Rosie's Place Annual Report

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Dear Friends, As you, our valued supporters, know, the way in which Rosie’s Place offers its assistance is unique. Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for poor and homeless women to maintain their dignity, seek opportunity and find security in their lives. Rosie’s Place believes that it is more likely that our guests will be able to live lives of dignity, security and safety if we provide our services • kindly, respectfully and predictably, with a regard for social justice; • using a “one-stop shop” delivery model where guest choice is paramount; • in a manner that offers multiple strategies towards a solution and enables guests to feel connected to a larger community of stable support; and • without restrictions imposed by funders or other organizations.

We seek to fulfill our mission through the expression of the following core values: • Rosie’s Place greets all women in a loving and compassionate way, no matter what has brought them to our door. • Rosie’s Place welcomes all women with unconditional love–they have our whole hearts, and we embrace them without reservation. • In all ways, Rosie’s Place serves our guests without bias or prejudice. • We seek to provide positive support to our guests, so they are able to take those difficult steps towards change. • We recognize that our guests are whole people made up of strengths and weaknesses, and that our response must be similarly comprehensive. That approach must make available opportunities for our guests’ physical, mental, social and financial well-being. • Rosie’s Place seeks to attend to the immediate need of our guests–their hunger, their illness, their homelessness, their pain, their loneliness, their desperation. • We are honest in our dealings with our guests, our supporters, our volunteers and our staff. We are frank about what is happening and why. • Rosie’s Place recognizes that the true solution for our guests is the creation of a just world, with genuine respect for all people.

In short, Rosie’s Place seeks its own path, always mindful that in all things, we put our guests first. We know that you believe as I do, that our most important guiding light is our guest. We welcome her, we walk by her side, we are led by her desires and her wishes. This may make for a journey that is more challenging for us, but better for the women we serve. We are grateful for your support of our philosophy and our work. Truly, the two are inseparable. Thank you for understanding and believing in us, in what we do and in our guests.

With hope, Deb Pasculano Board Chair 2 |

Sue Marsh President

When people think of Rosie’s Place, shelter and meals often first come to mind. It’s how we started back in 1974 when our founder Kip Tiernan imagined a friendly spot where women could sit, have a cup of coffee and maybe stay overnight if they needed. We’ve grown and evolved over the years, adding a range of offerings, including a food pantry, an education center, a legal program and community collaboratives. While food and shelter continue to be at the core of Rosie’s Place, today we are a community center for poor and homeless women. We know that, for our guests, Rosie’s Place is even greater than our programs and services. We are not just a place for a hot meal, but a warm dining room where women are served restaurant style and can make and meet friends.

We are not just an English classroom, but a path to a new or better job and a fuller life. We are not only legal services, but a way forward to keep a home, reunite with children, move beyond past troubles. For 12,000 women a year, Rosie’s Place is where support and unconditional love lead to new beginnings. And thanks to you, our devoted friends, so many women do turn to us for that second chance. With your generous gifts of time and resources, we can continue to listen closely to our guests and determine how best to meet their needs. Your sustained commitment energizes us every day as we work to help women in difficult situations. Together, we form a community with a shared a goal: To continue to do more and be more for women in need. | 3

Sanctuary For women who find themselves without a place to live, the Overnight Shelter at Rosie’s Place not only provides a roof over their heads for three weeks but sanctuary. Guests arrive feeling fearful and weary but soon find the security of a safe bed, a welcoming staff and support for what they may do next. The reasons women become homeless are many: They may have lost a job, or fled an abusive partner, or drifted into substance abuse, or are unable to find effective treatment for their mental illness. They most likely don’t have the safety net of family or friends to catch them. Through unconditional love and understanding, we work to build our guests back up, always focusing on their strengths. The shelter has been a core program of Rosie’s Place since the day we opened on Easter Sunday, 1974; in FY18, we hosted 305 different guests for a total of 511 stays. While a great number of women come to Rosie’s Place when they are homeless, many more who seek out our services are poor. Multi-lingual staff in our Advocacy department provides help with obtaining IDs and other documentation, housing applications and, once housing is obtained, with security deposits, rent, furniture and moving expenses. In FY18, we helped 34 guests move into permanent housing through our on-site housing services. Advocacy at Rosie’s Place also offers the services of a job specialist and a mental health clinician. A groups coordinator organizes a wide range of weekly support and informational groups for guests on topics such as self-esteem, anger management, AA support and nurturing/parenting. In addition to helping guests find housing, the Advocacy department works to prevent eviction. Last year we provided assistance with rent and utility payments to more than 220 guests. Overall, advocacy staff provided 15,265 one-on-one visits last year.

“I’ve been homeless off and on for years, and Rosie’s Place has saved me quite a few times. When I stay here, it’s like home. I feel safe and gather up my positive energy to face the world. They care about us and that’s a comfort.”

Dora 4 |

Nourishment A hot meal among friends was the first promise of Rosie’s Place when we opened our doors 44 years ago. We have provided millions of meals in our Dining Room since then, as feeding poor and homeless women and their children continues to be at the heart of the critical services we offer. Food insecurity, which describes a household’s inability to provide enough food for every person to live an active, healthy life, is a persistent problem for the women we serve. Our food programs strive to address this by providing steady access to food for our guests. This year, we served an average of 274 meals per day, for an annual total of 100,000 meals. Currently, Rosie's Place serves breakfast, lunch and dinner five days a week and brunch and dinner on weekends. When a woman enters our bright and inviting dining room, she is assured her meal will be both nutritious and delicious. Beyond providing nourishment for the body, meal time at Rosie's Place provides a setting for guests to brighten their day by socializing with old friends and making new ones. To help build community, a variety of musicians perform–usually during dinners–and encourage guests to sing along and even take part in creating music themselves. At the Rosie's Place Food Pantry, women are able to come once a month to stretch modest food budgets. In FY18, approximately 2,000 women per month took home 20 to 40 pounds of fresh and non-perishable groceries. As guests discover in the Dining Room–and throughout Rosie's Place–the way we present our services is determined with preserving dignity in mind. Rather than receiving pre-bagged groceries, they can select what they like and “shop” among our shelves. They visit our non-perishable and produce rooms to fill bags with staples such as cereal, peanut butter and rice, as well as meat, dairy products and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Guests can utilize a kiosk in our lobby that offers the convenience of signing up for a pantry visit in advance. And recent renovations to the pantry and storage area, donated by The Fallon Company and Turner Construction, further enhance our guests’ experience.

“When I come to my English class, I always go to the Dining Room for lunch. I love the soups and I am happy that what I am eating tastes good and is good for me. Sometimes I see my friends and that makes me happy, too.”

