InterAdria Magazin 2

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InterAdria magazin

Sadržaj UVODNIK / INTRODUCTION 3 NOVOSTI / NEWS Servis na moru / Service at sea Otvaranje salona / Showroom opening Yanmar certifikat / Yanmar Certificate Rabljena plovila sa garancijom / Used boats with guarantee

4 4 5 7 8

SAJMOVI / BOAT SHOWS 2009/10 10 SESSA MARINE NOVI MODELI / NEW MODELS 2010/11 C 54’ Sport-Coupe C 35’ Sport-Coupe Key Largo One

14 16 18 20

NOVI YAMAHA MODELI / NEW YAMAHA MODELS 22 INTERVJU / INTERVIEW 26 Koje su prednosti servisiranja plovila u ovlaštenom servisu? Which are the benefits of servicing vessels at an authorized service centre? TESTOVI / TEST 29 C 43 30 F 54 34 VOLVO PENTA IPS TEHNOLOGIJA / VOLVO PENTA IPS TECHNOLOGY 38 SAVJET PRAVNIKA / LEGAL ADVICE 40 Spašavanje imovine ili spašavanje vlastitog džepa Salvage of one’s property or salvage of one’s own pocket RENT A BOAT 44 Charter ponuda / Charter offer ZANIMLJIVE CHARTER DESTINACIJE / INTERESTING CHARTER DESTINATIONS 52 LOVRAN – gradić koji budi sva osjetila /A little town which awakens all your sences GASTRONOMSKI VODIČ / GASTRONIMIC GUIDE 56 Restoran A&D / Restaurant A & D 56 Delicije Mediterana / Mediterranean specialties 58 POPRATILI SMO klapu Kamelija / WE HAVE SUPPORTED acapella group Kamelija 59 DOBRO JE ZNATI / GOOD TO KNOW 60 Pomorski čvorovi / Nautical knots NAUTIČKE INFORMACIJE / NAUTICAL INFORMATIONS 63


Dragi čitatelji,

Dear Readers,

Na naše veliko zadovoljstvo, „doplovili“ smo i do drugog, ljetnog broja magazina InterAdria. Nakon što je prvi broj prihvaćen s oduševljenjem te dobio iznimno dobre kritike, predstavljamo nastavak priča o neizmjernoj strasti prema moru i plovidbi. U prvom broju magazina upoznali smo vas s atraktivnim sadržajima o plovilima Sessa Marine i našem cjelokupnom poslovanju. Ovaj put odlučili smo okrenuti se aktualnostima kako u životu tvrtke, tako i u nautici i društvenom životu. Velika nam je čast objaviti da nam je dodijeljen certifikat kvalitete IMCI Yanmar, koji je još jedna potvrda za predan rad i kvalitetu usluga koje pružamo klijentima. Jedna od važnijih tema ovoga broja je intervju s voditeljem InterAdriinog servisa, u kojemu se govori o važnosti brige za plovilo, te najava našeg novog prodajnog salona čija će se vrata otvoriti u listopadu ove godine.

To our great pleasure, we “sailed” to another summer edition of InterAdria magazine. After the first issue, which was enthusiastically received by the audience and got excellent reviews, we proudly present a continuation of the story of immense passion for the sea and sailing.

S ponosom predstavljamo i ekskluzivne testove modela koji su tek zaplovili našim prekrasnim morem. Najavljujemo i novitete iz asortimana Sessa Marine i Yamahe za nadolazeću sezonu. Također, donosimo niz korisnih informacija koje će dobro doći svakom nautičaru u jeku nautičke sezone, te savjet pravnika kako postupiti u slučaju pomorske nezgode. U lifestyle kutku ispripovijedat ćemo priču o malom samozatajnom biseru Jadrana – gradiću Lovranu, i otkriti gastronomske delicije iz samog srca Opatije. Naš magazin, kao i sve novitete vezane uz InterAdriu, možete pratiti i u on-line izdanju na web-stranici Nadamo se da ćete uživati u ovom broju, te da će vam naše štivo biti korisno i tijekom plovidbe. Ugodnu plovidbu prepunu emocija…

In the magazine’s first issue we have introduced the attractive amenities related to the Sessa Marine boats and our business activities. This time we decided to turn to current topics of our company, as well as current topics in nautical and social life. We are very proud to announce that InterAdria was given an IMCI Yanmar quality certificate, which we received as a confirmation for the dedicated work and quality of service provided to our customers. One of the major topics of this issue is an interview with the InterAdria’s service manager Mr. Damir Dubrović. He talks about the importance of boat care. We also announced the great opening of our Sessa Marine vessels and Yamaha outboard engines show room, which will open in October this year. We proudly present exclusive tests of models that just arrived on our beautiful sea, and innovations in Sessa Marine and Yamaha assortment for the upcoming season. We also bring a range of information that will be useful to every sailor, and lawyer’s advice how to act in the case of accidents at sea. In the lifestyle corner we will tell you a story of a small pearl of the Adriatic Sea -the town of Lovran, and the culinary delights from the heart of Opatija. Our magazine can even be read on-line on our website We hope you will enjoy this issue and that it will be useful to you during navigation. Pleasant navigation full of emotions...

Klaudio Brnečić direktor / general manager


Servis na moru Service at sea INTERADRIA SC OTVORILA SERVIS NA MORU InterAdria SC glavni je zastupnik plovila Sessa Marine za Republiku Hrvatsku, te distributer i serviser motora Yamaha, Volvo Penta i Yanmar. Uz svoj veliki servisni centar u Kastvu, ovih je dana otvorila servis na moru u sklopu marine hotela „Admiral“ u Opatiji. Novootvoreni servis osmišljen je kao pomoć u hitnim slučajevima i za intervencije na moru. Njegova povoljna lokacija omogućava brz izlazak na teren i popravak manjih kvarova, koji se relativno brzo mogu ukloniti. Servis se obavlja u skladu s normama proizvođača, a radovi su vezani uz intervencije na motorima, dijagnostiku i ugradnju rezervnih dijelova. Vrlo dobra operativna komunikacija dvaju InterAdriinih centara omogućava visoku učinkovitost izvršavanja i zahtjevnijih radova. Servis je opremljen suvremenom opremom i bogatom paletom rezervnih dijelova za motore Yamaha, Volvo Penta i Yanmar. Stručno osposobljeni serviseri jamče visoku kvalitetu obavljenih radova. Servis na moru otvoren je sa željom pružanja kompletne, brze i – što je najvažnije – pouzdane usluge servisa za vrijeme turističke sezone, bez nepotrebnih čekanja.

INTERADRIA SC OPENS SERVICE AT SEA InterAdria SC is the exclusive dealer for Sessa Marine boats for Croatia, as well as the authorized dealer and service center for Yamaha, Volvo Penta and Yanmar engines. Beside its well-known large service center in Kastav, it has recently opened a service at sea in the Marina Hotel Admiral in Opatija. Its purpose is to help in emergencies and interventions at sea. Its convenient location allows quick access to the facilities and repair of minor malfunctions that can be eliminated in a relatively short time. Servicing is done within the standards of the manufacturers, and works related to the intervention on engines, diagnostics and installation of spare parts. Very good operational communication between these two centers allows highly efficient execution of even more demanding tasks. The service center is equipped with modern equipment and a wide range of spare parts for Yamaha, Volvo Penta and Yanmar engines. Qualified service personnel guarantee high quality of service. Service at sea is opened with a desire to provide complete, fast and, most importantly, reliable service during the tourist season, without unnecessary waiting.

Info: InterAdria Service Center Marina hotela „Admiral“ Maršala Tita 139, Opatija Tel.: + 385 51 704 178 GSM: + 385 91 215 44 92 e-mail:

Otvorenje salona Showroom opening INTERADRIA OTVARA NOVI PRODAJNI SALON


InterAdria SC za listopad 2010. najavljuje otvaranje svojeg novog prodajnog salona za plovila Sessa Marine i vanbrodske motore Yamaha. Salon će se nalaziti u sklopu InterAdriinog servisnog centra u Kastvu, Ćikovići 73c. U ekskluzivnom salonu, koji će se prostirati na 120 četvornih metara, moći će se razgledati najnovija ponuda Yamahinih vanbrodskih motora, kao i novi modeli plovila Sessa Marine. Prodajni salon, servisni centar i smještaj plovila na suhom vezu osiguravaju klijentima adekvatnu podršku i čitav niz usluga, od kojih valja izdvojiti stalnu brigu o vašem plovilu. Naši stručni djelatnici i suradnici, osim prodaje i održavanja plovila, obavljaju i cjelovitu proceduru uvoza, registracije i osiguranja. Kompletna usluga na jednome mjestu osnovni je moto InterAdrie.

InterAdria SC announces the opening of its new show room for Sessa Marine vessels and Yamaha outboard engines in October, 2010. The InterAdria Showroom will be located at the well-known address in Kastav, Ćikovići 73 C. In about 120 m2 of this exclusive showroom clients and visitors will be able to see the latest novelties of Yamaha outboard engines as well as the new models of Sessa Marine vessels. The new showroom, the service center and the dry dock provide adequate customer support and permanent care of their vessels. Our professional staff and associates will also help you and answer all your questions about import, registration and insurance. InterAdria wants to be recognized as a reliable partner that provides the best possible service on the market.

Obratite nam se s povjerenjem. Contact us with confidence Info Tel.: +385 (0)51 705 563 FAX: +385 (0)51 705 579 GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 90 e-mail:

Yanmar certifikat Yanmar certificate INTERADRII DODIJELJEN IMCI YANMAR CERTIFIKAT InterAdria SC, tvrtka s dugogodišnjim iskustvom u nautičkom sektoru, postala je sinonim za kvalitetnu, potpunu i pouzdanu uslugu. Cilj joj je redovitim educiranjem djelatnika stalno unapređivati razinu usluga kako bi bili spremni odgovoriti i na najzahtjevnije probleme. Tu činjenicu potvrdio je i dodijeljeni međunarodni IMCI certifikat po standardu Yanmara. Certifikat je dodijeljen od strane nezavisnog instituta za certificiranje - International Marine Certification Institute što potvrđuje i ozbiljnost dodijeljenog certifikata. U ime InterAdrie certifikat je na svečanoj dodjeli održanoj u sklopu Croatia Boat Show- a primio direktor g. Klaudio Brnečić. Ovaj certifikat dokaz je kvalitete usluga u prodaji, ugradnji i održavanju Yanmar motora. Njegova posebnost je ta da nije trajan već vrijedi dvije godine, što konstantno iziskuje održavanje visoke razine kvalitete pružene usluge.

IMCI YANMAR CERTIFICATE IS AWARDED TO INTERADRIA SC InterAdria SC is a company with extensive experience in the nautical sector and has become synonymous with high-quality, complete and reliable service. Its intention is to improve service levels by educating its staff so that it can be prepared to answer even the most demanding problem. The recognition of these efforts has arrived by Yanmar standard IMCI certification. The certificate has been awarded by an independent institute – The International Marine Certification Institute, which confirms the relevance of the assigned certificate. During the ceremony held at the Croatia Boat Show, the certificate was presented to InterAdria and its general manager, Mr. Klaudio Brnečić. This certification is the proof of quality of service in sales, installation and maintenance of Yanmar engines. The specialty of this certificate is its validity: it needs re-examination after two years and therefore requires constant maintenance of high levels of quality of services.

Rabljena plovila sa garancijom Used boats with a guarantee



InterAdria SC jedna je od vodećih tvrtki u prodaji i održavanju novih i rabljenih plovila. Kontinuiranom ponudom svojih usluga sinonim je za pouzdanog i sigurnog partnera. U prodajnom odjelu InterAdrie SC, osim mogućnosti kupnje novog plovila, možete odabrati i rabljeno plovilo s garancijom. Naši prodajni savjetnici rado će vas savjetovati kod kupnje plovila i uputiti vas u sve detalje.

InterAdria SC is one of the most renowned companies in the sales and maintenance of new and used boats. It has become a synonym for a reliable partner. In its sales department you can choose whether you would like a new or a second hand boat with a guarantee. The sales advisor will be glad to help by providing you all the necessary information.

Prije nego što se odlučite na kupnju rabljenog plovila, morate znati kakvo želite i koliko novca za njega možete izdvojiti. Važno je realno sagledati sve karakteristike plovila, obratiti pažnju na detalje, provjeriti opće stanje broda, trupa, motora…

Before you make a decision to buy a used boat you need to figure out two things: - what kind of a vessel will satisfy your needs and - how much money you are willing to spend.

Da bismo vam olakšali odluku o kupnji rabljenog plovila, u sklopu InterAdrie SC se, osim prodajnog salona, nalazi i servisni centar u kojemu je stručno i visokokvalificirano osoblje ispitalo i provjerilo svako plovilo. Iako rabljen, brod se budućem vlasniku isporučuje u besprijekornom stanju, a vlasnik može biti potpuno siguran u ono što kupuje.

It’s important to perceive all the features of the boat. You have to pay attention to details, check the general condition of the vessel, hull and most importantly, condition of the engine. All the second hand boats in our offer are tested by professional and highly qualified staff at Interadria Service Center. Each used boat has a service book with clearly documented maintenance, correct and complete technical documentation. These boats are in perfect condition and you can be completely sure of what are you buying.

Svako rabljeno plovilo ima urednu servisnu knjižicu s jasno definiranim održavanjem, besprijekornu tehničku ispravnost, te potpunu tehničku dokumentaciju s naznačenim stvarnim radnim satima motora. InterAdriini prodajni savjetnici preporučuju vam da prije odluke o kupnji željeno plovilo isprobate u vožnji. Na taj ćete način iz prve ruke moći osobno provjeriti njegovo ponašanje na moru, rad motora, brzinu, potrošnju goriva i upoznati sve njegove karakteristike. Mogu vam pronaći neku od zanimljivih leasing ili kreditnih linija kako biste na što povoljniji način obavili kupnju odabranog rabljenog plovila. Naše osoblje također vam može pomoći da na što lakši, jednostavniji način riješite probleme u vezi s registracijom, osiguranjem, redovitim servisiranjem i održavanjem plovila. Ako niste u mogućnosti osigurati stalni vez u jednoj od marina, omogućavamo vam smještaj povila na suhom u sklopu InterAdriinog servisnog centra. Novi klijenti ovu uslugu dobivaju gratis za prvu godinu korištenja. Svojim angažmanom i iskrenim pristupom pomažemo vam da ostvarite najsigurniju kupnju i ispunite svoje snove.

