
Page 1

Issue 91 iWorld Celine Dion’s house hit by robber Page 9

iLocal New airport lift helps disabled Page 5

iLocal Anglin highlights literacy importance Page 11


CAYMAN Art exhibit is full of beans Page 3





DART DEAL STARTS Bush breaks ground for a new highway

Page 12


Full story on page 7

Page 9

Water cooler warning

Tad Stoner The first phase of the billion-dollar Dart development has started. The controversial project to extend Esterley Tibbetts Highway is, according to critics, the first step towards the closure of West Bay Road. But despite hundreds of objections in the form of a petition against the closure, Premier McKeeva Bush has started the ball rolling by taking a shovel to the ground himself. The new road, which may ultimately lead to the extension of the public beach, is the tip of the iceberg in realty company Dart’s $1.2 billion 30 year scheme. It took an eleventh hour decision to give the green-light to the project as it was as late as Tuesday when Cabinet approved the plans for the ForCayman Investment. Bush insists the project symbolises “a true public-private partnership” but critics say the Premier is selling out the country to American billionaire Ken Dart.

Plane crash wipes out Russian hockey team

9/11 disaster 10 years later Page 24

Cayman crushed on road to Brazil Page 32

Brooke helps keep up with tradition She may only be 15 years old and still in school herself but Miss Teen Cayman, Brooke Parchment, is already proving to be the perfect role model. After collecting her crown last month, Brooke took time out from her busy schedule to help

youngsters immerse themselves in culture. Brooke, pictured above with admiring protégés, joined in with Cayman Traditional Arts Bringing Heritage to Life afterschool programme. Full story on page 16


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One + One exhibit is Full of Beans Christopher Tobutt


Painter Sue Howe and her daughter, Hannah Howe, are the two artists featuring in the new “One + One” exhibition at Full of Beans in George Town. 13-year old Hannah’s photographs mainly depict the natural environment. There are some beautiful studies of ducks, and there are also some evocative landscapes and waterscapes. Not all, however. Some of the photos are close-ups of Hannah’s sneakers: “I was sitting down one day looking at functions on my camera, and I looked down at my feet, I thought it would be a cool picture so I started taking pictures of them,” she said. “I like to photograph anything that catches my eye - that I find is unique. Many of the bird photos have been taken near my home in Breakers but I

“Wildlife photography” by Hannah Howe.


“Steam” by Sue Howe

also have some taken on Cayman Brac,” she said. A large proportion of the photographs are black and white: “I like black and white because it gives it more suspense “The Red Cushion” by Sue Howe and it makes things look different.” Hannah’s mother, Sue Howe started “I like oils because you can move her art career by doing lots of drawing, them for hours, and they have lots before graduating to painting in acrylics. of depth. They capture light well and But she really counts the time when she illuminate the painting.” She said. became ‘serious’ about painting from One of the outstanding features of Ms when she changed over to oils, some Howe’s paintings is that she uses a full time around 2003. tonal range in her colours, giving them solidity and depth. Some of them seem so real you feel as if you could reach out and grab the objects they depict: “I like to work by going from my darkest darks to my lightest lights,” she said. A recent move for the artist is abstract work, and some of the new abstract pieces appear in the new show.

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(L-R) Sue Howe, with fellow artist Cira Bush and an art patron.


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“The Gentle Man” by Sue Howe to blog visit www.ieyenews.com



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UMass welcomes students with world record stir-fry AMHERST, Mass. (AP) — It wasn’t just a record, it was delicious and nutritious. Staff and students at the University of Massachusetts celebrated the start of the new semester on Monday by making the world’s largest stir-fry.


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Using a custom-built, 14-footfrying pan, the 4,010-pound meal included 800 pounds of chicken, 500 pounds of onions, 400 pounds of carrots, 300 pounds of broccoli as well as peppers, green beans, bok choy, peanuts, basil and garlic. It was cooked in 50 pounds of canola oil. Ken Toong, executive director of Auxiliary Enterprises at UMassAmherst, says the purpose was to stress sustainability and promoting healthy eating as many of the vegetables were grown at a student-run farm. A Guinness Book of World Records representative was on hand to certify the record. The previous record was 2,319 pounds. The event is part of the back-toschool events at UMass Amherst during the Labor Day weekend that will see 27,000 students arrive for the fall semester. “Our goal was to do more than just set a new world record,” says Ken Toong, executive director of Auxiliary Enterprises at UMass Amherst, shown above. “We did it while also supporting sustainability and promoting healthy eating as we welcome our students back to school.” Toong says the UMass cooking team used fresh vegetables from a student-run farm, the permaculture garden on campus and local farmers. In addition, they used canola oil with zero grams trans-fat.


8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


New stair lift takes passengers skyward Christopher Tobutt christopher.tobutt@ieyenews.com

It normally takes two burly security staff to carry wheelchair bound passengers onto Cayman Airways flights. But now that indignity can stop thanks to the brand new Ambistair stair lift. Morgan Callan, 24, was the very first person to try out the stair lift on the steps leading up to a Cayman Airways Jet. The new equipment, purchased by Island Air, a handling company operating at Owen Roberts International Airport, is designed to help Passengers with Restricted Mobility (PRMs) to more safely and swiftly climb and descend stairs belonging to all the aircraft that visit the airport. Kenrith McCoy, Senior Manager, Airport Operations, said: “Its been some years since we have been seeking to introduce a much safer and more comfortable way of planing and deplaning of PRM passengers due to various reasons, not least of which is the significant cost of such equipment. “I would like to clarify that the airport is not in breach of a regulatory requirement, but certainly industry standards worldwide encourage and recommend that airports have suitable equipment for lifting PRM passengers. Edward Jerrard, Safety Manager, Island Air described the benefits of

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Heading for the skies - Morgan Callan tries out the new stair lift, helped by his mother, Mitzi Callan (left) and Edward Jerrard of Island Air.

the new equipment: “Why do we need this particular type of equipment? The most important consideration is safety, because lifting passengers up by wheel chair on the stairs, especially the bigger aircraft such as the British Airways 767, starts to become rather scary. “As a result of that, the regulatory authorities around the world, including the representatives of people with reduced mobility, have been pressing the aviation industry to put something in place,” Mr. Jerrard added that the main issues with regard to PRMs had typically occurred in smaller airports that don’t have passenger loading bridges. “What we’ve tried to do here is provide a unit that makes the passenger feel they are part of the ‘Cayman feel’ the moment they

have arrived...that they are ‘here on holiday,’ …and, ‘I am not suddenly somebody different.’” he said. Mr. Jerrard stressed that passengers wouldn’t have to pay any charge for the new service. Morgan’s mother, Mitzi Callan, expressed her appreciation of the development: “I was going to talk about how he feels cut off and how scary it is for him to be carried up the stairs. How scared I am not only for him, but for the people carrying him up the stairs…that’s an uncomfortable feeling…for the last 24 years, which is how old he is, that’s been my feeling as we leave the island. “This piece of equipment offers a whole new focus on disabled person’s families so more people can enjoy the island…no matter what the disability, and I am very grateful.”


8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

iTech NEWS Man accused of threatening Google exec via Twitter SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A federal grand jury in San Francisco has charged a San Antonio man with harassing a high-ranking Google executive with more than 20,000 Twitter posts, some of which were threatening. According to court records, Gregory Calvin King was arrested in Texas last month and transported to San Francisco to face charges he threatened Google vice president Marissa Mayer, the company’s first female engineer. The indictment identified the alleged victim only as “M.M.” but King’s Twitter account shows him sending thousands of threatening posts to Mayer. King faces up to seven years in prison if convicted. His arraignment date hasn’t been set.

