··· International Market & Trends
Focus on
Sub-Saharan African medical market Urban population, as % of total:
37% (2009)
Primary education completion rate, as % of relevant age group:
67% (2010)
Basic Indicators 53 (2009)
Life expectancy at birth, years:
Population, total:
861,630,916 (2010) GDP, current US$:
1,097,898,685,450 (2010)
GNI per capita, Atlas method, current US$:
$1,165 2010
Source: The World Bank
28 • Infomedix 3/2011
Note: The critical situation in the Horn of Africa region, impacting on Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti, is not taken into account by reporting Sub-Saharan Africa’s social and economic developments. As the severe drought and the conflict in Somalia are currently affecting over 13 million people, the consequences on the regional perspectives are yet to be fully measured.