InterAdria sales advisors will recommend you to take a test drive of the desired boat before you make a final decision to purchase it. You can personally verify its behavior at sea and get acquainted with all of its features. They can also help you find some interesting leasing or credit lines which can best suite you for buying a boat. Our staff can also help you with registration, insurance, regular servicing and maintenance of vessels. We offer a dry dock in InterAdria service center where you may dock for the winter. All our new clients get this service free of charge for the first year of use. Our employees approach their work with great enthusiasm and commitment aimed at fulfilling your dream.

InterAdria Sales Center Ćikovići 73c, Kastav Tel: +385 (0)51 705 563 Fax: +385 (0)51 705 579 GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 90 e-mail:

SAJMOVI / BOAT SHOWS 2010. text napisala / text by Klara Basan, marketing & communication

InterAdria SC predstavila se flotom Sessa Marine na svim značajnim nautičkim sajmovima u regiji. S dolaskom jeseni započela je nautička sezona 2009./2010., otvorena u Cannesu 6. rujna 2009., gdje je Sessa Marine predstavila svoje adute za nadolazeću sezonu. Najveću je „prašinu“ ondje podigla premijera dugo iščekivanog modela C68, koji je ujedno osvojio prestižnu nagradu časopisa „Yachts“ za najbolji dizajn jahte u kategoriji do 24 metra. Uz njega, Sessa Marine predstavila je i prvi u nizu modela iz serije Fly – model Sport Fly 54. Tim je modelom Sessa Marine zakoračila i u Fly sektor luksuznih plovila.

Cannes 2009

Nakon predstavljanja noviteta u Cannesu, InterAdria je sudjelovala na sajmu Nautica u Rijeci od 24. do 27. rujna 2010. Posjetitelje je, osim respektabilnim izlošcima u moru, zaintrigirala i širokom ponudom Yamahinih vanbrodskih motora, od kojih je najveću pozornost privukao model F 350, četverotaktni vanbrodski motor snage 350 KS.

InterAdria SC presented the Sessa marine fleet at all important nautical shows in the region. The nautical season 2009/2010 has been opened in Cannes at 6th September 2009. Sessa Marine introduced its novelties there for the upcoming season.

Cannes 2009

Cannes 2009

The biggest “dust” was raised by the long awaited model C 68’; which also won the prestigious award of Yacht magazine for the best design in the category of up to 24 m yacht. Sessa Marine also presented the first model from the “Fly” series, the Sport Fly 54 ‘ with which it entered the luxury sector of “Fly” vessels. After the introduction of novelties in Cannes, InterAdria presented itself to the local audience at the boat show “Nautica” in Rijeka from 24th to 27th September 2010 with its respectable exhibits in the sea - Sessa boats as well as the Yamaha outboard engines. The audience was intrigued with a wide range of Yamaha outboard engines, where the four stroke model F 350 attracted the greatest attention. The beginning of October is traditionally reserved for the Boat Show in Genoa, where Sessa Marine presented its six novelties in the European biggest boat show.

Nautica Rijeka 2009


Početak listopada tradicionalno je rezerviran za najjači europski nautički sajam koji se održava u Genovi, gdje je Sessa Marine predstavila svojih šest noviteta. Ondje su zasjali modeli C68, F54, C38, Key Largo 27 i Key Largo 20, te remake dobro poznatog modela Dorado 26.

Nautica Rijeka 2009

Završetak jesenske sezone predstavljanja plovila bio je Biograd Boat Show, održan u prekrasnoj marini Kornati u Biogradu. Tijekom četiri dana sajma – nažalost, praćenih nepovoljnim vremenskim uvjetima – InterAdria se predstavila i tamošnjim posjetiteljima. Ovu je godinu, 2010., otvorio sajam u Düsseldorfu, koji je ujedno označio početak zimskog niza predstavljanja. Slijedio je Sajam sporta i nautike u Zagrebu, kao nezaobilazno mjesto okupljanja proizvođača i zastupnika najuglednijih svjetskih marki sportskih i nautičkih proizvoda u zemljama jugoistočne Europe. InterAdria je ondje održala hrvatsku premijeru Key Larga 20.

Nautica Rijeka 2009

There were, in their full strength, models; C 68’ , Fly 54’, C 38’, Key Largo 27’, Key Largo 20’ and a remake of the well- known model Dorado 26’. In the end of the autumn season InterAdria presented the vessels at the “Biograd Boat Show“, held in the beautiful Marina Kornati. During the four days of the show, unfortunately without too much sun, InterAdria introduced itself to the Biograd audience.

Genova 2009

Genova 2009

The New Year, 2010 was opened by a well-known boat fair in Dusseldorf, which was also marked as the beginning of the winter series of representations to audiences. It was followed by “Sport and nautical” fair in Zagreb as an unavoidable meeting place of all producers and agents of most prestigious nautical and sport brands in the countries of Southeast Europe. InterAdria was there to show the Croatian premiere of Key Largo 20’. There were also the strong and powerful Key Largo 24’ and his smaller brother Key Largo 22’.

Genova 2009


Biograd Boat Show 2009

Biograd Boat Show 2009

Projekt štanda, kao i cijela kampanja Sessa Marine vođeni su idejom povezanosti s morem. Početkom svibnja, „ergela“ Sessa Marine plovila preselila se u Crnu Goru, u mondeno ljetovalište Budvu, na Jadranski sajam nautike 2010. Ondje su se modeli mogli razgledati u svojem prirodnom okruženju – moru, te su se ujedno na testnim vožnjama mogle ispitati sve njihove mogućnosti. InterAdria je još jednom je potvrdila svoju prisutnost na svim velikim nautičkim manifestacijama. Svojim reprezentativnim plovilima željela se približiti kako postojećim, tako i svim budućim zainteresiranim kupcima koji bi tek željeli osjetiti miris mora, brze adrenalinske vožnje i užitka. Pridružite nam se, naša vas flota spremno očekuje!


Dusseldorf 2010

Zagreb 2010

Dusseldorf 2010

Budva 2010

Budva 2010

The stand project and the whole campaign of Sessa Marine was guided by the idea of association with the sea. After the arrival of warm weather in the beginning of May Sessa Marine vessels moved to Montenegro, in the fashionable resort town of Budva at the Adriatic Boat Show 2010. All models were exhibited in the sea – their “natural environment”. Test drives were also organized where interested potential customers could try Sessa’s behavior in the water. InterAdria once again confirmed its presence in all major events related to the nautical. With their representative vessels Sessa Marine wanted to get closer to both current and future interested buyers who would like to feel the smell of the sea, quick adrenalin rides and pleasure. Join us, our fleet is expecting you!


Sessa Marine

NOVI MODELI 2010/11 NEW MODELS 2010/11

Talijansko brodogradilište Sessa Marine, rođeno pod znakom kreativnosti i odlučnosti, predstavlja nove proizvode za sljedeću sezonu. Nakon uspješno predstavljenih noviteta sezone 2009/2010, od kojih je model C 68 osvojio prestižnu nagradu magazina Yachts za najbolji dizajn u kategoriji plovila do 24 m, a model C 38 nagradu za brod godine u kategoriji Cruiser do 14 m na ovogodišnjem London Boat Show-u, Sessa Marine ponosno najavljuje lansiranje novih modela za sezonu 2010/2011. Raffaella Radice, predsjednica Sessa Marine ističe kako je: “Sessa Marine inovativna tvrtka na međunarodnoj razini, ojačana stalnim i kontinuiranim istraživanjima, neprestano poticana konkurentskim okruženjem koje proizlazi iz tehnologije, pri čemu se nikada ne odriče kvalitete”. Brodogradilište je nagovijestilo da će se linije Key Largo, Cruiser i Yacht dopuniti novim modelima dužina od 18 do preko 50 stopa, u skladu s ispunjenjem planova daljnjeg razvoja stilskog identiteta Sessa Marine baziranog na karakterističnom dizajnu uz pažnju posvećenu detaljima i finalnoj obradi. Među novim proizvodima ističu se Sport Coupe C 54, Sport Coupe C 35 i KEY LARGO ONE.


If there is one shipyard born under the sign of creativity and determination, it has to be Sessa Marine. In the season 2009/2010 the Yachts magazine awarded the model C 68 for best design in the category up to 24 m, whilst the model C 38 was chosen the Boat of the year in up to 14 m cruiser category during the London Boat Show 2010. After having maintained its investments during last year’s difficult conditions and after having developed six new models in the last season, Sessa reiterates the exercise today and presents its development plan for season 2010 /2011. Raffaella Radice, President of Sessa Marine renews her faith in Sessa: “an innovative company on an international scale, reinforced by constant and sustained research efforts, concerned by the competitive environment that ensues from technology, but never renouncing quality.” The shipyard has revealed that the ranges Key Largo, Cruiser and Yachts will be complemented with models from 18 to over 50 feet, on a backdrop perpetuating the desire to continue developing Sessa Marine’s stylistic identity based on values of design, sportsmanship, attention to detail and performance. Amongst the new products are Sport Coupe C 54, Sport Coupe C 35 and Key Largo One.




Sessa Marine predstavlja svoje novo plovilo, dugo 54 stope. Sa svojih 16 metara dužine ono izražava pravu talijansku stvaralačku snagu, znanje i iskustvo u gradnji brodova. Da bismo mogli pobliže vidjeti svu njegovu snagu i prekrasan dizajn, morat ćemo pričekati rujan 2010. i Canes Boat Show, gdje će ovo plovilo biti predstavljeno.

With his 16 meters C 54’ expressing all the Italian shipyard’s creative force and proficiency. We will have to wait for the next Cannes Boat Show in September 2010. to discover and enjoy this new stroke of genius.

Novi dizajn vidljiv je već na glavnoj palubi, gdje Sessa Marine prvi put predstavlja zatvoreni „lounge“ koncept koji odiše udobnošću, profinjenošću i prostranošću. Cilj brodogradilišta je jasan: jahti C54 dati udobnost i stil C68 koji je postigao velik uspjeh. Kombinirajući jedinstvene karakteristike visokih performansi i sportskog izgleda, Sessa Marine želi vlasniku plovila ponuditi jedinstvenost, prostranost i udobnost.

The tone is set as soon as you walk on the main deck, where for the first time Sessa Marine introduces the closed lounge concept into one of its open boats, plunging you into a welcoming atmosphere: comfortable, refined and spacious. The shipyard’s objective is clear: to give the 54’ footer the C 68’s amenities and inimitable style that have made it success since its presentation last September. Combining the unique characteristics of a high-performance and sporty open boat, Sessa Marine offers its owners a comfortable, elegant yacht with spacious layout onboard.

Riccardo Radice, suvlasnik Sessa Marine, ističe: „Jahta je namijenjena modernim i profinjenim klijentima koji traže udobnost tijekom cijele godine, odnosno onima koji ne pristaju na kompromis kad je riječ o estetici i stilu.“

Riccardo Radice, co-owner Sessa Marine comments “It is intended for the modern, refined client who is looking for comfort and space on a liveabord boat for the whole year round, making no compromises in terms of aesthetics or style”.




YACHT KONCEPT I VRHUNSKA TEHNOLOGIJA Sessa Marine jedno je od rijetkih brodogradilišta koje se može pohvaliti četvrtom generacijom brodova s IPS tehnologijom (nakon C46, C43 i Fly 54). Sessa je u mogućnosti iskoristiti prednost IPS tehnologije te to neprocjenjivo iskustvo objediniti i mudro povezati u svojim projektima. Moderan i snažan C54 ima sav komfor koji možete poželjeti na jednoj jahti: tri kabine, uključujući vlasničku kabinu u samom srcu broda koja je vrlo svijetla, prozračna i udobna, a ima i zasebnu kupaonicu. Prostrana kuhinja na donjoj palubi povezana je s gornjom palubom, gdje se nalazi veliki stol za osam osoba, bar te klupa pretvorila u veliko sunčalište, gdje svjetlost dopire kroz velike staklene površine karakteristične za novije Sessine modele. Ne smijemo izostaviti ni prostor za roštilj u kokpitu, hidraulični krmeni most i kabinu za posadu, koja ujedno može biti i rezervna kabina za goste. C54 ističe se neobično britkim i upadljivim linijama trupa. Posebnost eksterijera i profinjenost interijera stvaraju sklad unutar kojega svaki detalj pronalazi svoje mjesto i pretvara vožnju u pravi užitak. Sessa Marine nudi mogućnost uranjanja u svijet avanture protkane elegancijom. Ova jahta idealna je za zaljubljenike u more koji žele što više vremena provesti na brodu. C54 je brod kojemu je teško odoljeti čak i izvan sezone!

YACHT CONCEPT AND HIGH TECHNOLOGY One of the rare shipyards already able to boast its 4th generation of boats developed for IPS (following the C 46’, C 43’ and the Fly 54’), Sessa has been able to take advantage of this valuable experience to optimize this technology on the C 54’ to the full and incorporate judicious use of volumes. Stylish and powerful, the C 54’ has all the comforts one would expect on a yacht: 3 cabins including the owner cabin at the centre of the boat, bright and comfortable with a separate bathroom; a spacious galley on the lower deck, entirely freeing the upper deck which, with its 8 guest table , bar, divan convertible into a large sun bath and its glass door, becomes a genuine haven for life and relaxation, in summer and winter. Let’s not forget the BBQ area behind the cockpit, the hydraulic stern bridge or the crew cabin which is welcoming enough to become a backup guest cabin, and all the details that give the C54 its mark of prestige. The C 54’ provides the essentials of an incisive and striking design. A streamlined exterior and a smart, modern interior make for an uncluttered atmosphere where each subtle detail has its place, becoming essential for turning every trip into a true life experience. With the C 54’, Sessa Marine gives you the opportunity to dive into a sporting universe without losing a single particle of the elegance associated with the brand. This open yacht will be perfect for the sea-loving boat owner. The pleasure and desire to spend as much time as possible on the boat will be hard to resist, even out of season!


16.36 m


4.70 m


21 t


2 x Volvo IPS 900


2 X 1000 l


2 x 283 l


155 l







S više od 500 modela prodanih u zadnjih deset godina, Sessa Marine se odlučila za redizajn ovog prekrasnog plovila koji će zavesti svakog Sessinog obožavatelja. Svoj savršeni dizajn i markantne linije naslijedio je od svoje starije sestre C 68. Vrhunska kvaliteta, sportski izgled, britke linije trupa i pomno odabrani materijali ovo plovilo svrstavaju u rang Jahte.

