Call to Convention Chapter Chatter Summer Challenge Camps State Fair Indiana FFA Country Market Get Your FFA License Plate Today! Thank You to Our Advisors Live From Trafalgar FFA Week Recap Member Spotlight Sponsor Highlight 2012-2013 State OfficerThank You LOLA
May 04 State Horse & Pony CDE 08 Living to Serve Community and Safety Applications Due 15 CDE Portfolios & State Band, Chorus, and Talent Applications Due to State 18 State Dairy, Poultry, and Livestock CDE 23 Section Director Applications Due June 01 National Proficiencies Due 17-20 84th Indiana FFA State Convention 24-30 WLC Bus Trip 25-28 Summer Challenge #1 July 08-11 Summer Challenge #2 24-30 State Fair Set-Up Days 29-01 Summer Challenge #3 August 02-18 Indiana State Fair *See Page F for District Workdays!
84th Indiana FFA June 17-20, 2013 State convention purdue university Stars Over Indiana
It's almost here. State and District Officer Elections
Community service project
State and District Officer Elections
Community Service Project
Stars Over Indiana State and District Officer Elections
Community Service Project
State and District Officer Elections
State officer retiring addresses
Community Service Project
Top chapters & CDE winners named
son – National FFA Western Region Vice President – Renowned Leadership Educator Dance!
Stars Over Indiana
state talent
State Officer Retiring Addresses
State and District Officer Elections
Community Service Project Community Service Project s Over Indiana State Officer Retiring Addresses
e and District Officer Elections Keynote Speakers • Lindsey Anderson – National FFA Western Region Vice President • Barrett Keene – Renowned Leadership Educator munity Service Project
Keynote speakers
State and District Officer Elections Stars Over Indiana
Community Service Project
State and Officer District Retiring Officer Elections State Addresses
FFA Dance
Community Service Project
State Officer Retiring Addresses
Lindsey Anderson
National FFA Western region Vice-President e Officer Retiring Addresses
Barrett KeEne
Renowned leadership educator
note Speakers • Lindsey Anderson – National FFA Western Region Vice President Top Chapters and CDE Winners Named • Barrett Keene – Renowned Leadership Educator
Stars Over Indiana
State Officer Retiring Addresses
State Officer Retiring Addresses
Keynote Speakers • Lindsey Anderson – National FFA Western Region Vice • Barrett Keene – Renowned Leadership Educator Keynote Speakers
• •
FFA Dance!
Lindsey Anderson – National FFA We Barrett Keene – Renowned Leadersh
Heritage FFA
BY: JOE MORMAN, HERITAGE FFA MEMBER “And this year’s winner of the Straw Bale Toss is Grant Hood!” While there may not be any Olympic torches at the annual Allen County Farmer Olympics, the many members of the Heritage FFA Chapter certainly do put on a show for the fairgoers each summer! The Farmer Olympics took months of preparation, planning, and organizing, but once it was over the FFA members were entirely satisfied with what they had accomplished. Hundreds of visitors to the Allen County Fair stopped to watch and try their hand in the contests. While they were there, the FFA members took this opportunity to welcome these visitors, advocate for agriculture, and act as positive representatives for the FFA. Advocating for agriculture and representing the FFA well is what Heritage FFA members strive to do best. The lack of understanding about agriculture is not correlating with the high amount of interest that more people in our communities have with where their food comes from. This is where our job as FFA members begins. In fact, our goal is to inform anyone
and everyone about modern agriculture. Hundreds of Allen County kindergarteners will be piling off of big yellow buses on May 2 and 3 for a farm tour hosted jointly by the Heritage and Woodlan FFA chapters. The children will be shown around the Hadley Farm by FFA members and enjoy a hands-on learning experience that they can take home and share with their families. Our intention is to spark an interest in families to learn from where their food and clothing come. The Heritage FFA members also volunteer their time at the Fort Wayne Farm Show each year where anyone can learn about modern agricultural practices and have an unbiased lesson on how their food is produced. Cows, plows and sows are not all that the Heritage FFA members learn about though. Members work diligently to improve themselves by developing leadership, public speaking, and teamwork skills. The Indiana FFA State Sentinel Brandan Bergdall helped point out the importance of these skills to over 900
students at Heritage High School during an FFA pep assembly designed to show students what the FFA is. The Heritage FFA members do more than just say talk the talk on the importance of these skills. Not only do they put these skills into practice on a daily basis, but they also help others develop these leadership skills. This spring, the Heritage FFA will hold a Leadership Symposium for Jr. High students at Heritage Jr/Sr High School. The participants will have the opportunity to learn specific skills to understand what does and does not help when working as a team. Communication and leadership skills will begin to show and grow as the students complete the challenge course set up and facilitated by FFA members. What the Heritage FFA members value most is serving others. They actively look for opportunities to help out in their school and community. As a result, the community continually develops their appreciation and knowledge of agriculture and the FFA.
