Hey Everyone! It’s Gage Gonzalez, your Indiana District Bulletin Editor, welcoming you to the second edition of Key News for the 2024-2025 Key Club Service Year. As summer begins to wind down, school is just around the corner and this edition is focused on what we accomplished as a district over the summer! It also gives you tips on how you as a club can improve, to better support your members and help your clubs flourish! I hope you enjoy reading. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
As we get closer to the start of the school year, it is important to start thinking about ways to not only gain new members but how to retain the members that your clubs already have. Club members who have been active for more than one year can serve as mentors for incoming club members and are vital to your club's success. In order to retain members, ensure that your home clubs are making Key Club fun and student-led! You want to make sure that your club is providing enough volunteer opportunities for members and that you are having engaging meetings. If you need inspiration, I would recommend checking out the Club Resources Google Drive where you can find engaging service projects and meeting toolkits to make sure you start the year successfully!
Key Club’s Pillars
Caring Character Building Inclusiveness Leadership
Governor Jason Bunag
Hello Indiana District! Governor Jason here!! I hope all is well and everyone is having some fun and getting some rest and relaxation this summer!!! Key Club has definitely been keeping me busy with leading the Indiana District Board's (INDB) June Work Day back in the middle of June and communicating with my fellow Executive Officers and the Lieutenant Governors (LtGs) on plans for when school gets started in August. I also attended the International Convention (ICON) from July 7th - 14th in Atlanta, Georgia alongside a few other Indiana Key Clubbers! It was my second time going to ICON and this one was just as special as my first one last year! In my personal life, I have been going to graduation parties, taking an Ivy Tech summer class, attending soccer summer practices for my school, and working out at the YMCA. I am hoping that my soccer team keeps improving so we are as ready as we can be for the season this fall! I have also been getting into pickleball with my sisters and other family members! Some would say I am a natural pickleball player (but don't ask my sisters). I have also spent some time at my grandparent's house and spending time with them and uncles this summer. Overall I have been pretty content with my summer! I still can't believe I will be a senior this year, but I know everything will work out fine!!!
Secretary-Treasurer Andrew Julian
INDB's August Board meeting!
Hi, Indiana Key Club! I hope you all have been enjoying your summer break! I'm Andrew Julian, your district Secretary/Treasurer, and recently I have been trying to keep up with Key Club and enjoy the little bit of summer break I have left. In Key Club, I have been keeping up with the incentive program, making forms for the district such as the District Report Form, responding to emails, and helping finalize our district budget before the
Besides Key Club, I have been going on vacations, hanging out with friends and family, getting prepared for school, and still working at my job at Albanese Candy Store. I'll be starting my senior year of high school which is crazy to say, just because it feels like freshman year was only last year. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out and let me know! I hope you all have a great rest of your summer!
Bulletin Editor Gage Gonzalez
Hi Everyone, I hope you are all having an AMAZING summer break!
Even though summer is all about taking breaks and relaxing in the sun, I have been very busy with Key Club, applying for jobs, going to ICON, and of course, enjoying my last summer in high school!
In my non-Key Club life, I have been spending my summer hanging out with my friends, applying for jobs, and trying to enjoy the remaining portion of my summer before school starts.
I hope you all have a great rest of your summer and are excited to kick off the new school year!
Key Club has really been keeping me busy this summer with designing my second edition of Key News which you are reading now, working with the district to make this the most successful Key Club year so far, reviewing eight out of the seventeen Lieutenant Governors’ monthly newsletters, and creating graphics to either keep the district informed or for the LtGs to use. I also went to ICON which was so much fun, I really enjoyed meeting Key Clubbers from all over, electing our new international board, and of course pin trading!
Webmaster Hailey Levarn
Hey Indiana District! I hope you ’ ve all had an amazing summer and are as excited for the new service year as I am. I spent my summer working 20-30 hour weeks at Best Buy, working on summer assignments, picking up some new hobbies, hanging out with friends, and more!
Although it’s been very stressful, I took many necessary breaks before an even more stressful senior year.
I also had the opportunity to attend the International Key Club Convention also known as ICON, and had a wonderful experience meeting so many Key Clubbers from around the world and witnessing International elections.
