In Light Times July 2013

Page 8

Enlightening Views


The Spiritual Messengers of the Animal Kingdom

Birds are our mobile news agency, and they deliver the Daily News.
They also represent the air element, which is communication, consciousness, and transformation. Bird Behavior: What is the bird doing? Singing, walking, perching, flying. Singing = speak up. Perching = find a vantage point. Flying = take the higher view. Positioning: Where are they? On a tree? On a telephone pole? A hawk perched on a telephone pole (communication) has a different meaning than a hawk sitting on a fence (delayed decision). Flight Pattern and Direction: Which direction are they flying in? Are they on your right or left side? Above you?

 The question I ask is: “Do I know someone who lives in that direction - a relative, friend, loved one?” Here’s a summary of the meaning of the Four Directions from Ted Andrews. East: Healing, creativity, illumination, new birth West: Vision, dreams, quests and journeys, the feminine South: Purification, faith, strength, awakening inner child North: Teaching, abundance, balance, sacred wisdom Song: What’s their song? Is it continuous? What is the rhythm of the song? Is it a happy song?
A woodpecker drums a message with its beak addressing the rhythms in our life. A bluejay makes a loud screechy noise, which can represent a boisterous, argumentative person.

Key Message: Combine all these elements: behavior + positioning + flight pattern + song + group size + coloring = a message. Thousands of geese flying north could represent a change of home, or a spiritual migration - change of life direction. Solidity gained through teamwork and working with large groups; collective purpose; community. Signs & Symbols: the Roadrunner • Want to accomplish your goal with incredible mental focus, lightning speed? Call upon the roadrunner energy. • Do you tend to procrastinate? Roadrunner boosts your productivity. • Are you a runner, and want to increase your speed per mile? The roadrunner totem is especially good for sprints, mental and physical. Call upon roadrunner to assist you. • Runs up to 17 mph; roadrunner is an excellent totem for track and field athletes. • Captures and eats snakes; ally for transformation. • Versatile voice; alters vocal tone based on the situation. • Crest on its head = dynamic, inspired thought. • Use wit and humor to get you thru; mental and physical agility. • Strategic thinking; cleverness, adaptability.

Group Size: Just one bird? Three birds? A whole flock? One bird = daily news.
Three birds = significant group interaction. Whole flock = epic life event.

• Effective quick action; leave stagnant situations without delay.

Coloring: What primary colors do you notice? Color reveals the energy and character of a sign. Red cardinal indicates nobility, vitality, confidence. Blackbird gives insight into what’s hidden, the ability to defend one’s territory: setting boundaries.

Michele Anderson is a dynamic transformation coach, intuitive, and educator on how to read signs and omens. She sees the intuition as a symbolic language anyone can learn. Michele also loves music, and is a seasoned percussionist and performer. She lives with her husband and two Samoyed dogs in Boulder, Colorado. Visit her website at

PAGE 8 • july, 2013 • IN LIGHT TIMES

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