JUNE 25-26 JULY 08-11 JULY 29 - AUGUST 01 This summer, The Indiana FFA Leadership Center will be hosting three different summer camps with these exciting activities planned! This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the outdoors as well as spend a week exploring the Indiana FFA Leadership Center with your new friends! These summer camps will be fun-filled and they will be sure to make it a summer to remember forever!
Tell your friends! Ask your advisor! And make sure to sign up for the Indiana FFA Summer Camp! E
Make it
What do popcorn and fun have in common? While I am sure that many of us would answer the movies, something else comes to mind this upcoming August, the great Indiana State Fair! 2013 is the year of popcorn for Hoosiers across Indiana attending the state fair. This year the Indiana FFA is really going to make it POP in the FFA Pavilion! With an animal wing, farm to plate exhibit, kid’s corner, playground, and FREE putt-putt golf course, there is a lot of set up that must be done to get things popping in our nearly one acre building. Two weeks before state fair, FFA members from Districts I through XII will be helping set up the Pavilion. Be sure to ask your advisor about coming to your district’s work day. Work days are a great way to meet friends from your area and to take part in one of Indiana
The GREAT Indiana
FFA’s largest events of the year! The FFA Pavilion would not be possible without the helping hands of hundreds of members just like you. In addition to work days, each district has an experience day, too. Once the state fair has officially started, members can come to their district’s experience day to help run the pavilion. Members work the caddy shack and animal wing, as well as interact with children in the kid’s corner and playground. It’s also a great time for members to talk to the public about what FFA is and share their stories of how FFA has impacted them. Don’t miss out on your district’s experience day! The year of popcorn is sure to be a great one for the Indiana State Fair and the Indiana FFA Pavilion, so be sure to get involved and check it out August 2-18!
State fair set up days July 24th Districts I and XII July 29th Districts IV and IX July 25th Districts II and XI July 30th Districts V and VIII July 26th Districts III and X July 31st Districts VI and VII
State fair work experience Days August 1st Exec members August 2nd District III August 3rd District II August 4th District I August 5th District XII August 6th District XI August 7th District X
August 8th District IX August 9th District VIII August 10th District VII August 11th District V August 13th District IV August 14th-18th Any Chapters and Districts
Don’t forget... You can make some cash with The Indiana FFA Country Market!
Looking for some easy, extra cash this summer? Want to make some new friends? Apply to be a Volunteer Sales Associate in the Country Market. Country Market is a store inside the Indiana FFA Pavilion that sells all Indiana produced goods. FFA members work the store during the day and
in the evenings have time to explore the state fair with the state officers and other Country Market workers. We guarantee you won’t regret this experience! Find your application on the Indiana FFA Organization’s Facebook page or at!
Manure can do more than fertilize… Stay out of deep pit manure sites associated with confined feeding operations because they contain
Hey FFA members, Alumni, and supporters! Want to help support Indiana FFA and spruce up your ride? The time is now! The next time you head down to your local BMV, ask about plating your truck, car, motorcycle, or recreational vehicles with an Indiana FFA License Plate. The additionalEcost $40 which E!!!! PLATof FFA LICENS fees A AN DI IN UR YO includes vehicle registration and taxes, a T GE s! Want to help ter or pp su d an i, group fee of $25 and, alu anmn administrativee?fee oftim $15 e is now! Hey FFA members up your rid The d sprucingFFA an A t platin FF ou a goes directly to the Indiana Foundation and ab ian k Ind as t BMV, suppor down to your local A License you head FF a ian Ind next time Plate the Scholarship Program for FFA an The License th ycle wi r, 4-wheeler, or bic to the Indiana tly yours direc your truck, ca te goes members. So, stop by the BMV and get A pla FF e th of st co tra ogram for FFA ex pr e ip Th sh te. lar Pla license plate scho e today! th d an n tio da y! urs toda FFA Foun get yo p by the BMV and members. So, sto
dangerous levels of methane gas which can overwhelm anyone entering these storage areas. Be safe - stay out of manure storage areas. Use common sense during this busy time of year on the farm; get enough rest, eat healthy and stay alert to changes that could indicate a problem.
