the vessel’s ropes. An absolute hit of this model is the large foldaway canopy, which is easy to erect and just as easy to remove, and which raises to the nth power the varied possibilities for using this new jewel from Sessa Marine. The instrument panel, painted in Nextel, is very interesting and sporty, with complete instrumentation for an outboard motor, CD and radio, and provision for GPS. The hull is one of the strong points in the development of this project: the breakwater lines are designed to support en-
Trup broda je jedna od najjačih točaka razvoja ovog projekta: vodena linija je projektirana za podržavanje snage i do 250 KS sa apsolutnim komforom i nježnošću u dodiru s valom. Kompleksne linije, kao i uvijek u Sessa Marine njegovane su radom sa gelcoatom. Isto tako, valja napomenuti boje trupa: netipično „nautičke” - koraljno crvena, okra i brončana. Key Largo 24 bogato je opremljen serijskom opremom. Tako u seriji dolaze: hidrauličko upravljanje, volan u koži, spremnik za gorivo od 270 l i tuš sa rezervarom, teakov pod u kabini, a sve to kako bi se ovo maleno plovilo moglo natjecati sa velikima.
gine power up to 250 hp with absolute comfort and a soft impact on waves. As always with Sessa Marine, the craftsman like working of the glass fiber is easily recognizable thanks to the complexity of the lines and the molding. Also, it should be note a color schemes for the hull breaking the “nautical” clichés with coral, ochre and bronze liveries. A little boat that dares to take on the big boys is naturally well endowed when it comes to standard features: a hydraulic winch, a 270 l fuel tank, an extendable shower with its own water tank, and electrical cabling ready in advance for any subsequent installations of equipment.
6,90 m
2,50 m
1400 kg
250/184 Hp/Kw
270 l
45 l
Christian Grande
Benzinska postaja Adria Oil Mali Lošinj Adria Oil petrol station in Mali Lošinj - Vaša omiljena benzinska postaja specijalizirana za opskrbu gorivom plovila i jahti, najveća na Jadranu.
- Your favorite petrol station specialized in fuel supply for boats and yachts, the largest on the Adriatic coast
- Dostava svih vrsta goriva autocisternama na području cijelog Kvarnerskog akvatorija.
- Delivery of all types of fuel with tank trucks around entire Kvarner Bay
Doplovite do nas, očekuju vas ljubazno osoblje, korisni savjeti i more osvježenja
Sail to us; our friendly staff is waiting for you with helpful tips and plenty of refreshment
Info: Benzinska postaja / Petrol station Mali Lošinj Runjica bb, Lošinj tel. 051/ 520 920 fax. 051/ 520 921 Radno vrijeme / Working hours: 06.00 h - 24.00h
Sjedište / Headquarter ADRIA OIL d.o.o. Spinčići 38, 51215 Kastav Dragan Miljenović, rukovoditelj veleprodaje / wholesale manager tel. 051/742-444 fax. 051/742-445 gsm. 091/275 13 14
Key Largo ONE
Stvoren kako bi impresionirao
Designed to impress
Novi Key Largo One osvojit će vas već na prvi pogled svojim jedinstvenim dizajnom, te ćete ga definitivno poželjeti samo za sebe.
The new Key Largo One will impress you at first sight with its unique design. This is a boat you’ll fall in love with.
Ovaj maleni vragolan nema kabine, ali zato ima dovoljno mjesta za zabavu. Udobna sjedala na krmi, decentni ležajevi za sunčanje na pramcu, stol u kokpitu, te upravljačko sjedalo s preklopnim naslonom pružaju ugodno mjesto za uživanje u moru i suncu. Na dohvat ruke je i hladnjak koji je smješten s lijeve strane središnje konzole. Ukoliko postane prevruće možete podići bimini, čije je kućište vrlo praktično skriveno u pramcu broda, te uživati u hladu. Možete izvući i tuš koji se nalazi pokraj ljestava za kupanje i osvježiti se kapljicama svježe vode. Valja naglasiti da i krmeni prostor odiše sofisticiranošću po kojoj je Sessa poznata.
This little troublemaker doesn’t have a cabin, but has lot of space for unforgettable fun. Comfortable aft seats, a decent forward sun pad, a table in the cockpit and a convertible driver seat form pleasant place to enjoy the sun and the sea. There is also a refrigerator, hidden on the left side of the center console. If it becomes too hot, you may pull out the shower located near the swimming ladder and refresh a bit, or simply pull out the bimini that is hidden under the forward sun pad. Lift the main locker lid up and pull the canopy into position for quick and easy shade. As well as lots of practical touches, the deck area also reflects the kind of detail and sophistication Sessa is known for. The centre-piece of the boat is the centre console, mixing 1950’s
Centralni prostor plovila zauzima upravljačka konzola koja je kombinacija stila 50 tih godina prošlog stoljeća i suvremenog dizajna, naglašena bojom trupa.
cool with a more contemporary style accented by interesting hull color. Marvelous lagoon blue, coral, black or white... depends only on your choice.
Vjetrobransko staklo omogućuje odličnu zaštitu pri vožnji, a ugrađeni rukohvat osigurat će vozaču i suvozaču dodatnu stabilnost prilikom vožnje. Za brzo i jednostavano upravljanje ovim plovilom zaslužan je hidraulični volan. Krstareća brzina sa Yamahinim vanbrodskim motorom od 70 ks iznosi 25 čvorova, dok se sa najjačom opcijom motora od 115 ks postiže brzina do 33 čvorova.
The consoles’ wind screen offers good protection while driving and its inset handrail ensures both the driver and the co-driver always have a good grip. Hydraulic steering is responsible for quick and easy maneuvering. Cruising speed with Yamaha outboard engines of 70 hp is 25 knots, while the maximum engine option with 115 hp achieves speeds of 33 knots.
Na vama je samo da se opustite i prepustite čarima ovog ljepotana...
It’s on you to relax and enjoy in the charms of this little beauty.
