Kekiongan 1958

Page 125




Iota Tau Kappa was organized as a means

o r better for each of four term s of college

of rewarding exceptional scholarship. In Sep-

work became el igib e for membership. It is

tember of 1942, Indiana Technica l College

the convicti on of the fraternity that with "In -

inaugurated an honorary scholastic fraternity

du stry, Truth, and Knowledge" as a beacon

symbolizi ng "I ndustry , Truth, and Knowl-

on our path throug h life no problem or ta sk

edge " by the Greek letters Iota Tau Kappa.

will appear too difficult.

Students maintaining a point average of 3.5

Seated, left to right: Ralph Carson, Albert R. Madin , Earl C . Kepner, Jr. , V ice Pre si dent ; Kenneth A . Z immerman , President; Jose ph W . Cranmer, Ben . jamin Dow, Howard Macklin . Standing: Thomas Usai, Richard W . Lieberman , Thomas E. Altg i lb ers, Gene L. Neff , Fred C . Bader, Leonard Stenberg , Georg e F. Griebel , Ph ilip J. Surico, Ray J. King .

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