Within Key Club, I’ve been posting at least five times a week on district social medias, updating the inkeyonline.org website, volunteering, and more!
Happy summer, Indiana District! While many of us enjoy summer break, the Events & Planning Committee has worked hard to make this year ' s district events exceptional! On the planning side, the committee has already begun finalizing Fall Rally details such as pricing, venue, and promotions. Despite it being so early in the service year, the promotions, programming, and themes subcommittees are also working on officer training materials and DLC details. After all, the Events & Planning Committee wants to make sure everyone has fun at Fall Rally 2024, Key Leader 2024, and DLC 2025. On behalf of the Events & Planning Committee, we are
Events & Planning Committee
honored to serve Indiana by planning the d events, and we h see many of you Is there a distric you are curious a have never atten learn more, the E Planning Commi made a get-to-k each-district-ev graphic which c viewed on page and 15 of Key Ne includes the des lengths, and pic each event. Afte never too late to your first district the publication o News 2, be sure out for the Fall R 2024 registratio venue which will revealed soon!
Hello Indiana Key Club!
The MD Committee has been hard at work to get all of our directives done in a timely manner! I want to give a shoutout to all of the MD members on getting all of our directives done days before they were actually due! I am so proud of everyone ' s hard work and dedication to bettering our Key Club community. We are so excited that our Member Recognition form is up and running! Anyone is able to fill this form out on behalf of someone else who is demonstrating excellence as a Key Clubber! Every month we will have a member of the month who will be posted on the Indiana District Instagram page and will be recognized at DLC!
Member Development Committee
We have some big plans incoming for Quarter 2! We will be rolling out the DART scholarship to help Indiana District Key Clubbers attend Key Leader and DLC! This is a continuation from last year but with even more scholarships! We are so excited to provide the financial support so that more Key clubbers can attend these events! Finally, we will be working more closely with LTGs around the district to work on chartering and reactivation. We want to make the process as easy as possible and make sure that everyone understands the process.
I am so excited to see all of the hard work of the MD committee this quarter!
K-Fam Committee
Hello, Indiana District! Quarter 1 has provided the KFam Committee a great learning experience and we are hoping to implement all we ' ve learned to improve during this quarter. As of now, the K-Fam Committee has been hard at work these past couple of weeks with our assigned directives and additional work.
During June Work Day, we were given new directives for Quarter 2 and we have mostly been busy communicating with different representatives of the Kiwanis Family. For instance, this quarter, we are planning to meet with Governor-Elect Al, to discuss
goals, plans, and collaboration between different branches of the Kiwanis Family for the 2024-2025 service year. This year is especially exciting due to Key Club turning 100 years old, Builders Club turning 50 years old, and K-Kids turning 25 years old! Due to this, we are prioritizing reaching out and communicating with individual Builders Club and K-Kids in the Indiana District. Another goal the K-Fam Committee is hoping to achieve this quarter is to collaborate with another committee to hold a joint Kiwanis event, providing an opportunity for branches of the Kiwanis Family to come together. In addition to communication with the Kiwanis Family, our committee members are all looking forward to further promoting our committee by increasing our social media presence. Last but not least, the KFam Committee is so excited to use our improved communication skills to continue working together to branch out and build a stronger Indiana District!
Servic Committee
Greetings Indiana District Key Club members, as your Service Committee, we made great progress within the first quarter. As a team, we all worked on getting summer service ideas for Key Clubers all across Indiana and ensuring every member is heard and curious to
accomplish more with service. The Service Committee is so lucky to have great participants who are involved with the group to come to where we are right now. We are currently focusing on projects that can start within your local clubs to get more involvement in service. For example, we are planning a park cleanup day to keep our local parks clean and a school supply drive to help students in need. We also aim to arrange a community garden project where members can learn about gardening and provide fresh produce to local food banks. The Service Committee is excited about the difference we can make and looking forward to working together to serve everyone well. Your support and involvement are key to our success, and we welcome any ideas or suggestions you might have. Thank you for your dedication to service and for being an important part of the Indiana District Key Club. The Service Committee is so lucky to have great participants who are involved.