5,75 m
2,34 m
40-115 Hp
100 l
45 l
33 knots
Neka pitanja prije početka krstarenja A few questions arising before you go on a cruise Skiper
Kada nautičari i njihovi prijatelji odluče uploviti sa svojim plovilom u hrvatske teritorijalne vode ili kada iznajme plovilo za svoj godišnji odmor, uvijek se postavi pitanje da li im treba skiper – iskusni zapovjednik plovila. S obzirom na razvedenost jadranske obale i puno mogućnosti za uplovljavanje u luke ili sidrenja u uvalama, mnogi nautičari se odluče za skipera radi vlasitog mira i ugodnijeg, te bezbrižnog krstarenja. Naročito se to odnosi na plovila dulja od 12m bez obzira da li se radi o jedrilici ili motornom brodu. Ali izbor skipera nije nimalo lak zadatak. Osim zakonskih uvjeta u svezi navigacijskih svjedodžbi koje mora zadovoljavati svaki skiper na plovilu (bez obzira da li se radi o profesionalnom skiperu ili skiperu koji plovi na svojem privatnom plovilu), postoje i dodatna ograničenja, ako se radi o plovilu strane zastave.
When boaters and their friends decide to enter on board their boats into the Croatian territorial waters or when they rent a boat for their holidays, there is always a question whether they need a skipper – experienced master or not. Taking into account the facts that the Adriatic Coast is largely indented and that there are so many possibilities to select among numerous ports and bays, a lot of boaters decide to have a skipper on board their boats in order to have peaceful, pleasant and untroubled cruise. It is especially the case with the boats exceeding 12 meters in length, regardless of whether they are sailing or motor boats. However, to make a good choice of skipper is never easy. In addition to the legal regulations referring to certificates required for every skipper (whether he is a professional skipper or a skipper who is operating his own private boat), there are also some other restrictions applied to the boats flying foreign flags.
Članovi posade i skiper se nalaze na skučenom prostoru te uvijek postoji mogućnost nesporazuma između vlasnika i skipera. Na njihovo međusobno ponašanje, često utječu vremenske neprilike na Jadranu ili pitanje sigurnosti veza a što otvara prostor za međusobnu netoleranciju ili nesporazum oko zaštite putnika i plovila. Ono što mora posadi biti jasno: skiper je zapovjednik na plovilu i njegova odluka u svezi krstarenja u uvjetima povećanog rizika ( vrijeme, valovi, nevere, ljetne oluje) je zakon. Sve druge opcije mogu završiti sa mučninama, padom u more ili nasukavanjem. Odgovornost u slučaju nezgode je isključivo
Guests and skipper find themselves in the restricted and specific space and there is always a possibility that some misunderstanding will occur between the owner and the skipper. Their relationship may be usually liable to adverse weather conditions in the Adriatic and to dilemma about the safety of particular berth or anchorage which may lead to intolerance or misunderstandings regarding the protection of the guests and the boat. The guests must always clearly understand and remember that skipper is a commanding person on board the boat and that his decisions concerning cruises in the conditions
na strani skipera. Skiper treba prvenstveno osigurati članove posade, teret i plovilo. Administrativne poslove sa lučkom upravom ili nadležnom policijom obavlja skiper ukoliko se ne radi o vlasničkom plovilu strane zastave, kada je to dužnost vlasnika odnosno posjednika plovila. U slučaju nevolje, on putem VHF šalje zahtjev za pomoć, te pruža prvu jednostavnu medicinsku pomoć. Ako već na prvi pogled, kandidat za skipera nije ostavio zadovoljavajući dojam, odmah treba potražiti slijedeću osobu. Bez obzira na skipera ( koji je prvenstveno odgovaran za navigaciju i sigurnost plovidbe), vlasnik ili korisnik je odgovoran za službenu dokumentaciju u svezi plovila. Uvijek treba provjeriti da li skiper (ili vlasnik) na plovilu ima jednu od navedenih svjedodžbi: Uvjerenje o osposobljenosti za voditelja brodice kategorije A. Sa ovom dozvolom može se upravljati plovilom do 6m i najvećom snagom motora do 8 kW. Plovidba može biti najviše do 6 nm od obale. Sa Uvjerenjem o osposobljenosti za voditelja brodice kategorije B može se upravljati plovilom do 12 m ili da najveća nosivost ne bude veća od 15 tona. Isto se ujedno može primijeniti i na plovila dulja od 12 m ali ne veće nosivosti od 20 bruto tona i više od 12 putnika odjednom i to isključivo u vodama RH. Uvjerenje o osposobljenosti za voditelja brodice kategorije C se već smatra „profesionalnom dozvolom“, te je dozvoljeno upravljanje plovilom do 100 bruto tona. Svjedodžba zapovjednika jahte 100 BT dozvoljava upravljanje plovilom do 100 bruto tona u međunarodnim vodama.
of greater risk (weather conditions, waves, storms, sudden weather changes in summer) are binding like law. All other options may result in seasickness, fall to the sea or stranding. The responsibility in case of an accident is exclusively appertaining to a skipper. Every skipper must primarily safeguard guests, cargo and boat. Administrative affairs with the port authorities or competent police are taken care of by a skipper unless the boat is privately owned and is flying foreign flag in which case this will be done by the owner or possessor of such boat. In case of trouble, skipper sends via VHF request for help and provides simple medical assistance. If at the first glance already a candidate for a position of skipper does not leave satisfactory impression, look immediately for another person. Regardless of skipper (who is primarily responsible for safe navigation and cruising), the boat’s owner or user is responsible for the official documentation concerning the boat. It should be always checked whether a skipper (or owner) has one of the following certificates: Boat leader certificate A category: with this certificate you may operate the boat of up to 6 meters and with an engine of up to 8 kW. You can sail up to 6 nautical miles from the coast at the most. Boat leader certificate B category: with this certificate you may operate the boat of up to 12 meters or the 15-ton boat at the most. This certificate can be also applied to the boats exceeding 12 meters but not exceeding 20 gross tons; there should be no more than 12 guests at one time and the boat may be operated exclusively within the Croatian waters. Boat leader certificate C category: this certificate is regarded as a “professional one” meaning that you may operate a 100ton boat at the most.
Svjedodžba o osposobljenosti za VHF DSC radiooperatera (s ograničenim ovlaštenjem) potrebna je za korištenje radio stanice u slučaju nezgode ili pogibije ( Ch 16 i DSC CALL). Hrvatska priznaje sve eurospke dozvole za upravljanje plovilom pod uvjetom da odgovaraju propsima zemlje u kojima su izdane. To se odnosi na skipere koji su vlasnici ili korisnici plovila, kao i na skipere koji se unajme za određeno krstarenje.