Indiana Rural Safety & Health Council
Our Advisors made
For that, we say thank you.
Mr. SMAZENKO, I can never thank you enough for everything you have done for me over the past 6 years. Whether it was the late nights working in the Ag room, helping me with my SAE records, or just being there to listen; you have always been there to motivate and mold me into the person I am today. Mr. S thank you for the impact you had on my life and the lives of everyone in the Bellmont FFA Chapter. Sincerely, BRANDAN
Mr. Younts and Mrs. Keffaber, Thank you so much for everything that both of you have done for me over the past five years. Mrs. Keffaber, you are one of the most caring and patient people that I know and never fail to greet everyone with a smile. You have shown me the kind of person that I want to be. Mr. Younts, no matter the occasion, you never fail to supply one of your goofy phrases or a heartfelt pep talk. You have both been amazing mentors, and I am blessed to have you in my life. Thank you so much for everything. Forever Grateful, Shelby MrS. DOUGLASS AND MRS. LUDWIG, I will never be able to list all of the lessons and memories you both have blessed me with having. Since seventh grade and freshman year I have been able to call you my advisors and teachers, but over the past seven and five years you have become my friends and mentors. Thank you for the listening Mr. Noll and Mr. Leu, ears and words of wisdom, but most thank you for During importantly my time in high school, the Ag Building was a believing second home to in me. It was my forever lunchroom, the place wherefor I complained because me when I didn’t believe in myself. I am grateful the impact you something didn’t go my way, occasionally my bedroom, and ultimately have made and continue to make the onbest my life. place on earth. Both of you have become two of the most Forever Changed, CAMERON
influential people in my life and I wouldn’t trade any of our experiences for anything. Thank you for always standing by me through all of my crazy harebrained ideas, being patient, offering words of advice, and never letting me put forth less than my best. Forever Thankful, Marshall
mr. Noll and Mr. Leu, During my time in high school, the Ag Building was a second home to me. It was my lunchroom, the place where I complained because something didn’t go my way, occasionally my bedroom, and ultimately the best place on earth. Both of you have become two of the most influential people in my life and I wouldn’t trade any of our experiences for anything. Thank you for always standing by me through all of my crazy harebrained ideas, being patient, offering words of advice, and never letting me put forth less than my best. Forever Thankful, marshall
this year possible. Mr. BOTTORFF AND MRS. HEAVIN, Freshman year rolled around and I could not wait to join FFA because of all the great stories I had heard about the advisor. I am forever grateful to those people who told me those stories because if they had not, I would not have met you two. I greatly appreciate everything that both of you have done for me over the years. Without you two constantly pushing me to succeed and being there for me when I needed advice or to just talk, I would not be the person I am today. Mr. Bottorff, thank you for teaching me about work ethic and being a great role model. I also greatly appreciate the life lessons you would always share, they really do help! Karen, thank you for always being there for not only myself, but for the chapter as well. You taught me the importance of stepping up and doing what is right. You are an inspiration to people around you! Thank you again to both of you for having a huge impact on my life. Sincerely, katherine Mrs. Markley, Mrs. Jarrett, and Mr. Hays, No matter who the student is, you all have a way of impacting them. You inspire each and every student to do their best and for that I am grateful. Mrs. Markley, your bright smile and encouraging words always have a way of cheering me up. Your constant push to do better has made me strive for excellence. Thank you for all of the “therapy sessions.� Mrs. Jarrett, from the very first class I had with you I knew I was going to love agriculture classes. You are an amazing teacher and I appreciate you making me think about the little details, even if that meant spending an hour arranging napkins. Thank you for not only allowing me into your lives but also your families. They mean so much to me. Mr. Hays, one year of quality bonding time and, no worries, I consider you part of the family too. Thank you for your constant support and life knowledge as you answered my many questions. You all have impacted my life and I am forever thankful. The countless late nights in the ag room will never be forgotten. Thank you for being amazing teachers, coaches, and my role models. Love you, Mallarie MrS. HILL, When I walked into my first ag class as the quiet freshman, you instantly saw my potential and never failed to push me to become active. As scared as I was, you continued to encourage and develop me into the woman I am today. I will always remember your kindness and love, BRILEY MrS. WAGNER, Since you are my step-second cousin in-law, we have had a bond from the very beginning! Through the ups and downs, we have made it through and you have made me into a better person. Thank you for pushing me and thank you for putting up with me! Forever grateful, BRILEY