Francisca | 5

Justice An ever-changing political environment can cause our guests’ lives to become even more uncertain. Access to health care and other benefits has become increasingly complicated, immigration policies have changed and deportation looms for many of the women we serve. Locally, there is the threat of eviction due to rising rents and utility bills. We work to meet a growing need for a legal approach to these issues through our Legal Program. The program oversees the services of well-known community agencies and pro bono providers and provides direct assistance. We provided 1146 individual guest consultations this year, exceeding our goal by 16%. We now offer six different clinics addressing issues that are of primary concern to our guests: housing, immigration, criminal offender record information (CORI), debt and family law. A general advice and referral clinic, conducted by our staff, is held twice weekly. This clinic is a good first stop to help a guest determine if she has an actual legal issue, get some initial advice and then plan her next steps. The Legal Program has for many years brought top legal practitioners, such as Greater Boston Legal Services, on-site to provide the best possible help to guests. Rosie’s Place has recently doubled the Irish International Immigration Center’s hours so they can provide more guests with a range of services from applying for citizenship to gaining legal status in the U.S. A team of volunteer attorneys from Ropes & Gray work with women to help them get a handle on their debt and to develop strategies for payment. The CORI clinics help guests obtain and assess CORI reports and petition to seal records. In the community, the Legal Program serves residents who utilize our satellite location at the Franklin Field housing development in Dorchester. And we recently developed and distributed a series of three short “Know Your Rights” animated vignettes that use minimal words to convey important messages for individuals concerned about their rights as immigrants.

“If it weren’t for Rosie’s Place, I wouldn’t have gotten my green card. I couldn’t afford any more legal help, and it was such a blessing to find the services here. I wish I had gone to the Irish International Immigration Center first!”

Susan 6 |

Opportunity The classes offered by our Women’s Education Center do more than teach a specific subject; they open doors and introduce guests to a world of possibilities. Last year, 360 students attended ESOL and literacy classes. Walk through the corridors of our four floors of classrooms and you’ll hear English spoken with a myriad of distinct accents. Women from Asia, Africa, Central and South America and a variety of islands come to Rosie’s Place to create lives in America. They can choose from a range of weekly English as a Second or Other Language (ESOL), pre-ESOL/literacy and literacy classes, all offered free of charge and without waiting lists. One-on-one tutoring is available for students who may need more intensive instruction. What makes the ESOL classes at Rosie’s Place distinctive is the focus of the curriculum. The lessons are geared to the practical needs of our guests, and can revolve around grocery shopping, taking public transportation and other everyday activities. Guests also take advantage of a slate of weekly computer and iPad classes in our Computer Lab. Many students seek to improve their technology skills as a way to enter the workplace or to better communicate with family here and away. In addition, each semester Berklee College Music Therapy students work with two classroom teachers to teach English through songwriting and singing, a therapeutic tool that puts students at ease in the classroom. This spring more than 100 writers saw their words in print with the publication of our third collection of student writing, Celebrating Ourselves. The book was the culmination of months of writing and rewriting following the annual Writing Café session January. At the publication celebration, a number of students read their pieces aloud, to the enthusiastic approval of their peers and invited guests.

“I have come so far since I started taking classes at Rosie’s Place. I was not sure I could do well at first but the teachers are kind and help me understand.”

JuanFang | 7

Community Rosie’s Place is part of the social fabric of Boston, and we continue to expand our efforts to reach out to diverse corners of the community with unique programs and services. While there are thousands of women who come to Rosie’s Place for services each year, we know there are many more in the community who are not able to visit our main location on Harrison Avenue. Through our Outreach efforts, stabilization workers last year made monthly visits to 92 at-risk women in their homes to ensure they would be able to maintain their housing. Workers offer support with landlord issues, oversee budgeting for rent and utilities and provide important resources to women who are homebound and alone. In FY18, our Community Health Program worked at home with 35 guests with complex health issues to connect them to care and to advocate for them within the health care system. Friendly Visitors spent time regularly with 53 isolated women at home or in facilities to provide companionship and lift their spirits. Our three Community Collaboratives continue to evolve to serve women in the community who have many of the same needs as the guests that come to Rosie’s Place. At our satellite office at the Franklin Field housing development in Dorchester, residents took part 3,785 times last year in events and services. They range from one-on-one assistance with housing, food access, rent and utility bills to a twice-weekly legal clinic for housing and family law issues to job search services to referrals for mental health or substance abuse disorder treatment. ESOL classes, offered for the first time and well-attended, were added to the activities, info sessions and groups offered to the residents.

“I like knowing there’s help for me right where I live. I appreciate the back-to-school supplies, vouchers to buy fresh fruit and vegetables and all the other help Rosie’s Place gives me. They have made all of Franklin Field better.”

Kaneisha 8 |

We continue to grow our relationships with Boston Public Schools, ending the year with a presence in 13 elementary, middle and high schools in Roxbury and Dorchester. The School Collaborative offers mostly single mothers and others in need the same array of services available at Franklin Field. In FY18, we provided close to 1,110 support visits. We also help families at the start of the school year with donations of backpacks with school supplies and school uniforms. Women can receive assistance from our staff on-site during the school day and through a newly-implemented online system the schools use to refer families not available when we are there. Once notified, we quickly connect with the mothers to offer assistance. As part of our strategic plan, Rosie’s Place has set an ambitious goal for the School Collaborative: to serve every one of the 125 public schools in Boston by 2023. Our Court Collaborative is now at nine different court locations, providing services last year to more than 500 women we encounter who struggle with living in poverty and meeting the demands that come with being court-involved. In federal, district, and municipal courthouses and mental health and homeless courts, our staff provides individual support to women who are facing eviction, utility shut off and food insecurity. This year, this collaborative worked to improve conditions for poor and homeless women in court. We worked with partners to address the lack of access to language plans and an interpreter for non-English speakers and the lack of accommodation for physically-handicapped individuals.

“I’m so glad that Rosie’s Place came to the Blackstone School. They helped me with financial issues, school uniforms for my son. It’s a great place for resources. To have this here is a blessing to a lot of people.”

Chris | 9

Friendship We couldn’t have accomplished all that we have without the volunteers who work alongside us to improve the lives of our guests. It’s hard to overstate the value of our dedicated friends: last year, volunteers donated 56,000 hours of service, the equivalent of 28 full-time employees. Volunteers are with us for every meal, making sure everything’s ready when we open the doors at 7:30 a.m. At lunch and dinner, anywhere from 10-15 volunteers prep, serve and clean up the meal, day in and day out. Our Dining Room staff works with individuals–including many regulars–and corporate, religious and civic groups, who will underwrite the cost of the meal. We also utilize volunteers in our non-perishable and fresh food pantries to assist guests as they select the items they will take home, and more than 20 have been recruited to deliver bags of food to women unable to come into Rosie’s Place. The teachers, tutors and substitutes who work with hundreds of students every semester also donate their time to Rosie’s Place. Whether leading an ESOL or computer class or working with a student intensively on classroom lessons or the U.S. citizenship test, these volunteers bring energy and a sense of fun to our Women’s Education Center . Our winter session Writing Café also draws talented writers and individuals who inspire our guests to create their own stories. We welcome young people to engage with our work through school group projects and visits and through the Social Justice Institute, a summer program in which high school students provide volunteer service while they learn about social justice issues. College interns, students from Boston College programs and Northeastern University co-op students lend their skills to a variety of staff departments. And the Friends of Rosie’s Place young professionals group attracts members who, through volunteering and philanthropy, help raise funds and awareness for our work. Members of our Board, Board committees, event committees and Leadership Council make significant volunteer contributions to the health of the organization by sharing their expertise and enthusiasm.

