Rosa Menkman, The Glitch Moment(um)

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emulates some parts of the technological process of circuitbending an nes console.02 no carrier describes his work in this way: glitchnes is an open source software project for nes. This software causes graphical glitches similar to hardware circuitbending. The images produced are caused by deliberate ram corruption due to overloading the ppu, or Picture Processing Unit, of the nes. The result is random flashes of colour and patterns that change with each button press. The open source nature of this project allows users to create their own glitchnes roms and cartridges with unique tile sets and effects by altering the source code to their liking.03 The difference between noteNdo’s hardware glitching and no carrier’s emulated, software glitching are many. But as one example, noteNdo never open-sourced his knowledge and strategies for circuitbending the hardware of a nes, while no carrier aims to keep his glitchnes and all the research it involves open and accessible. This means that while noteNdo kept his research closed and in so doing, retained some form of authorship of his work, no carrier open sourced his work, giving users the opportunities to change parameters (and in doing so, the looks of the generated glitches) or even build a similar work from scratch.

Vade. What a Horrible Night To Have A Curse - Casltevania. Glitched System Emulation via OpenEmu. 2009.

02 | Don Miller, nocarrier glitchnes, no, 2009, 03 | Don Miller, biography for the Playlist exhibition, 2010,


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