Dokumentacija Ulaskom stranog plovila u hrvatske vode, skiper (vlasnik) mora imati slijedeće isprave na plovilu: • vinjetu za tekuću godinu ( sva plovila iznad 2,5 m du žine ili 5 kW motora) • ovjeren Popis osoba kod nadležne lučke kapetanije (ovjerava se sa odreskom iz vinjete). Na taj popis se ne stavljaju osobe koje borave na plovilu sve dok je plovilo stacionirano u luci. Neposjedovanje toga popisa predstavlja prekršaj koji može imati za posljedicu oduzimanje plovila. • ovjerenu listu posade koja se trenutačno nalazi na plovilu za vrijeme krstarenja • plovidbenu dozvolu plovila • obvezno osiguranje plovila • potvrda o vlasništvu plovila Osim toga, postoji jedno važno ograničenje – uz skipera na plovilu pod stranom zastavom mora biti prisutan, kao posada, na tom putovanju vlasnik ili korisnik tog plovila koji je hrvatski nerezident. Nije dozvoljeno da na plovilu budu poslovni partneri ili prijatelji zajedno sa skiperom, a da nije u isto vrijeme prisutan i vlasnik nerezident na tom putovanju. Prema stajalištu carinske uprave, ako nema vlasnika nerezidenta na plovilu krše se carinski propisi o privremenom uvozu koji se temelji na Konvenciji o privremenom uvozu. Osim toga, carinske vlasti zahtjevaju da skiper na plovilu bude u ugovornom radnom odnosu sa vlasnikom nerezidentom. Mnogi takav ugovor nemaju, pa bi bilo dobro da za ovu sezonu sve to stave na papir. Prilikom ulaska u teritorijalne vode
Yacht Master 100 GT is the certificate enabling you to operate a 100-ton boat in the international waters. VHF DSC Radio operator (Short range operator’s certificate) is the certificate providing for the use of the radio station in case of accident or peril (Ch 16 and DSC CALL). In Croatia, all European certificates for boat operation are recognized, provided however that such certificates comply with the regulations in effect in the countries where they are issued. This refers to both skippers who are the owners or users of the boats and skippers who are hired for certain cruise.
Documentation When a foreign boat is arriving to Croatia, skipper (owner) must have the following documents on board the boat: • vignette for the current year (all boats exceeding 2,5 meters or with 5 kW engine) • list of persons on board, attested by competent port authority (attested by the coupon from the vignette). Such list does not include persons staying on board the boat while it is stationed in a port. While on cruise, if you do not have such list you commit an offence which may lead to the confiscation of the boat. • attested crew list during a cruise • boat permit • mandatory insurance for the boat • certificate of ownership. In addition to that, there is also one more thing to remember and not less important – in addition to skipper onboard a foreign boat there should be also the owner or user of the boat who is not a resident of Croatia. It is not permitted that business partners or friends are onboard the boat with skipper without the owner – nonresident. The position of the customs authorities is that if the owner is not on board then customs regulations on temporary admission are breached under the Convention on Temporary Admission. The customs authorities also require that skipper is employed under employment contract by the owner – non resident.
RH, nema kratkog odmora u nekoj lijepoj uvali prije nego što obavite carinski i granični pregled. Nalog skiperu je da direktno plovi prema najbližem graničnom prijelazu. Naravno, takva ograničenja nisu na snazi ukoliko se plovilo iznajmi od charter agencije, a takva plovila mogu biti samo pod hrvatskom zastavom.
Sidrišta ili vez u luci ili marini Česti su nesporazumi oko plaćanja sidrišta ili manjih luka koncesionarima. U RH je to uređeno pravilnikom, te je koncesionar dužan pokazati svoj cjenik. Pristojba se plaća za cijeli dan i u istu je uračunato preuzimanje smeća, te je koncesionar dužan izdati potvrdu da ga je preuzeo. Brod, brodica i jahta koji koriste sidrište luke otvorene za javni promet, uređeno napravama za vez, plaćaju pristojbu za vez umanjenu za 30%. Brod, brodica i jahta koji koriste sidrište luke otvorene za javni promet bez naprava za vez plaćaju pristojbu umanjenu za 50%. Ako se plovilo nalazi na godišnjem ili polugodišnjem vezu ( i to je moguće samo u većim marinama koje imaju odobrenje od carinske uprave!!!), tada se mora osim vinjete imati i plaćena boravišna pristojba za godinu dana koja se uplaćuje isto kod nadležne kapetanije. Osim toga, treba se napraviti inventurna lista ( tehničke vrijedne stvari npr: motori, radar, ploter, TV, pomoćni čamac i slično), a koju kasnije provjerava carinska uprava. Ako iskoristite ovaj tekst kao podsjetnik, tada su mogućnosti manje da vam nepredviđeni nesporazum pokvari cijelo ljetovanje. Tekst napisao / text by Damir Šebetić, dipl. iur Odvjetnik i skiper / Lawyer and skiper INFO: Šebetić & Partners, law firm, Đorđićeva 6, Zagreb Tel: + 385 1 4873 222 Fax: + 385 1 4873 538 e-mail:
Some people do not currently have such contracts so it would be good if they make them for this summer. When you arrive to the Croatian territorial waters do not stop in a nice bay for a short relaxation but go immediately to proceed with the customs and border formalities. Instruct your skipper to sail directly to the nearest border crossing. Sure enough, such restrictions do not apply if the boat is rented from some charter company. In that case the boat is flying only the Croatian flag.
Anchorages or berths in ports or marinas There are frequent misunderstandings about payments for anchorages or berths in small ports to concessionaires. In Croatia, this is governed by regulations and each concessionaire is obliged to show his pricelist. Fee is paid for the whole day and it includes also the removal of garbage; every concessionaire is obliged to give the receipt showing that he has also removed garbage. A ship, boat or yacht using berth in a port open to public traffic and equipped with necessary equipment pay for a berth the fee reduced by 30%. A ship, boat or yacht using berth in a port open to public traffic without necessary equipment pay for a berth the fee reduced by 50%. If a boat is on annual or semi-annual berth (and this is possible only in larger marinas which have the approvals of the customs authorities!!!), then in addition to vignette, you should also pay sojourn fees for the whole year or another relevant period. These fees are also paid at the competent port authority. The list of inventory must be also made (technical objects of value such as: engines, radars, plotters, TVs, tenders, etc.) and it is checked by the customs authorities. If you decide to use this text as a reminder, then perhaps the chances for some unanticipated trouble which may spoil your holidays will be smaller.
