Relatorio final 2017 internet

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relatório anual ipê 2017 | 25 anos de um sonho

relatório anual ipê 2017 | 25 anos de um sonho

AWARDS SUZANA PADUA IS THE WINNER OF VISIONARIS - THE UBS SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR AWARD The president of IPÊ, Suzana Padua, was the winner of Visionaris - the UBS Social Entrepreneur Award for 2017. The award was created to support the work of prominent social entrepreneurs. The year’s theme was “building impactful alliances,” identifying social entrepreneurs who have succeeded in implementing cross-sector co-operattion efforts, maximizing the impact of their initiatives. In all, 63 projects were signed-up, including Suzana’s, which told the story of IPÊ’s creation, its dedication to environmental education around Brazilian biodiversity conservation, and also the creation of ESCAS - the School of Environmental Conservation and Sustainability, to disseminate understanding of the topic all over Brazil. “Today, defending the environment is consolidated as a fundamental and necessary task for companies, governments and individuals. But when Suzana and Claudio Padua embarked on this pioneering journey of the IPÊ Institute, they were forerunners of this concept. Moved by concern for the destruction of what is most precious to us, which unfortunately our generation takes for granted somewhat, they started this work that is so impactful in Brazil and worldwide. I was really glad to award the recognition of this Visionaris award, one more in a long list and all so well deserved! Congratulations for all the beautiful work IPÊ does”. Sylvia Coutinho - CEO UBS Brazil.

PUMA VIDEO WINS AVISTAR AWARD The video “Afternoon Rain” recorded a few seconds of a puma in the Atlantic Forest in western São Paulo. The images, recorded by a camera trap, show the presence of this important species. It, and other large mammals, are returning to inhabit an area previously deforested and recovered by the Atlantic Forest IPÊ Corredores project. The footage won an award from the Trap Cam Festival, held by Avistar 2017, an event in São Paulo, about bird watching. The images were recorded by the Ecological Investigative Projects and Development of Techologies for Evaluation of Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital in Environmental Programs. The video can be viewed at

IPÊ IS AWARDED BY INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION IPÊ received the Excellence in Forest Restoration award from the International Society for Ecological Restoration (SER). The awards took place during the International Conference held by SER and recognized the long-term work on biodiversity conservation promoted by the Institute in 25 years. The award was given to researcher Laury Cullen Jr., who coordinates the project responsible for the largest forest corridor planted in the biome in Brazil: there are almost 20km of forest and more than 2.3 million trees that connect the Conservation Units Morro do Diabo State Park and Black Lion Tamarin Ecological Station. The corridor is one of the strategies for protection of the tamarin and other endangered species.

RESEARCHER RECEIVES COLUMBUS ZOO AWARD Patrícia Medici, IPÊ researcher, received the International Commitment to Conservation Award from the Columbus Zoo in Ohio, USA. Every two years, the zoo recognises and rewards the heroes of global wildlife conservation and honours them for their dedication and commitment to conservation. Patricia is this award’s third recipient. She was recognised for her efforts and innovation in studies and strategies for the protection of the Brazilian tapir, through the IPÊ, the National Initiative for Lowland Tapir Conservation (INCAB), which celebrated 20 years of work in 2016 and is responsible for largest species database in the world.

3. PROJECT BY SITE OF OPERATION 3.1 PONTAL DO PARANAPANEMA Pontal do Paranapanema Biome: Atlantic Forest No. of people benefited: 1,737 Challenge: Develop systems and methodology for management of landscapes, balancing socioeconomic gains with the maintenance of ecosystem services and conservation of threatened species.

Main accomplishments: Plantation of the largest reforestation corridor in Brazil, with 1.2 million hectares and 20 kilometers in length, linking the main local Protected Areas and assisting in the transit and survival of species. Protection of the black lion tamarin with research and generation of information for the creation of public policies. Contribution to the improvement in categorization of the species in the red list (IUCN), going from critically endangered to endangered. Sustainable Businesses benefitting more than 200 people based on Agroforestry System practices. In Teodoro Sampaio (SP), the city in which IPÊ is headquartered, in Pontal do Paranapanema, the institute has consolidated environmental education alongside the community and the department of education, causing the theme to become part of the city’s curriculum. The idea is to expand information and knowledge about nature, providing incentives to participation of local players in socio-environmental matters.

AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS STRENGTHEN PRODUCTION AND BIODIVERSITY IN SETTLEMENTS For over 15 years, IPÊ has been developing new alternatives for sustainable production alongside families settled in Pontal do Paranapanema. With the Agroforestry Systems (AFSs), the Institute bets on the great potential for development and strengthening of family agriculture, contributing to a transition to agroecology. The central idea is to promote an ecologically functional productive balance point that is economically viable for small-scale farmers. The AFS proposal in the region is to cultivate long-term and varied annual crops among trees that are native to the Atlantic Forest. This variety brings ecological wealth, promotes recovery of the soil and productive diversification, as well as collaborating to the generation of farmer income. More than that, it generates benefits to biodiversity, as it is a strategy for recovery of the local landscape. Areas with these systems serve as ecological trampolines, facilitating animal and vegetable dispersion among forestry fragments and helping in reconnection of the biome. In 2017, IPÊ worked with the 51 families in 51 hectares of land within 30 settlements, in three cities: Teodoro Sampaio, Mirante do Paranapanema and Euclides da Cunha Paulista. New settlements, AFSs, were implemented with the Institute’s technical and financial

support in the Legal Reservation Areas and common production areas within the plots of land. In all, 60 species of native plants were planted alongside 10 fruit varieties, coffee and other annual cultures, like cassava. The Institute has also expanded the reach of its AFS methodology with the release of video lessons and publications. (Learn more in highlights.)

“THE WEEDS ONLY HELP” Zilma da Silva’s family is one of those benefited by the initiative. On her 16-hectare plot, at the Nova Esperança settlement (Euclides da Cunha Paulista), where she already planted cassava in the conventional method, she separated a hectare for development of Agroforestry Systems. But Zilma has not only just started it. The farmer has been betting on the idea for over 10 years, when IPÊ was still implementing project Coffee and Forest, one of the Institute’s first projects in the region, which proposed the cultivation of trees alongside the agricultural production. “I entered the project as I had always had the desire to have native trees. The guys from IPÊ presented the idea and I agreed to plant native trees and coffee. I have never regretted it. I heard many people saying that I was going to lose land, and that I would make nothing. But I have benefitted,” she explains. Ever since 2015, with a new phase of the AFSs in Pontal, she has accepted a new challenge: to grow fruit and other crops under the trees. Withy technical support from IPÊ, Zilma says that much has changed since then. “We grow crops for food and for income, of course, but it is different with AFSs. We do not have to use pesticides and can work in the shade. The difference is incredible for our well-being. I have many crops on my land that I grow for my own consumption. I don’t shop for anything that I can produce here, and I can also sell produce and make some income. Another thing we learnt is that the weeds that grow and are cut down are good and enrich the soil when we leave them on the earth. In the past, we would cut all the weeds and rake them away, leaving bare earth. Now we know that the weeds only help,” she says. Production without pesticides is also one of the SAF principles. In the lot, producers have natural resources to fight pests that may affect production, and management of the soil with natural fertilizer is also a way to enrich crops.


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