INDOHUN The Ninth Edition, May 2016
IN-COLLABORATION WITH Ciloto Great Hall of Health Training Centre
E Continuing a plan of cooperation between the Center for Health Training Ciloto with INDOHUN, held a meeting on Saturday, February 9, 2016 between INDOHUN and BBPK Ciloto. The meeting agreed that INDOHUN will support the government in preparing and enhancing the capacity of the human resources for health in terms of infectious disease control in Indonesia, and there will be another meeting for MOU signing. In doing so, INDOHUN and BBPK Ciloto will cooperate with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Universities and Professional Association, one of which is the Association of Experts Epidemiology Indonesia.
This cooperation includes the One Health Curriculum Development, Training of Trainers, Training One Health is accompanied with a certificate of air-SKP. I Melanjutkan rencana kerjasama antara Balai Besar Pelatihan Kesehatan Ciloto dengan INDOHUN, telah dilakukan pertemuan pada hari Sabtu, 9 Februari 2016 lalu. Pertemuan tersebut mencapai kesepakatan bahwa INDOHUN akan mendukung pemerintah dalam mempersiapkan dan meningkatkan kapasitas SDM kesehatan dalam hal pengendalian penyakit infeksi di Indonesia serta akan diadakan pertemuan kembali untuk penandatanganan kerjasama antara INDOHUN dan BBPK Ciloto. Pada pelaksanannya, INDOHUN dan BBPK Ciloto akan bekerjasama dengan Kementerian Kesehatan, Kementerian Pertanian, Universitas dan Ikatan Profesi, salah satunya adalah Perhimpunan Ahli Epidemiologi Indonesia (PAEI). Kerjasama ini meliputi Pengembangan Kurikulum One Health, Training of Trainers, serta Pelatihan One Health yang disertai dengan sertifikat ber-SKP.
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GLOBAL HEALTH PUBLIC LECTURE: Preventing The Disease of Tomorrow
E As a country with more than 240 million people dependent on agriculture and livestock sector, Indonesia is at risk for zoonotic diseases. Indonesia, which is one of the zoonotic hotspots in the world, needs a system capable of protecting the public health environment. On Thursday, March 24th, 2016, INDOHUN in collaboration with the Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia held a public lecture with the theme "Global Health Public Lecture: Preventing the Disease of Tomorrow" at the Auditorium of Health Sciences Building, University of Indonesia. The lecture aims to provide a global perspective to the participants on the current understanding of health issues, disease control with One Health approach, and international networks associated with zoonotic diseases.
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I Sebagai negara dengan lebih dari 240 juta penduduk yang mengandalkan sektor agrikultur dan peternakan, Indonesia sangat berisiko untuk terkena penyakit zoonosis. Indonesia yang merupakan salah satu hotspot dari penyakit zoonosis di dunia membutuhkan suatu sistem kesehatan yang mampu melindungi masyarakat juga lingkungan. Pada hari Kamis, 24 Maret 2016, INDOHUN bekerja sama dengan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia mengadakan kuliah umum dengan tema “Global Health Public Lecture: Preventing the Disease of Tomorrow� di Auditorium Gedung D Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia. Kuliah umum ini bertujuan untuk memberikan perspektif global kepada peserta mengenai pemahaman isu kesehatan terkini, pengendalian penyakit berbasis One Health, dan jaringan internasional yang terkait dengan penyakit zoonosis.
E This event was attended by over 400 participants who are mostly college students from health background. This public lecture was delivered by three speakers, (1) Dr Felicia B. Nutter, DVM, Ph.D, DACZM (Director of International Veterinary Medicine, Cumming School, Tufts University) presenting One Health Approaches to Emerging Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, (2) Dr Timothy Meinke (USAID Senior Infectious Diseases Advisor) presenting Using One Health to Reduce the Risk and Impact of Emerging Pandemic Threats, and (3) Prof. Wiku Adisasmito, DVM, MSc. Ph.D (Professor of Health Policy, University of Indonesia and coordinator of INDOHUN), presenting Global Health Resilience to Tackle The Disease of Tomorrow.
I Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh lebih dari 400 peserta yang mayoritas merupakan mahasiswa berlatar kesehatan. Kuliah umum ini disampaikan oleh tiga pembicara, yaitu (1) Dr Felicia B. Nutter, DVM, Ph.D, DACZM (Director of International Veterinary Medicine, Cumming School, Tufts University) yang membawakan materi One Health Approaches to Emerging Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, (2) Dr Timothy Meinke (USAID Senior Infectious Diseases Advisor) yang membawakan materi Using One Health to Reduce the Risk and Impact of Emerging Pandemic Threats, dan (3) Prof. drh. Wiku Adisasmito, MSc. Ph.D (Professor Kebijakan Kesehatan, Universitas Indonesia dan Koordinator INDOHUN), yang membawakan materi Global Health Resilience to Tackle The Disease of Tomorrow.
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TRAINING OF TRAINERS: The One Health Collaboration & Application on EID & Zoonoses Control E Indonesia
has 34 provinces scattered from Sabang to Merauke and cultural diversity that made Indonesia vulnerable to infectious diseases and zoonoses. Hence, effort to increase the readiness and health system ability to forestall the development of infectious diseases and zoonoses in Indonesia are highly required. One of the effort is to prepare and strengthen University in creating human resources capacity in controling and preventing the diseases. Regarding this matter, INDOHUN has conducted a training for 68 health professionals from all INDOHUN members and networks across all regions in Indonesia on April, 5-7th, 2016. The Training of Trainers: The One Health Collaboration & Application on EID & Zoonoses Control was conducted in Great Hall of the Health Training Ciloto, West Java.
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I Indonesia memiliki 34 provinsi yang tersebar dari Sabang hingga Merauke serta keragaman budaya membuat Indonesia rentan terhadap penyakit menular dan zoonosis. Untuk itu, diperlukan usaha dalam peningkatan kesiapan dan kemampuan sistem kesehatan Indonesia dalam menangkal perkembangan penyakit menular dan zoonosis. Salah satu bentuk usahanya adalah dengan mempersiapkan dan memperkuat universitas dalam menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang berkapasitas dalam pengendalian dan penanggulangan penyakit tersebut. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, INDOHUN telah mengadakan pelatihan bagi 68 profesional kesehatan dari seluruh anggota dan jaringan INDOHUN di seluruh daerah di Indonesia pada tanggal 5-7 April 2016. Kegiatan Training of Trainers: The One Health Collaboration & Application on EID & Zoonoses Control ini dilaksanakan di Balai Besar Pelatihan Kesehatan Ciloto, Jawa Barat.
E The participants was trained to conduct a training program for Future OHW in each of their regions. This program aims to reach over a thousand students. The training covers several topics, i.e. Collaboration and One Health Application, Planning and Implementation Management of One Health Training, Group Dynamics, Social Communication, and Integrated Surveillance.
Para peserta dipersiapkan untuk nantinya melakukan program Pelatihan untuk Future OHW di daerah masing-masing. Program ini bertujuan untuk menjangkau lebih dari seribu siswa. Pelatihan ini mencakup beberapa topik, diantaranya: Kolaborasi dan Aplikasi One Health, Manajemen Perencanaan dan Pelaksanaan Pelatihan One Health, Dinamika Kelompok, Komunikasi Sosial, dan Surveilans Terintegrasi. I
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GLOBAL HEALTH SECURITY AGENDA Indonesia as The New Chair E The Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) was launched in February 2014 and is a growing partnership of nearly 50 nations, international organizations, and nongovernmental stakeholders to help build countries’ capacity to help create a world safe and secure from infectious disease threats and elevate global health security as a national and global priority. GHSA pursues a multilateral and multi-sectoral approach to strengthen both the global capacity and nations’ capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to human and animal infectious diseases threats whether naturally occurring or accidentally or deliberately spread. The contributing international organizations of GHSA are WHO, FAO, and OIE. On January 23rd, 2016 at WHO Headquarters, Geneva, GHSA Steering Group held a meeting which marks the handover of the GHSA Chairmanship from Finland to Indonesia. As the next Chair, Indonesia is committed to work closely with Finland as well as South Korea in moving forward with the GHSA activities in 2016. The Minister of Health of Indonesia has reminded to the GHSA countries that the 2016 marks as the year of advancing and progressing GHSA.