“Teaching English classes at the Women’s Education Center is fun, challenging and very rewarding. I’m so glad I made the commitment. I love it!”


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Empowerment Public Policy departments are not commonly found in direct service organizations such as Rosie’s Place, but giving voice to issues that affect poor and homeless women has always been an integral part of what we do. We work to represent guests’ interests at the State House through direct lobbying and coalition building while empowering guests to be actively involved in advocating for themselves. Through public policy trainings and workshops, guests learned how to register people to vote and to collect signatures for key legislative priorities. As part of the Raise Up Massachusetts coalition, Rosie’s Place, largely through the efforts of guests, was able to contribute 1,500 signatures to put paid family medical leave and a $15 minimum wage on the ballot and then worked with the coalition to push these two issues through the legislature and into law. On Immigrants’ Day in April, we brought more than 60 guests to the State House to participate in events and meet with legislators. Other public policy activities included our annual State House lobby day and talks for guests on a variety of social issues. Guests also develop the tools to gain independence through their employment in the Women’s Craft Cooperative. Throughout their one-year appointment making jewelry and gift items, they engage in goal setting and attend workshops that offer life and job skills. Upon “graduation,” many artisans are more confident and empowered to move into new job settings.

“I love my home country and I love America. I am glad that I have learned to use my voice and speak up for what is good for me and other women with the important people in the government.”

Lucy | 11


Food Programs: $2,594,059 (23%)

Advocacy: $4,513,077 (41%)

Dining Room serves breakfast, lunch and dinner and the Food Pantry allows guests to “shop” for fresh and non-perishable items themselves.

One-on-one housing and employment assistance, legal counsel, wellness care, homelessness prevention and other community outreach services.

Finance/Administration: $341,511 (3%)

Development: $1,425,891 (13%) Boston Public School Collaborative: $352,230 (3%) Public Policy: $263,256 (2%) Education and training to involve our guests in the legislative process.

Outreach in Boston’s elementary, middle and high schools to bring a range of Rosie’s Place services to women and families in need.

Women’s Education: $871,156 (8%)

Emergency Shelter: $782,033 (7%)

Free ESOL, literacy and computer courses taught by volunteer teachers and tutors within a familiar and supportive environment.

Twenty-bed shelter where women find respite from the streets while they work with Advocates to identify more permanent solutions.

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Rosie’s Place relies solely on private support and does not accept and city, state or federal government funding. In fiscal year 2018, $10,497,629 in operating support was raised. In addition, $2,515,917 was received through in-kind contributions of clothing, food, toiletries and volunteer hours. Net assets of property, equipment and cash were equal to $24,176,227 at fiscal year end. Please call the Development Office at 617.442.9322 to request a complete audited financial statement. | 13

An Impact The success of our work can be seen in the number of women whom we reach through our varied programs and services. In FY2018, Rosie’s Place, with the help of a generous community of friends, made an impact in the lives of 12,000 women in the following ways:


We served women and their children. Our Food Pantry enabled pounds of groceries.

nutritionally balanced breakfasts, lunches and dinners to


women per month to take home



appointments last year to assist guests with housing and job search, wellness care, transportation, funds for back rent and utility payments and referrals.

Rosie’s Place’s Advocacy staff provided more than


Approximately women stayed in our overnight shelter, while advocates worked with them to find permanent homes and the services they need.


Through our Housing Stabilization efforts, of guests receiving monthly in-home supports were able to stay housed and break the cycle of homelessness.


At our satellite office at the Franklin Field public housing development, more than residents received support services and participated in our communitybuilding activities. The Women’s Education Center provided an average of with free English and computer classes and tutoring.

1,100 1,200

The Legal Program provided more than


women each semester

consultations with attorneys.

We connected with more than at-risk families with children attending Boston schools through on-site outreach, housing assistance, food access and advocacy services.


Approximately volunteers provided more than service, the equivalent of 28 full-time employees.


hours of

Rosie’s Place relies solely on the generous support of individuals, foundations and corporations and does not accept any city, state or federal funding. We are proud to ensure that 84 cents of every dollar raised goes directly to essential services for poor and homeless women. 14 |

Commitment We are so lucky to have loyal friends whose generosity allows Rosie’s Place to improve the lives of thousands of women each year. The individuals listed below, through their gifts of $1,000 or more, are people we can count on to provide the foundation essential to sustaining our vital work. We also recognize the many corporations, foundations and civic organizations that donated $1,000 or more to help fund our work over the past year, through grants, sponsorships, employee giving, and matching gifts. We thank you for helping us make Rosie’s Place so much more than a shelter for the women we serve. Designates donors whose support has spanned 10 consecutive fiscal or calendar years at this level.

The women featured on the following pages are learning English as a second or other language in our Women’s Education Center.

Individual Anonymous (185)

Individuals Anonymous (185) Pamela and Daniel Abenaim Barbara S. Accetta Ruth and Ernest Adler Kamesh and Geeta Aiyer George T. Albrecht Janet and David Aldrich Susan Alexander and James Gammill The Alizadeh Family Elizabeth and Matthew Allen Karen N. and Thomas J. Allen Kristine Alster Joanne and Frank Altieri AnneMarie Altman and Dave Cook Susan Alvey Gaille Anderson Terence K. Ankner

Chris Anschuetz Charles and Sheila Argyle Elizabeth and William Armstrong Dr. David Arond Melissa Arronte Katheryn and Michael Ascione David and Lois Ashcroft Mary Aucoin Susan and Dennis Ausiello Deborah Babson Joseph Baerlein Nino and Ekaterina Balduzzi Laura Baliestiero Elena Balzac Kim Bandtel Steven and Deb Barnes Jason Barrett Stephen and Janis Barrow Theresa J. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Bartlett Joan Batchelder Elizabeth Baum and William Berman Michael Baum and Catherine Snow Susan Bazett and Rom Watson Deborah and Alan Beck Carolyn Becker Nancy and Rein Beeuwkes Joshua and Anita Bekenstein Thomasine Berg and James Anderson Anne Berger Kathy Bergsteinsson Jay and Charlotte Berkson Susana and Clark Bernard Drs. Shalender and Kum Kum Bhasin Staci and John Bilbo Priscilla P. Bill Mark Billings Lowell and Lisa Bircher Catherine Bird and Jonathan Delgado Louise Birmingham Crispin Birnbaum Jean L. Birnberg Barbara Bix Kathi and Bryce Blair

Carolyn and Rob Blanks Jane and Robert Blauvelt Stephen and Maria Blewitt William and Merrill Bloor Jennifer C. Boal John Boehmke Joshua and Amy Boger Nick Boivin and Tara Sullivan Ralph Bolognese Holly and Richard Bonomo Jacquelyn Borck Elizabeth Boskey Dr. Susan Herzlinger Botein and Mr. Matthew Botein Kimberly Fay Boucher Bob and Karen Boudreau Linda Bowden Kathleen Bower and Carol Sestito Susan Boyle Traudy and Stephen Bradley | 15