Ohio woman settles suit over laptop sex images


COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio woman has settled a lawsuit that alleged her privacy was violated when a company grabbed sexually explicit images of her and her boyfriend from a computer she didn’t know was stolen. Susan Clements-Jeffrey said Bellevue, Wash.-based Absolute Software Inc. improperly lifted the webcam images and gave them to police as part of the company’s attempt to retrieve the laptop. A federal judge ruled late last month that because ClementsJeffrey did not realize the laptop she bought for $60 was stolen, she could argue that she had an expectation of privacy. Clements-Jeffrey had also sued Springfield, Ohio, police, alleging they illegally disclosed the images and arrested her without a proper warrant. Springfield and Absolute Software denied the claims. The lawsuit was settled Tuesday with lawyers saying they couldn’t comment. to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Ground broken on Dart scheme Photos by Ivy Lichtenstein-Sahadeo

Tad Stoner tad.stoner@ieyenews.com

Government and Dart Realty yesterday broke ground on the new $33 million extension of the Esterley Tibbetts Highway, launching the first project under the ForCayman Investment partnership between the two groups. Premier McKeeva Bush led the ceremony, against a backdrop of earthmoving equipment, in a Dart-owned field adjacent to the company’s plant nursery at Batabano in West Bay. “This symbolises the true publicprivate partnership,” he told the gathering, initiating the $1.2 billion, 30-year scheme for an island-wide series of infrastructure projects intended to revitalise a sagging economy. The alliance, he said, will “get people back to work. “The world economy is shattering all around us. We know and we should be thankful that we have long-term sustainable projects on the table,” he said. The four-lane road, linking Batabano with the end of the current limit of the highway behind the former Marriott Courtyard Hotel, will take 20 months to complete, built across 3.8 acres of undisturbed Dart-owned land, meaning formal approval for the project is

Premier McKeeva Bush

not necessary. Mr Bush was at pains, however, to point out that only yesterday Cabinet had given its approval for the project, the first official mandate by Governor Duncan Taylor for any of the ForCayman projects. “I would like to thank Miss Juliana, who has been pushing and moving the regulations through the cabinet,” he said, alluding to Deputy Premier and Sister Islands MLA Juliana O’Connor-Connolly. “The Cabinet today approved the Esterley Tibbetts Highway extension, so there is nothing ultra vires, nothing illegal going on here,” he said, pointing to last week’s iNews report that Mr Taylor had neither seen nor signed any applications to cede more than 150 acres of crown land to Dart Realty.

Members of the Government and Dart break ground at the new road site

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iNews, he said, “was very wrong to report that, Apparently you and the governor have some sort of affair going on.” The ForCayman projects envision a land swap between Dart and the crown, involving more than 400 acres, with most going to the government. Yesterday’s Cabinet approval does not affect any of the other planned developments, however, including the controversial closure of 2,500 feet of West Bay Road when the extension is completed in 2013. “People who oppose us don’t understand,” Mr Bush said. “They don’t understand crime, its causes, and that people are really hurting. We have got to understand that. “We are not giving away this country,” he said, assailing critics who have accused him of “selling the nation” to Dart Corporation chief Kenneth Dart. “We are trying to help people. How can you twist that? Thank God someone is here willing to help us. The Bahamas, Bermuda, all sorts of people,” he said, had approached the Dart Corporation, seeking investment projects similar to the Cayman Islands. “Governors of the states in the US are going around asking companies to invest, giving them breaks on taxes and land and development. “Yet we are going around rubbing our firearms while wild elephants are getting ready to trample us,” Mr Bush said.



8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Invest 95L upgraded to Tropical Depression #14 while Invest 96L develops in the Gulf Of Mexico Jessica Willis jessica.willis@ieyenews.com

Invest 95L was upgraded to Tropical Depression #14 Tuesday afternoon. The depression was close to tropical storm strength yesterday and I suspect we will see it upgraded to Tropical Storm Maria very soon. The forecasts that I have seen all predict that the system will stay very weak and the strongest it would get is probably to a Category 1 hurricane. Rob Lightbown wrote, “Tropical Depression 14 is tracking slightly north of due west at a forward speed of 18 to 19 mph. This forward speed is expected to increase over the next couple of days and the low level center may try to outrun any mid-level center and keep this system quite weak. This track will bring this system into the northern Leeward Islands as a tropical storm on Saturday and then across the Virgin Islands as a tropical storm on Saturday night.” Meanwhile Invest 96L was located yesterday in the Gulf of Mexico. Satellite imagery yesterday showed some organisation of this low-

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pressure system, however, water vapour imagery showed that there is a very large area of dry air over the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Rob writes, “Invest 96L is currently located within a low shear environment and development is likely despite the very dry air to its northwest. What may happen is that Invest 96L could tuck itself within that region of low shear and become a small tropical cyclone with the dry air constricting the size of the storm. The European model hints at this with a depiction of a small tropical cyclone developing. “Since this system is very young,

Predicted path for Tropical Depression #14

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the forecast for Invest 96L is pretty difficult. The European model forecasts 96L to become a fairly strong hurricane as it tracks into the Louisiana coast on Monday. Rob continues, “…My thinking is that we will have a tropical storm develop in the far southern Gulf of Mexico within the next 24 to 36 hours. From there, I think we will see a slow northward track this weekend with this system intensifying possibly into a hurricane. I think the European model may be too quick in its track into the northern Gulf coast and a track inland somewhere between the central Louisiana coast and the western Florida Panhandle on Tuesday or Wednesday as a hurricane is quite possible. “I urge all of our Crown Weather friends from Louisiana to Florida to closely watch this system.” Go to Crown Weather Services at www.crownweather.com and the National Hurricane Centre at www. nhn.noaa.gov/ for more information on these systems. We wish to thank Crown Weather for their permission to use their graphics and information. Please support them.


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Police say man broke in to Celine Dion’s home ready to take a nice hot bath when police arrived with a canine unit. “He opened the water faucets, was pouring a nice warmish bath (and) he even managed to eat some pastry that was in the fridge,” Di Genova said. Di Genova said police worked their way through the house, starting with the basement and finally confronted the man on the main floor. “The suspect was coming down the big staircase and was asking: ‘Hey, guys what are you doing here?’” Di Genova said. “So the officers replied: ‘What are you doing here?’ and they proceeded to put him under arrest.”

Caribbean LifeStyle............................... Fashion................................... Culture..................................... Entertainment

MONTREAL (AP) — A 36-yearold man has been charged after he allegedly broke into singer Celine Dion’s home near Montreal, raided the fridge and even took the time to pour himself a bath, police said. He was nabbed by police in the Montreal suburb of Laval on Monday afternoon after the alarm system went off. The international pop superstar and her husband, Rene Angelil, were not at home at the time. Dion and Angelil usually live in Florida but use the Laval residence when they come home to Quebec. Laval police spokesman Franco Di Genova said the suspect was getting

Libyan fighters say Gadhafi surrounded TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Libyan fighters have surrounded ousted dictator Moammar Gadhafi, and it is only a matter of time until he is captured or killed, a spokesman for Tripoli’s new military council said yesterday. The council’s deputy defense minister said, however, that Libya’s former rebels had no idea where Gadhafi was, and they were focusing on taking control of territory instead of tracking down the former leader. Figures in Libya’s new government have given a series of conflicting statements about Gadhafi’s presumed whereabouts since the fall of the capital last month and

many reports about his location have proven untrue. Anis Sharif told The Associated Press that Gadhafi was still in Libya and had been tracked using advanced technology and human intelligence. Rebel forces have taken up positions on all sides of Gadhafi’s presumed location, with none more than 40 miles (60 kilometers) away, he said, without providing details. “He can’t get out,” said Sharif, who added the former rebels are preparing to either detain him or kill him. “We are just playing games with him,” Sharif said. NATO said that it had made a number of airstrikes around Sirte —

Gadhafi’s hometown — on Tuesday, hitting six tanks, six armored fighting vehicles and an ammunition storage facility, among other targets.