State Convention is right around the corner, and planning all started in a cabin in Brown County. My team and I got to spend a few days in a luxury cabin to get our planning kicked off right. When we walked in the front door, the only noise to be heard were the “oohs” and “ahs” escaping from our mouths which just couldn’t seem to stay shut in shock and awe. We spent the next hour or so getting acquainted with the place – pool table, check, hot tub, check – then we were given our first task. Mr. Martin, our Program Specialist, split the meals up amongst us for the time we would be spending there and told
us we would have to cook something we had never cooked before AND we could only spend 20 dollars on it! Briley was my partner, and we got busy looking up easy breakfast recipes on the internet. Finally we decided on a blueberry bake and bacon wrapped egg bites. Then it was off to the Nashville IGA to buy our ingredients, and to say we had a tough time staying under 20 dollars would be an understatement. Once back from the supermarket, it was time to get down and dirty and put our minds in convention planning mode. After a long day, we were all happy to turn in to our king size beds. The next
morning, Briley and I made our breakfast then it was time to start brainstorming ideas for commercials, pre-session activities, and a concept for our opening celebration. We also found out what session we would be chairing and when we would be giving our retiring addresses. Talk about exciting! That night we had time to hang out as a team and enjoy the cabin one last night. Then, the next morning, we packed up all of our stuff and headed back to Trafalgar, content knowing that our convention was already off to a good start.
FFA week is a time for FFA members all around the country to celebrate FFA. This year, I had the opportunity to be in District IX, District IIX, and part of District XII I was again amazed by the wide variety of activities that the FFA chapters in Indiana do. Before FFA week even started I began attending FFA chapters’ activities for their FFA week’s celebration. My FFA week officially started off by celebrating with Indiana FFA members from across the state by serving as pages at the Indiana State House. The blue jackets flooded the state house and FFA members made a positive, lasting impression on their Senators and Representatives. From then on FFA week went by like a blink of an eye. I was fortunate enough to spend time with the Knightstown, Shenandoah, Eastern Hancock, Tri High, Liberty, Winchester, Rossville, Northeastern Wayne, Connersville, Clinton Prairie, and Mount Vernon @ Fortville FFA chapters. I was so impressed with all of the different activities that the chapters do to celebrate during FFA week. I attended breakfasts and lunches, went bowling, did presentations, went to a dance, and many other great activities. My favorite part of the entire week was getting to spend time with the members. For some, this was the first time that I was at their chapter. To get to see a member while they are at their own chapter is completely different than when they are at the Leadership Center. I was able to witness them in action, working with their members, community, and school. Seeing their ability to step up and lead was an amazing experience. FFA week is one of my favorite weeks from my state officer year. It may have been an extremely fast one, but the lack of sleep was well worth all of the great times with Indiana’s amazing FFA chapters and their phenomenal members!
CHAPTER: Rushville CDE: Livestock Judging, Meats Judging, any public speaking. SAE: Swine Production Entre. FFA TAUGHT ME: FFA has taught me to become a better person. It’s taught me that when you get out of your comfort zone, you usually end up having fun. The FFA has taught me to become more passionate for what I believe in. But most importantly, FFA has taught me to become a greater advocate for American agriculture.
CHAPTER: Eastern Hancock CDE: Livestock Evaluation, Meats Evaluation, and Crops Evaluation. SAE: Swine Production FFA TAUGHT ME: Through FFA I have learned how hard work pays off. I have also learned how everything happens for a reason and that things that seem like a “failure” at the time are just a new opportunity. I have learned many skills and met some incredible people along the way. I’m incredibly thankful for this organization and cannot wait to see where it takes me in the future.
CHAPTER: Prairie Heights CDE: Horse Judging, Parliamentary Procedure, and Forestry Judging. SAE: Equine Science FFA TAUGHT ME: FFA has taught me to remain strong in the face of adversity and no matter how difficult the situation may be always try to keep an optimistic outlook.
CHAPTER: Riverton Parke CDE: Parliamentary Procedure, Forestry, and Horticulture Demonstration. FAVORITE FFA MOMENT: There are so many favorite FFA moments, but working in the Indiana FFA Country Market is by far one of the best. There I had the opportunity to meet so many amazing members (now friends) and made some great memories that I will never forget.
