Cape Nature Annual Report

Page 47

Sub-programme 2.2: Special Projects: Planning and Operations (continued) Strategic Objective


Actual Performance Against Target Target

Reason for Variance


Number of individuals trained in fire-fighting (n).

116 individuals trained in fire-fighting Crew boss, fire boss and Incident Command.

64 individuals trained in fire-fighting.

The shortfall was due to the limited period to train staff, limited to winter months as staff cannot be away on training during fire season and the timeous procurement of accredited service providers.

Number of MoUs signed regarding fire management (n).

Three MoUs signed regarding fire-fighting.

Four MOUs were signed regarding fire-fighting. Three contracts with Aerial fire-fighting Service Providers have been negotiated in association with various partners. The Annual Working on Fire CapeNature Partnership agreement was re-negotiated and signed.

Not applicable.

Revised Fire Fighting Policy and guideline document.

Complete annual revision of Fire Fighting Policy and guidelines document.

The document has been signed off by executive as some nor amendments need to be effected.

Not applicable.

Number of initial and follow up hectares cleared CapeNature is an implementing agent for the Working for Water (WfW) Programme, Department of Water Affairs (DWA), who provides funds for the clearing of alien plants in CapeNature Protected Areas and by so doing provides job opportunities to local communities. The target set in the 2010/2011 Annual Performance Plan (APP) for alien plants cleared, included 40 000

not the mistill

hectares initial and 98 000 hectares follow-up. These figures were calculated from the draft Annual Plan of Operations (APO) submitted to Working for Water, in January 2010. CapeNature is required to submit the final 2010/2011 APP in January 2010 but the final approved budget and Annual Plan of Operations were only received from DWA at the end of March 2010, after the final submission of the APP.

Alien Vegetation cleared

Targets 2010/11

Outcome 10 Target

Funded Target (Original)

Funded Target (Revised)

Actual hectares Cleared

Initial Hectares

40 000

20 050

26 081

24 130

Follow-up Hectares

98 000

76 547

102 698

113 506


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