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I Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) diluncurkan pada bulan Februari 2014 dan merupakan hubungan kemitraan yang berkembang menjadi hampir 50 negara, organisasi internasional, dan para pemangku kepentingan non-pemerintah untuk membantu membangun kapasitas negara dalam menciptakan dunia yang aman dari ancaman penyakit menular dan meningkatkan keamanan kesehatan global sebagai prioritas nasional dan global. GHSA mengupayakan pendekatan multilateral dan multi-sektoral dalam memperkuat kapasitas global dan kapasitas negara-negara dalam mencegah, mendeteksi, dan merespon ancaman penyakit menular pada manusia maupun hewan yang menyebar secara alamiah, secara tidak disengaja maupun sengaja. Organisasi internasional yang berkontribusi dalam GHSA ialah WHO, FAO, dan OIE. Pada tanggal 23 Januari 2016 di Kantor Pusat WHO di Jenewa, Steering Group GHSA mengadakan rapat, yang juga merupakan serah terima kepemimpinan GHSA dari Finlandia kepada Indonesia. Sebagai ketua, Indonesia berkomitmen untuk bekerja sama dengan Finlandia dan Korea Selatan dalam aktivitas GHSA di tahun 2016 ini. Menteri Kesehatan Indonesia mengingatkan kepada negara-negara GHSA bahwa tahun 2016 harus terjadi kemajuan dan perkembangan GHSA.
E Global health security is a shared responsibility that cannot be achieved by a single actor or sector of government. Its success depends upon collaboration among the health, security, environment. and agriculture sectors. On March 28th, 2016, Indonesia held a meeting at national level to ensure a smooth coordination between all sectors in Indonesia lead by the Ministry of Health. Sectors involved are Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Defense, Indonesian National Army & Indonesian National Police, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Ministry of Justice & Human Rights, Research Institutions (LIPI, Eijkman, ITD, etc), and Intelligence Agencies (BIN, BAIS, BIP, etc).
I GHSA merupakan tanggung jawab bersama yang tidak dapat dicapai oleh satu pihak saja. Keberhasilannya bergantung pada kerjasama antara sektor kesehatan, keamanan, lingkungan, dan pertanian. Pada tanggal 28 Maret 2016, Indonesia menggelar rapat koordinasi tingkat nasional yang dipimpin oleh Kemkes untuk memastikan terbinanya koordinasi yang baik lintas sektoral. Pihak-pihak yang terlibat, diantaranya Kemko Polhukam, Kemko PMK, Kemkes, Kemhan, TNI Polri, Kemlu, Kemtan, Kemdagri, Kem Ristek dan Dikti, Kemkumham, Lembaga Penelitian (LIPI, Eijkman, ITD, dll), Lembaga Intelijen (BIN, BAIS, BIP, dll).
Source: ghsaindonesia.files.wordpress;;
THE INTERNATIONAL GRANT WRITING WORKSHOP & CONFERENCE E IN D O H U N will conduct International Grant Writing Workshop & Conference (IGWWC) on May 1719, 2016 in Surabaya, East Java on the theme of "The Importance of Fundable Research Proposal Writing and Publishing Scientific Paper". This activity is intended for lecturers, students, and health practitioners from various provinces in Indonesia and it’s free of charge. IGWWC will be preceded by a health symposium, which will be delivered by qualified speakers, namely Professor Ali Ghufron Mukti, MD, M.Sc., Ph.D., Directior General of Science and Technology Resources (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education); M. Sofwan Effendi, Director of Education Facilities Rehabilitation Fund (Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education); and Professor Richard Speare, MBBS, BVSc, FAFPHM, FACTM, MACVs, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor from Tufts University.
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I INDOHUN akan menyelenggarakan kegiatan International Grant Writing Workshop & Conference (IGWWC) pada tanggal 17-19 Mei 2016 di Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Tema besar yang diusung dalam kegiatan ini adalah “The Importance of Writing Fundable Research Proposal and Publishing Scientific Paper”. Kegiatan ini ditujukan bagi dosen, mahasiswa, dan praktisi kesehatan yang berasal dari berbagai provinsi di Indonesia dengan tidak dipungut biaya. IGWWC akan diawali dengan simposium, yang akan disampaikan oleh pembicara yang mumpuni dalam bidangnya, yaitu Profesor Ali Ghufron Mukti, MD, M.Sc., Ph.D., Ditjen Sumber Daya Iptek dan Dikti (Kemenrisktek dan Dikti Indonesia), M. Sofwan Effendi, Direktur Dana Rehabilitasi Fasilitas Pendidikan (LPDP), dan Profesor Richard Speare, MBBS, BVSc, FAFPHM, FACTM, MACVs, Ph.D., dari Tufts University, US.