Russian jet carrying hockey team crashes, 36 dead YAROSLAVL, Russia (AP) — A Russian jet carrying a top local ice hockey team crashed while taking off Wednesday in western Russia, killing 36 people and leaving one critically injured, officials said. The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry said the Yak-42 plane crashed immediately after leaving an airport near the city of Yaroslavl, on the Volga River about 150 miles (240 kilometers) northeast of Moscow. It said one person survived the crash with grave injuries. There was no immediate word on to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

weather conditions. The ministry said the plane was carrying the Lokomotiv ice hockey team from Yaroslavl. The team was heading to Minsk, the capital of Belarus, where it was to play Thursday against Dinamo Minsk in the opening game of the season of the Kontinental Hockey League. The league is made up of several ex-Soviet nations. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin immediately sent the nation’s transport minister to the site of the crash, 10 miles (15 kilometers) east of Yaroslavl.

President Dmitry Medvedev has announced plans to take aging Sovietbuilt planes out of service starting next year. The short- and medium-range Yak-42 has been in service since 1980 and dozens are still in service with Russian and other airlines.



8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


The Editor speaks Secrets, theories and gossip

How hard is it to keep a secret? Are you one of these colin.wilson@ieyenews.com people who simply have to tell a friend you have a secret; that you will only divulge this secret to them if they promise on the Holy Bible they will keep it to themselves? Are you a gossip? Do you love to hear the ‘dirt’ on someone? Do you delight in passing on this gossip to someone else? Often with some embellishment of your own? How many so called ‘secrets’ have you heard concerning the lives of our recent missing persons? How much gossip did you hear about them and the ones close to them? How many theories have you been told as to what has happened to these missing persons? How many secrets and how much gossip have you heard about all the recent shootings and armed robberies? Who has divulged to you the name or names of the person(s) behind them? Is there a single criminal mastermind orchestrating every movement these lowlife scumbags are making? What marl road gossip have you heard? Have you learnt of any conspiracy theories concerning the RCIP (Royal Caymanian Island Police)? Why have they (or appeared to have) acted so slowly to get to the crime scenes long after the robbers have vanished? Why are there so few criminals being caught? Why so few

Colin Wilson


arrests? Even more, why after they have been arrested, so few are charged with the crimes? Why is it that the very, very few that actually get brought before the courts get convicted? I would expect your answer to the missing persons questions would be, ‘lots’, and the RCIPS conspiracy theories a little less. It is, unfortunately, the general opinion that the present RCIPS is incompetent and inept. Before the Commissioner starts hurling concrete blocks at me, I do not believe this. When it comes to the shootings and armed robberies, the answer is nothing. Well, I haven’t heard anything. Nothing. Not even a whisper. No finger pointed at someone. These islands are small. Everyone knows someone. It is hard to keep a secret here. It is a Caymanian pastime to gossip. The Marl Road is normally bumper to bumper with rumour. When drug smuggling was the major crime here the finger was pointed at everyone who had made it rich, especially so to a person who had made their fortune seemingly overnight. However, all these robberies lately have met with silence. Everyone is shocked and angry. Everyone says something MUST be done. Everyone blames everyone but themselves, but all is silent on who it is? Who are they? Them? Who they for? Who knows something? Not even a theory! Why is that?


Concern grows for missing Kai Volunteers at the Humane Society are desperately trying to find one of their dogs that has run away. Kai was being walked near the centre on Tuesday afternoon when she was struck by a car. Terrified after the impact, the small dog fled and hasn’t been recovered. Concerned staff are worried that although she didn’t have visible injuries, she may have internal problems and needs to be treated by a vet.


A spokesman for the Society said: “She was spotted at Home & Office City in the Industrial Park and then ran toward the airport. “Kai is a smaller dog - about 30 pounds or so. She did not appear to be injured, but she may not have felt her injuries yet when she ran off, so we are very concerned.” If anyone spots Kai or knows where she is, call Humane Society on 949 1461.

When you gain a friend, gain him through testing, and do not trust him hastily. Ecclesiasticus 6.7


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8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Minister Anglin reflects on UNESCO Literacy Day Message from the Minister of Education, Training and Employment on International Literacy Day Today, 8th September, has been designated “International Literacy Day”, by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). This year’s theme is “Literacy for Peace”. As Minister for Education, Training and Employment, I join countries around the world in commemorating this day, and using it as a platform to highlight the importance of literacy. Within our school system, raising literacy standards is being given the highest priority. This is because the benefits of literacy are not limited to reading and writing skills, though both are of utmost importance. Literacy underpins a whole host of life-skills that not only help our

students, but our society as a whole. Literature, for example, can be the vehicle through which students develop respect, responsibility and compassion. As our Year One students interact with UNESCO prize-winning author Kathryn Cave’s book Something Else, they’ll learn to be tolerant of others who may not play the same games, eat the same foods or draw the same pictures. While enjoying the story, they learn to empathise with the main character who is excluded. The ability to feel empathy for the story’s character will hopefully impact upon the way the children interact with others. Through award-winning author Elizabeth Laird’s Oranges in No Man’s Land, a story set in civil-wartorn Lebanon, our Year Five students will learn about human kindness and compassion. The use of such quality

Hon. Rolston Anglin

literature in our schools will motivate students to seek and evaluate different perspectives, as well as grow from their experiences. Through technology the world has become more accessible. The Cayman Islands Government is mindful that our students are citizens of an international community. This citizenship entails certain rights and requires certain responsibilities. Within our educational system we are striving to produce well-informed students who are critical thinkers, respectful of differences and who understand that people can hold divergent beliefs that are equally valid. It is by fostering these beliefs in our young people that the peace we so desire will be within our grasp. It seems fitting, therefore, to conclude this message by sharing the challenge extended to all countries and education systems, by the Hague Appeal for Peace, Global Campaign for Peace Education: “A culture of peace will be achieved when citizens of the world understand global problems, have the skills to resolve conflicts and struggle for justice non-violently, live by international standards of human rights and equity, appreciate cultural diversity, and respect the Earth and each other. Such learning can only be achieved with systematic education for peace.” Yours sincerely, Hon. Rolston Anglin, JP Minister of Education, Training and Employment

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8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Bottle water cooler safety Bottle water coolers placed in offices and homes should be maintained if they are to keep drinking water clean and fresh. These water coolers are usually purchased and forgotten; once they are working we assume everything is fine. But that is not the case, for failing to clean, improperly storing water, and replacing bottles using dirty hands can all contaminate your drinking water. The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) offers the following guideline for all users of bottle water coolers.

When purchasing bottled water: 1. Do not buy bottles with broken seals. Examine the outside and contents before purchasing. Do not buy bottles with foreign materials inside. Report any tampering or floating materials to the store manager and health officials. 2. Do not be fooled by labels. Information to be included on the bottle or label: date of manufacturing or manufacturing code; use-by date; chemical analysis or declaration of minerals; treatment (for example, ozonized, ozonated, etc.); company contact number; location and type of source water. 3. Do not refill old bottles. Either discard or return them to the distributor. Buy fresh bottles of water.

