Kekiongan 1951

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AI KEN, LeROY W., B.S.E.E. Bradford , Penn. Electrical Club ; Flying C lub ; Adv. Mgr. , Technician.

ANDERSON, ROY M., B.S .R.E. Sioux Falls, S. D. S.A.R.E.

ARCENEAUX, RALPH A. , B.S.C.E. Morgan City, La. President, Pyramid C lub; Presiden t's List.

ARRINDELL , RICHARD M. , B.S.M.E. Trinidad, B. W . I.

ASPY , ROBERT 0., B.S.M.E. Fort Wayne, Indiana President's List. BAGGOT, HAROLD E., B.S.R.E. Herrin , III. Electrical Club; President, Treasurer, S.A.R.E. ; A.G.U. Vice.President, Junior Class ; Alterna te Delegate , N.S.A.; Intramural Basketball; Vice·President, Iota Tau Kappa; President's List, 9 terms; Electrical Club ; Technical Pap er Award; National A.G.U. Scholastic Award.

BAILEY, WILLIAM F., Jr. , B.~.E.E. Smith pod, Pa. El ectrical Club ; Intramural Softball and Bowling; Asst. mgr. softball team; Captain of Bowl ing Team; 1950 Open House Project. BARCK, HAROLD M. , B.S.C.E. St. Paul , Minn. Pyram id Club ; Intramural Softball and Basketball; Secretary. Treasurer, Sophomore Class.

BARSS, HOWARD W. Jr ., B.S.C.E. Worchester, Mass. Vice.President, Pres ident , Pyramid Club ; Treasurer. KSK; Staff, Kekiongan; Orchestra; Student Instructor. BATES, EDWI N L., B.S.E.E. South Bend, Ind. Electrical Club; S.A.R.E.; Camera Club; Iota Tau Kappa, President's List, 9 terms , Student Instructor.


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