E In general, participants will be
I Secara umum, kegiatan IGWWC
devided into two classes; publishing class and grant writing class. Publishing class will discuss how to write and publish scientific papers eligible to be published in international journals. Candidates who wish to participate the publishing class activities shall submit the abstract with a predetermined theme. Call for Abstract was conducted in March-April 2016 and more than 100 abstracts has been collected from all across Indonesia. At the end of publishing class there will be an abstract and poster presentations. While grant writing class will be attended by lecturers from 34 faculty members which invited. They will discuss the principles and ways of writing grant proposals eligible to be funded by national and international donors.
ini akan dibagi menjadi dua kelas, yaitu publishing class dan grant writing class. Publishing class akan membahas cara menulis dan mempublikasikan karya ilmiah yang layak untuk diterbitkan dalam jurnal internasional. Calon peserta yang ingin mengikuti kegiatan publishing class wajib mengirimkan abstrak dengan tema yang telah ditentukan. Pengumpulan abstrak telah dilakukan pada bulan Maret-April 2016 dan terkumpul lebih dari 100 abstrak yang berasal dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Kegiatan publishing class akan diakhiri dengan presentasi abstrak dan poster. Sementara grant writing class akan diikuti oleh sekitar 34 pengajar dari fakultas anggota INDOHUN dan akan membahas prinsip dan cara penulisan proposal hibah yang layak didanai oleh lembaga donor nasional maupun internasional.
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EBOLA Ebola is caused by a virus thought to be carried in fruit bats that spills over into other mammals such as primates and antelope. Humans are infected when they hunt or butcher animals for food or consume uncooked fresh or dried bushmeat. Human-tohuman transmission involves close contact with bodily fluids. This often happens in health-care settings and when people care for sick relatives or perform traditional burial practices that involve direct contact with bodies. The 2014 outbreak in West Africa caused more than 28,000 infections and 11,000 deaths. E
Source: WHO
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Looking, hopefully, towards an Ebola-free future Ebola disebabkan oleh virus yang diduga dibawa oleh kelelawar buah yang berpindah ke mamalia seperti primata dan antelop. Manusia terinfeksi ketika mereka berburu atau menjagal daging hewan untuk makanan atau mengkonsumsi daging mentah, baik yang segar maupun yang sudah dikeringkan. Transmisi manusia ke manusia terjadi pada kontak yang melibatkan cairan tubuh. Hal ini sering terjadi di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan dan ketika seseorang merawat kerabat yang sakit atau melakukan penguburan tradisional yang melibatkan kontak langsung dengan tubuh. Wabah yang terjadi pada tahun 2014 di Afrika Barat menyebabkan lebih dari 28.000 infeksi Ebola dan 11.000 kematian. I
There are other vaccines in clinical trials that may complete testing and be licensed for use in the future. That is to be hoped for.
E The 9th meeting of the Emergency Committee convened by the WHO Director-General under the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) regarding the Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa took place on 29 March 2016. In the Committee’s view, the Ebola situation in West Africa no longer constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. WHO, partners and affected countries are stepping up planning for how to use an Ebola vaccine in response to an outbreak. The committee considered various parameters, including efficacy in non-human primates, the ability to provoke an immune response in humans in the early days after vaccination, and availability. Dr Jane Seward (Senior Adviser, Sierra Leone Trials to introduce a vaccine against Ebola, CDC) said, “There are other vaccines in clinical trials that may complete testing and be licensed for use in the future. That is to be hoped for.”