After purchasing delivered water: 1. Store in a cool, clean environment away from heat and sunlight. While manufacturers give bottled water a use-by date or shelf life of two years, DEH officials suggest replacement after one year. 2. Ensure that delivered water is left in a cool, shady area. DO NOT leave in the sun. 3. Clean water coolers and dispensers regularly. 4. Use water dispensers with coolers that keep the water refrigerated. 5. Clean the outside of the bottle cap and neck before replacing the bottle. Use a paper towel dipped in household bleach solution (1 tablespoon or 15 ml of bleach added to 1 gallon or 4.5 L of water).

Cleaning your water cooler 1. Unplug the cooler from the electrical outlet. 2. Remove the empty bottle. 3. Drain water from the reservoir(s) through the faucet(s). 4. Prepare a disinfecting solution by adding one tablespoon (15 ml) household bleach to 1 gallon (4.5 L) of water solution. Other disinfecting solutions may also be suitable; check with your water cooler supplier. 5. Wash reservoir thoroughly with bleach solution and let stand for no more than 2-5 minutes. This will ensure effective treatment that


does NOT corrode your cooler. 6. Drain the bleach solution from reservoir(s) through faucet(s). Wipe off outside of faucet(s) with clean cloth or paper towel dipped in the bleach solution. 7. Rinse reservoir thoroughly with clean tap water, draining water through faucets to remove traces of the bleach solution. If tap water is suspect (that is, from a well or cistern), boil for ten minutes and let cool before using to rinse the water cooler. 8. Clean your bottled-water cooler with every bottle change.

Cleaning the drip tray (located under faucets): 1. Remove the drip tray. 2. Remove the screen. Wash both tray and screen in mild detergent. 3. Rinse well in clean tap water and replace on cooler.

Replacing water bottles 1. Wash hands with soap and warm water before handling. 2. Wipe the top and neck of the new bottle with a paper towel dipped in the chlorine solution specified above. Rubbing alcohol may also be used, but must be completely evaporated before placing the bottle in the cooler 3. Remove bottle cap. 4. Place new bottle on cooler. For more information on keeping your bottled water clean, fresh and safe, contact DEH at 949-6696. to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

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Disasters in US: An extreme and exhausting year WASHINGTON (AP) — Nature is pummeling the United States this year with extremes. Unprecedented triple-digit heat and devastating drought. Deadly tornadoes leveling towns. Massive rivers overflowing. A billion-dollar blizzard. And now, unusual hurricanecaused flooding in Vermont. If what’s falling from the sky isn’t enough, the ground shook in places that normally seem stable: Colorado and the entire East Coast. On Friday, a strong quake triggered brief tsunami warnings in Alaska. Arizona and New Mexico have broken records for wildfires. Total weather losses top $35 billion, and that’s not counting Hurricane Irene, according to the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration. There have been more than 700 U.S. disaster and weather deaths, most from the tornado outbreaks this spring. Last year, the world seemed to go wild with natural disasters in the deadliest year in a generation. But 2010 was bad globally, and the United States mostly was spared. This year, while there have been devastating events elsewhere, such as the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, Australia’s flooding and a drought in Africa, it’s our turn to get smacked. Repeatedly. “I’m hoping for a break. I’m tired of working this hard. This is ridiculous,” said Jeff Masters, a meteorologist who runs Weather Underground, a meteorology service that tracks

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Sailboats sit on the dry and cracked lake bed at Benbrook Lake in Benbrook, Texas during extreme drought conditions throughout the state.

strange and extreme weather. “I’m not used to seeing all these extremes all at once in one year.” The U.S. has had a record 10 weather catastrophes costing more than a billion dollars: five separate tornado outbreaks, two different major river floods in the Upper Midwest and the Mississippi River, drought in the Southwest and a blizzard that crippled the Midwest and Northeast, and Irene. What’s happening, say experts, is mostly random chance or bad luck. But there is something more to it, many of them say. Man-made global warming is increasing the odds of getting a bad roll of the dice. The East Coast got a doublewhammy in one week with a magnitude 5.8 earthquake followed by a drenching from Irene. If one place felt more besieged than others, it was tiny Mineral, Va., the epicenter of the quake, where Louisa County Fire Lt. Floyd Richard stared at the

SHAMPOO &CUT.......... from $25

darkening sky before Irene and said, “What did WE do to Mother Nature to come through here like this.” There are still four months to go, including September, the busiest month of the hurricane season. The Gulf Coast expected a soaking this weekend from Tropical Storm Lee and forecasters were watching Hurricane Katia slogging west in the Atlantic. The insurance company Munich Re calculated that in the first six months of the year there have been 98 natural disasters in the United States, about double the average of the 1990s. Even before Irene, the Federal Emergency Management Agency was on pace to obliterate the record for declared disasters issued by state, reflecting both the geographic breadth and frequency of America’s problemplagued year. “If you weren’t in a drought, you were drowning is what it came down to,” Masters said.

SHAMPOO, CUT & BLOWDRY..................... from $45

TREATMENT.................. from $15 DEEP CONDITIONING

Mens Services CUT ONLY..................... from $20 CUT & SHAMPOO......... from $25 HIGHLIGHTS.................. from $35 MANICURE.................... from $25 PEDICURE...................... from $35 Nail Services MANICURE.................... from $20 PEDICURE...................... from $30 CHANGE POLISH........... from $10 Acrylic Nails

FULL SET........................ from $35 FULL SET w/FRENCH TIPS............ from $45

REFILLS.......................... from $25

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SOAK OFF...................... from $15

Beauty Services

Hydro Facial & Massages Available

EYEBROWS.................. from $10 LIP OR CHIN................. from $7

LIP AND CHIN.............. from $12


20 Floodwaters surround a building in downtown Vicksburg, Miss. to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

A firefighter keeps a lookout on the roof of a house as the Wallow fire approaches Eagar.



A line of severe storms crosses the Mississippi River in Memphis, Tenn., passing by the Memphis Pyramid.

Monday - Saturday: 9am - 6pm Friday: 9am - 6pm Sunday: 1pm - 6pm



8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Cayman Fashion Solstice is back!

Ivy Lichtenstein-Sahadeo ivy.lichtenstein@ieyenews.com

Fashionistas get ready for this year’s latest trends and international avantgarde catwalk creations because Cayman Fashion Solstice is coming to town. The fashion, entertainment and lifestyle event will take place this fall from October 19th – 23rd and begins at the Culture & Style Welcome Party in Camana Bay. Guavaberry Marketing (Cayman) Limited has once again partnered with Signature by Terry Donovan Events, a New York based fashion event management company to showcase the biggest fashion event to hit the Cayman Islands. The event hopes to bring fashion alive in Cayman while turning the eyes of the fashion industry onto the islands. Managing Director of Guavaberry


Marketing, Cindy Rosan-Jones said, “ The idea for Cayman Fashion Solstice is to bring together designers, celebrities, models and local and international media, not forgetting our fashion conscious consumers, together to celebrate fashion and lifestyle. “The event will be held over four exhilarating days which will include casting calls, soirees and the highly coveted spectacular fashion show.” Ms. Jones went on to speak about their goals and intention to increase awareness. “One of our goals is to increase tourism while improving the tourism product. The event will generate increased awareness of the Cayman Islands as a chic and sophisticated vacation destination.” At the casting call for models to feature in the show, Ms. Jones added, “ So far I really like the turn out that I have. We have a lot of potential. “We are looking for about 15 girls

and five guys and I am pretty excited about what we are seeing right now. “Cayman Fashion Solstice this year is going to be extremely exciting on a much bigger level than last year. “We are looking forward to having at least a thousand people in house at the Ark on the 22nd of October so it’s going to be fabulous including our three days of parties.” The event was first launched in 2010 and was deemed highly successful. Guavaberry aims to build on the event from last year to create what is hoped to become the most fashionable event in the region. Designers, models and celebrities who will be participating are to be announced in the coming weeks. For more information about the events please contact Ms. Cindy Rosan-Jones at cindy@ guavaberrymarketing.com or call on 927-2801.