Charter Sessa Marine plovila Kada su u pitanju razonoda i odmor preporučamo vam da iskoristite neprocijenjive čari morskog plavetnila i sunca. Plovite uz hrvatsku obalu i otoke; priuštite si užitak kakav možete doživjeti malo gdje na svijetu. Ukoliko nemate vlastito plovilo, Sessa charter izabrala je nekoliko atraktivnih Sessa Marine modela za sezonu 2011. koje možete iznajmiti.
Rent a boat office s.e.s.s.a. charter Izabela Lelek Purić, charter manager gsm + 385 91 215 44 93 email:
Charter Sessa Marine vessels When it comes to entertainment and relaxation, we recommend you the priceless charm of the clear blue sea and sun. Navigate along the Croatian coast and islands; provide yourself pleasure of sailing which you can experience in a few places in the world. If you don’t have your own boat, Sessa charter management has chosen several attractive Sessa Marine models for season 2011.which you can rent.
Islamorada 23’ OPREMA • Kauč u obliku slova U pretvoriv u bračni krevet, svjetla u kabini, tepih, kuhinjski ormarić sa sudoperom, prostor za WC sa prozorom, kompas, utičnica 12 V, instrumenti motora, tuš, ljestve za u more, platforma u teaku, sjedalo pilota, prostor za skije, tenda za kokpit, baterija 100 Amp, navigaciona svjetla, pramčani kliznik sidra, automatska i ručna pumpa za santine, električna sirena, bimini, komplet tendi, GPS, tuš.
EQUIPMENT • U - shaped dinette and table convertible into double bed, cabin lights, carpet, galley with basin, separate WC storage with port-hole, foredeck hatch compass, silver dashboard, 12 V socket, engine instruments on main board, shower, disappearing bathing ladder, teak platform, double driving seat, side ski holder, cockpit cover, additional stern sunbathing cushion predisposition,100 Amp battery , navigation lights, bow roller, manual and automatic electric bilge pump, fire fighting equipment, battery switch, horn ; GPS, shower, bimini.
6,83 m
2,50 m
Volvo Penta GXI 225 hp
300 l
45 l
Key Largo 26’ OPREMA • kompas, kabina sa bračnim krevetom , prostor za frižider, prostor za WC, komplet jastuka, tuš, navigaciona svjetla, pramčani kliznik sidra, automatska pumpa za santine, električni panel, držači za štapove, utičnica 12 V, ljestve za u more, sjedalo pilota i kopilota, prekidač baterije, pokrivka za konzolu, hidraulično kormilo, rukohvati u tikovini, el.sirena, el. flapovi, bimini.
EQUIPMENT • compass, cabin with double berth, refrigerator and WC storage, cushions, shower, navigation lights, bow roller, port-hole, automatic bilge pump, silver three-dimensional instrument dashboard, fishing rod holders, socket 12 V, bathing ladder, pilot and copilot seat, battery switcher, console cover, hydraulic steering Sea Star, teak on sides, electric horn, electric flaps, bimini.
7,50 m
2,55 m
2 x Yamaha F 150 AETX
500 l
45 l
Key Largo 20’ OPREMA • Kompas, bračni krevet u kabini, jastuci u kokpitu, tuš, navigaciona svjetla, pramčani kliznik sidra, automatska pumpa za santine, upravljačka ploča boje šampanjca, držači štapova za ribolov, stepenice za ulazak u more, rezervoar goriva, prekidač akumulatora, sjedište za vozača i suvozača, prostor za WC, električna sirena, bočni rukohvati u tikovini, priprema za ugradnju osovine za skijanje, akumulator, pokrivka za konzolu, bimini, stol u kokpitu, tuš, boja trupa crna
EQUIPMENT • compass, cabin with double berth, bench with access to stern installation system storage, waterproof and anti-UV upholstery, shower, navigation lights, bow roller, automatic bilge pump, dashboard in champagne color, fishing rod holders (2) , bathing ladder, battery switch, electric horn, pilot and co-pilot seat, WC storage, water ski rod arrangement, engine filer with fuel interception valve, teak anchor storage, port-hole, objects holder net, extra battery, console cover, bimini, hull color black, table in cockpit, shower.
6,10 m
2,30 m
Yamaha 150 hp
200 l
45 l
Key Largo 22’ Open OPREMA • komplet jastuka, navigaciona svjetla, automatska pumpa za santine, ljestve za u more, rukohvati u tikovini, el. vinč.
EQUIPMENT • cushions, aluminum switch panel, automatic bilge pump, bathing ladder, teak on sides, el. winch.
6,45 m
2,48 m
Yamaha F 115 AETL
200 l
45 l
Key Largo 19’ OPREMA • komplet jastuka, navigaciona svjetla, automatska pumpa za santine, ljestve za u more, rukohvati u tikovini, bimini, tuš.
5,43 m
2,15 m
Yamaha 115 ks
• cushions, aluminum switch panel, automatic bilge pump, bathing ladder, teak on sides, bimini, shower.
100 l
45 l
Živući grad muzej | A living museum
Grad Kastav smješten “ponad mora” sličan je svim primorskim gradićima, a opet različit; sa dušom u kamenomu gnijezdu, dovoljno širokom za sve koji su spremni doživjeti ga u njegovoj cjelini. Poziva vas na šutljiv dijalog prošlosti i sadašnjosti.
Town of Kastav was placed “above the sea”, so similar and yet so different from other towns in this region, with its soul in a nest made of stone, it is large enough for everyone willing to experience it in its wholeness.
Nalazi se na sjeveru hrvatskog Jadrana, na najsjevernijem dijelu Kvarnerskog zaljeva, 10 km zapadno od Rijeke i 6 km sjeverno od Opatije. Izdignut iznad gradske vreve, Kastav je tijekom dugih stoljeća očuvao svoju bogatu povijest, brojne vrijedne spomenike, kulturu i tradiciju.