Amy and Ed Brakeman Cherise and Robert BransďŹ eld Andrea and Bob Brennan Karen Brennan Kate Brizius Jane Brock-Wilson Barbara Brown and Richard Zingarelli Stephanie L. Brown Holly and David Bruce Catherine Bruno

Jacob Bryant Stephen Buchwald and Susan Gail Haber Kathryn Bueker Esther Bullitt Susyrati Bunanta and Marc Van Hulle Matthew Bunn Lalor and Patricia Burdick Mary Burke Helen Burnham and George Jacobs Timothy and Carrie Burr Susan Okie Bush Patrick Cain Susan Kelley Callahan John Campbell and Susanna Peyton Kathleen and Craig Camuso A. William and Carol Caporizzo Patricia and Albert Cappelloni Al Capraro Jenaro and Mallory Cardona-Fox Astrid and Geoffrey Carliner Susanne Carlson Ann and Paul Carroll Jenna Carroll Larry and Christine Carsman Nancy J. Caruso Anthony and Carol Casendino Eileen M. Casey Christy and Jay Cashman Ronald G. Casty Lynne M. Cavanaugh and James G. Kitendaugh Dr. and Mrs. David Cave Linda Cebula and Robert MacCready Stephen Cecchetti and Ruth Charney Estate of Hortense L. Chagnon A. D. Chandler III Carol Chandor and Anthony DiSciullo Joanne Chang and Christopher Myers Suzanne Chapman

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Amelia Charamba Eunice A. Charles Joanne and David Charpie Edlyn Chellappa-Smith Kendra Chencus Derek Chilvers Fehmida Chipty Patricia and Will Chiu Jeffrey Choney and Pamela Dippel Choney Ruth Christopher and Michael Vozzella The Cifric Family Jane Clair Anna Clark Judith Engle Clifford Linda and Barry Coffman Christina and Tim Cohen Gayle Cohen Natalie and Alan Cohen Marjorie and Martin Cohn Joanne Coiro Daniel Cole Carolee Coleman Laura and Steven Coleman William P. Collatos Elisabeth and Kevin Comer Stephanie and John Connaughton Gail Conway Mark Conway and Mary Scatamacchia Patricia Conway Estate of Leonard Augustus Coppenrath Cecilia and Eduardo Cordeiro Joseph P. Costello Owen R. Cote Jr. John M. W. Coughlin Anne Covert Daniel and Niki Cox Genevieve and Joseph Coyle Thomas P. Crocker Kathleen Curley Bruce Daniel and Susan Dacy Diane E. Daren and Loretta A. O'Connor Matthew and Anne Dattilo Patricia David and George Darling Claudia Davidoff and Joseph Kahan Amy Davis and Frank Reiner Dunau In memory of Phyllis Davis Seth DeAvila John M. DeCiccio Jane Deery Rebecca DeLamotte and Peter Bloom Kathleen and William DeLuca Jamie Demas and Eugene Chang Thomas and Laurie Desrosier Mary and Michael Dewar David and Judith Dewitt Nikheel Dhekne Peter and Brenda Diana Timothy and Deborah Diggins James Dillon and Martha Stone Wiske Susan and Joseph Ditkoff Kate Dixon Valerie Dobiesz and Tim Erickson Darrell and Cynthia Doe Michael Doherty Sean Doherty Mary C. Dolan Estate Susan and Digger Donahue Susan Donaldson Margaret and Charles Donnelly Moran Kathleen Donohue and Mark Sanders Mark Donovan

Maureen Donovan Robert W. Doran R. Michael Dorsch Estate of Bernice N. Doucette Nancy W. Doyle Judge Raya S. Dreben Elizabeth Driehaus John C. Driscoll Estate of Helen Druan Michelle and James Duane Cathi and Mark Duffy Elisabeth Dunn Mary H. Dunne Preeti Patel Durfee and John Durfee Katherine Early and Mark Bilodeau Margaret Eckenroad Jennifer Eckert Sandra and Paul Edgerley Deborah and Philip Edmundson Caroline C. Edwards Ann McCarthy-Egan and Tom Egan Barbara Ehret James Ehret Frederick and Kimiko Ek Denise and I. David Elyanow James Ellis Amy and Scott Emerman Lisa Emsbo-Mattingly Anne Freeh Engel and Samuel Engel Jennifer Engel Peggy Engel The Engerman Family Angelo and Nancy English Lawrence R. Epstein William and Ann Equitz April Evans and Carol Furniss Lucy Everett William Fabbri and Ann Goebel-Fabbri Stephen Fair and Rebecca Kirk Karen Falkner and Joseph Iacobucci Skyla Fay Dr. Daniel Federman

Mette and Julius Feinleib Wendy Feldman Beth and Richard Fentin Mr. David R. Ferry Lisa Fideli Odile and Barry Fidelman Samantha Stern Fidler and Michael Fidler

Rick and Jane Filosa MaryBeth and Paul Finn Elizabeth Costigan Fischelis Jill and Michael Fischer Sally Fischer Anne K. Fishel and Christopher B. Daly Peter and Paige Fisher William Fitzgerald Catherine Fitzgibbons Thomas Fitzsimmons Joseph Flanagan Kirk Florian Kim and David Flynn The Foley Family Mary Foley Patrick Ford Lynne and Gary Forester Christopher Fort Lionel P. and Judith A. Fortin Daphne and Lawrence Foster Peter and Eleanor Frechette Jane Freedman, M.D. and Mark Iafrati, M.D. Elizabeth Fries John Fritch Jeff Fullerton Janet Gainer-Dewar Susan M. Galer Anne Gannon Gallagher Judy Garber and Myles Brown Judith L. Gass Kristi and Bill Geary Mary Geary Paula Gehr The Geiger/Gacioch Family Anthony Gemma Constance Gent Robert Gibbons and K. Ruth DeLay Deirdre Giblin and David DuBard Claire M. Gillis Christine Gilman and Thomas Andrews Maryann and John Gilmartin Mike and Terri Gilroy A. Silvana Giner and Thomas Craig Ann and Paul Gleason Barbara A. Goldrick Nancy Goldrick Douglas Golenbock Randy L. Gollub and Jon K. Hirschtick Gail Goodman and Dave Swindell Christina and Michael Gordon Mary Beth and Chris Gordon Toni and Doug Gordon Elizabeth Gorman and Mark Kritzman Sandy Gould and Jon Come Robert G. Goulet Paul Grabscheid and Sheila Bloom Deborah Graeber Barbara S. Gray Revocable Trust David Grayzel and Courtney Dickinson Daniel Greenberg and Patricia Salt Linda Greenberg Lillian E. Greene Gillian and Richard Gregory Christopher GrifďŹ th Leslie GrifďŹ th Jeff and Jennifer Griffor Carolyn and Tim Grimes Jay Grossman Gloria Guerrera Lawrence Guth Edward Hackett and Sharon Harlan Christopher Hadley