Poznata po svojoj osobnosti, Sessa Marine uvijek nudi nešto novo. Ovim plovilom dominiraju prekrasne svijetle teksture drveta koje daju prostoru trodimenzionalan osjećaj. Velika pažnja na svim većim Sessinim modelima, pa tako i na C35’, posvećena je kupaonici koja je opremljena odvojenom tuš kabinom. Za one s istančanim osjećajem za lijepo, Sessa nudi dizajnersku verziju prostrane i vrlo lijepo uređene kuhinje oblika „L“ koja je izvedena u suradnji s poznatom talijanskom dizajnerskom kućom Boffi.

SAVRŠEN DIZAJN Novi C 35’ Sport Coupé odlikuje se prekrasnom donjom palubom s prostranim dnevnim boravkom te stražnjom i prednjom kabinom. Inovacija interijera C 35’ je ta da obje kabine imaju neovisan pristup kupaonici i kuhinji. Savršen je za dva para koja mogu živjeti zajedno tijekom krstarenja bez ometanja privatnosti. Stražnja kabina opremljena je velikim 160 centimetarskim bračnim krevetom i prekrasno dizajniranim ormarom s ostakljenim vratima koja pridonose stvaranju osjećaja prostranosti.


DIZAJN I OPREMA PO MJERI ZA KRSTARENJE Svijetao kokpit opremljen je velikim električnim hard top-om, a pilotska konzola dizajnirana je isključivo za novi C35’ Sport Coupé. Moćan i mišićav stil inspiriran automobilskom industrijom opremljen je GPS-om, EVC sistemom međupovezivanja s Volvo Penta motorom od 440 do 520 ks te upravljačkom palicom - joystickom za optimalno manevriranje u luci. U svakom slučaju C 35’ je plovilo koje neće ostati nezamijećeno.

TRANSFORMATION OF SESSA’S BESTSELLER With the sale of over 500 models in the last 10 years, the C35’ is one of the Italian brand’s biggest successes. C 35’ is a 100% original sport cruiser, born under the sign of modularity which will seduce all Sessa enthusiasts. The C35’ New Sport Coupè will inherit not only the C68’sculpted style and striking lines, now a reference for the new range of Sessa yachts, but also all that has made it a success: navigation quality, sporting performances, brightness and transparency, choice and originality of materials.

A PERFECTLY DESIGNED MODULAR CONCEPT The C35’ New Sport Coupè is particularly remarkable for its strikingly intelligent lower deck layout, where the boat owner can choose to live in ‘open space’, with a spacious living area with two cabins. The innovation is the fact that in the second set-up, the two back and forward cabins remain spacious and each has independent access both to the bathroom and the kitchen. The C35’ New Sport Coupè is thus equipped to cater for two couples that can easily live together during a cruise. The back cabin has a 160 cm double bed and a large closet with mirrored doors, heightening the sensation of space.

A LUMINOUS INTERIOR - STILL VERY MUCH IN VOGUE Sessa is not so much a fashion follower as a trend setter. The C35’ New Sport Coupè not only incarnates the distinctive features of the new Sessa Marine range but also offers new themes including textured wood to give the interior design a tridimensional feel. On this new model, as much attention has been given to the bathroom as on the larger models in the range, and is equipped with a separate shower cubicle. For lovers of great finishing touches, the shipyard offers a “Design version” of the spacious and well-equipped L-shaped kitchen, designed in partnership with the well-known Italian designer and kitchen specialist Boffi.

11 METRES OF DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT TAILOR-MADE FOR CRUISING The luminous cockpit is equipped with a large electric hard-top and a piloting console designed solely for the C35’ New Sport Coupè. The latter, with a powerful, masculine style inspired by the automotive industry, is equipped with a 120 wide GPS, the EVC system interfacing to the VOLVO PENTA from 440 to 520 HP engines, and a joystick for optimum maneuverability in the port. TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL DATA DUŽINA PREKO CIJELOG BRODA / LOA

10.75 m


3.45 m


7 600 kg




440-520 HP


560 1


300 1




Christian Grande


KEY LARGO ONE Key largo One novo je najmanje plovilo u Sessinoj obitelji. Dragulj od 18 stopa s impresivnim karakteristikama nove Key Largo linije kreiran je po uzoru na Key Largo 20 i Key Largo 24. Ističe se kompaktnom središnjom konzolom, bimini tendom koja se može uvući, frižiderom, konvertibilnim pilot sjedištem i stolićem za objedovanje, te živopisno obojenim trupom. Ovaj model pokretat će vanbrodski motor od 40 do 115 KS. Prilikom njegovog kreiranja Sessin dizajnerski tim oslonio se na uspješan model s početka 90-ih - Sessa Key Largo 18. Taj je model bio hit s više od 1000 prodanih primjeraka, te se s pravom očekuje velika popularnost i ovog novog mališana iznimnih performansi. Key Largo One sa svojim gracioznim i finim linijama trupa može se opisati kao kompaktno i stilizirano plovilo stvoreno za uživanje. Premijerno predstavljanje ovog modela bit će na Cannes Boat Show-u, Cannes, Francuska od 10. do 13. rujna 2010. TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL DATA



5.70 m


2.30 m


40 - 115 HP




100 l


45 l

New Key Largo One is the smallest vessel of Sessa Marine gamma. Jewel of 18 feet with impressive new features of Key Largo range is created based on models Key Largo 20 and 24. Slim line, sculpted and colourful hull, extra-compact centre console, retractable bimini, fridge, convertible pilot seat and coffee table are some of its features which will point it out among the competition. This model can be equipped with a 40 to 115 HP outboard engine. During its creation, the designers relied on the successful model from the beginning of the nineties - Sessa Key Largo 18.This vessel was hit in the 90’s, sold in over a 1000 copies. That’s why a great popularity of this new kid with exceptional performance can be expected. The KEY LARGO ONE can be presented as a compact and stylized runabout, maverick and exhilarating. A true gem for taking your first steps in the vast kingdom of Sessa Marine. The premiere of this model will take place at the Cannes Boat Show, Cannes, France from 10th to 13th of September 2010



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Yamaha predstavlja tri nova V6 vanbrodska motora, F225F, F250D i F300B, kao i posve novi „mid-range“ motor F70A. Novi Yamahini motori odlikuju se novim inovativnim tehnologijama, snagom i ekonomičnošću. Manja težina jedna je od vrlo važnih značajki novih Yamahinih modela, što je postignuto uporabom novih materijala kako bi se povećala učinkovitost i pouzdanost motora.

F225F, F250D I F300B Kao tvorac najkvalitetnijih vanbrodskih motora, Yamaha je sinonim za pouzdanost. F225F, F250D i F300B idealan su izbor za profesionalne nautičare, kao i za one željne zabave i opuštanja. Sva tri V6 vanbrodska motora kompatibilna su s jedinstvenim sustavom Yamaha Digital Network drive-by-wire te sofisticiranim elektroničkim upravljanjem. Jednostavnost rukovanja i manevriranja brodom pomoću elektroničkih komandi često je pravo otkriće za korisnike koji se prvi put susreću s takvom tehnologijom. Osim brzine i broja okretaja, novi veliki LCD zaslon može pokazati sve: pritisak ulja, temperaturu i razinu vode, protok goriva, temperaturu i dubinu morske vode. Novi digitalni Yamahin sustav djeluje jednako učinkovito sa „single“, „twin“ „triple“ ili „quadruple“ instalacijom. Osim navedenih karakteristika, treba izdvojiti jednostavan integriran visoko učinkovit sustav za zaštitu od krađe ili neovlaštenog korištenja Y-COP (Yamaha Customer Outboard Protection) koji zaključava i otključava motor jednim pritiskom na gumb. Zbog svoje uspješnosti, sustav Y-COP uveden je kao standard na modelima Yamaha 2010 EFI od 30 KS do 100 KS. Yamaha announces “major” new outboard launch F225F, F250D, F300B and new mid-range F70A. The new Yamaha engines are characterized by innovative new technologies, power and economy. All new Yamaha engines are the lightest and most economical in their power class. The reduction in weight has been achieved through the use of new materials, and by power head -engineering approach that seeks to gain the highest power output consistent with excellent long-term reliability.

F225F, F250D I F300B

As the creator of the best outboard engine Yamaha is synonymous for reliability. F225F, F250D, F300B is ideal choice for every serious boat owner and for those who are looking for fun and relaxation. All three V6 outboards are compatible with the unique NEW Yamaha Digital Network drive-by-wire system, with its sophisticated electronic controls and range of digital gauges. The ease and pleasure of boat handling and maneuvering using the electronic throttles is often a revelation to first –time users and in addition to speed RPM, the new large LCD displays can show everything from oil pressure, water temperature and charging level, to fuel flow rate, tank levels, seawater temperature and depth. The new Yamaha Digital Network System operates equally efficiently with single, twin, triple or quadruple installations. We have to mention an easy to use and highly effective integrated system, Y-COP (Yamaha Customer Outboard Protection) he locks and unlocks the engine with one push of a button on its neat remote control-just like a car. Y-COP system has been so successful that will be introduced as standard on 2010 Yamaha EFI models, which run from 30 hp up to 100 hp.




Key features of the new Yamaha F225F, F250D and F300B model

Snaga, izvrsne performanse, EFI (elektroničko ubrizgavanje goriva), četverotaktni V6 motor, kompaktan i lagan dizajn, pouzdanost, trajnost, TCI mikroračunala, vodeno hlađenje, separator vode, praktičnost, dijagnostički sustav Yamaha, novi veliki LCD sustav Yamaha, sustav zaštite od krađe Y-COP, lako održavanje…

Power, performance, Multi – Point EFI (Electronic Fuel Injection), high output 4-stroke V6 engine, compact and lightweight design, reliability and durability, TCI micro-computer, Water –cooled rectifier/regulator, water separator, Yamaha Diagnostic System, Yamaha new large LCD gauge system (optional), convenience and control ,Yamaha Customer Outboard Protection Y-COP.

F70A Svestran i lagan motor izvrsnih performansi, glatkog ubrzanja sa svojih 70 KS, pogodan je za mnoge vrste plovila. Dizajniran je za maksimalnu volumetrijsku djelotvornost, to jest da osigura što veći protok goriva i zraka u cilindar, što ima vrlo pozitivan učinak na snagu i ekonomičnost motora. Za novi F70A Yamahini inženjeri osmislili su jedinstvenu konfiguraciju od četiri ventila po cilindru, pri čemu se ventili pokreću jednom bregastom osovinom, pa taj vrlo neobičan dizajn omogućava povećanje usisnih i ispušnih ventila, što pridonosi volumetrijskoj djelotvornosti.

KLJUČNE ZNAČAJKE NOVIH MOTORA YAMAHA F70A Elektroničko ubrizgavanje goriva, upozorenje u slučaju pregrijavanja, upozorenje za niski pritisak i ulje, antikorozivni sustav, uređaj za ispiranje slatkom vodom, YDIS – Yamaha dijagnostički sustav, Y-COP – zaštita od krađe. InterAdria SC, authorised dealer and service for Yamaha Ćikovići 73c, Kastav Tel: +385 (0)51 704 178 Fax: +385 (0)51 704 020 GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 92 | e-mail:


Yamaha’s all new four stroke F70A is the lightest and most versatile 70 hp motor with excellent performance and smooth acceleration. Designed for maximum volumetric efficiency, in other words, the latest technology has been harnessed to ensure that as much fuel and air is delivered to the cylinder as possible, a factor which has a very positive effect on power and fuel economy. For the new F70A, Yamaha engineers have designed a unique four –valve – per – cylinder configuration in which the valves are actuated by single camshaft instead of the more typical twin-camshaft arrangement. This highly unusual design not only allows greater intake and exhaust valve area – which contributes to volumetric efficiency – but also reduces the weight and parasitic friction losses that are the inevitable penalty of using twin camshafts. Key features of the new Yamaha F70A model Electronic Fuel Injection system, Overheat warning, Low oil pressure warning, Freshwater flushing device , YDIS-Yamaha diagnostic system, YCOP-Yamaha Customer Outboard Protection.



TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL DATA - F225F Model / Model: Yamaha F225F Dostupne varijante / Variants available: F225FETX, FL225FETX, F225FETU

TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL DATA - F250D Model / Model: Yamaha F250D Dostupne varijante / Variants available: F250DETX, FL250DETX, F250DETU, FL250DETU

Specifikacije motora / Engine specifications: 4-taktni • V6 (60º) • 24 ventila DOHC • s VCT

Specifikacije motora / Engine specifications: 4-taktni • V6 (60º) • 24 ventila DOHC • s VCT

Zapremina / Displacement: 4169 (cm³)

Zapremina / Displacement: 4169 (cm³)

Provrt x hod / Bore x stroke: 96 x 96 (mm) Sistem ubrizgavanja goriva / Fuel induction system: elektroničko ubrizgavanje goriva electronic fuel injection Kapacitet kartera / Oil pan capacity: 6,5 (l) Sustav paljenja / Ignition system: TCI mikroračunala / TCI microcomputer Alternator izlaz / Alternator output: 12V – 70 A s ispravljačem / with a rectifier Mjenjač / Gear shift: F-N-R Maks. broj okretaja / Full throttle rpm range: 5000-6000 o/min Trim & Tilt: širok spektar snage trima i nagiba / Wide-range power trim and tilt

Provrt x hod / Bore x stroke: 96 x 96 (mm)

Preporučena visina krme plovila / Recommended boat transom height: X: 635 U: 762 (mm)

Preporučena visina krme plovila / Recommended boat transom height:X: 635 U: 762 (mm)

TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL DATA - F300B Model / Model: Yamaha F300B Dostupne varijante / Variants available: F300BETX, FL300BETX, F300BETU, FL300BETU

TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL DATA - F70A Model / Model: Yamaha F70A Dostupne varijante / Variants available: F70AETL

Specifikacije motora / Engine specifications: 4-taktni • V6 (60º) • 24 ventila DOHC • s VCT

Specifikacije motora / Engine specifications: 4-taktni • 4-cil. u skladu • 16 ventila SOHC

Zapremina / Displacement: 4169 (cm³)

Zapremina / Displacement: 996 (cm³)

Provrt x hod / Bore x stroke: 96 x 96 (mm) Sistem ubrizgavanja goriva / Fuel induction system: elektroničko ubrizgavanje goriva electronic fuel injection Kapacitet kartera / Oil pan capacity: 6,5 (l) Sustav paljenja / Ignition system: TCI mikroračunala / TCI microcomputer Alternator izlaz / Alternator output: 12V – 70 A s ispravljačem / with a rectifier Mjenjač / Gear shift: F-N-R Maks. broj okretaja / Full throttle rpm range: 5000-6000 o/min Trim & Tilt: širok spektar snage trima i nagiba / Wide-range power trim and tilt

Provrt x hod / Bore x stroke: 65 x 75 (mm) Sistem ubrizgavanja goriva / Fuel induction system: elektroničko ubrizgavanje goriva electronic fuel injection Kapacitet kartera / Oil pan capacity: 2,1 (l) Sustav paljenja / Ignition system: TCI mikroračunala / TCI microcomputer Alternator izlaz / Alternator output: 12V – 70 A s ispravljačem / with a rectifier Mjenjač / Gear shift: F-N-R Maks. broj okretaja / Full throttle rpm range: 5300-6300 o/min Trim & Tilt: širok spektar snage trima i nagiba / Wide-range power trim and tilt

Preporučena visina krme plovila / Recommended boat transom height: X: 635 U: 762 (mm)

Preporučena visina krme plovila / Recommended boat transom height: L: 508 (mm)

Maks. broj okretaja / Full throttle rpm range: 5000-6000 o/min Sistem ubrizgavanja goriva / Fuel induction system: elektroničko ubrizgavanje goriva electronic fuel injection Kapacitet kartera / Oil pan capacity: 6,5 (l) Sustav paljenja / Ignition system: TCI mikroračunala Alternator izlaz / Alternator output: 12V – 70 A s ispravljačem / regulatorom Mjenjač / Gear shift: F-N-R Trim & Tilt: širok spektar servotrima i nagiba



Koje su prednosti servisiranja plovila u ovlaštenom servisu? Wich are the benefits of servicing vessels at an authorised service centre Razgovarala / Interview by Izabela Lelek Purić

Za vas smo istražili koje su prednosti servisiranja plovila u ovlaštenom servisu… Razgovarali smo s g. Damirom Dubrovićem, voditeljem InterAdriinog servisnog centra, čovjekom s dugogodišnjim iskustvom koji nam je odgovorio na nekoliko važnih pitanja. Koje sve mogućnosti pruža InterAdriin Servisni centar, kao jedan od ovlaštenih servisa plovila i motora? Damir Dubrović: U današnje vrijeme osim same prodaje plovila važno je kupcu ponuditi kompletnu uslugu na jednom mjestu, a jedna od najvažnijih stavki je i servisiranje plovila. Servis obavljamo u skladu s normama proizvođača, a obavljamo i sve radove vezane za popravke motora u garancijskom roku odobrene od strane proizvođača, generalne popravke motora, dijagnostiku motora, ugradnju rezervnih dijelova. Naša usluga održavanja brodova uključuje: 1. redovito održavanje što podrazumijeva konzervaciju i dekonzervaciju motora, premazivanje i bojanje, zamjenu i popravak istrošenih dijelova, održavanje elektroničke i navigacijske opreme te čišćenje plovila. 2. investicijsko održavanje kao što je ugradnja novih dijelova te radovi na unaprjeđivanju kvalitete i porastu vrijednosti plovila i opreme. 3. posebno održavanje koje se odnosi na izvanredne radove na zahtjev vlasnika. Koliko je važna edukacija djelatnika? Damir Dubrović: Za kvalitetno obavljanje radova vrlo je važna edukacija djelatnika. Naši djelatnici dva puta godišnje polaze ciljane programe edukacije u kojima se upoznaju s novim tehnologijama. Redovitim educiranjem servisera zadržavamo i unapređujemo razinu usluga kako bi sačuvali ukazano povjerenje. Nastojimo uvijek biti korak ispred, što je vrlo značajno za cjelokupno poslovanje.


Damir Dubrović customer service manager

Na koji način kupce motivirate da i nakon isteka jamstvenog roka servisiraju plovilo u InterAdriinom servisu? Damir Dubrović: Kupce motiviramo tako što svoj posao radimo stručno i korektno uz poštivanje tvorničkih preporuka oko promjene ili ugradnje rezervnog dijela. Osim toga klijent ne čeka mjesecima na originalne rezervne dijelove jer se isti nalaze u našem skladištu veleprodaje što uvelike olakšava rad. Usluga izvršenih radova je tako efikasnija i brža na veliko zadovoljstvo kupaca. Važno je za naglasiti kako je Interadria osim glavnog servisnog centra u Kastvu otvorila i Servis na moru u sklopu marine hotela Admiral u Opatiji. Ondje su na raspolaganju serviseri za sve hitne intervencije. Osim toga od ove godine uveli smo i dodatne pogodnosti za vjerne klijente u vidu kartice lojalnosti tj. InterAdria Members kartice. Što je to InterAdria Members kartica? Damir Dubrović: Za sezonu 2010. pripremili smo jednu novost - InterAdria Members karticu. Osmišljena je kao zahvala postojećim klijentima na ukazanom povjerenju uz koju mogu ostvarivati pogodnosti kao što su popusti prilikom kupnje nautičke i ribolovne opreme i što je najzanimljivije popuste prilikom korištenja usluga servisa. Što biste za kraj poručili svojim sadašnjim i budućim klijentima? Damir Dubrović: Za sam kraj nadodao bih da je naš cilj kupcu omogućiti stručnu i visoku razinu usluge. Svjesna i odgovorna briga o plovilu nije samo pitanje ljubavi vlasnika već i sigurnosti svih putnika koji na njemu borave. Osnovni preduvjet za to je stručno održavanje koje mi, uz znanje i iskustvo omogućavamo. Uz dogovor i suradnju s vlasnicima, njihovo pridržavanje preporuka proizvođača i naših savjeta jamčimo potpunu tehničku sigurnost plovila.

Which are the benefits of servicing vessels at an authorized service centre? We have explored the advantages of servicing vessels at the authorized service center ... We spoke with Mr. Damir Dubrović, customer service manager at InterAdria service centre, a man with years of experience. He answered to a few important questions. What does InterAdria SC, as one of the authorized service centres for boats and boat engines, offer to clients? Damir Dubrović: It is very important to offer to customers a complete service at one place and one of the most important things is vessel maintenance. We provide maintenance services in accordance with all the standards proposed by manufacturer. We also make general engine repairs with complete diagnostics as well as installation of spare parts. Our boat maintenance services include: 1. Regular maintenance which includes conservation and deconservation of engine, coating, painting and cleaning, replacement and reparation of worn-out parts, maintenance of electronic and navigation equipment. 2. Investment maintenance such as installation of new parts and work on quality improvement for increasing the value of boat and equipment. 3. Special maintenance related to special requests by boat’s owner. Which is the importance of staff training? Damir Dubrović: To perform quality work it is very important to educate people. Our staff regularly attend specialized education programmes and learn about new technologies. Regular education of repairmen improves the level of our services as well as the confidence our customers have in our service. We are trying to be one step ahead which is very important for our business activity.

In which way do you motivate customers to continue use InterAdria services after the warranty period? Damir Dubrović: We do our job professionally and correctly in compliance with manufacturer recommendations about reparation or installation of spare parts. Our clients do not have to wait months for an original spare part because we have it in our wholesale warehouse which greatly facilitates the work. The process is then faster and more efficient. We have to mention that along with our main service centre in Kastav we have recently opened a service centre by the sea. It is located in the Marina of the Hotel Admiral in Opatija. This service centre is available for all emergency service interventions. Also, starting from this year we have introduced additional benefits for our loyal customers in the form of loyalty card named InterAdria Members card. What is INTERADRIA Members Card? Damir Dubrović: For the season 2010. we have prepared a novelty - InterAdria Members Card. It has been designed for our loyal customers. This card offers benefits such as discounts when purchasing nautical equipment and, what is most interesting, when using the InterAdria maintenance services. What would be your message for current and future customers? Damir Dubrović: I would like to say that our target is to enable professional and high level of service to all our customers. Conscious and responsible care for the vessel is not only a question of owners devotion to the boat, it is also a question of safety for all passengers who stay on it. The basic prerequisite for this is professional approach. In cooperation with owners, their complying with manufacturer’s recommendations and our technical advices we guarantee full safety of the boats. InterAdria Service Center Ćikovići 73c, Kastav Tel: +385 (0)51 704 178 Fax: +385 (0)51 704 020 GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 92 e-mail:


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C43’ I FLY54’ Sessa Marine stiže na scenu sa plovilima čija osobnost odiše sjajnim sportskim duhom, britkim dizajnom i maksimalnom jednostavnošću navigacije.

C43’ & FLY 54’ Sessa Marine arrives on the scene with vessels that summons a splendid sporting spirit,underlined with incisive design and maximum navigation ease.

Uz nedvojbeno savršeno ponašanje trupa, posebno dizajniranog za IPS prijenos C43’ i Fly 54 su brza, pouzdana i graciozna plovila.

With the undeniably nautical behavior of its hull, specially designed for IPStransmission, the C 43’ and Fly 54’ are fast, dependable and graceful vessels..

Sličnosti i razlike poznatih Sessinih plovila koje smo testirali u našem prekrasnom Kvarnerskom zaljevu.

Similarities and differences of two Sessa Marine famous vessels that we tested in our beautiful Kvarner Bay.


Sessa Marine

C 43’

Stvoren za ljubitelje stila i dizajna Undeniably created for lovers of style and design Sessa Marine C43 elegantna je jahta koja svojom pojavom izaziva senzaciju, u što smo se uvjerili kad je zaplovio Jadranom. Stvoren idejom o poboljšanju osnovnih karakteristika svoga velikog brata C46, Sessa Marine C43 nudi savršen balans između pažljivo biranog dizajna i visoke tehnologije. Njegov dizajn ostavlja bez daha: konture jahte otkrivaju svu ljepotu, moć i snagu trupa, a u unutrašnjosti je svaki detalj pomno razrađen kako bi stvorio moderan i snažan, a istodobno topao i opuštajući ugođaj.


Sessa Marine C43’ is a boat that caused a real sensation with its appearance in which we were convinced when it sailed on the Adriatic sea. Calling and improving on the characteristics of its big brother the C46’, highly successful in 2007, the C43 ‘offers a perfect balance between carefully chosen design and high technology. An elegant design which leaves nothing to chance: bands and stops underline the contours of the structure and reveal the strength of the hull. Inside, each detail is finely crafted to create an atmosphere which is both modern and uncluttered but also mellow and welcoming.



C43 je senzualnog, zavodničkoga karaktera, moderno uređen u tonu vrhnja i čokolade. Nudi estetski oblikovanu konzolu s izvanrednim rasporedom upravljačke ploče i instrumenata. Iza upravljačkog mjesta nalazi se element u koji su ugrađeni štednjak, sudoper i hladnjak, a ispod njega se nalaze mini bar i spremište. Preko puta smještena je blagovaonica s naslonjačima i stolom od tikovine, koji je moguće zakrenuti da bi se olakšao prolaz s njegove desne strane. Iznad blagovaonice nalazi se električni „Hard top“ koji štiti prostoriju od loših vremenskih utjecaja i prejakog sunca. Na pramcu je smješteno prostrano sunčalište, opremljeno zvučnicima i pretincima za manje osobne predmete. Do sunčališta se dolazi uskim i sigurnim prolazom koji je zaštićen visokom ogradom i dodatnim rukohvatom. Ondje se nalaze oprema za sidrenje i ljestve za silazak u more.

C 43 ‘with its sensual and seductive contemporary character for the outside trim with its tones of cream and chocolate also offers an aesthetically shaped console with an exceptional layout control panels and instruments. Behind the helm is an integrated cooker, sink and fridge with a mini bar and storage. Just opposite is a dining room with a sofa and a teak table, which can be rotated - in order to facilitate the passage by its right side. Above the dining room is an electric ‘Hard Top’ which protects the area from the impact of bad weather and too much sun. The spacious sun deck is equipped with loud speakers and holders integrated into the trim and storage for small personal items. The passage to the sun deck is secured by a narrow passage that is protected by a high fence and extra grips. There are also anchoring equipment and ladders for the descent into the water.





Iz kokpita se ulazi u unutrašnjost plovila – staklena vrata i nekoliko niskih stuba vode ravno u salon u kojem se nalazi kožnata garnitura U-oblika te stol od tikovine. Tu je i krasno uređena i vrhunski opremljena kuhinja. Pogled se pruža prema kabini u pramcu s bračnim krevetom i zasebnom kupaonicom. Impresivna vlasnička kabina okružena je prozorima kroz koje se pruža prekrasan pogled na more. Ta prostrana kabina ima dijagonalno postavljen bračni krevet velikih dimenzija. Iz vlasničke kabine izravno se ulazi u luksuzno opremljenu kupaonicu s odvojenom tuš-kabinom.

A dark glass door and a few low steps lead straight into the salon where there is nice leather furniture in the form of the letter “U” and a teak table. There is also a beautifully decorated kitchen. The view stretches towards the cabin in the bow with a double bed and a separate bathroom. Owner’s cabin is surrounded by windows for a wonderful view at the sea. There is a large double bed diagonally placed with enough space around it. From the owner’s cabin you can step directly into the luxury bathroom with a separate shower.

BRODSKI POGON Što se tiče brodskog pogona, model C43 pokreću dva sustava Volvo Penta IPS 500, s dizelskim agregatima snage 380 KS, a korito broda posebno je projektirano upravo za takvu konfiguraciju motora i prijenosa. Upravljanje palicom (joystickom) uvedeno je s ovim modelom kao serijsko rješenje, pa je manevriranje olakšano do maksimuma. Do postizanja glisiranja potrebno je samo devet sekundi, a pri za to potrebnoj brzini od 17 čvorova motori dosežu 2250 okretaja na minutu. C43 pri toj je brzini vrlo poslušan, a za eventualno ispravljanje kursa potrebno je samo minimalno pomicanje zakrilaca; ona su, naime, najkorisnija pri plovidbi većim brzinama po valovitijemu moru, kada upravo savršeno ispravljaju nagib korita. Sve u svemu, Sessa Marine C43 krasan je „hard top open cruiser“, koji se može mjeriti sa svakom jahtom u svojoj klasi po razini kvalitete, udobnosti i stila.