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8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

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“In my early years of cancer I joined the society and through this relationship I saw the worth of the organisation to others who had cancer. I have worked with the society in ensuring help for others, in particular when they had to go overseas.

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The society is irreplaceable and cancer detection and support service has given others a greater chance to survive. The Cancer Society’s role is very important in giving comfort and support to cancer survivors in the Cayman Islands. People are happy to be with and around the society as it gives hope.”

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Tel: 946-0702 • Email: admin@uncleclems.net Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 7 – 4 • Saturday 7 – 2 • Sunday Closed

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Cayman Islands Cancer Society

114 Maple Road, George Town, P.O. Box 10565, Grand Cayman KY1-1005 T: 949-7618 | F: 949-8694




8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Heritage taken to students Photos by Information Officer Lennon Christian HARMONIC HEALTH CONSULTANTS WEST SHORE CENTER MEDICAL SPECIALISTS


You’re never too old for the “Good” Life

URINARY INCONTINENCE • Don’t suffer alone…there is a solution

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Some 100 students and cultural representatives, as well as government ministers, MLAs and educators, came together on Monday to launch a cultural immersion programme for schoolchildren. Bringing Heritage to Life is organised by Cayman Traditional Arts (CTA) in partnership with the Office of the Premier. The afterschool programme offers lessons and demonstrations such as seafaring, thatchwork, cuisine and games. CTA Director Chris Christian and his team showcased local culture at the opening, where children enjoyed making and tasting local peppermint, spinning gigs, ‘laying’ rope, blowing conch horns, and other activities. Premier Bush also displayed his skills while participating in the ropemaking demonstration, which he said “brought back memories from my childhood”. Sanctioned by the Education Department, the Bringing Heritage to Life initiative is offered to YearFive and Year-Six students in government schools throughout the Cayman Islands. In his address, Premier the Hon. McKeeva Bush OBE, JP, said, “This programme is necessary… for too long we’ve neglected this all too important component of our curriculum. I wanted to launch this for many years, and I feel the times we live in now prove critical for us

A CTA worker conducts a lesson, observed by Community Affairs Minister Mike Adam and MLA Capt. Eugene Ebanks.

to do so. We don’t want our ‘sense of self’ to be lost forever.” He added that this and similar efforts are encompassed in the ongoing nation-building programme. Indicative of the significance placed on this renewed focus, the inaugural event at Sir John A. Cumber Primary School’s hall was attended by all serving government ministers, and other serving

and former MLAs, as well as by community representatives. Past government leader and education minister Mr. Truman Bodden, OBE also commended the initiative, saying, “This is important, for children should be proud of where they come from.” For further information, contact Chris Christian at 926 0119 or e-mail artcayman@gmail.com.

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A student watches Premier the Hon. McKeeva Bush OBE, JP and Mr. Billy Banker complete a length of thatch rope.


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8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com



Amarrie enjoys freshly-made peppermint

West Bay ladies express their approval.

Physicians w/ International Designations

Get up… Get out… Enjoy Island Life!

A student blows a Queen Conch horn.

Youth Minister Mark Scotland, with MLA Capt. Eugene Ebanks (L) and Premier the Hon. McKeeva Bush OBE, (R) admire fresh produce.

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Deal Ebanks’ gigs are always popular. to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Summer Sale! Buy Criollo Reserva Chardonnay, Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Malbec RosĂŠ at 50% off!

Regular Price: $14 per bottle now only $7!

Call us at 943 3333 or email info@premier.ky to place your order.


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iFood & Drink

8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Prep for Success Recipes Banana pudding Cayman Prep and High School have produced a book of multi-cultural family recipes that everyone can enjoy. It was made possible through the selfless efforts of the parents of Cayman Prep students who worked

tirelessly to see the project through to fruition. iNews will be serializing local and world recipes from Prep to Success which is available to buy at Cayman Prep and High School, Diver’s Supply & Book Nook.


Nutrition Facts per serving Calories 26 1.8 Protein 5.166 Gm Carbs 48.98 Gm Fat 5.874 Gm Cholesterol 70.43 mg Dietary Fiber 1.363 Gm


Sugar 17.4 4 Gm Sodium 1 3 1.2mg Calcium 85 mg Potassium 329.5 mg Iron 1.398 mg








Directions • Preheat oven to 350°F. • Mix together flour, salt and ½ cup of the sugar in the top of a double boiler. • Add egg yolks and milk to the dry ingredients; mix well. • Cook uncovered over boiling water for 10 to 12 minutes, or until thickened, stirring constantly to avoid lumpiness. • When thickened, remove from heat, and stir in the vanilla extract. • Cover the bottom of a 2 quart baking dish with Nilla Wafers, and prop wafers all around the sides of the baking dish. • Top the wafers with the sliced bananas. • Spread the pudding over the bananas. • With an electric mixer on high speed, beat egg whites until soft peaks form. • Gradually add the remaining 1/4 cup sugar, beating until s tiff peaks form. • Spoon over pudding; spread evenly to cover entire surface, using back of spoon or a rubber spatula to fluff up the meringue. • Bake 15 to 20 minutes, or until lightly browned. to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

• • • • •




• 1/3 cup all purpose flour • ¾ cup sugar, divided • Dash salt • ½ tsp. vanilla extract • 3 eggs, separated • 2 cups milk • Approx. ¾ of a (12 oz.) box of Nilla Wafers • 6 lg. ripe bananas, sliced into ¼” rounds




350 DORCY DRIVE TEL: 945 9113; 925-6055 OPENING HOURS: MON – SAT: 7am – 5:30pm





8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

Cayman Islands Netball Association

Name: Lyneth Monteith CINA Position: Second Vice-President Occupation: Principal John Gray High School


Started playing in High School Captain of C. I. National Netball team at • 1988 CANA Tournament in the Cayman Islands • 1991 World Netball Championships Australia • 1991 World Netball Championships England Assistant Coach C. I. National Netball team 1999 – New Zealand Coach C. I. National Netball Team 2003 to Jamaica Coach/Player AllStars Netball Club Coach National Under 16, 2009 and 2010 to Jamaica and Barbados Intermediate Umpire since 2009

Want to know more about the Cayman Islands Netball Association?