This small historical town is situated in the northern part of the eastern Adriatic coast, in the north part of the Kvarner Bay, only 10 km west from Rijeka and 6 km north from Opatija.
O veličini i značaju Kastva ranijih stoljeća danas svjedoči i stara gradska jezgra opasana srednjovjekovnim gradskim zidom s devet kula koja je bila i ostala središtem cijele Kastavštine.
Rising above towns teeming with activity, Kastav has managed to preserve its rich history, its valuable architectural monuments, culture and tradition over many centuries. Kastav’s town nucleus was fortified with a medieval wall with nine towers served, and it still serves as the centre of the area, and it still witnesses the greatness and importance of Kastav from the old days.
Uspon kojim se dolazi u Kastav dovodi posjetitelje pred Sv. Luciju, grobljansku crkvicu iz 15. stoljeća. Zanimljiva je po tome što joj je u 19 stoljeću promijenjena orijentacija istokzapad, pa je danas jedina crkva u Kastvu i okolici kojoj je orijentacija sjever-jug. Srce Kastva čini Lokvina, glavni gradski trg koji je dobio ime po lokvi u kojoj se skupljala kišnica za potrebe grada.
The slope that leads to Kastav brings the visitors to the front of the Church of Saint Lucy which was built in the 15th century. The church’s alignment was changed in the 19th century so today it is the only church in Kastav and the surrounding area which faces north-south. Heart of town makes “Lokvina”, the main square which is named after a puddle in which is collected rainwater for needs of town.
U Aleji velikana posjetitelje pozdravlja poznati hrvatski književnik Vladimir Nazor, koji je u Kastvu na mjestu ravnatelja Učiteljske škole proveo 10 godina (od 1908. do 1918.). Nekoliko se koraka uzbrdo nalazi poprsje Ivana Matetića Ronjgova, muzikologa i skladatelja, zaljubljenika u ovaj kraj koji je na temelju prikupljenog narodnog blaga napisao mnoge autorske skladbe.
At the beginning of the Alley of Splendors bust of famous Croatian writer Vladimir Nazor is situated. He spent ten years as the headmaster of Kastav’s Primary School (from 1908. till 1918.). A few steps uphill there is a bust of Ivan Matetić Ronjgov, a musicologist and a composer, a true lover of this region. Based on those national treasures he wrote many authentic pieces of music.
Najdominantnija građevina cijeloga kastva je Crkva svete Jelene Križarice sa svojim zvonikom. Sagrađena je na brijegu 377 m nad morem. Uz crkvu se uzdiže i 32 m visok zvonik sagrađen 1724. godine. Pogled koji se pred crkvom pruža na cijeli Kvarnerski zaljev i planinu Učku nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim. Danas grad Kastav uspješno sjedinjuje svoje povijesne vrednote sa suvremenim življenjem. Valja izdvojiti i nekoliko međunarodnih manifestacija kao što su Kastafsko kulturno leto i Festival gitare, koji gostovanjima brojnih svjetski poznatih umjetnika ljeti privlače tisuće posjetitelja iz Hrvatske i inozemstva.
The Parish Church of Saint Helena the Cross Bearer with its bell tower dominates the town. It was built on the hill 377 m above sea. Alongside the church there is a 32 m high bell tower built in 1724. with a stunning view that stretches over the Kvarner Bay and Mount Učka. The town of Kastav successfully combines its historic values with the contemporary way of life. It is well known for its international events such as “The Kastav Summer of Culture” and “The Guitar Festival” that host a number of acclaimed international artists and attract thousands of visitors from Croatia and abroad.
Tu su još i tradicionalni praznik mladoga vina - Bela nedeja, karnevalsko veselje, te susreti puhačkih orkestara i harmonikaša.
We have to mention a traditional celebration of new wine, the festival “Bela nedeja”, the carnival days, and numerous meetings of wind orchestras and accordionists.
Tko jednom osluhne odjek svojih koraka po staromu uglačanom kamenu, po kojem su davno prije njega mnogi hodili, uvijek mu se vraća. Čak i u danima posvemašnje vreve, „aš se va Grade vaveki neš’ dogaja“. Svjestan vlastitoga šarma, no nikada samodovoljan, Kastav očekuje i Vas!
One who has listened once to the echo of their footsteps on the ancient cobblestone that many have walked before returns to it over and over again. Even in the days when streets are teeming with activity “because in this little town, there is something always going on”. Aware of its charm, yet never self-sufficient, Kastav is waiting for you!
Drage dame i gospodo,
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
ponovno se Kastav nudi kao ljetna kulturna oaza. I to po dvadeseti puta. Čezne da bude diskretan domaćin za kulturne užitke, svima onima koji mu vole doći u goste.
Kastav is again becoming a summer cultural oasis, for the 20th time. The town yearns to be a discrete host for cultural enjoyment, for all those who love to come here as guests.
Pozitivna energija koju kriju kastavske zidine, kućice i trgovi pretvorila se u atmosferu koja osvaja. A mi želimo u ova smušena vremena biti jednostavni, jasni i nedvosmisleni. Želimo ponuditi kulturu, smijeh i poticaje, želimo biti domaćin za primjer.
The positive energy hiding within these Kastav walls, houses and squares has transformed into an enchanting atmosphere. An in these complicated times, we want to be simple, clear and unambiguous. We want to offer culture, laughter and stimulation; we want to be a model host.
Kastafsko kulturno leto kao obrazac oživljavanja baštine i pokretač turizma i ove godine donosi sjajan program. Dovodi umjetnike i programe koji će utkati u našu, kastavsku priču novu energiju i kulturni zanos. Ljude koji će nam kroz svoje izvedbe ostaviti dio sebe i na taj način postati barem malo - naši Kastavci!
As a form of reviving heritage and driving tourism, the Kastav Summer of Culture is offering another fantastic programme this year. We have brought artists and a programme that will introduce new energy and cultural rapture into our Kastav story. People who, through their performances, will leave a little bit of themselves and in so doing become at least in part our fellow Kastavians!
Zato, dođite nam !
So, come!
Pozvani ste na dvadeseto Kastafsko kulturno leto !
You are invited to the 20th Kastav Summer of Culture!