NEW IPS MOTORIZATION C 43’ is powered by Volvo Penta IPS system 500. The hull is specially designed for just such a configuration of the engine and transmission. With joystick maneuvering it provides very easy handling with outstanding onboard comfort. Planing should be achieved in 9 seconds and at the required speed of 17 knots engines reach 2250 rpm. C 43’ at that rate is very obedient, and any course corrections take only minimal movement of the flaps. In fact they are most useful when navigating at great speeds in the rough sea, when they perfectly fix the slope of the bed. We must say that Sessa marine model C43’ is a nice hard top open cruiser which can measure up with every yacht in its class at the level of quality, comfort and style.


13.20 m


3.99 m


9 800 kg


740/544 hp/kw


200 l


2 x 450 l






Christian Grande


Sessa Marine

Fly 54’

Za Vas smo isprobali novi Sessa Marine Fly 54’ We have tested the New Sessa Marine Fly 54’ Nakon brojnih svjetskih priznanja za kvalitetu i dizajn svojih proizvoda, Sessa Marine suočila se s novim izazovom i ušla duboko u flybridge sektor. Fly modeli idealni su za obitelj, ali i za sve ostale željne vrhunske zabave i opuštanja. Jednostavno upravljanje brodom zahvaljujući IPS sustavu i profinjena elegancija samo su neki od aduta ove luksuzne jahte koja će svakoga oduševiti.


After the numerous awards from around the world for quality and design of its products, Sessa Marine faced with a new challenge and fully entered into the Fly bridge sector. Fly models are ideal for families and everyone who is looking for excellent entertainment and relaxation. The easy handling, thanks to the IPS system, and the elegance of the concept is perfect for an owner able to recognize “unique value” products.

Fly 54 svoju je premijeru imao na prošlogodišnjem sajmu u Cannesu, a krajem svibnja je primjerak broj 2, odnosno 1 namijenjen prodaji, stigao u Hrvatsku. Kako se ponaša na našemu moru, testirali smo probnom vožnjom po Kvarneru. Prvo čime ovaj model plijeni pozornost sportske su linije, koje plovilu daju osebujan i snažan karakter. Savršeno se stapaju s ostalim elementima prekrasne krmene platforme, niskih bočnih stranica flybridgea i okruglih prozora na trupu. Platforma i kokpit prekriveni su neobično postavljenim tikovim letvicama. U kokpitu je klupa s udobnim jastucima koja u sebi skriva funkcionalan sustav kojim se u samo nekoliko koraka izvlači prilično velik stol od tikovine. Stubištem od tikovine doći ćete na flybridge. Donji dio stubišta podiže se kako bi se pristupilo skiperskoj kabini koja, osim kreveta, ima umivaonik, WC te stroj za pranje rublja. Fly 54 vrlo je funkcionalan i estetski dotjeran brod. Tu se nalazi klupa s preklopnim stolom od tikovine za osam osoba, te mini kuhinja s hladnjakom, sudoperom i roštiljem. Jednostavnom upravljačkom pločom dominira Raymarineov ploter C90 Wide i joystick Volvo Penta pogonskog sustava IPS. Gotovo cijeli flybridge natkriven je bimini tendom, koja, ako nije u upotrebi, može biti skrivena u svojem spremištu ispod sunčališta.

Fly 54 ‘ was presented at the last year’s Cannes Boat Show and the copy No. 2 came to Croatia at the end of May. We have tested its behaviour at sea on a test drive in Kvarner bay. This attractive boat, with its sports lines has a distinct and strong character that is perfectly blended with other elements such as the nice swim platform, low sides of the fly bridge and the round windows on the hull. Platform and cockpit are covered with an unusual set of teak battens. The cockpit has a bench with comfortable pillows, which conceals a functional system that in just a few steps draws a rather large teak table. Teak staircase will take you up to the fly bridge. Under the stairs is the access into the skipper’s cabin that is very well equipped with a comfortable bed, sink, toilet and a washing machine. The fly bridge is very functional with a modern bench and a teak table for eight persons, mini bar with a refrigerator, sink and grill. A simple control panel is dominated by Raymarine plotter C90 Wide and joystick Volvo IPS drive system. Almost the entire fly bridge is covered with a bimini top which if not in use could stay in place under the sun deck.




Na ulazu u salon nalazi se klupa L-oblika s tamnosmeđim lakiranim stolom, a primicanjem dvaju kožnatih taburea taj prostor postaje blagovaonica za šest osoba. Preko puta je naslonjač koji služi za opuštanje, uz mini bar koji je opremljen hladnjakom za vina i posebnim ladicama s držačima čaša.

Inside the salon are a sofa and a dark brown lacquered table which becomes a dining room for six people. Opposite is a nice place for relaxing with a mini bar and fridge and a drawer with special holders for wine and cocktails.

Upravljačko mjesto opremljeno je konzolom na kojoj dominiraju identični instrumenti kao i na flybridgeu, te klupom obloženom smeđom kožom za jednu do dvije osobe. Kuhinja je bogato opremljena dvostrukim hladnjakom volumena 200 litara, staklokeramičkim štednjakom, strojem za pranje posuđa, mikrovalnom pećnicom te mnoštvom ormarića i ladica. Vlasnička kabina smještena je u središnjem dijelu plovila, VIP kabina je u pramcu, dok je kabina za djecu, s krevetima na kat, u desnom dijelu plovila. Sve tri kabine imaju zasebnu kontrolnu jedinicu klima-uređaja i odgovarajuće otvore za upuhivanje rashlađenog zraka.


The control console is equipped with a highly innovative technology such as the one at the fly bridge, and there is bench in brown leather for two persons. The kitchen is near with a very large refrigerator (200l volume), ceramic stove, dishwasher, microwave, and lots of small cabinets and drawers. The spacious master cabin is in the center part of the boat, a VIP cabin is in the bow, while the third cabin for the kids is in the right part of the vessel. All three cabins have air conditioning.

POGON U strojarnici su smještena dva motora Volvo Penta D11 snage po 690 KS i dio pogonskog sustava IPS. Kad pokrenete motore, iznenadit će vas niska razina buke i vibracija. Zavidnu okretnost pri plovidbi po marini omogućuje IPS, a pripomaže i dodatni pramčani potisnik. Ubrzanje IPS pogona je odlično, a glisiranje počinje na 1500 okretaja i 14,5 čvorova, pa je brzina od 20 čvorova već na 1750 okretaja. Optimalna brzina krstarenja bila bi 26,5 čvorova pri 2000 okretaja, a maksimalna 34,5 čvorova s opterećenjem četvrtine spremnika goriva i polovine spremnika vode, ako je četvero putnika na brodu. Ova jahta, iako joj je vodena linija duga samo 12,7 metara, moćno i vrlo meko razgrće valove. Udobnost plovila oduševljava, a kvaliteta izrade i ugrađenih materijala iznenađuje. Potrošnja, niska razina buke, te lakoća upravljanja osigurana IPS prijenosom pogoduju uživanju i ne baš iskusnih poznavatelja života na moru. Sessa Marine na tržište je lansirala nov, kvalitetan i očaravajući proizvod, te tako pridonijela stvaranju individualnosti na svoj poseban način.

ENGINE In the engine room there are two Volvo Penta D11 engines with 690 hp. While starting the engine, you will be surprised with the low level of noise and vibration. Acceleration of the IPS drive system is great, and the boat achieved a speed of 14,5 knots at 1500 rpm and 20 knots at 1750 rpm. Cruising speed is 26.5 knots at 2000 rpm and maximum 34.5 knots with quarter loaded tank of fuel and water, and four passengers on board .This yacht with the water line only 12.7 meters long, powerfully overcomes the waves. The easy handling thanks to the IPS system and the elegance of the concept is perfect for owners able to recognize “unique value” products. Low consumption, low noise level, the ease of steering ensured by the IPS transmission, is a favorite of owners with not much experience of life at sea. Sessa Marine has launched a new product which contributes to the creation of individuals in their own special way.


16.20 m


4.70 m


2 x 515 kW


2 x 1000 l


2 x 300 l


180 l







Od sada i na jahti od 54’ stope

IPS TECHNOLOGY Finally on a 54’ feet Yacht Sessa Marine jedno je od prvih brodogradilišta koje je primijenilo novu generaciju brodskih Volvo Penta motora s IPS pogonom. Dizajn trupa svojih plovila Sessa je prilagodila zahtjevima ove vrste motora. Rezultiralo je to ugradnjom IPS 500 i 600 pogona na dva modela C 43’ i C 46’ koja su polučila veliki međunarodni uspjeh. Sessa Marine was one of the first shipyards to adopt IPS technology, designing hulls adapted to the requirements of this type of engine. As a result, the IPS 500 and 600 have respectively been assembled on the C43 and C46: two models with considerable international success.


Nenadmašna upravljivost, udobnost i jednostavnost navigacije te za 30% smanjena emisija C02 prednosti su nove IPS tehnologije. Zahvaljujući drugoj generaciji Volvo Penta motora, IPS je napokon dostupan i na velikim brodovima. FLY 54’ je prvo „Fly- bridge“ plovilo koje može ponuditi IPS tehnologiju čija korist nije zanemariva. Uz pomoć IPS tehnologije manevriranje unutar luke zapravo postaje dječja igra čak i po jakom vjetru i valovima. Zahvaljujući upravljačkoj palici postavljenoj na vanjskoj upravljačkoj ploči korištenje pramčanog propelera više nije potrebno. Unequalled maneuverability, navigating comfort and ease, a 30% reduction in C02 emissions: the benefits of IPS technology are now fully recognized. Thanks to the second generation presented by VOLVO PENTA, IPS is at last available on the large ship market for achieving the finest performances. The FLY 54 is the first flying-bridge to offer an IPS engine and the benefit of this is not negligible. Now, maneuvering in the port becomes child’s play, even in strong winds and whatever the lift. Thanks to the joystick mounted on the outside control cabin, using bow thrusters is no longer a necessity. InterAdria SC Authorised Volvo Penta service Tel: +385 (0)51 704 178 GSM: +385 (0)91 215 44 92 e-mail:


Savjet pravnika Legal advice

Spašavanje imovine ili spašavanje vlastitog džepa Salvage of one’s property or salvage of one’s own pocket Tekst napisao / text by Damir Šebetić, dipl. iur. Odvjetnik i skiper / Lawyer and skiper

Naš Jadran, iako izgleda kao neko jezero naspram velikih oceana, u sebi nosi veliku snagu i veliku potencijalnu opasnost, koja može nautičarima uzrokovati veliku brigu kao i štetu uslijed nedovoljne informiranosti o vremenu ili još više uslijed pomanjkanja iskustva plovljenja jedrilicom ili motornim brodom u slabo poznatom okruženju. Vrijeme na Jadranu se ne sastoji samo od bure i juga, nego i od valova koji mogu biti visoki i preko 3 metra, a nažalost, kratki tako da uzrokuju velike neugodnosti za vrijeme plovidbe ili sidrenja u prekrasnoj uvali. Ne zaboravimo, razbijala su se plovila i na čvrstim betonskim molovima, ali to sada nije tema. U tim trenucima, skiper, ako više ne može kontrolirati svoj brod, prvo što mora učiniti je da zaštiti svoju posadu, a onda i imovinu. Potrebno je da se okrene proceduri koja je obvezna, a i spašava živote i imovinu, te je obvezno gradivo i za najnižeg časnika na brodu. Nerijetko se radi o vrlo vrijednim plovilima, te oštećenje ili gubitak istoga, predstavlja bankrot za svojeg vlasnika, ukoliko nije dobro osiguran. Treba se okrenuti spašavanju. Što se zapravo krije iza spašavanja broda? Koje su vaše opcije i prava? Kako ćete ocijeniti što vam različite službe nude u takvoj situaciji? Spašavanje u hitnim slučajevima je široki pravni termin koji pokriva različite primjere spašavanja, od situacija izbijanja požara ili prodiranja vode, koje se ne može kontrolirati. Na Jadranu je ustrojena Nacionalna središnjica – MRCC Rijeka, sve podsredišnjice (lučke kapetanije) i njihove lučke ispostave, te sve obalne radio postaje (Rijeka radio, Split radio i Dubrovnik radio) održavaju pomorsku radijsku službu bdijenja na međunarodno utvrđenim frekvencijama i kanalima za pogibelj, hit-


However the Adriatic Sea may look to someone like a peaceful lake if compared to great oceans, it is prone to show sometimes its significant might and put in serious danger boaters who are suddenly faced with big problems and often different damages because of insufficient knowledge of weather conditions or even lack of experience in getting along with their sailing or motor boats in the not so familiar environment. Weather conditions on the Adriatic Sea does not comprise only bora and sirocco winds but also the waves which may exceed 3 meters in height and are unfortunately short so that they can cause serious inconveniences during navigation or anchoring in what once seemed a beautiful and peaceful bay. We must not forget that more than a few boats were wrecked despite the fact that they were securely tied to concrete piers. In such moments, a skipper will, if he cannot further control his boat, first of all protect his crew. It is necessary that he follows the procedure which is mandatory in saving lives and property and such procedure should be also mastered by even the lowest positioned officer onboard. Usually, very valuable boats are involved and the damage on or the loss of such boat will mean bankruptcy for its owner unless properly insured. The move should be taken towards salvage. What’s the truth behind salvage? What are your options and rights? And how do you evaluate what the various services offer in such a situation? Emergency salvage is a broad legal term covering rescue from anything ranging from raging fire to uncontrollable flooding.

nost i sigurnost, a sve u skladu sa svjetskim pomorskim sustavom pogibelji i sigurnosti. MRCC održava 24 satno dežurstvo, te osim radio kanala 16 na vašim UHF stanicama, može se dobiti direktnim biranjem telefona 9155. Isto tako, okretanjem broja 112 ili 911, dežurne službe usmjeravaju pozive prema MRCC Rijeka, te za to kvalificirane osobe organiziraju pomoć u nevolji. Ovaj dio spašavanja je pokriven i sa Sea Help, stručna internacionalna mreža koja ima sjedište u Punatu- Krk a mobilne ekipe su raspoređene uzduž Jadrana. Njihov telefonski poziv je 062 200 000 ili radio kanal 16 sa pozivnim znakom Radio Rijeka Sea-help. Takve stručne mreže, koji za sada imaju velike gumenjake sa motorima(zaštitna oznaka žuta) mogu definitivno popraviti izglede jahtaša kod spašavanja imovine na plovilu ili samog plovila. Iako na Jadranu još uvijek među nautičarima postoji velika solidarnost u pružanju pomoći, realno je očekivati da će vam jednom doći u pomoć ribarica po teškom nevremenu i sa punim pravom očekivati novčanu satisfakciju u svezi spašavanja imovine plovila.