Constance N. Hadley Rodney Hager and Susan Smith Hager Patricia and Richard Hagerman John and Claire Haggerty Cheryl L. Hamlin Stella M. Hammond Sarah E. Hancock Anne Gilson Haney Robin and Dean Hanley Meredith Hanrahan Pamela Haran and David Godkin Janet Harmon Elizabeth Edwards Harris Johanna Harris Oliver Hart and Rita Goldberg Mary and Stephen Harvell Adele Peterdi Harvey Richard Harvey and Katherine Morrison Dan Hawkins and Carolyn Moss Phyllis Troupe Hawkins Catherine Hayes-Duffey Anne and Joe Healy William and Cristina Heiden Judith Hellman Diane and Dennis Hemond Jill Henderson and James S. Miller Danroy and Angella Henry Jeanne and Michael Henry Kathleen Hevert Louise Hilby Morgan Hilby Timothy T. Hilton Christine and Roy Hirshland Dominic Hix Patricia and Galen Ho Christina T. Hobbs Christian and Donna Hoffman Peter and Donna Hollinger Linda and Joseph Hooley Caitlin Galante DeAngelis Hopkins and Finnegan Walton Hopkins Barbara and Daniel Horne Jill Hornor and Yo-Yo Ma Ruth Horowitz Sylvie Hossack Mr. Robert W. Houghton and Ms. Carrie Bolster Paul Hubbard Sharon Hucul Rachel and Thomas Huff Emily W. Hughey Luisa Hunnewell and Larry Newman Elizabeth A. Hurley Harvey Hurvitz Huse/Stackpole Charitable Trust Jason and Jill Hwang Katherine and Craig Hyland Robert D. Indresano Mark and Susan Irvings Kathleen and Robert Ix Tyler and Laura Jacks The Susan Rhoda Jackson Revocable Trust Jonathon and Joanna Jacobson Madeline Brandt Jacquet Melinda S. Jerauld Julia R. and Peter V. Johannsen Karen Johnson and Jim Broderick Robert E. Johnson Susan and Glenn Johnson Jay and Susan Jostyn Rabbi Randy Kafka Jerry and Suzi Kahn

Shulamit Kahn and Kevin E. Lang Steve Kahn and Jan Pendleton Ursula Kaiser and Mark Goldberg James and Sally Kaloyanides Michael and Deborah Kaloyanides Steven Kane-McCarthy

Ruby and James Kang Ellen Kaplan Jana Kaplan and Janet Beaudoin Lynn Kaplan Anwar and Catherine Kashem Sekar Kathiresan Donald Keamy Marguerite and Joseph Keefe George E. Keeler Lisa Keglovitz Jeb Keiper Alicia and Fred Kelly David L. Kelly Barbara and Steven Kemp Sam and Amanda Kennedy Deborah and Timothy Kenny Erin O'Connor Kent and Patrick Kent Charlene and Daniel Kimball Bonnie Kirchner Robyn Kievit Kirkman Mary and Adam Kirsch Gina Kish Amy B. Klein and Brian Lefsky Eric and Holly Klose In memory of Liz Knox Charles Kojabashian Anna and Peter Kolchinsky Susan Konarski Angiras and Nancy Koorapaty Brenda Koskinen Robert Kozik and Patricia Crane Diane Krause Christian Kreilkamp and Dorothy Ahle Arthur Krieg Jane and Joseph Kringdon Werner and Carmen Kroll Anne Kubik and Michael Krupka Marilyn K. Kucharski Elka and Charles Kuhlman Ann and Ted Kurland Peter and Connie Lacaillade Jessica Ladd and William Brack Leslie Anne Lake | 17

Sally and Steven Lamb Deborah and Alexander Lamont Wendy Landman and Joel Weissman Karin Landry and John David Cassell Caroline and John Langan Carol B. Langer Nan and Andy Langowitz Catherine and Jean-Pierre Lanteri Tom Larsen and Nancy Monaghan Gloria and Allen Larson Nancy Leaming Joan LeBel Robert and Annette Leckie Patricia and Christopher Lee TL and TK Eugenia and Nelson Lees Sarah and Thomas Lemaire Mary Jane and Stephen W. Lenhardt Kathleen Lenihan Deborah Levin Dr. Elsie Levin Matthew S. Levin William and Chouteau Levine Andrea Levitt and Antoine Hatoun Prof. Arthur Lewbel and Ms. Laura Dickerson Sharon Ireland Lewis Laurel and David Lhowe Samuel and Eileen Liang Katie Liljegren Marjorie Liner and Christopher Connolly Elaine and Cyrus Linscott Lillian and Nicholas Lippis Estate of Norma Lipson Andreas Liu and Rachel Wilson Jeanne M. Livermore Eng Lo, Peylina Chu Susan Loffredo Christina and Peter Lofgren The Lombard Family Donald R. Lonergan Pamela Loprest Mary-Alice Loring Cara and Mark Lorion Alice M. Lorusso Joseph and Anita Loscalzo Elizabeth and Phil Loughlin Stephanie S. Lovell Kiersten and David Lowe Jerry Ludwig Julia Lyberger Sarah Lyberger William and Anastasia Lyman William M. Lynch Anne Maasland and Jeremy Stein Karen MacKinnon Colleen MacLeod James M. MacPhee Robert MacPherson Stacy Madison Maggiore Family Andrew Maggiore and Jeremy Hayes Susan Magocsi Lisa and Andrew Majewski LeRoy and Antoinette Malouf Sharon and Brad Malt Laura Maltby Margaret M. Mannai Claire Mansur and John Ryan Angelica Marchini and Scott Harmon Donna Marcin and Charles Van Meter Kristin and Paul Marcus

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Wendy Mariner Kim David Markert Cindy and Brad Maroni Julie Marriott Sue Marsh and Brad Gove Marion Martignetti Mr. and Mrs. Craig Martin Elizabeth A. Martin Monica and Peter Martin Rachel and Joseph Martin Thomas H. Martin and Catherine D. Martin Donna and Bill Matson Kristen and John Maxwell Michele May and David Walt Joan and John McArdle Joy and Duncan McCallum Jeanne F. McCann William and Ann Marie Mccarron Anne D. McClintock Paul and Sally McConnell Sean McConnell Laura McCord and David Gdula Kimberly McDowell Carolyn and James McGarry Kathleen McGinn Jen McGovern

Timothy McGregor and Jessica McHugh Kathleen McGuire Thomas McKie Susan A. McLeish Ronnie and David McMorris Mary Judith Meelia Patrick Mehr and Helen Epstein Lisa and Theo Melas-Kyriazi Maureen and James Mellowes Estella Merricks Brad and Karen Meslin Dr. James Meyers Randy Susan Meyers Joan P. Middleton David Miller Mary Dockray-Miller and Michael Miller Ann Milner Richard Miner and Corinne Nagy Kathleen and David Mislan Christopher and Carin Moeder Clark and Jane Moeller Helene and Richard Monaghan Michael E. Mone

