Adductor Magnus

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Function The line of force of the adductors approaches the hip from many different orientations. Functionally, therefore, the adductor muscles produce torques in all three planes at the hip. Frontal Plane Function The most obvious function of the adductor magnus is production of adduction torque. The torque controls the kinematics of both femoral-on-pelvic and pelvic-onfemoral hip adduction.


Image 4. With very little spring resistance, the adductor muscles together pull the carriage back to the resting position. As the carriage moves away from the resting position the adduction action is eccentric. There may also be some activation of the hip abductors (such as the gluteus medius), to move the carriage and the adductors are well suited to decelerate this femoral on pelvic hip abduction.

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