Please call: 916-1944 or email: caymannetball@candw.ky


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8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


We continue our serialisation of Anne by Constance Fenimore Woolson

Anne Part 41

“Always one could hear the rustling and laughing of the forest”

And yet there was nothing resembling the lowland heats in this atmosphere, for all the time a breeze blew, ruffling the Straits, and bearing the vessels swiftly on to the east and the west on long tacks, making the leaves in the woods flutter on their branches, and keeping the wild-brier bushes, growing on angles and points of the cliff, stretched out like long whipcords wreathed in pink and green. There was nothing, too, of the stillness of the lowlands, for always one could hear the rustling and laughing of the forest, and the wash of the water on the pebbly beach. There were seldom any clouds in the summer sky, and those that were there were never have that soft, high-piled white downiness that belongs to summer clouds farther south. They came up in the west at evening in time for the sunset, or they lay along the east in the early morning, but they did not drift over the zenith in white laziness at noontide, or come together violently in sudden thunder-storms. They were sober clouds of quiet hue, and they seemed to know that they were not to have a prominent place in the summer procession of night, noon, and morning in that Northern sky, as though there was a law that the sun should have uninterrupted sway during the short season allotted to him. Anne walked in the woods as usual, but not far. Rast was gone. Rast always hurried everybody; left alone, she wandered slowly through the aisles of the arbor vat on the southern heights. The close ranks of these trees hardly made what is called a grove, for the flat green plats of foliage rose straight into the air, and did not arch or mingle with each other; a person walking there could always see the open sky above. But so dense was the thickness on each side that though the little paths with which the wood was intersected often ran close to each other, sometimes to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

side by side, persons following them had no suspicion of each other’s presence unless their voices betrayed them. In the hot sun the trees exhaled a strong aromatic fragrance, and as the currents of air did not penetrate their low green-walled aisles, it rested there, although up above everything was dancing along—butterflies, petals of the brier, waifs and strays from the forest, borne lake ward on the strong breeze. The atmosphere in these paths was so hot, still, and aromatic that now and then Anne loved to go there and steep her in it. She used to tell Miss Lois that it made her feel as though she was an Egyptian princess who had been swathed in precious gums and spices for a thousand years. Over on the other side of the island grew the great pines. These had two deeply worn Indian trails leading through them from north to south, not aimless, wandering little paths like those through the arbor vat, but one straight track from the village to the western shore, and another leading down to the spring on the beach.

The cliffs on whose summit these pines grew were high and precipitous, overlooking deep water; a vessel could have sailed by so near the shore that a pebble thrown from above would have dropped upon her deck. With one arm round an old trunk, Anne often sat on the edge of these cliffs, looking down through the western pass. She had never felt any desire to leave the island, save that sometimes she had vague dreams of the tropics—visions of palm-trees and white lilies, the Pyramids and minarets, as fantastic as her dreams of Shakespeare. But she loved the island and the island trees; she loved the wild larches, the tall spires of the spruces bossed with lighter green, the gray pines, and the rings of the juniper. She had a peculiar feeling about trees. When she was a little girl she used to whisper to them how much she loved them, and even now she felt that they noticed her. Several times since these recent beginnings of care she had turned back and gone over part of the path a second time, because she felt that she had not been as observant as usual of her old friends, and that they would be grieved by the inattention. But this she never told. There was, however, less and less time for walking in the woods; there was much to do at home, and she was faithful in doing it: every spring of the little household machinery felt her hand upon it, keeping it in order. The clothes she made for Tita and the boys, the dinners she provided from scanty materials, the locks and latches she improvised, the paint she mixed and applied, the cheerfulness and spirit with which she labored on day after day, were evidences of a great courage and unselfishness; and if the garments were not always successful as regards shape, nor the dinners always good, she was not disheartened.

Lorna's The finest in ladies wears Exquisite Fashions

Ph: 949-9628 40'B Mary street, PO BOX 1251 KY1-1108 GRAND CAYMAN, Cayman Islands.



8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Futoshiki 6x6

Futoshiki 6x6 - Hard (338811004)


Futoshiki 6x6 - Hard (333195617)

5 5

5 2






Futoshiki 6x6 - Easy (335199523)




Futoshiki 6x6 - Medium (339606689)


5 4


3 4






1 6




4 1


Futoshiki 6x6 - Hard (337331420)



Futoshiki 6x6 - Easy (339604766)



4 6

2 5 2





3 6

4 2

2 1

There are ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’ signs between certain cells on the grid. The aim is to fill each row and column with 1 - 6 without repeating the numbers. You must obey the inequality signs. For instance if you have that a cell is greater than the one next to it, then you know the left cell cannot be 1 and the right cell cannot be 6. Use logic alone to deduce where each number goes and solve the puzzle. 22

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Our Eye

8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Try our New Ocean front location in WEST BAY

IDs, badges and cards Do we really need them? Georgina Wilcox georgina.wilcox@ieyenews.com

“Excuse me miss, do you have any ID?” How many times in your life have you been asked that? In my youth – never except when I went to a nightclub. Now, its common place. IDs are significant to the society. They are used to identify each person from his office, school, and country. I never imagined when I was at school I would have to have an actual ID badge to be able to get into my place of learning. However, their use in schools and the workplace is becoming the normal and not the abnormal.

WHEN WE NEED ID BADGES OR CARDS In general, ID badges and cards serve as a function to identify the ID bearer as a person who is supposed to be in the building. They give comfort to the people around that he or she is significantly there for a reason.

1) Schools In a learning environment like schools, universities, libraries and others, the ID badge is a requirement. Because of major developments in the technology, a database of pictures and personal information is easy to obtain from schools.The biggest crime committed at schools once was “Who stole Peter’s lunch?” Now students have to deal with rape, sexual assault, terrorism, major robbery, weapons, drugs, and alcohol. The bullying that has always gone on and was swept under the carpet is now out in the open. Because of the ID badge/card, school management can determine the students and the teachers who come into the gate. They are able to keep track of visitors who come into the school compound. By setting up a rule that IDs are a standard operating procedure on registration processing, schools are able to keep a record of all their students. IDs are used as admission of to blog visit www.ieyenews.com


events, meal stubs for students and faculty, borrowing of books and school equipment like an LCD projector, amplifier, TV monitor, etc. Most schools now require students to wear ID badges or present their card on gate entry. When the ID has been formatted for school purposes alone, they are often used as an access to vending machines in the campus.

2) Workplace The company is able to distinguish the people working in each department whether it may be in maintenance or financial department. Each employee is listed in the database of profiles. If the employee has forgotten to bring the ID, it makes it easier for the security department to view the employees profile in the database to authenticate his identity. Not only do the employees feel safe, the company itself prevents spies from other companies, thieves, and unauthorised personnel. By making sure that each employee is using their ID badge/card, all of the people in the workplace feel they belong and they are being taken care of. With IDs, the company reflects professionalism throughout the office. Normally they provide the job nature of each employee and, in the USA particularly, they include corresponding social security numbers or serial code.

3) Other uses ID badges and cards are used as any access control cards. As used in hotel key cards, IDs often provide their customers with their personal key to their own private suites. With

just one swipe, they make use of the hotel’s facilities. They sometimes serve as medical identification cards that ensure they are entitled for medicinal purpose alone. IDs are also used in election procedures wherein the needed information is placed into a database and all the necessary numbers and data are retrieved with a swipe. ID badges and cards serve the society in many ways. They have become an information gateway to major businesses, institutions and the country. Without these, the people in a high-tech world would be disorganised.

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BADGES OR CARDS ID badges and cards will: • Not help protect people from identity fraud and theft. • Will not ensure that people are who they say they are. • Will not tackle illegal working and immigration abuse. • Will not disrupt the use of false and multiple identities by criminals and those involved in terrorist activity. • Will prevent free public services from being used by those who do need them • Let the Government track all of your financial interactions (above a certain amount). • Stop you working, travelling far, buying a car, getting health care if any kind of mistake is made in your computer record.

FINAL WORD These are my views and not necessarily iNews’. I welcome receiving yours.



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8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Impact from 9/11 still felt a decade later “The Journey is the Reward” What if you could choose who to be despite your circumstances?

