Shadowbook: Writing Through the Digital 2014-2018

Page 110

Idea: a plug-in or app called ‘Ranking Your Friends’, which based on your social networks puts all your friends in order, the order of importance, status, seniority, whatever you wish. Undoubtedly such a thing exists already. I once saw a Facebook app that visualized the mutual relationships of all your connections and, oh, how great it felt when it turned out that for one of my friends (10) I was in the center of everything. It exists, no matter what. The algorithmic ordering of the feed as you see it when you’re logged in puts your friends in order all the time. That’s nothing more than the result of the game ‘Ranking Your Friends’, a game that has everyone hooked and which we keep playing over and over. Who do you see, who don’t you see? Every action is a move in the game, whether you want to play or not. The algorithm don’t lie. In this way, the most successful friends turn into the least forgettable ones. Although, when you’re a nobody in real life – someone whom no one will think of by themselves – then at


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