Ivica Lukanović
Ivica Lukanović
Restoran “PEPE NERO”
“PEPE NERO” Restaurant
„Pepe Nero” mnogima poznatiji pod imenom „Nero“ restoran je koji ujedinjuje kreativnu; tradicionalnu i modernu kuhinju s elegantnim ambijentom i velikim izborom kvalitetnih vina iz svih krajeva hrvatske. Okusi hrane istančano su čisti, spravljeni od svježih namirnica, a kuhari vrlo kreativni i spremni udovoljiti svakoj gastronomskoj želji gosta.
“Pepe Nero” is a restaurant that combines unique, creative, traditional and modern cuisine with an elegant ambient and a wide selection of wines from all over Croatia. Subtle and pure flavors of food, made from organic fresh groceries are ready to satisfy every guest’s culinary wish.
Ovaj tipičan restoran primorskog kraja smješten je na glavnoj cesti koja povezuje centar Matulja i grad Kastav, svega 5 km od centra grada Opatije. Borovi koji ga okružuju pružaju prirodnu hladovinu za vrućih ljetnih dana, te boravak na terasi restorana čine ugodnim i opuštajućim. Topli rustikalni ambijent interijera spoj je svjetlih smeđih tonova i ručno izrađenih predmeta od drva. Idealno je mjesto za romantične trenutke udvoje, kao i obiteljska i poslovna okupljanja. Bogata gastronomska ponuda oduševiti će i najizbirljivije. Ovdje svakodnevno možete isprobati domaća mediteranska jela od svježe ribe, rakova i školjki, kao i egzotične kombinacije iz kineskog woka, sočni biftek, te raznoliku ponudu tjesteni-
This typical Mediterranean restaurant is located on the main road which connects the town of Matulji and town of Kastav, only 5 km from the center of Opatija. Pine trees that surround the restaurant provide natural shade during hot summer days and create a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere on the terrace. The warm rustic ambiance of the interior is created by bright colors and brown tones of cream and chocolate in combination with nice wooden handmade items. This is an ideal place for romantic moments, as well as family and business meetings. The rich gastronomic offer will delight even the most demanding of guests.
na i rižota po talijanskoj recepturi. Tu su i posebno pripremljene maštovite porcije za najmlađe. Na meniu se može pronaći ponešto za svaki ukus, pa tako i velik izbor svježih namirnica za pripremu ukusnih vegetarijanskih i veganskih jela. Kako bi užitak bio potpun prepustite se čarima čudesnih slatkih delicija uz domaću pitu od jabuka i semifredo spravljen po poseboj recepturi. Tragate li za savršenim mjestom proslave vjenčanja, mature ili neke druge prigodne svečanosti budite uvjereni da će vas ambijent “Pepe Nera“ osvojiti. Na raspolaganju su vam i usluge cateringa kako bi i u najsitnijim detaljima ostavili upečatljiv dojam na svoje goste. Srdačnu dobrodošlicu želi vam restoran „Pepe Nero“! INFO: „Pepe Nero“ Vl. Emilia Brnečić Tometići 33A 51215, Kastav
You can try local meals of fresh Mediterranean fish, crabs and shells, as well as exotic combinations in a Chinese wok, juicy steaks and a wide range of pasta and risotto, all made by famous Italian recipes. There are also specially prepared and beautifully decorated portions for children. You can find something for every taste on the menu, including a large selection of delicious vegetarian and vegan foods prepared with always fresh ingredients. For the full pleasure, surrender yourself to delightful charms of homemade apple pie and specially prepared semifredo dessert. If you are looking for the perfect place to celebrate your wedding, graduations or other occasional ceremonies, or simply need catering service be sure that beautiful interior, lovely food and nice staff of “Pepe Nero” will delight you. A catering service is also available, so that you can leave a distinct impression on your guests even in small details. Restaurant “Pepe Nero” wishes you a warm welcome!
Radno vrijeme / opening hours: 11 - 23 h E-mail: Tel. 051 275 063
Škampi sa cous-cous-om
Shrimps with cous-cous
Kombinacija svježih sastojaka i okus škampi sa žara oduševit će vaše nepce. Ova šarena kombinacija zasigurno će ostati u pamćenju.
The combination of fresh ingredients and the smoky-flavor will delight your taste buds. This colorful creation will certainly make a statement and be memorable for your guests.
Sastojci: 1 šalica cous-cous 1 ½ šalice vode 1 pečena crvena paprika 2 sjeckana zelena luka 1 žlica nasjeckanog peršina 1 žličica soka od limuna 1 žlica maslinovog ulja 10 velikih škampi ½ šalice aurora umaka 1 šalica miješane zelene salate od rige i radića malo papra i soli
Ingredients: 1 cup of cous-cous 1½ cup water 1 roasted red pepper, julienne 2 onions, chopped 1 chopped parsley 1 tea spoon of lemon juice 1 tea spoon of olive oil 10 grilled shrimps ½ cup aurora sauce 1 cup of mixed green salad a bit of salt and pepper
Priprema: U kipuću vodu dodajte šalicu cous-cous-a, malo soli i žličicu svježeg maslaca, te kuhajte otprilike 10 minuta dok voda ne ispari. Na tavi popržite svježu crvenu papriku koju ste prethodno narezali na tanke rezance, te dodajte svježi mladi luk izrezan na kolutiće, žličicu soka od limuna i maslinovo ulje. Kada ste gotovi sa pirjanjem umiješajte cous-cous. Na žaru ispecite 10 velikih škampi. Očišćene škampe servirajte uz miješanu zelenu salatu od rige i radića. Za potpuniji okus dodajte malo aurora umaka.
Preparation: Place dry cous-cous in a medium-sized bowl and cover with 1 ½ cups of boiled water. Cover tightly and let steam for approximately 10 minutes or until cous-cous is tender. Let it cool down, toss with a fork and add roasted red pepper, onions, parsley, lemon juice and olive oil. Put scrimps on the grill plate and grill it for 10 - 20 minutes. When finished arrange it with mixed green salad, cooked cous-cous and drizzle plate with aurora dressing.
Dobar tek!
Bon Apetit!