June Work-Day Recap
On June 15th, 2024, The INDB went to Kiwanis Headquarters for our annual June Work Day! June Work Day marks the end of the first quarter of the service year, so we reflected on all the hard work that we have put into making this the best service year possible.
At June Work Day, the INDB voted on Fall Rally locations and DLC themes from the options proposed to us by the events and planning committee chaired by the Calumet LtG. Shu Zing Zheng. You will find out about the winning choices soon!
The INDB also focused on approving a budget for the service year, which constituted a significant portion of the workday due to its importance.
The District Board also had the amazing opportunity to meet and talk to the Circle K Governor Emily. She answered questions that we had and talked about the start of her term!
The INDB worked together so that we can better serve you all. Committees came together in person to collaborate on their directives for the new quarter. Overall, June Work-Day was a great success and it was amazing to see the INDB again, and we cannot wait for August Board Meeting.
Key Club Involvement Website/Socials
Webmaster Hailey Levarn
Are you a new Key Clubber or a past interested in learning more about Key Club as a whole? Then, the Indiana District social medias and website are for you! With information branching from district positions, to Key Club’s Programs and Partners, and even resources for individual clubs, there is something for everyone! So, check out our district Instagram page @inkeyclub and our website at inkeyonline.org for more updates!
Every Lt.G holds DCMs for their Division, this is a great way to get more involved in Key Club! An amazing example of a DCM is from our Rose Division Lt.G Love Swayze who stated, "At my first DCM, we spent our time decorating scented candles as a way to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month! As the school year was coming to an end with AP and final semester exams, we spent our time chatting about our stresses and excitement regarding summer break and the upcoming school year. We enjoyed having the chance to destress!"
Rose Division Lt.G Love Swayze
ICON Recap International Trustee From Indiana
Nicole Bunag
Hello, Key Clubbers! I’m from Washington Township High School and I’m a rising senior! I’m so excited to serve as an International Trustee and make new friendships and memories. I can’t wait to work with the rest of the IBoard to complete tasks and goals. A fun fact about me is that I am a triplet and outside of Key Club I play basketball and soccer, and I love hanging out with friends! :)
On July 7th, the Indiana District ICON attendees headed to Atlanta Georgia by bus, with the Michigan District attendees. After our long bus ride, we finally reached the hotel we would stay at for the week.
On the first day of the ICON tour, we went to the water park and ate at the Hard Rock Cafe. During the second day of our tour, we went to the Jimmy Carter Museum, Martin Luther King Jr Museum, and the Civil Rights Museum. The third day of the ICON Tour consisted of going to the Holocaust Museum, the Georgia Aquarium, and the World of Coke. Everyone had a great time getting to know more districts while having fun! The evening of the third day was also the official start of ICON.
ICON Recap Continued
July 10th was the official start of ICON! We started with an opening session where we were told what to expect for the rest of the week We met our international trustees, who are running for international trustee, vice-president, and president. From Indiana, we had two trustee candidates.
On the second official day of ICON, we were able to attend a candidate meet and greet which allowed us to ask questions and get to know them more personally On this day we also attended caucusing where candidates gave a speech and people present were able to ask questions to see their stance on certain things. Everyone voted on who they wanted to move on past the nominating convention. We then did a service project making plarn (plastic yarn) that will be turned into mats for unhoused people to sleep on so that they could be more comfortable And for the rest of the night, we could socialize with other districts and pin-trade with them
The third day of ICON started with a very crucial event nominating convention where we found out who made it to the House of Delegates and voted on whether we should allow the vice-president and president candidates to go on the trustee ballot if they they do not win their election. It was determined by three representatives from each district that the other presidential candidate who did not win would be able
to go onto the trustee ballot, but it was determined that the vice president candidates would not be able to go onto the trustee ballot At the end of nom-con, we found out that both our candidates made it to the House of Delegates After this, we attended workshops to learn how to improve ourselves to serve you all better. On this day we also had a recognition ceremony where Indiana won many awards! Paige Hein won a Distinguished Governor's Award, Perry Meridian High School won second on the Scrapbook Award, and Andrew Julian, Jason Bunag, Tristen Slaven, Gabriella Alvarado Gloria Spencer, Yosan Tekle, Peyton Smith, and Mahlia Scantlen won the RFL Outstanding LtG award After the ceremony, we could go to the Key Club store to buy Key Club merch and socialize with other districts.
