Inside Medicine Spring 2018

Page 40

Diabetic Nerve Pain

Prevention and Treatment Alternatives by Jackie Makowski

The prevalence of diabetes is growing at an epidemic rate. More than 30 million Americans have diabetes and experience its associated long-term complications.

Diabetic neuropathy is one of the most common complications of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes and affects half of the diabetic population. Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage caused by diabetes. Over time elevated blood sugar levels can cause damage to the nerves in the hands and feet. This can result in numbness and tingling as well as burning, sharp or aching nerve pain. Patients also describe diabetic nerve pain as shooting pain, sensation of pins and needles, throbbing or radiating pain or a stinging, shock-like sensation. Symptoms are usually mild initially but can worsen over time spreading up the effected extremities. These complications can affect mobility in many patients. Walking can be excruciating and even light touch can be unbearable. Diabetic nerve pain can also affect the ability to sleep, decrease the quality of life and increase the risk of depression.


Inside Medicine | Spring Issue 2018

“Diabetic nerve pain, or polyneuropathy, is multifaceted and can cause debilitating extremity pain or total loss of sensation substantially decreasing a patient’s quality of life,” said Dr. Morris Scherlis, Anesthesiology & Pain Management physician with Tennessee Valley Pain Consultants. “Developing a comprehensive treatment plan is important for not only treating neuropathic pain but preventing further nerve damage.” Nerve pain is more prevalent in people who have had diabetes for several years especially in those whose blood sugar is not controlled effectively. Patients experiencing painful neuropathy often decrease exercise and physical activity which are key components to increasing circulation and preventing additional damage. Unfortunately, nerve damage cannot be reversed but prevention can help reduce decline of symptoms.

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