Judith Monosson and Robert Scherzer Barbara L. Moore and Jack A. VanWoerkom Roberta Moore Richard Moran Keith and Elizabeth Morgan Bobby and Jeff Morgenstern Betty Morningstar Charles and Eileen Morse Wanda and Ronald Mourant Michael J. Mulcahy Richard and Sheila Mulroy Richard and Mary Murnane Joan Murphy Mr. Robert J. Murray and Christa Balzer Robert W. Murray Linda and Fred Naddaff Barry and Laurie Beth Nagler Armaghan Naik Ronald and Kathy Nath In Loving Memory of Juliet McCoy Needham Richard and Ann Nemrow Judith Neumann and Kenneth Goldberg Maureen and Dan Newman Emily Newmann The Newsham Family Sarah and Steve Nocka Ted Noon Kathleen and Richard Norman Amanda Northrop Leila G. Noveletsky George and Luanne Nugent Joanne E. Nuzzo Dr. Joseph and Ms. Molly Nye Stephen and Margaret Ober Annmarie and Robert O'Brien Michelle and Joseph O'Brien Sean and Lisa O'Brien Paul M. O'Connell Susan Kiggans O'Connell Carol O'Donnell Gale O'Donnell Virginia and Herbert Oedel Suzanne and Andrew OfďŹ t Paul O'Gorman Paula J. O'Keeffe Katie Oldoerp Carol S. and John J. O'Neil, III Bill and Kathy O'Neill Patricia O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. O'Neill Jane and Mike Orseno Linda and Edward Owens Donna Paglia Rebecca and Charles Pagliazzo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palmisano Shirley and David Parish Charles and Kathleen Parker Chris Parker and Stewart Rubenstein Faith and Glenn Parker Rebecca Parkhill and Robert Willett Deborah and Mark Pasculano Ted and Eileen Pasquarello Lisa and Stuart Patterson Mary and David Pendergast Deidre O'Brien Pepi and Louis Pepi Mari Perez-Alers and David Doyle Charles Peterman John Peters Mark and Anne Peterson Tania Phillips and Jeffrey Dover

Scott and Jeanie Pierce Linda Pines Diana Pisciotta Jennifer A. Pline and Hans C. Oettgen, M.D. Sandra Poole and David Meeker Nicholas Poser Jill and John Preotle Estate of Gizella L. Preston Greg Price and M. Barusch Stephanie Price Jennifer Quigley Caroline Rabold Kelly Race and Scott Bortoff Dena and Todd Rakoff Richard and Joanne Ramsey Susan and Jim Rapoport Linda J. Raymond Vishnu and Roopa Reddy Daniel and Sally Reilly Roger and Hannelore Reiser Gretchen and Christopher Reisig Dorothy and John Remondi Marianne and Ron Renaud Barbara and Frank Resnek Sarah Reynolds and Danny Ertel Mr. Kennedy P. Richardson Erik Rijnbout Leslie and Thomas Riley Nikki Rioff Jane Brooks Robbins Rachel Rock and Joshua Levy April and Richard Rodman Justin Roe Brian Rogan Michael Roitman Jan Rolff Leon V. Rosenberg Ariella Rosengard Dr. David A. Roth and Dr. Marie B. Demay Sandi Roth Sue Rothenberg Larry and Nancy Rowe Christine and David Roy Debasish and Suraja Roychowdhury Frank Ruane Jan Rubin Frances and James Rucker Richard Rudman and Karen Greenberg

Virginia C. Rudnick Suzanne and Richard Russell Amy Elizabeth Russo Gwen Ruta Kathleen A. Ryan Estate of Mary C. Ryan Michael and Breda Ryan Susan and Robert Ryan Allison K. Ryder and David B. Jones Jeswald and Donna Salacuse Lynne and Warren Salzman Susan and William Samuelson Susana Saldana Sanchez Yvonne Sandell Cecelia and Lee Sandwen Jeff and Elise Sanford Marcia Sassoon The Saul Family Mr. and Mrs. Nicola Savignano Jim Scales Stefan and Virginia Schatzki John R. Scheide David and Joni Schelzi Pixley and Kenneth Schiciano Peter and Cindy Schliemann Stan and Kay Schlozman Lore Schneider and Lee Mades Karen Schramm Don and Elyse Schuerman Kathleen and Frederick Schultz Barbara and Edward Scolnick R. Michael and Susan Scott Jill Seeber Pamela and Mark Seigle Karen Sepucha Octavia Serpa Michael Sgambati Lorna ShaďŹ r Heather Shanahan Carole Shapazian Phillip and Ann Sharp Paul and Susan Shaw H. David and Carolyn C. Shea William Shea and Susan McConologue-Shea Julia Sheehan and Errol Morris Wendy Sheehan and David Barbrow William and Ann Sheehan Carmel Shields and John Mannix James D. Shields and Gayle M. Merling Kathryn E. Shine Timothy and Kathleen Short Darius Sidebotham Karen Sikola Lucretia W. Sills Revocable Trust Kristin and Joseph Silva The Simard Family Joseph Singer and Martha Minow Ann Singh Juswinder and Kumud Singh Leslie Singleton Adam Siwak Family Elizabeth Skavish and Michael Rubenstein Gary Skomro and Carina Campobasso Gordon and Jane Slaney Ms. Jill Slosburg-Ackerman Estate of Ellin Smalley Anna Marie Smith Anne and Alexander Smith Charles and Mary Smith Cheryl Smith and Stephen Cox Donald Smith and Galia Rabinkin

Ralph O. Smith Christine and David Smoragiewicz Krista Snow Carolyn T. Sobolewski Mark E. Sommer Catherine Sommers Edward H. Sonn Carolyn and Jason Soules Thomas and Daniela Soviero Marilu S. Spector and Carl Spector Stephanie and Brian Spector

Anne and Lawrence Sperry Joia Spooner-Fleming Robert M. Sprague Donald Squires and Susan Warne Suzette and David Standring Ann and Jesse Stanesa Marjorie and Paul Stanzler Charles Steenburg Katherine Chapman Stemberg Paula Sterite Ann and David St. Germain Jennifer and Seth Stier Laura E. Stiglin Isabelle Stillger and Scott Chappel Ann and Bob Stock Laura Street and Elizabeth Kantt Ana Stricoff Nancy and Michael Strong Pamela and Steve Stroud Judith Strull Cathleen and John Sullivan David E. Sullivan Kevin Sullivan Leslie and Daniel Sullivan Barbara Sutton Elinor Svenson Anne and Timothy Swager Judith B. Swaim Brendan and Kerry Swords Barbara Tally Ben Tao David Taylor Richard Taylor Judy and Philip Tedeschi Karen O. Teller Jean C. Tempel Hal Tepfer Elizabeth Tepper | 19

