Power search web scraping solution for multi subdomains issuu

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hen you hear a word like “web scraping” what comes to mind?

If you’re like me – you may think of an unethical spammer. One who sets out to scrape email addresses off hundreds or thousands of websites and then spams them relentlessly until they purchase the Viagra, Cialis or acai berry products that they’re promoting. But, just like electricity can be used to power hospitals, convents and orphanages but can equally be used to power grow ops or electrocute people – web scraping also has its good side; it all comes down to the intent of the user. This case study will show how our web scraping utility called Power Search was able to help one of our clients get their work done more quickly and easily.

Practical Uses for Scraping the Web We recently had a customer of ours with a website in the legal industry who wanted to use our Web2Disk product to make a copy of their website.


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