Champion Gast Split 2011
Nakon što je berba 2006. osvojila najviše bodova (89) od svih plavaca prema najutjecajnijem svjetskom vinskom kritičaru Robertu Parkeru, berba 2007. osvojila je titulu Šampiona plavaca, Gast Split 2011. The 2006. vintage was awarded 89 points by the world's most influential wine critic Robert Parker, which was the highest amount of points awarded to a plavac. The 2007. vintage was awarded the title Champion of all plavac's at the Gast Split 2011. competition.
Vinska priča Wine story
POSTUP DONJA BANDA Postup Donja Banda u posljednjih nekoliko godina kontinuirano osvaja inozemne i domaće nagrade i priznanja. Njegovo istcanje iz ostalih velikih plavaca započelo je s berbom 2006. kojoj je najutjecajniji svjetski kritičar Robert Parker dao 89 bodova. To je najviša ocjena koju je osvojio plavac, a ujedno i među najbolje ocijenjenim crnim vinima. Berba 2007. nastavila je sa potvrdama osvojivši titulu Šampion plavaca Gast Split 2011. Odmah nakon titule šampiona, u Zagrebu na Vinoviti berba 2009. osvojila je zlato. A kako je Postup Donja Banda izgradio svoj prepoznatljiv stil i istaknuo se među svim plavcima, ispričala nam je njegova „kreatorica“, enologinja Ivanka Rosati. „Priča kreće naravno u vinogradu, nadziranjem vinograda tijekom vegetacijske godine od strane stručnjaka, određivanje početka i ritma berbe, zatim selekcija grožđa u preradi izdvaja se grožđe najboljih lokaliteta sa visokim postotokom suhvica (prosušenih bobica grožđa). Znanje, iskustvo, mar, poznavanje sorte i terroira izuzetno je bitno da bi se dobilo ovo veliko vino. A rezultat svega je prepoznatljiv stil vina u kome se ocrtava osobnost enologa vino prije buteljiranja odležava 2 godine u velikim hrastovim bačvama, a dio vina u barrique bačvicama. Prije izlaska na tržište nastavlja se dozrijevanje vina u boci oko 6 mjeseci. Postup Donja Banda berba 2007. puno je i strukturno vino, naglašene voćnosti, mirisa i okusa mediterana. Suho grožđe i smokve, rogač i kadulja isprepleteni su sa profinjenim plemenitim aromama hrasta. Tanini su zaokruženi i podatni.“
NAGRADE • Postup Donja Banda 2007. Šampion plavaca, Gast Split 2011. • Postup Donja Banda 2009. zlatna medalja Vinovita 2011. • Postup Donja Banda 2007. srebrna medalja Terravino, Izrael 2010. • Postup Donja Banda 2006. najbolje ocijenjen plavac prema ocjeni najutjecajnijeg vinskog kritičara Roberta Parkera 89 bodova
Veliki Plavac Mali The Great Plavac Mali In the last few years, Postup Donja Banda, continually wins foreign and national awards and appraisals. It distinguishes itself among the other great Plavac types since Postup Donja Banda 2006 was awarded with 89 points by the leading wine critic Robert Parker. That is the highest rating for Plavac, and it is also amongst the best rated wines. The vintage 2007 continued the tradition and won the Champion title at Gast Split 2011. Right after the champion title, the vintage 2009 was awarded with the gold medal at Vinovita Zagreb. The oenologist Ivanka Rosati, its creator, tells us the story about the way in which Postup Donja Banda established its famous style and distinguished itself among other plavac wines. "The story naturally begins in the vineyard, with expert's monitoring of the vineyard during the gro-wing season, determining the start and the rate of the crop, then the selection of grapes in the proce-ssing - the grapes from the best positions with high percentage of overripe grape berries are separated. Knowledge, experience, care, knowledge of the variety and of the terroir is fundamental in order to obtain this great wine. The result of it all is the distinctive style of this wine which reflects the personality of oenologists - before bottling, the wine is aged for 2 years in large oak barrels, and a part of the same wine is aged in barrique barrels. Before entering the market the wine continues to mature in bottle for about 6 months. Postup Donja Banda 2007 is a full-bodied and structured wine, of pronounced fruitness and mediterra-nean taste. The dried berries and fig, carob and sage are intertwined with elegant noble oak aroma. Tannins are rounded and supple“.
AWARDS • Postup Donja Banda 2007. Champion amongst Plavac wines, Gast Split 2011. • Postup Donja Banda 2009. Gold medal at Vinovita 2011. • Postup Donja Banda 2007. Silver medal at Terravino, Israel 2010. • Postup Donja Banda 2006. best appraised Plavac by the leading wine critic Robert Parker 89 points
Priča o Postupu • Proizvodi se od autohtone sorte grožđa plavac mali, najznačajnije autohtone hrvatske sorte • Postup je naziv jedinstvenog položaja na strminama morskih obronaka poluotoka Pelješca • Zbog specifičnih fizičko kemijskih svojstava tla, reljefa, nadmorske visine, omogućena je obrada vinograda gotovo bez zaštitnih prskanja, pa se ovo vino može smatrati ekološki čistim proizvodom • Položaj - trostruka insolacija (broj sati sijanja sunca) - na padine sunčeve zrake padaju okomito čitav dan, a svjetlost i toplina pojačani su kako odbljeskom morske površine tako i okolnog kamenog krša
Story about Postupu • It is produced from the autochthonous grape variety plavac mali, the most important autochthonous Croatian grape variety • Postup is a name of the unique position on the steep slopes of the Pelješac peninsula • The specific physical and chemical soil characteristics, the relief and the altitude permit the procession without further spraying, so this wine can be considered as the ecological product • Position- triple insolation (number of the sunny hours) on the slopes the sun rays fall horizontally, and the light and heat are reinforced due to the reflection from the sea and from the nearby limestone area
Postup Donja Banda utjecaj na zdravlje Analiza antioksidacijskih kapaciteta Postupa Donja Banda 2007. pokazala je da spada u vina sa iznad prosječnim antioksidacijskim potencijalom. Polifenoli (koji se nalaze u kožici i sjemenkama grožđa) djeluju na suzbijanje bolesti srca i krvnih žila, moždanih udara, karcinoma i ublažavaju posljedice starenja.