In Croatia, the National Center – MRCC Rijeka (Maritime Rescue Coordination Center Rijeka), all the sub-centers (Port Authorities) and their port stations and all shore radio stations – Rijeka radio, Split radio and Dubrovnik radio provide maritime radio monitoring services on internationally confirmed frequencies and channels for emergencies and safety, in accordance with the Global Maritime Distress and Safety Program. MRCC provides a 24 hour watch service, and in addition to the radio channel 16 on your VHF, it can be reached at the emergency number 9155. Also, by calling 112 or 911, the emergency services on duty will divert your calls to MRCC Rijeka and qualified persons will organize required assistance. This stage has been also covered by Sea Help, professional international network with its seat in Punat on the Island of Krk and its mobile teams positioned along the coast. They can be reached at the telephone number 062 200 000 or via VHF radio channel 16 through Radio Rijeka Sea-Help. Such professional networks, equipped for a moment with highspeed big yellow colored inflatables, may definitely improve the odds in favor of yachtsmen when fast reponse is needed.

U Pomorskom zakoniku, osnovno je pravilo da za spašavanje osoba ne pripada nikome nagrada, ali ako se ne krene u spašavanje iz tog razloga, odredbama kaznenog zakona, predviđene su sankcije za ne pružanje pomoći. Sve drugo je striktno poslovni odnos.

Although in Croatia there is still strong solidarity among yachtsmen and they are usually prepared to help each other, it is reasonable to anticipate that the situation may occur when a fishing-boat comes out in a ravaging storm to help you and after salvage expects with good reason deserved compensation.

Za svako spašavanje broda ili druge imovine, koje je dalo koristan ishod spašavatelju pripada pravična nagrada, no ona je limitirana vrijednošću spašenog plovila, odnosno dijela spašene imovine.

In the Maritime Law the basic principle is that if a person’s life has been saved no compensation is payable but if rescue has not been organized for the fact that no compensation will be paid, the provisions of the Criminal Law will be applied in terms of the sanctions for failure to provide assistance. Everything else is strictly business matter.

Ukoliko se takav poslovni odnos zloupotrebi zbog velike opasnosti, bespomoćnosti, prijevare i slično, sud može na zahtjev, poništiti ili izmijeniti ugovor o spašavanju broda ili druge imovine. To zakonsko pravilo se primjenjuje i kada su se spasitelj i spašeni dogovorili oko spašavanje, ali ne i o cijeni.

In case of salvage of a boat or other property leading to the useful outcome, any salvor is entitled to fair reward limited by the value of the boat or any portion of the salved property.


Spašavatelj koji se upustio u spašavanje broda ili druge imovine protiv izričite i razborite zabrane zapovjednika, vlasnika ili brodara spašavanog broda, odnosno osobe ovlaštene raspolagati spašenom imovinom, nema pravo na nagradu. Ako se brzo ne dogovorite sa spasiteljem i riješite problem plaćanja, bez suglasnosti spašavatelja spašeni brod i druga imovina s broda, ne smiju se otpremiti iz luke ili mjesta na koje su dospjeli neposredno po dovršetku spašavanja. A to može dovoljno da vaše dugo očekivano ljetovanje postane prava noćna mora. Preporučujem prihvatiti pomoć drugih jahtaša, prije nego što pozovete profesionalce u pomoć i to: ako nije velika opasnost ili ne prijeti velika šteta i ako nije ružno vrijeme ili veliki valovi. Osnovno je da plovilo koje pomaže budu dovoljno snažno kako bi vršilo tegljenje ili preuzeo teret sa plovila koje je u nevolji. No i ono što se čini jednostavnim tegljenjem može se pretvoriti u pravu moru kada to rade neuke osobe. Najlonska užad se može previše rastegnuti i postati smrtonosna praćka ako pukne, a bitve se mogu iščupati. Tegljenje je komplicirano, naročito u uvalama koje su obično prenapučene i ima valova, iako je vani mirno more. Osim toga, u našim uvalama je, osim plovila koja su međusobno usidrena na nekoliko metara, more puno kupača koji plivaju oko plovila što predstavlja dodatnu poteškoću, ukoliko spašavanje ne provodi iskusni skiper. Komercijalni spasitelji ili moreplovci domicilnog stanovništva su već naučeni da se najčešći problemi koji mogu iskrsnuti rješavaju sa priručnom pumpom za gorivo i tankom goriva, opremom za ronjenje i zamjenskim konopom za kopomorto, koji ste nepažljivo presjekli, te priborom za podvodne popravke. Sve to ima određenu cijenu po satu, a najčešće se za to ne dobije račun, koji bi mogli kasnije prezentirati svom osiguravajućem društvu. U slučaju da se nalazite u blizini marine, pozivom na radio kanal 17 će svaka marina poslati svoje plovilo zajedno sa iskusnim mornarima da pomognu plovilu uz unaprijed publiciranu tarifu. U SAD-u, nagrade spasitelju kreću se od oko 5 do 35 posto od vrijednosti broda nakon udesa (realna tržišna vrijednost broda umanjena za troškove popravaka). Ovisno o potrebnim radnjama i vjerojatnom ishodu da spasioc nije došao, uobičajena je nagrada od 8 do 12 posto, uz naknadu koju dogovaraju spasioc i osiguravatelj. Za sada, naši nautičari koji i imaju kasko osiguranje, nerijetko ne ugovaraju takvu vrst osiguranja koji pokriva spašavanje ili tegljenje ili popravke u moru, te takvi troškovi na kraju padaju na teret vlasnika plovila. Isto tako, mnoga osiguravajuća društva kada vam predaju policu na potpis, sitni malim slovima konstatiraju da je osiguranik svojim potpisom potvrdio da je upoznat s Općim uvjetima osiguranja. To skoro nikad nije točno, te se preporuča prije potpisivanja police i uplate, vrlo dobro i pažljivo pročitati „sitna slova“, jer vas kasnije ni najbolji odvjetnik ne može izvući iz materijalnih neprilika. Osiguravajuća društva su najveće nepoznanice za skipere u slučajevima nastale štete na plovilu i/ili spašavanja plovila. Neka će platiti punu vrijednosti plovila (totalna šteta), a drugi samo osnovni popravak. Treća kombiniraju spašavanje i popravke po vrijednosti korita određenoj u polici ili čak ogra-


If such business relationship is misused because of danger involved, helplessness, fraud or similar, the court of justice may upon the request, cancel or change the agreement on salvage. This legal rule is applied also when a salvor and a person using his services have agreed on salvage but not also on the price. Any salvor who engages in salvage against express and reasonable prohibition of a captain, owner or shipping company or person authorized to control the boat is not entitled to reward. If you do not quickly reach an arrangement with a salvor and solve the problem of payment, without the consent of the salvor salvaged boat or any property salved aboard cannot leave the harbor or place where such boat is located immediately upon the salvage. This may be enough that your long expected holidays become a real nightmare. I recommend you to accept the assistance of fellow yachtsmen before you call in the pros, namely if there is no immediate peril or fear of significant damage to the vessel and if the weather is calm and there are no big waves. It is important that the boat which is helping you is powerful enough to do a towing job or to take cargo from the boat in distress. But even seemingly simple towing jobs can be dangerous to the uninitiated. Nylon lines may stretch to near double their length, becoming deadly slingshots if one breaks or a cleat pulls out. Handling a tow is difficult, particularly in inlets, which are usually congested and often rough even when it’s fairly calm offshore. Also, it will be difficult because of densely anchored boats and usually people swimming around them which will present additional difficulty unless such towing is handled by experienced skipper. Commercial salvors or local seamen have been used to solve the most frequently encountered problems by a handy pump for fuel and a fuel tank, dive gear, substitute line and underwater patching supplies. This has of course a certain price per one hour of work but you will usually get no invoice which you could give subsequently to your insurer. In case you find yourself near marina, you can call them via radio channel 17 and every marina will send its boat together with experienced crew to assist the boat in need with the price list published in advance. In the U.S., salvage awards to a salvor range from around 5 percent to 35 percent of post-casualty value (the fair market value of the vessel less the cost of repairs). Depending on the efforts required and the likely outcome, had salvors not been there, an award of 8 percent to 12 percent is typical, with the fee negotiated between salvor and insurer. For now, our boaters who have full insurance do not usually take such type of insurance that covers salvage or towing or repairs in the sea and eventually such costs are borne by the owner of the boat. Also, typically insurance company use, when they give you the insurance policy for signature, to include in such policy the statement written in the smallest possible letters that the insured party has confirmed by its signature that it has been aware of the general terms and conditions of the insurer. This is usually not the case and is thus highly recommended before signature and payment to read very carefully such “small letters”. Otherwise, even the best lawyer will not be able to rescue you from the ensuing financial problems. Insurance companies are

ničavaju troškove spašavanja na postotak vrijednosti korita. „Uklanjanje olupine broda“ se može smatrati spašavanjem ili se može provesti u okviru osiguranja od odgovornosti, što je uputnije obzirom da pristupanje olupini odgovarajućom opremom može biti izuzetno skupo. Očito je važno biti upoznat s ovim problemima, prije nego što vam je potrebno spašavanje, kao i što je jednako važno kontaktirati svoje osiguravajuće društvo, agenta ili lučku kapetaniju na kanalu 16 prije nego što zovete komercijalne spasioce. U svakom slučaju, pitajte onoga koji vam pruža pomoć i prije nego što dođe do vašeg plovila, da li će to biti „tegljenje“ ili „spašavanje“ i koliko za to trebate pripremiti novaca. Naravno, da li primaju i kreditne kartice, jer malo tko nosi gotovinu za slučaj tegljenja i spašavanja. Kod spašavanja na otvorenom moru ( a to je kod nas iza crte otoka prema Italiji) obično se uključuju brodovi ribarice i teretni brodovi pri čemu se može postaviti pitanje nagrade spasiteljima koje treba riješiti prije početka radnje tegljenja ili spašavanja. Kao i svaki drugi poduzetnik, tegljači i spasioci očekuju nagradu za gubitak vremena, kao i za ulaganje rada koji je potreban u ovakvim slučajevima. Na kraju, hrvatski dio Jadrana je vrlo dobro pokriven sistemom spašavanja života na Jadranu, te je u vrijeme sezone od travnja do studenoga, more puno plovila različitih vrsta i dužina, što su sve potencijalni spasitelji i oni kojima će možda biti potrebna pomorska pomoć. Nikako ne zaboraviti da je račun za spašavanje predstavlja pomorsko potraživanje te pomoći njega se svako plovilo ( bez obzira na namjenu i veličinu) može vrlo lako blokirati dok se račun ne plati. Želim Vam mirno more, mirna utočišta na preko 1000 otoka Podsjetnik: Tehnički dio: VHF kanal 10 – kanal najbliže lučke kapetanije gdje se može zatražiti pomoć VHF kanal 16 - glavni kanal za službu za spašavanje VHF kanal 17 – kanal marina gdje se može zatražiti pomoć Telefoni: 112,911 – telefon za hitne situacije ( bilo koje vrste) 9155 – broj za pomoć na moru Pravni dio: 1. Dobra polica kasko osiguranja zajedno sa rizikom pokrivenim odsukavanje i slično 2. Prije spašavanja imovine zatražiti prijedlog pisanog ugovora ( formulari) 3. Dogovoriti se spasiocima o cijeni po satu 4. Uvjeti plaćanja ( rate, gotovina, kreditna kartinca) 5. Platiti odmah nakon povratka u luku kako bi se oslobodio brod za daljnju plovidbu ili popravak 6. Odmah obavijestiti osiguravatelja da pošalje procjenitelja prije popravka plovila!!!

still the biggest question marks for skippers in cases of damages and/or salvage. Some of them will pay the full value of the boat (total damage), some will cover only the basic repairs and some will combine salvage and repairs at the policy’s stipulated hull value or even limit salvage costs to a percentage of hull value. “Removal of wreck” may be considered salvage or handled under liability coverage, the latter being preferable since accessing a wreck with appropriate equipment can be costly. Obviously it is important to understand these issues before needing salvage, just as it is equally important to contact your underwriter, agent or port authority via VHF channel 16 before calling a professional salvor. In any case, ask the salvor even before he reaches your boat what type of service is being offered, if it is “towing” or “salvage” and whether the salvor can quote a fee before hand. Ask also if they accept credit cards as you may not have enough cash at hand for towing or salvage. Rescue on the high seas (in Croatia being behind the line of the islands opening to Italy) is often made by fishing boats and merchant ships which sometimes leads to question of salvage which should be solved prior to towing or salvage. Like any other entrepreneur, a tow operator or salvor expects a reward for his time and a return on his investment. Finally, the Croatian coast is very well covered by the life preservation system and also during the summer season, almost from April to November, the sea is full of different boats which may be potential salvors. Do not forget that the invoice you get for salvage is maritime claim and if you do not pay it your boat (regardless of its purpose or size) may be “frozen” somewhere until such invoice is fully paid. I wish you safe and calm seas and peaceful shelters on more than 1000 islands! Reminder: Technical information: VHF channel 10 – the channel of the nearest port authority to ask for help VHF channel 16 – the main channel for rescue services VHF channel 17 – the channel of marinas to ask for help Telephone number: 112, 911 – emergency services (all) 9155 – 24 hour watch service Legal information: 1. Good full insurance policy covering also salvage and towing 2. Before salvage operation, ask for draft contract (forms) 3. Agree with a salvor hourly rate 4. Terms of payment (installments, cash, credit cards) 5. Pay immediately upon the return to a port to free the vessel for further sailing or repairs 6. Advise immediately the insurer so that it can send its assessor before the beginning of any repairs!!!

