InterAdria Magazin 11

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Edukacija djelatnika jedan od osnovnih prioriteta napretka

Employees education one of the basic priorities of the development

InterAdria SC razvoj svojih zaposlenika vidi kao jedan od svojih osnovnih prioriteta napretka, te stoga konstantno ulaže u njihovu edukaciju. Edukacije su prilagođene svakom zaposleniku u skladu s njegovim radnim mjestom i njegovim razvojnim putem unutar tvrtke, a sastoje se od raznih treninga, seminara, radionica i raznih e-tečajeva. Zimski period stvoren je za upoznavanje tržišnih novosti što je servisni team InterAdrije iskoristio te odradio nekoliko seminara i edukacija svojih principala. Početkom ožujka 2015.g. kolege Zoran Purić i Jasmin Ahmić uspješno su završili edukaciju Volvo Penta IPS sustava. Naglasak seminara bio je na IPS dizajnu i njegovu funkcioniranju dok je praktični dio treninga bio vezan za spajanje i autokonfiguraciju EVC sustava na IPS. Nedugo nakon toga u Zagrebu je održan servisni seminar za Yamaha YDIS 2.2 elektroničku dijagnostiku, RIDE i LAN sustave, zaštitu od korozije te NanoXcel popravke. Naš mehaničar Zoran Purić prošao je kompletno školovanje te se upoznao sa novinama u procesu održavanja novih sustava motora, kao i novim pristupom dijagnostici postojećih modela. Voditelj servisnog centra Damir Dubrović tjedan dana u ožujku proveo je na Yanmar tehničkom treningu u Almeri, Nizozemskoj. Ondje je predstavljen dijagnostički sustav za novu seriju JH-CR motora. Izvršena je i prezentacija iznimno korisnog SA-D (Smart Assist) alata za dijagnostiku s ciljem postizanja veće optimizacije procesa otkrivanja kvarova za sve nove Yanmar common rail modele. InterAdria SC izrazito je ponosna na činjenicu da su njezini zaposlenici prepoznali sustav kontinuirane edukacije kao izuzetno važan element njihova razvojnog puta, te da se sa zadovoljstvom odazivaju na edukativne akcije.

InterAdria SC believes the constant development of the employees is one of the basic prerequisites of the company’s development, and has been continuously investing in their education. The educations are chosen in accordance with the employee’s working place and the employee’s development path within the company, and consist of trainings, seminars, workshops and e-courses. The winter is a period for becoming familiar with the novelties on the market; InterAdria SC service team used the opportunity to participate at seminars and education courses organized from the part of principals. At the beginning of March 2015, our colleagues Zoran Purić and Jasmin Ahmić successfully completed Volvo Penta IPS systems education. It dealt with the IPS design and function , while the practise was dedicated to the connection and auto-configuration of EVC system to IPS. Few days later, the seminar for Yamaha YDIS 2.2 electronics diagnostics, RIDE and LAN systems, anti-corrosion protection, and NanoXcel repairs was held in Zagreb. Our mechanic Zoran Purić attended the education and became acquainted with the novelties in the new engine systems maintenance, and new access to the diagnostics of the existing models. The service team manager, Damir Dubrović, spent a week on the Yanmar technical training in Almera, Netherlands. There a diagnostic system for new line of JH-CR engines was presented, as well as very useful SA-D (Smart Assist) tools for optimisation of the malfunction diagnostics and more prompt reaction for all new Yanmar common rail models. InterAdria SC is very proud that the employees recognised the system of continuous education as a very important part of their development, and most readily accept the invitations to participate.

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