Day four, was our last official ICON, and this day was the most important because that day was when we had to go vote at the House of Delegates for our new international president, vice-president, and new trustees We also voted on new amendments to the bylaws At the House of Delegates, we found out who won each election, which was bittersweet for Indiana as one of two of our candidates won their trustee election. At the end of day four closing session was held where International President Kyle Hansen, Vice President Clara Berry, and all the trustees retired and the new International Board were pinned and were officially members of the I-Board. We ended ICON with a dance The following morning we went on another 14-hour-long bus ride home
New International Board
The International President for the 2024-2025 service year is David Robaina. David is a past trustee from the Southwest District and he is super excited to serve all of you this upcoming year.
The International Vice President for the 2024-2025 service year is Carissa Andorf, and she served as Nebraska-Iowa District Governor She is ready to serve all of yo
ee from the Captial District
S dghi from the Georgia District
Chikanma Okoisor from the Michigan District
Kevin Hidalgo from the New York District
Lina Mousa from the New Jersey District
Mohammed Ali Al-Sabeth from the Michigan District
Nicole Bunag from the Indiana District
Sunny Sandhu from the California-Nevada-Hawaii District
Nidhi Rao from the Texas-Oklahoma District
Aspen Hess from the Flordia District
One of these Trustees will become our International Trustee representing us on the International Board and advocating for our District. Trustees cannot represent the district that they are from so we will not have one from Indiana as our trustee.
The following are amendments proposed at ICON that were voted on by delegates, if passed they would go into our international bylaws, if they failed to be passed through then the amendment would die on the floor and would not be put into our bylaws. If an amendment fails to go through it can be proposed again at another ICON in the upcoming years.
Section 3. The directors of the club shall be elected from and by the classes they represent at the first meeting of the club following the opening of school in the fall and shall serve for one year or until their successors are duly elected
Rationale: Many countries (ex Brazil, Australia, South Korea) are primarily composed of schools beginning in a season of the year other than fall, such as winter or spring The proposed change seeks to make this section more logical around the world and help make the bylaws and Key Club International "truly international "
This Amendment Passed
Article XXI. Revenue
Section 1. Each Key Club shall pay to Key Club International or its designated fiscal agent annual dues of seven dollars (US$7) ten dollars (US$10), being membership dues and
subscription to the Key Club International publication for every member, but not including honorary members.
This Amendment Passed
Article XXI. Revenue
Section 4. Beginning October 1, 2029, and every four (4) years thereafter, an automatic inflation adjustment (hereafter referred to as “adjustment”) shall be made to the Key Club International dues. The adjustment shall be based on the inflation rate for the prior four- year period and will follow the guidelines stated in the Key Club International Bylaws and Policies. This Amendment passed
This Amendment Passed
Section 1. Any member club more than 60 days in arrears for any indebtedness shall be considered not in good standing and may have its charter and membership herein suspended or revoked by action of the Key Club International Board, provided that notice of said indebtedness shall have been duly sent by mail by the Key Club International director to the official club address and the sponsoring organization. The Key Club International Board may restore such club to membership in Key Club International upon payment of its indebtedness.
This Amendment Passed
Article X – Officers
Section 9: Any Key Club International Board Member who is removed from office shall not be eligible to hold or be a candidate for any future Key Club international office. Any Key Club International Board Member who resigns from office may be declared by the Kiwanis Youth Program Board to be ineligible to hold or be a candidate for any future Key Club International office.
This Amendment Passed
Section 1. The Kiwanis Youth Programs Board of Directors shall have full control of all questions of policy of the official publication. (1/15) Section 2. The Key Club International director shall serve as the editor of the official publication. (1/15)
Section 3. Each club shall collect from each of its members the subscription price of the official publication as part of the regular membership dues.