Anita and Scott Thomas Margaret Thomas Steven Thomas and Pamela Smith Taylor and Jennifer Thomas Sheri Thompson Jill Mary-Ward Thompson and Christopher Probyn Gwendoline Thornblade John Thornton Richard and Marian Thornton Karen M. Tierney Joel C. Tillinghast John and Jane Tisdale Ted and Marilyn Tompkins Eileen and Steve Toti Lisa and Frank Tower Calvin K. Towle Kathleen and William Truscott Christine Tryba-Cofrin Lisa Tung and Spencer Glendon Robert Urban and Team Runners, Drugs & Money Doug Urell Karen A. Vagts Lydia Vagts Alice Valle Ed and Nancy Varallo Mary Verhage Ann Marie Viglione and Joe Jutras Michele Vitti and Jack Clark Hillary and Carlo Von Schroeter Mrs. Jeptha H. Wade Camille and Les Wallace Kathleen Wallace Maria K. Wallace Trust Stephanie Walt Karen and Andrew Wang Cathy and Bill Waters Roslyn M. Watson Suzi and Bill Weber Susan Weiler Risa Weinrit and Mark Schechter Amy Weinstein and Adam Muzikant Barnet and Sandra Weinstein Mary Weitzel and David Halfpenny Richard and Sally Weitzen Pamela Welch Scott and Jacqueline Wellman Tricia Welsh Marty Wengert and Laura Dorfman Tom West The Wheatland Fisher Family Stephanie Wheeler Tona and Robert White Paul and Ann Maureen Wiencek Jane B. Williams Kim Williams and Trevor Miller Edward and Barbara Wilson Richard Wilson Abigail Wine and Lance Ramshaw Earl and Maria Winthrop Dyann and Peter Wirth Monika Wirtz Sarah Wiser James and Carol Wolff Robert Wolff and Caroline Lindeke Elizabeth and Paul Wuori Eric Yablonowitz Leila Yassa and David Mendels Mr. William Yee Rosemarie Yevich and Francis Drislane Anders and Marjorie Youngren

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Karim and Maryam Zahedi Norman Zalkind and Emma Vesey Anne P. Zebrowski Mary Zocchi Kenneth C. Zwirble

Organizations Anonymous (20) 7-News WHDH/WLVI 90.9 WBUR Boston's NPR News Station A & A Window Products, Inc. AAFCPAs Adviser Investments LLC The Lassor & Fanny Agoos Charity Fund AHA Consulting Engineers Aimco Cares Air Worldwide Women's Group Albrecht Auto Group Alchemy Foundation Aldon Electric Alexandra Construction All Ways Health Partners The Allyn Foundation, Inc. Michael Altamar's art show Amazon American Tower Corporation Ameriprise Financial Ames & Gough, Inc. Amgen Foundation Amundi Pioneer Anthony-Arthur Foundation, Inc. The Apple Lane Foundation Arden Engineering Constructors, LLC The Atlantic Philanthropies Director/Employee Designated Gift Fund

Bain Capital Children's Charity Limited Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. Bank of America Matching Gifts The Baupost Group Adelaide Breed Bayrd Foundation The Bay State Federal Savings Charitable Foundation Beacon Hill Circle for Charity, Inc. Beazley USA Services, Inc. Beggs Family Foundation Leo H. Bendit Charitable Foundation Bentley University Bethesda Lodge No. 30 Biogen Idec, Inc. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Blue Hills Bank Foundation Boston BeneďŹ t Partners, LLC Boston Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy Roll-A-Thon Boston Capital Foundation Boston Children's Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology Boston College Chapter of Strong Women, Strong Girls Boston College School of Nursing Boston Community Capital Boston Financial & Equity Corporation The Boston Foundation Boston Interiors Boston Private Boston Steel Fabricators Inc. Boston University's The Vagina Monologues 2018 BrightSphere Investment Group Broadway Cares-Equity Fights AIDS, Inc. Brown Brothers Harriman The Brown Charitable Foundation Brown Rudnick LLP Bruegger's Bagels Budget Pools, Inc. Bulens Family Foundation Building Owners and Managers Association of Boston Burke Distributing Corporation The Edmund & Betsy Cabot Charitable Foundation Bushrod H. Campbell and Adah F. Hall Charity Fund The Canepari Family Fund The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation CB Richard Ellis-N.E. Partners, LP CeltiCare Health Century Bank and Trust Chapman Construction/Design, Inc. Charles Ezekiel and Jane GarďŹ eld Cheever Fund II Chestnut Hill Realty Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston Citizens Charitable Foundation Citizens Energy Corporation City of Boston's George O. Hovey Fund The Clarke Family Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada The CM Group Cogan Family Foundation Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Cares Colliers International Columbia Threadneedle Investments Comm. Ave. Associates Commodore Builders Conn Kavanaugh Rosenthal Peisch & Ford, LLP The Consolidated Lodge AF&AM Cooper Lapman Financial LLC

The John and Mary Corcoran Family Foundation Cornerstone Research Mary A. Crabtree Fund Creative Office Pavilion Cummings Foundation Cummings Properties, LLC Curry College D'Amato Family Gift Fund Delicious Designs Home Delta Dental of Massachusetts Denterlein Devonshire Associates Digital Federal Credit Union The Doe Family Foundation Downtown Boston Business Improvement District Duo Amie Benefit Concert Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation Eataly Boston Eaton Vance Management Elaine Construction Company, Inc. The Ellison Foundation David and Margaret Engel Family Foundation Environmental Health and Engineering, Inc. Environments at Work Ernst & Young ezCater Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston Fidelity Investments The First Church of Christ, Scientist First Parish Church of Cohasset Fisher Agencies FJN Charitable Foundation Fleck Family Gift Fund

Florence Electric, LLC Flour Bakery Forest Foundation Foundation M Americo Francisco Fund, Estate & Realty/Charitable Trusts at The Boston Foundation Americo J. Francisco Charitable Trust The Friendship Fund Fund for Rosie's Place Fund for the Arts, a public art program of the New England Foundation for the Arts Gabelli Funds, Mario Gabelli

Gardner & Lynch Electrical Services, Inc. Garfinkle-Friedlander Family Foundation GE Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Global Medical Partners, LLC Globalization Partners Goedecke & Co., LLC Golf tournament in memory of Rhonda Gardella The Kathryn Goodman Foundation Google, Inc. Google Matching Gifts Program Donald E. Gordon Charitable Foundation, Inc. The GW Group - Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Hamel, Marcin, Dunn, Reardon & Shea, PC Hancock United Church of Christ Harbourvest Partners Harding Educational and Charitable Foundation Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation The Helen G. Hauben Foundation Heinz Family Foundation The Hellenic Women's Club, Inc. George B. Henderson Foundation Hershey Family Foundation The Hicks Family Charitable Foundation The Highland Street Foundation The High Pointe Foundation Hingham Institution for Savings Homesite Insurance Henry Hornblower Fund, Inc. Janet T. Hubbard Memorial Foundation HubSpot, Inc. Roy A. Hunt Foundation ICNA Relief USA illuminate IMP Consulting Integrated Design Group, Inc. Island Foundation, Inc. The Richard and Natalie Jacoff Foundation, Inc. James E. Kilduff, Inc. The Janey Fund J. & M. Brown Company, Inc J. Calnan & Associates, Inc. J. Jill Compassion Fund JMM Foundation Joelson Foundation John Hancock Matching Gifts Program The Judy Family Foundation Justice Pottery Esther B. Kahn Charitable Foundation Kaufman Mayo Foundation Ethel Kennedy Foundation Kimball Brousseau LLP The Klarman Family Foundation K.O. Stone, Inc. Faye and Mayer Krupp Family Charitable Foundation K Ryan Real Estate Landman Family Charitable Foundation Eugene M. Lang Foundation The John P. Laucus Foundation Lawson & Weitzen, LLP Leaves of Grass Fund Liberty Mutual Insurance Libra Foundation, Inc. LifeFirst Financial Lovett-Woodsum Foundation The Ludcke Foundation