Coaching works for you to identify and achieve your most important goals. Benefits include: - increased power, integrity communication and balance in life WASHINGTON (AP) — A decade later, what happened on Sept. 11 still resonates for much of the country. Even more Americans now say the horror of that day changed their lives. A new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research in Chicago finds that more Americans today say Sept. 11 had an impact on their lives than said so five years ago — 57 percent compared with 50 percent in 2006. As the nation prepares to mark the 10th anniversary of that haunting day, the chilling events that unfolded in New York, Washington and Shanksville, Pa., still evoke a stir of emotions for everyday Americans — from anger and shock at so many innocent lives lost to patriotism and pride in the heroes who emerged on hijacked planes and in the rubble of fallen skyscrapers and a shattered Pentagon. Ten years later, we are a nation changed — moving on, but still changed. Lisa Schmidt, 48, of Vancouver, Wash., thinks about Sept. 11 “just about every day” and almost every time she sees a plane.


“The intensity of thinking about it, and confronting the thought of it, still is very uncomfortable and I didn’t know anyone who was killed or injured,” said Schmidt, owner of a marketing company. “It was a defining moment for how Americans define tragedy.” For some people, like Susan Garrison of Carthage, Tenn., her fear of more attacks keeps her away from airports. “I will not fly,” said the 54-yearold Garrison, even with stepped-up security. She said she hasn’t set foot inside a plane since Sept. 11. “These people are the types of people who would get jobs in airports. If they want to kill people, they’re going to do it.” Almost one-third, 32 percent, of those polled said they are concerned about becoming a victim of terrorism or having a family member harmed in an attack. That’s down slightly, though, from 38 percent in 2004. The poll also found Americans are less angry about having to fight a war on terrorism than they were a few months after the attacks — 57 percent say so now compared with 67 percent

then — and worries about how the war on terrorism might affect daily life have faded since the days after Sept 11. In the AP-NORC poll, broad majorities said Sept. 11 changed everything from the policy and spending decisions of our country’s leaders — 94 percent and 90 percent, respectively — to the unity of the American people. Eighty-eight percent said it brought us together. Soon after the attacks, the U.S. government was transformed with the creation of the Homeland Security Department, the Transportation Security Administration, the National Counterterrorism Center and a slew of other centers and government committees dedicated to keeping the country safe. Sept. 11 also changed the way we talk to our children. Conversations about “stranger danger” or “stop, drop and roll” have now been expanded to include delicate discussions about “people who don’t like us” and why we have to take our shoes off in those sometimes too-long airport security lines. to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

Curious what coaching has to offer? Now offering free sample sessions.

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8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

Our Eye


I hate dentists Georgina Wilcox georgina.wilcox@ieyenews.com

Writen by : Victoria Anderson

I hate to go to the dentist. When I was young, they used to lie to me to get me there. Of course once I knew what was happening I would throw a crying fit in the car, in the elevator on the way up to the office, in the waiting room, in the dentist’s chair throughout the entire visit, in the office while my mother paid, in the elevator on the way down, in the car on the way home, and once again when my father came home that night just to be sure everyone knew how I felt about it.


The end of the school year is here and savvy moms and dads by now have made all the arrangements for summer. Summer camps and leisurely days at the pool or beach are just a few of the summer rituals for many families. However if you're tempted to let your child play outdoors for even a few minutes without proper sun protection, you might want to think twice. Adolescence and childhood are critical periods during which exposure to UV radiation is more likely to contribute to skin cancer in later life. Children with fair skin, blond or red hair and blue or green eyes are at the highest risk of sunburn. But darker-skinned children also need sun protection. With this in mind, it’s important that parents teach their children how to enjoy fun in the sun safely.


Apply a thick, even coat to all exposed areas 20 - 30 minutes before your child goes out in the sun. Choose a sunscreen with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) 15 or higher. Make sure it's labeled "broad spectrum," which means it blocks both UVA and UVB sunlight. For your little ones, sunscreen that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide should be selected as these compounds are less irritating than others. Sunscreen sticks are best for the face because they are sweat proof and less likely to drip. Don't forget nose, ears, hands, feet, shoulders, and behind the neck; lips can also burn, so apply a lip balm with SPF protection. Reapply sunscreen every 2 to 3 hours, or after sweating or swimming.

COVER FROM HEAD TO TOE. Wearing protective clothing and hats is one of the primary ways of warding off UV damage. When wet, light coloured clothing transmits just as much sunlight as bare skin. Keep your kids covered with dark colours, long sleeves, and pants whenever possible. And don't forget the accessories: sunglasses with UV protection to guard against burned corneas, and hats to prevent sunburned scalps and faces. Protective clothing, hats with wide brims, and sunglasses are just as important for babies. At the beach, bring along a large umbrella.

My mother was afraid of the dentist. And she shared that fear and its effects with her children. She picked our dentist based solely on the fact that he would give her lots of Novocain. Beyond that, she never really bothered about the skills-as-a-dentist thing. My own theory is that dentistry was invented by Beelzebub, based largely on the fact that our dentist looked exactly the way I imagined a Devil’s minion would look. And, oh, by the way, when we were finally done and wanted nothing more than to run as fast and as far as possible, he would smile at us kids, with his coke-bottle-thick glasses making him look popeyed, and hand us each a lollipop. Maybe not the best dentist, but surely a clever businessman lining up return customers. Today, even after better dentists have shown me that there may possibly be some redeeming value in dental care, I still hate dentists!

Parents, you are the best teacher by practicing sun safety yourself. If your child sees you following sun safety rules, he'll take them for granted and follow suit. Teach every member of the family how to protect their skin and eyes. With proper supervision, children can learn to protect themselves and enjoy summer fun without sacrificing the health of their skin.

Avoid unnecessary exposure when the sun's rays are at their strongest. Even on cloudy or cooler days, ultraviolet (UV) rays remain strong. Shady spots can be just as tricky because of reflected light. If your child is playing outdoors during these hours, make sure to apply ample sunscreen.

WATCH OUT FOR MEDICATIONS. Some medications increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun, so make sure to ask your doctor whether your child may be at risk. Prescription antibiotics and acne medications are the most notorious culprits, but when in doubt, ask.

http://www.cics.ky T: +1 345 949 7618 | E: info@cics.ky

114 Maple Road, George Town, P.O. Box 10565, Grand Cayman KY1-1005, Cayman Islands Victoria Anderson is project coordinator of the Cayman Islands Cancer Society.

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8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

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8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com


Sponsorship bolsters Cayman Athletic Teams

Front Row : Left to right - Julian Wood (Central Cooling- Sponsor ), Mathew Forest, Jamaal Seymour, Tajeme McKenzie, Roshaine Anderson. Back Row: left to right - Kevin Foster, Justin Henry, Jonah Ebanks, Coach Gillie Seymour.

