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Foreword Imagine your thrill of accomplishment when you receive proof copies of your soon-to-be-published book in the mail. Bask in the glow of satisfaction from people approaching you at a conference with a copy of your book for you to autograph. Think about the personal achievement when you’re interviewed for an article based on your book. Imagine the public acclaim that comes with being a published author. Your published book provides more credibility than anything else does because the power of the printed word is omnipotent. Throughout history, people have always placed a higher value on books than any other form of communication. This is why authors are so highly valued in our society. People want to believe that if you invested the time to write a book, you must know something of value. Most likely you probably do. You know the content of your book better than anyone else: after all, you did the necessary research and pulled it all together with your unique personal experiences. You’ve honed your writing to reach a specific audience interested in learning more about the topic you’re an expert on. Your published book brings more credibility to whatever you are writing about. Your authored book makes you an authority! Successful novelists are masterful storytellers who skillfully tailor their plots into compelling and entertaining books. Everyone enjoys sharing a good story—when your book is published, the novel they’re talking about could be the one you wrote. Nothing is more memorable than a well-told story.



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