INFO: Šebetić & Partners , law firm Đorđićeva 6, Zagreb Tel.: + 385 1 4873 222 Fax: + 385 1 4873 538 e-mail:



Sessa Charter svoju bazu ima u marini hotela Admiral u Opatiji. Ondje vam je na raspolaganju bogata paleta Sessa Marine plovila namijenjenih kako dnevnim izletima tako i tjednim krstarenjima. Naši prioriteti su: sigurnost, kvaliteta i pouzdanost. Svake godine u ponudi je veća i modernija flota plovila, održavana od strane stručnog osoblja. Naše će vas osoblje sa zadovoljstvom uputiti u sve tajne plovidbe i kako na što sigurniji način iskoristiti sve mogućnosti plovila za nezaboravnu zabavu. Sva plovila su opremljena pripadajućom sigurnosnom i navigacijskom opremom i čekaju Vas sa punim rezervoarom goriva kako bi odmah bili spremni za nezaboravan dan na moru.

Kako doći do nas Ured Sessa chartera nalazi se u sklopu marine hotela Admiral u Opatiji. Udaljena je svega kilometar od centra grada, a budući da se nalazi uz samu šetnicu Lungo Mare možete do njega jednostavno prošetati.


Način plaćanja i Rezervacija: 50 % prilikom potpisa ugovora , 50 % prije ukrcaja na plovilo. Rezervirati plovilo možete putem e mail-a ili na telefon +385 91 215 44 93 Depozit: plaćanje gotovinom ili putem Diners / American kreditne kartice Dozvola za upravljanje plovilom: za upravljanje svim plovilima Sessa Marine flote potrebna je plovidbena dozvola B kategorije Radno vrijeme 8.00 – 16.00 h Subotom 9.00 – 14.00 h

Sessa Charter is based at the marina of the hotel Admiral in Opatija. You can choose your boat among the rich palette of Sessa Marine vessels for a day long trip or for a longer cruise. Our priorities are: safety, quality and reliability. Every year we offer a larger and more modern fleet of vessels. Our staff will be pleased to show you how to obtain the maximum fun in complete safety. All yachts are in excellent condition, equipped with all relevant safety and navigation equipment and they are waiting for you with a full fuel tank for an unforgettable day at sea.

Payment and Reservation: 50% upon signing the contract, 50% prior to boarding. Boats can be booked by e-mail: info.sessa@ or by phone +385 91 215 44 93 Deposit: paid in cash or by Diners / American credit card Vessels licence: sailing licence category B is required for all Sessa Marine vessels Working hours 8.00 – 16.00 h Saturday 9.00 – 14.00 h

How to reach us Sessa Charter Office is located in the marina of the Hotel Admiral in Opatija. It is only a mile distant from the centre, and since it is situated on the promenade Lungo Mare you can just walk up to it.

s.e.s.s.a charter | Marina hotel Admiral, Maršala Tita 139, Opatija Izabela Lelek Purić, charter manager | gsm +385 91 215 44 93 email:


Charter ponuda Charter offer

Sessa Marine

C 43’

Sessa Marine C43’ Elegantan dizajn koji ništa ne prepušta slučaju: konture broda koje otkrivaju svu ljepotu, moć i snagu trupa.U unutrašnjosti broda svaki je detalj pomno razrađen kako bi stvorio modernu i snažnu, a istovremeno toplu i opuštajuću atmosferu. U tom duhu, i salon i kuhinja prikazuju igru boja i materijala što stvara jedinstvenu i modernu cjelinu. Spoj kože, inox detalja i crne lakirane orahovine nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim. An elegant design which leaves nothing to chance: bands and stops underline the contours of the structure and reveal the strength of the hull. Inside, each detail is finely crafted to create an atmosphere which is both modern and uncluttered but also mellow and welcoming. A successful choice of materials and colors provides a play on contrasts and allows the boat’s interior to be visualized in a different manner. In this spirit, the lounge and galley present a play of colors and materials which create a unique, modern atmosphere: textured leathers on black lacquered wood or walnut, as well as velvet partitions enhanced by fetching steel pieces.



11.88 m


3.99 m


VOLVO PENTA 2 x IPS 740 hp



Sessa Marine

C 35’

Sessa Marine C35’ Glavni adut C35’ je uživanje u brojnim putovanjima na najbolji mogući način. Njezine fine linije prostoru daju toplinu, dok završni detalji doprinose funkcionalnosti i komforu na brodu. Ugodna atmosfera započinje već na samom kokpitu gdje su smješteni sofa, stol i mini bar te stražnje sunčalište. Nastavlja se salonom s opremljenom kuhinjom i velikim krevetom u pramcu. Kad imaš sve, lako je osjećati se ugodno. The overall equilibrium of the C 35 is the best basis for a totally relaxing voyage. Its soft lines create extremely wide living spaces, whilst the attention to finishing details enhances functionality and comfort on board. An atmosphere of well-being, felt from the cockpit, with its double sofas, table and mini-bar, continues into the dinette with equipped kitchen, and culminates with a view of the spacious bed in the bow. When you have everything, it is easy to feel at your ease.


10.60 m


3.53 m


VOLVO PENTA D4 / 260 hp




Sessa Marine

Islamorada 23’

Sessa Marine ISLAMORADA 23’ Islamorada 23’- elegantna, snažna , stabilna i brza. Isprobajte je makar i na jedan dan…..jedan nezaboravan dan….. i vaši će se snovi ostvariti Islamorada 23’ – elegant, powerful, stable and extremely fast. Have it even for just one day … unforgettable day… and your dreams will come true.



7.56 m


2.50 m





Sessa Marine

Key Largo 26’

Sessa Marine Key Largo 26’ Uskoči u Key Largo 26’ i pogledaj oko sebe: veliki kokpit, prostrano sunčalište na pramcu, bočni prostori za odlaganje nautičke opreme, a ispod pramca udobna kabina sa duplim ležajem. Svaki centimetar broda predstavlja dinamičan prostor elegantnog dizajna umjetnički prikazanog pomoću novih boja i tkanina. Climb aboard the Key Largo 26’ and take a look around: a large cockpit, spacious sunbathing area on the bow, capacious peaks in which to store all your equipment. And below deck a comfortable double cabin. Every square inch an expression of dynamism based on an elegant design rendered even more refined in its colours and fabrics.


7.50 m


2.55 m


2 x Yamaha F150 AETX




Sessa Marine

Key Largo 20’

Sessa Marine KEY LARGO 20’ Novo remek djelo Sessa Marine - Key Largo 20’. Prostrano sunčalište i sjedala u kokpitu nude dovoljno prostora za sve putnike. Yamahin motor sa 150 ks osigurat će udobnu i brzu vožnju. The Key Largo 20’ from Sessa Marine is a masterpiece. The huge sun lounger in the bow and the seats in the stern offer plenty of space to all passengers. The 150 HP Yamaha engine ensures high speed and top comfort.



6.10 m




Yamaha 150 hp





Gradić koji budi sva osjetila A little town which awakens all your senses


Samo dvije nautičke milje od charter baze Sessa, marine hotela „Admiral“ u Opatiji, smješteno je maleno pitoreskno mjesto Lovran

The little picturesque town Lovran is situated Only 2 nautical miles from Sessa Marine charter base, marina hotel Admiral, Opatija.

Lovran je gradić bogate prošlosti sa stogodišnjom tradicijom u turizmu. Smješten je sedam kilometara jugozapadno od Opatije. Prvi se put spominje u sedmom stoljeću pod imenom Lauriana. Ime je dobio po biljci lovor (lat. Laurus nobilis) koja ima karakterističan miris i koristi se kao začin, a raste u mjestu i okolici.

Lovran is a small place with a long tradition in tourism. It is located 7 km southwest of Opatija. It has been mentioned for the first time in the seventh century and has been named Lauriana (lat. laurus nobilis). Laurel is a green plant with a characteristic odor used as a spice. It grows throughout the surrounding area.

Lovranska stara gradska jezgra očuvana je sve do danas. Ondje su, osim uskih uličica karakterističnih za srednjovjekovne gradove, vidljivi i dijelovi nekadašnjih utvrda: kule Fortezza i gradskih zidina – vrata Stubica. U samom srcu staroga grada nalazi se crkva sv. Jurja iz trinaestog stoljeća, koju krase bogate freske, izrezbareni drveni oltari i krstionica. Osim crkve, stari grad krase i dva drvena reljefa na portalima zgrada nasuprot crkvi: reljefna

Its old town has been preserved to this day. You can enjoy paved streets, preserved parts of the city fortress Fortezza, and the parts of the city walls - Stubica doors. St. George’s Church is situated in the heart of the old town. It has been built in the thirteenth century and decorated with remarkable wall paintings, carved wooden reliefs and the baptistery. Also, two wooden reliefs on the portals in front of the Church have to be

slika sv. Jurja na konju u sceni borbe sa zmajem, te prikaz Mustaciona – muškarca s brkovima. Prošetati starim gradom prava je atrakcija za prolaznike, koje će iznenaditi i oduševiti spoj povijesnog i modernog načina života koji se osjeća na svakom koraku. Lovran se od stare srednjovjekovne utvrde i lučice razvio u krasan jadranski turistički centar koji privlači brojne turiste. S prelijepom plažom i šetnicom dugačkom dvanaest kilometara, idealna je destinacija za odmor. Idealan je i za ljubitelje prirode i planinare, koji mogu uživati u prekrasnom Parku prirode Učka, kao i za one koji traže ljetnu razonodu. Na moru se odvažniji mogu okušati u ronjenju, podvodnom ribolovu, plivanju, jedrenju ili vožnji jet-skijem, dok će lovranski mulić, privlačne male plaže i okolne uvale oduševiti svakog moreplovca.

mentioned. St. George, who is also the patron saint of the town, is shown in the scene of fighting the dragon, and Mustacion - a man with a mustache. Taking a walk through the old town is a real attraction for all the passengers who might be stunned by synergy of the historical environment and a modern way of life. Lovran has been transformed from the old medieval fortress into a beautiful tourist center of the Adriatic. With lovely beaches and beautiful twelve kilometer long promenade it is an ideal holiday destination. It is a favorite destination for nature lovers and hikers who may enjoy the beauty of the nature park Učka, as well as those who are looking for summer fun. You can find plenty of sport and leisure opportunities there. You can try diving, fishing, swimming, sailing or riding a jet ski. Lovrans pier, interesting small beaches and the surrounding bays will delight any navigator.


Gastronomija i manifestacije

Gastronomy and events

Dio turističke ponude Lovrana odnosi se na mediteransku kuhinju i brojna tradicionalna jela pripremljena od svježe ribe, smokava, kestena i šparoga. Osim poznatih gastronomskih manifestacija, kao što su Marunada, Fešta od šparug i Fešta od trešanja, Lovran je poznat i po kulturnim manifestacijama međunarodnog značenja, od kojih valja izdvojiti karnevalsku povorku i susret puhačkih orkestara.

Part of Lovran’s tourist offering also applies to the Mediterranean cuisine and numerous traditional dishes prepared from fresh fish, figs, chestnuts and asparagus. Besides the famous gastronomic events such as Marun days, asparagus and cherry feasts Lovran is also known for its cultural events of international significance such as: the carnival parade and the festival of brass bands.

Kako doći do Lovrana morskim putem?

How to get to Lovran by sea? From Sessa Charter base you can easily sail to Lovran. Just point your course to the south west and sail for 2 nautical miles. You are there within 5 minutes …

Do Lovrana se može doploviti vrlo jednostavno – od charter baze Sessa Marine uputite se dvije nautičke milje u smjeru jugozapada i tamo ste za pet minuta lagane vožnje.


Gdje se usidriti?

Nearest anchorage

Lovranska ribarska luka vrlo je skučena, te stoga u njoj nema mjesta za povremena pristajanja. Međutim, južno od luke nalazi se uvala zaštićena lukobranom. Ondje se možete privezati za mul te potom krenuti u istraživanje grada i njegovih znamenitosti.

Lovran port is a small fishing port; therefore there is no place for temporary mooring. However, south of the harbor is a bay protected by breakwaters. You can simply moor the boat to the dock and explore the city and its sights.



Restoran A&D A&D Restaurant




Opatijska rivijera oduvijek je bila poznata kao idealno mjesto za one koji žele spoj prekrasnoga krajolika, uživanja u suncu i moru te savršenoga gastronomskog iskustva. U samom srcu Opatije, u sklopu marine „Admiral“, tik uz obalnu šetnicu nalazi se restoran „A & D“. Restoran je u vlasništvu obitelji Bašić od 1995. godine. Eksterijer restorana nakon otvaranja je mijenjan, pa je sada moderniji te ugodniji za druženje i uživanje u mediteranskim specijalitetima i bogatoj vinskoj karti. Restoran svoju reputaciju temelji na kvaliteti, koja se očituje u jedinstvenoj ponudi ribljih i mesnih specijaliteta, te raskošnih salata. Iz ponude svakako valja izdvojiti riblje specijalitete, osobito škampe na žaru i mariniranu oradu, te od mesnih delicija biftek i ramstek. Sva se hrana priprema na roštilju na drvenom ugljenu, što joj daje poseban okus.

Opatija is known as an ideal place for people who want to enjoy the beautiful sea and very good Mediterranean food. The restaurant “A&D” is situated in the heart of Opatija, along the promenade Lungo mare. The restaurant was established in 1995 by the Bašić family. Since its opening the restaurant experienced a few changes in exterior, and became a more comfortable and modern place to enjoy the Mediterranean specialties and an extensive wine list. Its reputation is based on quality and a unique style of fish preparation and meat specialties. Grilled shrimps, marinated fish, grill steak and meat, gorgeous salads should certainly be mentioned. All food is prepared on a grill which gives the food a special taste and aroma.

U ljetnim mjesecima gostima je na raspolaganju prekrasna terasa uz more, koja nudi ugodan mir ljetnih večeri i pogled na predivnu Opatijsku rivijeru s jedne strane i usidrene jahte s druge strane. „A & D“ ugodno je mjesto za obiteljski ručak. Djeca se mogu bezbrižno igrati na igralištu u sklopu restorana dok njihovi roditelji uživaju u gastronomskim specijalitetima kuće. Idealno je mjesto i za nautičare, budući da brod mogu usidriti uza sam restoran te jednostavno zakoračiti na terasu. O toj prednosti svjedoče i vlasnici restorana obitelj Bašić koji su ujedno i ponosni vlasnici plovila Sessa Marine. Ljubazno osoblje restorana „A & D“ potrudit će se svojim gostima ispuniti svaku želju i njihov boravak pretvoriti u nezaboravnu gastronomsku avanturu.