Diana Willington diana.willington@ieyenews.com

Cayman Athletic Sports Club are aiming high and with the help of Julian Wood and Hon. Mike Adams they are already going places. Mr. Wood, the owner of Central Cooling, and the Hon. Mike Adams, elected member for the district of George Town and Minister of Community Affairs and Housing, have been supporting the five football teams while they press towards the goal. “I know a lot of the parents in these teams and I wanted to do something positive for the kids. I used to play and Coach Gillie was my coach too. Central Cooling have sponsored the club and I have helped find the funding for the running of the teams and the uniforms from other local businesses.” said Mr. Wood Within the five Cayman Sports Club teams there are over 100 boys and there are even plans to start a girls team in the near future. But Coach Ernie Seymour, also known as Coach Gillie, says that to cover the demand to play, there is the need for more coaches. “We need the older guys to start to blog visit www.ieyenews.com

giving back to the game. If past national players, guys that have been on soccer scholarships or coaching courses have got anything at all from the game then they should be coming back to help,” said Coach Gillie. The U-17 Cayman Athletic side have recently come back from a cultural education exchange with Knox College in Jamaica where they were able to compare their skills against other boys the same age. And Mr. Adams, in particular, was an integral part of getting them to Jamaica by alleviating the costs and ensuring the team got a better deal on the airline tickets. “Jamaica was all about giving the kids something to aim for and was an opportunity to show them what college is all about. The Jamaican boys were very welcoming and embraced our boys. “But competition is what makes people enthusiastic. The exchange gave the boys a chance to train with the Knox college team and also match their skill level with Jamaican boys the same age.” explained Coach Gillie. Kevin Foster, 15, told iNews about what he gained from the Jamaican exchange. “It was a great experience

and a lot of fun. Seeing how hard those boys lived, I appreciate what I have here in Cayman now.” U-15 Defender of the Year, Roshaine Anderson said, “The Jamaican boys were much more physically fit than us. They know how to shield the ball and communicate much more on the pitch. We learnt a lot from our trip.” All of the Cayman Athletic teams have tasted success in recent years but the U-15 team stands out by being undefeated for the last three seasons in the league and the cup. They have won every single game and Coach Gillie has high hopes for them next season as well. Hon. Mike Adams is the first MLA to help the team out and gave a glowing tribute to the club. “I am tremendously proud of Cayman Athletic Sports Club and I’m more than happy to help and support them in whatever way I can. “All the teams have done extremely well, particularly the U-15 team who went undefeated for three years. Clearly one of our intentions is to strengthen the club and I will continue to create as much funding as possible to do just that.” Said Mr. Adams.


8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com



Wales fan dies after assault reported at Wembley WEMBLEY, England (AP) — A Wales fan died after an assault was reported outside Wembley Stadium before Tuesday’s match between Wales and England in the Euro 2012 qualifying, authorities said.

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The London Ambulance Service said the 44-year-old man suffered a heart attack before kickoff outside the north London stadium and police confirmed that he later died in a hospital. Six men, who police believe to be Wales supporters, were arrested in connection with the incident which is now being investigated by the Metropolitan Police’s murder team. The match went ahead, with England winning 1-0 thanks to an Ashley Young goal. Details of the incident emerged about two hours after the final whistle. The emergency services were called to the north London stadium 25 minutes before the 7:45 p.m. kickoff. Police said in a statement that officers were called “to an area outside Wembley Stadium following reports of an assault.” London Ambulance Service spokesman Alistair Drummond said its staff at the event “attended to the patient within three minutes.” “They treated a 44-year-old man who had suffered a cardiac arrest,” Drummond said. “Extensive efforts were made to resuscitate the patient and he was taken to hospital.” The victim has yet to be identified. “Police believe they know the man’s identity, but await formal identification and confirmation that all next of kin have been informed,” police said..

8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com



Serena the one to watch as finals near at US Open


NEW YORK (AP) — Whether or not she ends up holding the trophy at the end, Serena Williams has no competition at the U.S. Open this year.

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She is the top personality, the woman to watch in a sport that has struggled of late to find, and hold onto, a compelling star. Part of it is because of the basic numbers — Williams has 13 Grand Slam titles compared to the grand total of zero from the other seven women left in the field. Part of it is the image — a mercurial and physically intimidating presence on the court, who can charm people when she’s off of it. “There are certain people who are pretty special,” said Tracy Austin, who was one of those people back in her day, “and sometimes we don’t appreciate it ‘til they’re gone.” Williams’ run at the title is scheduled to resume Wednesday night in Arthur Ashe Stadium, where she’ll play Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova, a 20-year-old Russian matching her deepest run in a major. Play on Tuesday was washed out when a slow-moving rainstorm moved over the Big Apple and forced tournament officials to push several matches involving top players — Andy Roddick, Andy Murray and Caroline Wozniacki — onto outside courts when play resumes. Williams, though, will be on center stage, as usual, and figures to be for the rest of the week.

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8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com



Strasburg as impressive as ever WASHINGTON (AP) — The notion of Stephen Strasburg coming back better than before? Seemed almost too good to be true for a Washington Nationals franchise so accustomed to misfortune. Rest assured, Strasburg looks as good as his word.

In his first major league start since undergoing Tommy John surgery, the 2011 edition of Strasburg was every bit as impressive as the 2010 version that wowed the baseball world. The 23-year-old right-hander allowed two hits over five shutout innings Tuesday night before the bullpen blew the lead in the Nationals’ 7-3 loss to the Los Angeles Dodgers. “It’s a big milestone I’ve accomplished here,” Strasburg said. “It’s something that ever since I went under the knife, that was my goal to be back pitching in the big leagues in 2011. I was able to do that. Now it’s all about getting stronger, staying healthy and being better than ever for 2012.” Last year’s magical days of “Strasmus” came to an abrupt end when the 2009 No. 1 overall draft pick felt his elbow pop on Aug. 21 in Philadelphia. His long road back began when he had the now-familiar, career-saving ligament replacement surgery a few weeks later on Sept. 3. “He didn’t skip a beat,” shortstop Ian Desmond said. “It’s an asset to the organisation, a guy like that.” to come sooner or later.”


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8 SEPT 2011 | www.ieyenews.com

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Cayman crushed on road to Brazil

Cayman National senior men’s team

Kevin Creary kevin.creary@ieyenews.com

Cayman Islands


El Salvador


As the saying goes, this really was a game of two halves. After a plucky first 45 minutes, Cayman Islands managed to go in at the break on level terms with El Salvador in this, their second World Cup qualifier in less than a week. But after the interval – with the scores level at 0-0 - the home team ran out of steam and took a thrashing at the hands of the visitors. The match finished in a 4-1 defeat leaving the hundreds of spectators heading home from the Truman Bodden Stadium disappointed. But not as much as the home players on the pitch who now face a huge uphill battle if they want to make it to the finals in Brazil come 2014. If it wasn’t for the first-half heroics of Cayman keeper Ramon Sealey it could have been so much worse. He made a string of top-draw saves in the first half to keep the scores level – and continued his top form in the second period. But after analysing the pace and endurance of the young Caymanian

Head Coach Carl Brown

team, El Salvador came out with a lesson plan, and took the Caymanians to school. Captain of the Cayman Islands team, Ian Lindo, had his work all cut out for him, as the seasoned and experienced, “super fit” El Salvador players, made dizzying passes between him and his teammates. During the second half, El Salvador’s attacks produced goals in the 51st and 55th minutes. At 2-0 there was still some hope and the home fans finally had something to cheer about when Mark Ebanks was brought down in the box and the

referee had no hesitation but to give a penalty on 74 minutes. Ebanks himself converted and at that point a draw seemed on the cards as Cayman came back into the match. But hopes of a point were dashed when in the 81st minute, then again four minutes into stoppage time, the visitors scored twice to complete the rout. Next month Cayman host Suriname at home on October 7th knowing only a win will do if they want to keep their Brazil dream alive. They then travel to El Salvador on the 11th.

Publisher Joan E Wilson Editor In Chief Colin G Wilson MCIM Printed and Published By: iNews Cayman Ltd. 342 Dorcy Dr., CAC Building, GT, Grand Cayman P.O. Box 10211 Grand Cayman KY1-1002 CAYMAN ISLANDS

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