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About the artist: José Ortiz Rivera tlamachihchihke@hotmail.com

His first knowledge and experince came from his professor Modesto Barrios Caballero, who gave him professional advice. He considers that his work is influenced by the prehispanic world essence. He has several sources of inspiration as moods, nature, animals and some people, expressed through the mix of vivid colors. As a methodic person he believes that the art is deeply related to science. These relations are important to develop the balance in the painting through the numeric knowledge about the quantity and quality of materials, able to awake our feelingsin a different appreciative way. In Jose’s words

“The artists and scientifics must have and develop their sensibility and creativity in order to surprise all the humanity around the world, giving a new face to something that has never had a face”.

“Untitled modern work” - It represents a not yet identified microorganism. 22


ConScience & Art * Todos los derechos reservados

More than just a Mexican artist, he is above all a proud native of Santa Ana Tlacotenco, Milpa Alta. He studied drawing and painting at National School of Plastic Arts, Mexico City.

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