Rose Acre Farms is the proud sponsor of the any human hands touching the eggs. The yolks Third General Session at the Indiana FFA State and whites were then processed into liquid egg Convention. They also donate much of the egg products for retail or wholesale markets or into products used at the Indiana FFA Leadership dried egg products for a multitude of uses. Eggs Center for breakfasts at FFA Conferences. Rose from Rose Acre Farms can be found not only in Acre Farms is a five generation family owned egg your breakfast omelets, but also in pet foods, farm that has grown to become the second protein supplements for body builders, dry largest egg producer in the United States, with bakery products, glue and paint just to name a AcreThe Farms the sponsor few! of 0the Third General operationsRose in 6 states. family’sisassociation Acre Farms 0isThey also very with eggs dates back at least Session 0 and farming at the Indiana FFA125 State Rose Convention. areconscientious the the environment. Little to no waist is sent years. Rose Acrelargest Brand Eggs came about in thein about second egg producer the United States, operating BY: Shelby Riley 1930’s, started in rural Jackson County, Indiana. to landfills from the production of eggs. The egg out of 6 states. Rose Acre Farms is a five generation family By 1955, Rose Acre Farms began construction on shells from the broken egg products are ground farm that has theirin0roots firmly in the farmland up and used rich for liming agents byoflocal grain the first chicken house located Seymour, farmers. Manure can also be used by local Indiana.Jackson Rose Acre County. Farms pushes for continued Rose Acre Farms pushes for continued farmers for fertilizer. Trees are aplanted as innovation and market demand with the promise innovation and market demand with the promise of of a brighter future for their employees and buffers around each facility and even water brighter future for their employees andis customers. consumption recorded and useThe is minimized customers. Indiana StateOfficers Officers their in theopportunity facilities to reduceto thevisit depletion of ground The Indiana FFA FFA State had had the the water aquifers. Rose Acre Farms opportunity to visit one of their farms and tour farms and tour the facility this past winter and explore the prides the facility this past winter and explore the egg themselves on being stewards of the land and egg production side of agriculture. Thank you to Rose Acre production side of agriculture. We visited the their animals so that they can provide a healthy Farms forin your continued sustainablesupport! product to their consumers for years egg breaking plant in Pulaski County Northern Indiana. The facility we visited had more than to come. We learned a great deal about the process and one million birds on the farm producing close to one million eggs each day. Depending on the appreciate those at Rose Acre Farms for their markets each day, the eggs were either packaged hospitality and interest in showing us why they as whole eggs for retail sale or broken open are called “The Good Egg People!” Thank you using special machines that cracked the eggs and Rose Acres Farms for your continued support. separated the yolks from the egg whites without
Sponsor Highlight
This year has been amazing beyond words. We have all grown up a little, and learned a lot. Very few people get to experience what we have this year, and we are incredibly thankful and extremely blessed to have spent the year working with each other, state staff, sponsors, advisors, and of course, FFA members from around the state. Our year as State Officers wouldn’t have been the same without any of you, and we are so grateful that our Association is full of such amazing people who truly believe in the future of agriculture. So we want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has played a role in Indiana FFA this year in some way, and to all of the FFA members who left an impact on us. We started this year thinking that we would be the ones who left the impact, when in reality, we left realizing that we were the ones who were most impacted. For that, we thank you. Forever Grateful, The 2012-2013 Indiana FFA State Officers Cameron, Briley, Marshall, Katherine, Mallarie, Shelby, and Brandan
Based on Polk CYE 2012 Light Truck New Retail Registrations in the Indianapolis DMA.
Laughing Out Loud
Live - 7.25 x 4.875 Trim - 7.75 x 5.125 Bleed - 8 x 5.25 (no bleed on top)
Why don’t cows have any money? Because farmers milk them dry. Which job is a cow most suited for? A baker, because they’re making cow pies regularly! What do you call it when a cow jumps over a barbed wire fence? An udder-catastrophe! What is a scarecrow’s favorite fruit? Straw-berries!
What new crop did the farmer plant? Beets me! Where do tough chickens come from? Hard-boiled eggs! Why did the farmer ride his horse to town? It was too heavy to carry! What do you give a sick pig? Oink-ment What happened when the turkey got into a fight? He got the stuffing knocked out of him!