Frederick C. Lutze and Christian Rausch Family Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee The MacPherson Fund, Inc. MAPA Translations, Inc. Marathas Barrow Weatherhead Lent LLP Marr Charitable Foundation Marriott Daughters Foundation Nancy Peery Marriott Foundation Mass Bay Credit Union Charitable Foundation MCCA McCarthy Mambro Bertino, LLC McGarr Service Corporation McKinsey & Company The Paul F. and Mary Anne McLaughlin Family Foundation Media Results, Inc. Meketa Investment Group, Inc. The Memorial Church Mercury Wire Products Charitable Foundation Meridian Compensation Partners MetLife Foundation MFS Investment Management Matching Gift Program Millennium Pharmaceuticals Milton Academy Milton Community Concerts at First Parish of Milton Mistral Bistro MLS Property Information Network, Inc. The Mollusca Fund Moody, Famiglietti & Andronico John C. Morrison & Eunice B. Morrison Charitable Foundation Mutual of America NADAAA, Inc. Nardella & Taylor, LLP National Council for Behavioral Health National Grid Nazareth Literary & Benevolent Institution NBC BOSTON New Balance Foundation New England Coffee Company Newport ONE New World Foundation Nic & Zoe Company Northeast Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. Northstar Project & Real Estate Services NRG Energy, Inc. NV5 Alla O'Brien Charitable Trust Curtis O'Hara Foundation The OutReach Foundation Oxford Fund, Inc. Packard Design The Robert Treat Paine Association Pearson Education The Pennyghael Foundation, Inc. Joseph Perini Memorial Foundation Perpetual Trust For Charitable Giving, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee P&G Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation PGR Media LLC The Harold Whitworth Pierce Charitable Trust Kasper Pilibosian Charitable Foundation Albert E. Pillsbury Charitable Trust Pinkham Busny LLP Pinnacle HR Solutions P.J. Dionne Company, Inc. Poor People's United Fund, Inc. Trust U/W Fannie B. Pratt L CPL Eric J. Preston Memorial Fund | 21

Primark Prime Buchholz & Associates, Inc. Project Bread Proskauer LLP The Prospect Fund PTC "Week of Caring" Punk Rock Benefit at the Midway Café PwC John and Emma Quint Memorial Fund The E. Lafayette and Etienette A. Quirin Foundation Samuel Rapaporte, Jr. Foundation Red Sky Studio 1st All Female Art Showcase Robert Reiser & Co., Inc The David E. Retik and Christopher D. Mello Foundation Ropes & Gray, LLP Rowe Foundation, Inc. Rowland Foundation Lawrence J. and Anne Rubenstein Charitable Foundation Cele H. & William B. Rubin Family Fund Sacajawea Charitable Foundation Santander Sappi Fine Paper North America Saquish Foundation Sara Campbell Sawyer Charitable Foundation SBLI Kim Gassett Schiller and Phillip Schiller Fund at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation Sealcoating, Inc. Seasons 52 Restaurant Secured Network Services, Inc. Silicon Valley Bank Sip and Shop Sloane and Walsh LLP South Shore Music Teachers Association Spencer Foundation The Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation Square 1 Bank Squier Trust Stantec State Street Corporation State Street Foundation, Inc. State Street Matching Gift Program The Stern Investor Relations Foundation

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Stop & Shop Supermarket Company LLC Sullivan & McLaughlin Companies, Inc. Sullivan Tire Co., Inc. Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Sutar-Sutarek-Meyer Foundation Tazewell Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Co-trustee Telaka Foundation Timmins Enterprises, Inc. TJX Companies, Inc. Tremont Theater, Inc. Trinity Church TripAdvisor LLC UNICOM Engineering, Inc. UnitedHealthcare Unum Irving and Edyth S. Usen Family Charitable Foundation Valiance Partners, Inc. Vertex Foundation Matching Gifts Wakerly Family Foundation Watson Brothers LLC WB Engineers+Consultants WBZ-TV/CBS Boston WCVB-TV Channel 5 Vila B. Webber 1974 Charitable Trust Webster Bank Welding Services LLC The Well Coffee House Wellesley College Wellesley Parents Supporting Art Students Wellesley Village Congregational Church West Roxbury Friends of Rosie's Place WFXT FOX25 Wildfire Incorporated Moses Williams, Jr. Charitable Foundation Wilson Butler Architects Shirley Shattuck Windsor Charitable Trust WinterWyman Inez K. Woodberry Trust of 2000 Women In Design The Woods and Gil Family Foundation Woodstock Corporation W.T. Phelan & Co. Insurance The Wyss Foundation Xaverian Brothers High School Yawkey Foundation The Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation Zelle LLP

Rosie’s Place is pleased to have the following individuals serve on its Board of Directors and Leadership Council for FY2019

Board of Directors Jacquie Anderson Cherise Bransfield Jenaro Cardona-Fox Christina Gordon Jason Hwang Lynn Kaplan Joseph Kringdon Nancy Leaming

Michele May Ann Milner Deborah Pasculano Mari Perez Alers Diana Pisciotta Kelly Race Isabelle Stillger

Leadership Council Carolyn and Rob Blanks Holly and Richard Bonomo Helen Burnham and George Jacobs Marc and Elise Busny Sara Campbell Carol Chandor and Anthony DiSciullo Judith Engle Clifford April Evans Larry and Atsuko Fish Pam Feingold Peter and Eleanor Frechette Susan M. Galer Linda and Joseph Hooley Robert D. Indresano Ruby and James Kang Erin O'Connor Kent and Patrick Kent Gloria and Allen Larson Samuel and Eileen Liang

Sharon Ireland Lewis Kim and Michael Lombard Mary-Alice Loring Jeremy Hayes and Andrew Maggiore Lisa and Andy Majewski Kristen and John Maxwell Bobby and Jeff Morgenstern Robert J. Murray and Christa Balzer Phil Ortins Margaret Pinkham and Michael Anderson Sandra Poole and David Meeker Allison K. Ryder and David B. Jones Christina and Robert Suh Judy and Philip Tedeschi Ann Marie Viglione and Joe Jutras Richard and Sally Weitzen Susan Wornick

Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment that helps poor and homeless women maintain their dignity, seek opportunity, and find security in their lives. | 24

889 Harrison Avenue Boston, MA 02118 617.442.9322

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