Bulletin IINfancia N° 5

Page 17

Educating in a digital culture Sooner or later, the cross-generational gap will close. This need to reshape support strategies is being reviewed in many ways, both at the family and at the educational level. However, if we follow in the steps of Prensky’s conceptual evolution, inequalities between ICT users are increasingly determined by usage rather than by extent of access or age. In this respect, we should continue to work on building the capacity of educators and children’s social reference points, so that they can be guided towards useful and meaningful (in relation to their own lives) technological practices. The fastpaced rhythm of life online, which is becoming increasingly prominent, shows the need for adults to accompany the new paradigms with reflection, guidelines and new skills, so that they can effectively provide the education for digital life that children and youth now require. The construct which we at Chicos.net have come up with as Digital Culture is the sum of two pillars: Digital Citizenship and Digital Literacy. At their point of intersection, the empowerment of children emerges, to use ICT to their benefit, within a world which is increasingly linked to technology, where their rights as citizens must also be brought into play, as well as their responsibilities towards others.


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