Postup Donja Banda i hrana Ovo plemenito, bogato, sadržajno vino sa osobnošću sljubljuje se izvrsno sa složenim i bogatim jelima poput jela od tamnog mesa, divljač, pečenja, zrele sireve te plavu ribu, posluženo na temperaturi 18 20°C.
Postup Donja Banda impact on health The analysis of the antioxidant capacities of Postup Donja Banda 2007 revealed that this wine belongs to the category of wines with average antioxidant potential. Polyphenols (found in the grape's skin and seeds) prevent the heart and blood vessel diseases, strokes, cancer, and abate the aging process.
Postup Donja Banda & food This noble, opulent, substantial wine with character is greatly paired with complex and opulent dishes like dark meat dishes, game, roasted meat, matured cheese and oily fish, served at 18-20 °C.
Međunarodne pomorske signalne zastavice International maritime signal flags Međunarodni signalni kodeks (engl. International Code of Signals) je kodeks koji se koristi u pomorstvu kako bi se odaslala važna poruka o stanju broda i o namjerama njegovog zapovjednika kada postoji jezična barijera. Signali mogu biti odaslani pomoću signalnih zastava, semaforskom signalizacijom, svjetlosnim znacima, Morseovim kodom, radiotelefonijom. Međunarodne pomorske signalne zastavice koriste se samostalno ili u kombinaciji kako bi se vizualnim putem prenijela poruka. Svaka zastavica ima svoje značenje, a predstavlja i slovo abecede, broj, te se kombinacijom zastavica mogu stvarati kraće riječi – poruke.
Each flag has its own individual, specific and standard meaning, and it represents one letter of the alphabet or number. Combination of flags can create short words - message.
A (Alfa)
B (Bravo)
Imam ronioca pod vodom, držite se daleko od mene i krećite se polagano.
Ukrcavam, iskrcavam ili prevozim opasan teret.
Diver below (when stationary); I am undergoing a speed trial.
The International Code of Signals is an international system of signals and codes for use by vessels to communicate important messages regarding safety of navigation and related matters. Signals can be sent by flaghoist, signal lamp (“blinker”), flag semaphore and radiotelephony. International maritime signal flags are used independently or in combination with the aim of realizing visual communication.
I am taking on or discharging explosives.
C (Charlie)
D (Delta)
Da (potvrdan odgovor)
Držite se daleko od mene; teško manevriram.
Yes (affirmative)
Keep clear of me, I am manoevering with difficulty
E (Echo)
F (Foxtrot)
Mijenjam kurs u desno.
Onesposobljen sam; održavajte vezu sa mnom.
I am altering my course to starboard.
I am disabled, communicate with me.
G (Golf)
H (Hotel)
Tražim peljara.
Imam peljara na brodu.
I require a pilot.
I have a pilot on bord.
I (India)
J (Juliett)
Mijenjam kurs u lijevo. Idem u pravcu pristaništa.
Imam požar i opasan teret na brodu. Držite se daleko od mene.
I am altering my course to port.
I am on fire and have dangerous cargo on board: keep well clear of me, or I am leaking dangerous cargo.
K (Kilo)
L (Lima)
Želim stupiti u vezu s vama.
Odmah zaustavite vaš brod.
I wish to communicate with you.
You should stop your vessel instantly.
M (Mike)
N (November)
Moj brod je zaustavljen i ne kreće se.
Ne (negativan odgovor)
My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water.
No (negative)
O (Oscar)
P (Papa)
Čovjek u moru.
Na moru: Moje mreže su zapele za prepreku U luci: Sve osobe moraju doći na brod jer se uskoro isplovljava.
Man overboard.
In harbour: All persons should report on board as the vessel is about to proceed to sea. At sea: It may be used by fishing vessels to mean: “My nets have come fast upon an obstruction.”
Q (Quebec)
R (Romeo)
Zdravstveno stanje je dobro, tražim slobodan prolaz.
Put je slobodan pored mene.
My vessel is ‘healthy’ and I request free pratique
The way is off my ship.
S (Sierra)
T (Tamgo)
Moji strojevi rade krmom.
Držite se dalje od mene, plovim s tegljem uz bok.
I am operating astern propulsion.
Keep clear of me; I am engaged in pair trawling.
U (Uniform)
V (Viktor)
Vi plovite u susret opasnosti.
Tražim pomoć.
You are running into danger
I require assistance.
W (Whiskey)
X (X-ray)
Tražim liječničku pomoć.
Obustavite ono što činite i pazite na moje signale.
I require medical assistance.
Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals.
Y (Yankee)
X (X-ray)
Moje sidro ore.
Treba mi tegljač. Ribarski brod: Ispuštam mrežu
I am dragging my anchor.
I require a tug. When made by fishing vessels operating in close proximity on the fishing grounds it means: I am shooting nets.
Bum, Lanatina
To fit out
Rudo kormila
Rudder tiller
Barra del timone
Konop, špag
Cavo, cima
Kablić, bujol
Zdenac, brodski
VAŽNI TELEFONSKI BROJEVI / IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS 92 93 94 112 981 985 987 11888 902 9155 060 520 520
Policija / Police Vatrogasci / Fire department Hitna pomoć / Ambulance Jedinstveni broj za hitne slučajeve / Number for emergencies Opće informacije / General informations Centar za obavješćivanje i / Center for notifications and alerting Pomoć na cestrama / Road assistance Informacije o mjesnim i međugradskim telefonskim brojevima / informations on local and long-distance telephone numbers Informacije o međunarodnim telefonskim brojevima / International telephone directory Nacionalna središnjica za traganje i spašavanje / National rescue co-ordination center Vremenska prognoza i stanje na cestama / Weather forecast and road conditions
InterAdria SC d.o.o. tel. + 385 51 705 563 , fax. + 385 51 704 020 UREDNICA / EDITOR Klara Basan, SURADNICI / ASSISTANTS Loretta Pu LEKTURA / PROOFREADING Ivana Akrap, prof. FOTOGRAFIJE / PHOTOGRAPHY arhiva / archive InterAdria SC arhiva / archive Sessa Marine S.r.l. OBLIKOVANJE, PRIJELOM I TISAK / DESIGN AND PRINT Media Graphics d.o.o. Cankareva 9, 10000 Zagreb tel. + 385 1 3779 611 fax.+ 385 1 3779 612 NAKLADA / EDITION 2 000 primjeraka / pieces