Kekiongan 1959

Page 95

The H awai ian Club is composed of Ind iana Technical College student fr o m the Hawaii an Isl ands . The primary purpo se of the o rganizat io n is mutual assista nce duri ng t he cou rse of th e members' under-graduate stud y .

First row, lef to right: Frank Natividad , Robert Sea, Treasurer: Richard Agawa Pres ident ; Mr. Arth ur Price , Fa cul ty Advi so r ; Lawrence Watanabe, Se c retary; Roy Tanikawa, Agripino Batoon. Second row: Erne st Bus bc so, Ro bert W oo Man uel A lbera s, Jerry 0 amura Th om a s Hamada Gordon Hashim ot o, Do nald Suzu i, Sammy Zaan , Sam Yamauch i, Jame s Yamaki , Be n Ce spede s.







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