Boletín IINfancia N° 2 Diciembre/2016

Page 117

Rivas, Sonia y Sobrino, Ángel. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Departamento de Sociología. (2009). Determinación de la calidad de los programas de Educación Infantil en España: un estudio de caso. Barcelona. Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Thematic Group on early childhood development, education, and transition to work. (2014). Young Children as a Basis for Sustainable Development. Washington D.C. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Office of Child Care, National Infant & Toddler Child Care Inititative (2010). Relationships: The Heart of Development and Learning. Chapel Hill, North Carolina. UNESCO. Yoshikawa, Hirokazu y Kabay, Sarah. (2015). Education for All 2000-2015: achievements and challenges: The Evidence Base on Early Childhood Care and Education in Global Contexts. París. Working Gropup on Early Childhood Education and Care Under the Auspicies of the European Commission. (2014). Proposal for key principles of a Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care. Bruselas. Yoshikawa, Hirokazu. (2015). Presentación para Foro de Calidad de la Educación Inicial. Bogotá. Yoshikawa, Leyva ET. AL. (2015) Experimental impacts of a teacher professional development program in Chile on preschool classroom quality and child outcomes. Yoshikawa, Hirokazu, Weiland, Christina, ET. AL. Society for Research in Child Development. (2013). Investing in Our Future: The Evidence Base on Preschool Education. Washington D.C. p 2. Zaslow, M, Martínez-Beck, (2011). Quality measurement in Early Childhood Settings. Washington D.C.


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