Pada 29 Maret 2016 lalu, pertemuan ke-9 Emergency Committee diselenggarakan oleh Direktur Jenderal WHO berdasarkan International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) mengenai wabah penyakit virus Ebola di Afrika Barat. Berdasarkan penilaian Komite, situasi Ebola di Afrika Barat tidak lagi merupakan “Public Health Emergency of International Concern”. WHO, para mitra dan negara-negara yang terkena dampak sedang meningkatkan perencanaan tentang bagaimana menggunakan vaksin Ebola dalam menanggapi wabah ini. Komite mempertimbangkan berbagai parameter, termasuk keberhasilan pada primata non-human, kemampuan untuk memancing respon imun pada manusia pada hari-hari awal setelah vaksinasi, dan ketersediaan. Dr Jane Seward (Penasihat Senior, Sierra Leone Trials to introduce a vaccine against Ebola, CDC) mengatakan, "There are other vaccines in clinical trials that may complete testing and be licensed for use in the future. That is to be hoped for." I
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E Cases of avian influenza were discovered in Cilandak, South Jakarta on March 16, 2016, when several ducks in the area suddenly died. Further inspection by the Health Ministry and Jakarta Health Agency revealed that none of the local residents in Cilandak was infected with avian influenza. Meanwhile, in Banyuwangi mid-March, over 7,000 poultry, mostly ducks, have reportedly died from avian flu, while over 700 were reported to have died in Sembung village, Sukorame district, Lamongan regency. Health Minister Nila Farid Moeloek called on the people to continue to monitor the spreading of avian influenza. Nila said that the public can carry out avian influenza prevention measures by maintaining environmental hygiene and avoiding contacts with avian influenza infected birds and poultry. She also urged the public to maintain personal hygiene by maintaining a clean healthy lifestyle and encouraged people who own birds or poultry to periodically clean their birdcage to prevent avian influenza from spreading. I Kasus flu burung ditemukan di Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan pada 16 Maret 2016, ketika beberapa bebek di daerah tersebut mengalami kematian tiba-tiba. Pemeriksaan lebih lanjut oleh Departemen Kesehatan dan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Jakarta mengungkapkan bahwa tidak ada warga setempat di Cilandak yang terinfeksi virus tersebut.
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AVIAN INFLUENZA I Sementara itu pada pertengahan Maret, di Banyuwangi, lebih dari 7.000 unggas, kebanyakan bebek, dilaporkan mati akibat flu burung, dan lebih dari 700 unggas dilaporkan mati di Desa Sembung, Kecamatan Sukorame, Kabupaten Lamongan. Menkes, Nila Farid Moeloek, meminta masyarakat untuk terus memantau penyebaran flu burung. Nila mengatakan bahwa masyarakat dapat melaksanakan tindakantindakan pencegahan flu burung dengan menjaga kebersihan lingkungan dan menghindari kontak dengan unggas dan burung yang terinfeksi flu burung. Ia juga mendesak masyarakat untuk menjaga kebersihan diri dengan menjaga pola hidup bersih sehat dan mendorong orang-orang yang memiliki burung atau unggas untuk secara berkala membersihkan kandangnya untuk mencegah penyebaran virus flu burung. Source:;
UPCOMING EVENTS... The 4th International One Health Congress & 6th Biennial Congress of the International Association for Ecology and Health
3-7 Desember 2016 Melbourne, Australia
Registration for the 4th International One Health Congress & 6th Biennial Congress of the International Association for Ecology and Health is now open. This event will be held in Melbourne, Australia at Melbourne’s Convention & Exhibition Centre. This event will be hosted by the International Association for Ecology and Health. The Program Committee invites the submission of abstracts on original work for consideration as oral presentation or hard copy poster presentation. Registration is open to researchers, policy makers and practitioners involved in the health, agriculture, environment and international development sectors interested in developing more integrated approaches and effective responses to complex global health challenges. For further information visit
The 4th International Conference on Responsible Use of Antibiotics in Animals
26-28 September 2016 The Hague, The Netherlands
The international conference series on Responsible Use of Antibiotics in Animals is an initiative independent from commercial companies, official organisations or authorities. The conference is designed for the animal health industry and the medical community; all users of antibiotics in animals, such as veterinarians, animal feed producers, livestock and aquaculture producers, and nutritionists; food processors and manufacturers, and retailers; policy makers and regulatory agencies; researchers in universities and research institutes; and others with an interest in resistance and in the sustainability of antibiotics, such as educators, agricultural extension staff, consultants, and consumer organisations. For further information visit Page 15
30 April 2016
Continuing Education with
a One Health Focus
World Veterinary Earth Day Day 2016 22 April 2016
Trees for the
INDOHUN National Coordinating Office
Kampus Baru Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Public Health, G Building 3rd Floor, Room 316 Depok, West Java, Indonesia 16424