During summer, guests have at their disposal a beautiful terrace by the sea, which offers nice summer evenings, peace and a beautiful view of the Opatija Riviera on one side and moored yachts on the other side. “A&D” is an interesting place for a family lunch. Children can safely play on the court near the restaurant, while their parents enjoy the gastronomic specialties of the house. “A&D” is an ideal place for boat owners; they can dock their vessel right next to the restaurant, and simply step on the restaurant terrace. The owners of the restaurant family Bašić who are also a proud owners of a Sessa Marine boat can attest to this. The friendly and caring staff of “A&D” restaurant is at disposal to fulfill everyone’s wishes and take you on an unforgettable culinary adventure. Info: Restoran „A & D“ Maršala Tita bb, Opatija Radno vrijeme / Working hours: 10-24 h Tel.: +385 91 721 0199




Marinirana riba na roštilju

Marinated grilled fish

Sastojci za 2 osobe

Ingredients for 2 persons:

Potrebno: 1 veća riba (orada, brancin) ili dvije ribe srednje veličine nasjeckani peršin i češnjak, malo maslinova ulja Začini: sol, papar, ružmarin, lovorov list, bosiljak, crveni i bijeli luk, kriške limuna

One bigger fish (gilt-head bream, sea bass) or two mediumsized fish chopped parsley and garlic, some olive oil Spices: salt, pepper, rosemary, laurel leaf, basil, onion and garlic, lemon slices

Priprema: Ribu očistiti, natrljati solju, ostaviti par minuta dok se sol ne rastopi. Peršin, maslinovo ulje i sitno sjeckani bijeli luk pomiješati i napuniti ribu. U posudi pripremiti marinadu od ružmarina, bosiljka, lovorovog lista, crvenog i bijelog luka, maslinovog ulja i nekoliko kriški limuna, dodati ribu i pustiti da odstoji 2 sata u marinadi. Kad je priprema gotova izvaditi ribu iz marinade i staviti je na laganu vatru roštilja i peći oko 20-30 minuta ovisno o veličini ribe. Servirati uz kuhani krumpir ili blitvu.

Preparation: Clean the fish, rub with salt, leave a few minutes until the salt melts. Mix the parsley, olive oil and finely chopped garlic and fill the fish. In a bowl prepare the marinade of rosemary, basil, laurel leaf, onion, garlic, olive oil and a few slices of lemon, add the fish and leave for 2 hours in the marinade. After two hours remove the fish from the marinade and grill it for 20-30 minutes depending on the size of the fish. Serve with boiled potatoes or chard.

Dobar tek!

Bon Apetit!

Popratili smo... We have supported...

Klapa “Kamelija” Acapella group “Kamelija” InterAdria SC ponosni je sponzor ženske klape „Kamelija“

INTERADRIA SC is the proud sponsor of women’s acapella group “Kamelija”

Klapa „Kamelija“ svoj je glazbeni izričaj izgradila na korijenima tradicijske dalmatinske klapske pjesme, te uglazbljenim popularnozabavnim festivalskim uspješnicama prilagođenim klapskom izvođenju, kao i pjesmama sjevernog djela Hrvatskog primorja. Sudjelovala je na svim značajnijim klapskim susretima u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji, Istri i na festivalima u Dalmaciji. Posljednjih godina sve češće nastupa diljem Hrvatske, te gostuje u Sloveniji i Italiji.

Klapa Kamelija bases its musical expression in the roots of traditional Dalmatian folk music, and vocal songs of the northern part of the Croatian coast. They were present at all important meetings of acapella singers in Kvarner as well as at all famous festivals in Croatia, Slovenia and Italy.

Klapa je svoj desetogodišnji rad zaokružila izdavanjem CD-a pod nazivom „Ljubavne niti“, čija je promocija održana 22. prosinca 2010. godine na svečanom koncertu u hotelu „Ambasador“ u Opatiji. U organizaciji koncerta donacijom je pripomogla i tvrtka InterAdria SC. Osim dobre glazbe, na koncertu je predstavljen novi spot klape, koji je za njihovu autorsku pjesmu „Opatija“ snimljen na atraktivnim gradskim lokacijama. Koncert je bio dobro posjećen i postigao je uspjeh kod publike.

Its ten years of hard work are celebrated by the issuing a first CD called “Ljubavne niti”. Its promotion took place in the Hotel Ambasador in Opatija, on 22nd of December 2010. The gala concert was sponsored by InterAdria SC. It was well attended and commended by the audience. Apart from good music at the concert, the new music video for their song “Opatija” was presented. The video was shot in beautiful locations in the city promoting the natural beauty of Opatija.



Pomorski čvorovi Nautical knots Područje ljudske djelatnosti u kojem su se čvorovi ponajviše rabili jest vjerojatno pomorstvo, naročito u doba jedrenjaka kada je na brodovima sve vrvilo od konopa. O vještini vezivanja često je ovisila, a i danas u doba rekreativne nautike ovisi sigurnost broda i posade. Postoji mnogo vrsta čvorova, međutim neophodno je poznavati barem desetak kako bi nautičar mogao sigurno ploviti.

Areas of human activity in which the nodes are mostly used are probably navigation, especially in time of sailing ships when the ships were full of all kind of ropes. The safety of the passengers on boat depends on the navigators skills of binding the nodes. We present a few knots that everybody should know.

PAŠNJAK / BOWLINE Pašnjak veže brod na bitvu na kopnu, veže gumenjak za brod. / Bowline is used for making a secure loop on a rope.

VRZNI ČVOR / CLOVE HITCH Vrzni čvor upotrebljavamo za bokobrane i neke bitve starijeg tipa. / Clove hitch is used for attaching a rope to ring or post.


SIDRENI ČVOR / ANCHOR HITCH Sidreni čvor je izuzetno siguran i čvrst, a najčešće se koristi za vezivanje sidra ili mooringa za plutaču / Anchor hitch is used for attaching a rope to ring or an ancor

OSMICA / FIGURE OF EIGHT Osmica se veže na kraju konopa, da konop ne «pobjegne» kroz neko «oko» Node in „Figure of eight“ is used as a stopper. Stops the end of a rope being pulled through a hole.








3.00 m 4.50 m 2.50 m 3.00 - 3.50 m 7.00 m 4.80 m 2.50 m 4.00 m 3.00 m 3.00 m 2.20 m 5.00 m 7.00 m 8.50 m 2.30 m 2.50 m 1.50 m 5.00 m 6.00 m 2.50 m 2.20 m 2.00 m 2.20 m 2.20 m 2.50 m 3.50 m 3.30 m 7.00 m 3.00 m 3.00 m 3.50 m 4.50 m 3.00 m 3.00 m 3.50 m 1.80 m 2.00 m 2,50 m 5.00 m 3.00 m 3.50 m 2.50 m 10.00 m 5.00 m 4.00 m 3.70 m

052/743-419 052/757-031 052/431-689 052/441-170 052/813-500 052/223-935 052/219-009 051/271 327 051/781 004 051/244-439 051/221-130 051/571-334 051/232-141 051/520-920 051/237-444 051/724-142 053/662-263 023/300-728 023/394-200 023/235-962 023/286-214 023/377-234 023/383-961 022/434-499 022/439-299 099/210-3307 022/443-024 022/213-868 022/571-110 021/885-458 021/399-484 021/654-180 021/636-340 021/622-250 021/635-119 021/741-060 021/717-938 021/711-176 021/612-660 020/812-910 020/717-017 020/805-034 020/679-579 020/746-233 020/454-142 020/435-965

06 - 21h 07 -19 h 07 - 19 h ; n/b 08 - 13 07 - 20 h 08 - 15 h 07 - 13 h 08 - 15 h 07 -17 h 09 - 17 h; n/b 07 - 13 h 06 -20 h ; n/b 09 -13 h 07 -19 h ; n/b 07 - 13 h 07 -12 h;16 - 19 i n/b 07 - 12 h 07 -19 h ; n/b 07 - 13 h 06 - 24 ; n/b 06 - 24 h 06 - 22 h 07-19 h ; n/b 07 - 19 h 07 - 13 h 11 - 22 h 07 -19 h 07 -19 ; n/b 07 - 19 h 06 - 22 h 07 - 18 h 07 - 19 ; n/b 07 - 19 h 06 -22 h ; n/b 06 -22 h 08 - 14 h 08 - 20 h 08 - 14 h 06 -22 h ; n/b 06 -22 h 08 - 19 h 08 - 15 h 06 - 22h ; n/b 06 - 22 h 07 - 13 h 07 - 13 h

06 -21 h 07 -22 h 06 - 22 h 07 -21 h 07 - 21 h 07 - 21 h 07 - 21 h 07 -22 h 07 - 21 h 06 - 22 h 06 - 22 h 07 - 21 h 06 -22 h 06 -24 h 06 -24 h 00 - 24 h 06 -22 h 11 - 22 h 07 - 21 h 06 -22 h 06 - 24 h 07 - 21 h 06 - 22 h 06 - 22 h 08 -20 h 08 - 20h 08 - 14 h 06 - 22 h 06 - 22 h 08 -17 ; n/b 08 - 12 h 06 - 22 h 07 -21 h 07 -22 h 07 -21.30 h 07 -21 h 07 -21 h 08 -15 h, s 08 - 13 h 07 -21 h 07 -21 h 06 -22 h 06 -22 h 07 -21 h 06 -22 h 08 - 20 h 07 - 21 h 07 - 21 h

07 - 12 ; 16 -19 h; n/b 07 - 12 h 07 -19 h ; n/b 07 - 13 h 08 - 15 h 07 -12 h; 16 - 19 ; n/b 07 - 12 h 07 -12 h; 16 - 19 ; n/b 07 - 12 h 07 -19 h ; n/b 07 - 13 h 06 - 22 ; n/b 06 - 22 h 07 -12 h;16 - 19 ; n/b 07 - 12 h 06 - 22 h 09 - 18 h ; n/b 10 - 17 h 07 -13 h 07 -19 h ; n/b 07 - 13 h

* radna vremena benzinskih postaja podložna su promjenama / working hours of petrol stations are subject to change n/b - nedjeljom i praznikom / sundays and holidays s - subotom / saturday sezona / season 18.05.-13.09.


VAŽNI TELEFONSKI BROJEVI / IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS 92 93 94 112 981 985 987 988 902 9155 060 520 520

Policija / Police Vatrogasci / Fire department Hitna pomoć / Ambulance Jedinstveni broj za hitne slučajeve / Number for emergencies Opće informacije / General informations Centar za obavješćivanje i / Center for notifications and alerting Pomoć na cestrama / Road assistance Informacije o mjesnim i međugradskim telefonskim brojevima / informations on local and long-distance telephone numbers Informacije o međunarodnim telefonskim brojevima / International telephone directory Nacionalna središnjica za traganje i spašavanje / National rescue co-ordination center Vremenska prognoza i stanje na cestama / Weather forecast and road conditions



Obala maršala Tita 18;Pula; Kapetan/Captain Josip Lazarić Tel:052/222-037 Fax:052/222-867

Obala Lazareta 1 Split Kapetan/Captain Boris Matošić Tel: 021/362-436 fax:021/346-555



Senjsko pristanište 3;Rijeka Kapetan/Captain Darko Glažar Tel:051/214-031 Fax:051/313-265 e-mai:kapetanija

Trg Kralja Tomislava 5 Ploče Kapetan/Captain Vidan Bartul Tel:020/681-681 Fax:020/678-621 e-mail:

LUČKA ISPOSTAVA / BRANCH OFFICE Mošćenička Draga Opatija Bakar Kraljevica Crikvenica Novi Vinodolski Omišalj Malinska Krk Punat Baška Šilo Cres Mali Lošinj Mali Lošinj -Nerezine Susak Rab

KAPETAN/CAPTAIN Nikola Randić Boris Tomulić Srećko Suserić Rajko Sobol Željko Udovičić Miljenko Žanić Dario Šopota Mnikola Dujmović Ivan Kosić Branko Ivošić Miro Magašić Mladen Čargonja Jordan Vešković Zoran Tomić Zoran Tomić Boris Rajić Vladimir Dumić

TEL/PHONE 051/737-501 051/711-249 051/761-214 051/281-330 051/242-321 051/244-345 051/842-853 051/859-346 051/221-380 051/854-065 051/856-821 051/852-110 051/571-111 051/233-845 051/237-380 051/239-205 051/725-419

3.LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE SENJ Obala kralja Zvonimira 12;P.P.1. Kapetan/Captain Siniša Orlić Tel:053/881-301 Fax 053/884-128 4.LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE ZADAR Liburnska obala 8; Zadar Kapetan/Captain Milivoj Maričić tel:023/254-888 Fax: 023/254-876 5.LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE ŠIBENIK Obala Dr. Franje Tuđmana 8 Šibenik Kapetan/Captain Janes Lakoš Tel:022/214-261 Fax:022/217-378


8.LUČKA KAPETANIJA / HARBOUR-MASTER’S OFFICE DUBROVNIK Obala Stjepana Radića 37 Dubrovnik Kapetan/Captain Ivan Filippi Tel:020/418-989 Fax:020/418-987 Lučke kapetanije i ispostave omogućavaju informacije o meteorološkim uvjetima, upozorenjima i pomoći na moru Radno vrijeme Lučkih kapetanija: 00 - 24 h Radno vrijeme Lučkih ispostava: 07 - 13 h i 16 - 19 h Harbour Master’s and Branch Offices provide meteorological and other information,air and rescue at sea. Harbour Master’s Offices working hours:00-24 h Harbour Master’s Branch Offices working hours: 07-13 and 16-19 h

IZDAVAČ / PUBLISHER InterAdria SC d.o.o. Ćikovići 73 C, 51215 Kastav tel. + 385 51 705 563 , fax. + 385 51 704 020 UREDNICA / EDITOR Klara Basan, SURADNICI / ASSISTANTS Izabela Lelek - Purić Loretta Puž LEKTURA / PROOFREADING Iva Jurec, dipl.prevoditelj / translator Nada Arar Premužić, prof. Ivana Akrap, prof. OBLIKOVANJE, PRIJELOM I TISAK / DESIGN AND PRINT Media Graphics d.o.o. Cankareva 9, 10000 Zagreb tel. + 385 1 3779 611 fax.+ 385 1 3779 612 NAKLADA / EDITION 2 000 primjeraka / pieces

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