Section 4. The official publication shall be published at least two times a year
This Amendment Passed
International Trustee Farewell Abigail Choi
Dear Indiana District,
As my term as International Trustee comes to an end, I find myself filled with a mix of emotions, but perhaps the one I feel the most is gratitude.
Throughout my term, I have cherished the conversations we have had whether through email or in-person at the Indiana DLC, witnessed the impact of your service projects, and have seen you grow as leaders. I am incredibly proud to have been a part of this journey with you.
These four years in Key Club have flown, and I think you will feel that way when you graduate as well. I encourage you to dive into Key Club, make meaningful connections, find yourself, challenge your limits, take healthy risks, and take time to enjoy the small moments. Those small moments will eventually become big moments.
Thank you again for welcoming me to your board, with trust and for the opportunity to serve. It has been an honor to work alongside such dedicated and inspiring individuals.
In Care and Service, Abigail Choi ‘23-’24 International Trustee Key Club International
In each edition of Key News, we will be in-depth about one or more of Key CLub’s preferred partners! In this edition, we will be talking about Erika’s Lighthouse and SchoolHouse!
Erika’s LightHouse Schoolhouse
Erika's Lighthouse is a non-profit organization that is working to break the stigma around mental health. Their efforts in educating and raising awareness about mental illnesses such as adolescent depression is fortified by their values of positivity, trust, and integrity. As strategic partners, we have had many collaborative projects, including the GIVE Voice campaign, and we also promote the positivity pledge every May.
Founded by Sal Khan, Schoolhouse.world is a platform that allows peer-to-peer tutoring. During the COVID19 lockdown, the need for personalized help has been made apparent. Schoolhouse works to reinforce learning and build confidence as students receive free tutoring and may go on to help others.
Hobart-Japan Key Club Trip
Hobart Key Club Visits
Sister Club in Japan
Grace Krejci Hobart President said, “Never did I think I would get to go to Japan and immerse myself in the place that I had seen over countless Zoom meetings, but I am so grateful I did.” This trip was not only fascinating and full of adventure, but it held so many learning opportunities. As someone who had never left the country before, I did not know what to expect. I got to experience culture shock and language barriers while fighting the ignorance that I didn’t even know I had. It became abundantly clear that the world is so much bigger than The United States. This was something I knew already, but being immersed in another culture puts this into perspective. On this trip, I met many people with different stories. I learned something new from every person I talked to which built strong connections between us.
International relationships helped me realize how big the world is and by staying in my comfort zone, I was missing out on life-changing opportunities and friendships. Because of the connections I’ve made, I got to experience traditional Japanese temples and shrines, tea ceremonies, food, entertainment, and the hustle of Japanese public transportation. The whole time I had people to guide me and show me their lifestyles, which is an experience I’ll never forget. Almost everything about Japan was new, except for the Key Clubbers I met. They helped me feel right at home even though I was over 6,000 miles away.
Club Shout-Out
“Since January of 2024, Shortridge Key Club has been in the process of creating something to help benefit the students of their school especially more so those in need. In the months leading after January, they held multiple donation drives for non-perishable food items, clothing, and hygiene products. On May 2024, Shortridge Key Club held a grand opening for their Community Closet consisting of the items they gathered and is now accessible to all students and families at Shortridge High School!”-Sweet Night LtG of Indy Metro Division
How to Get a Club Feature
Do you want your club to be featured in the next edition of Key News? Well, by filling out THIS form you can send in an application saying why you think your club should receive a feature. It could be for a service project that you have done or any way your club has gone above and beyond Everyone can send applications, such as Key Club members, club officers, and advisors. An LtG can also send them in for any club in their division. Don't miss this chance to showcase your club's accomplishments!
That wraps up the second edition of Key News 2024-2025, I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did making it. This edition was over mostly international news, ICON, committees, and exec updates. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!
Yours in Service and Friendship, Gage Gonzalez @Inbulletineditor.kci@gmail.com
Instagram: @inkeyclub
TikTok: @inkeyclub
Linktree: @indianakeyclub
Facebook: Indiana District of Key Club International Youtube: Indiana District of Key Club International