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produire tomates, salades, basilic… des fruits et légumes, somme toute, très exotiques au pays des Vikings. On y trouve même l’une des plus vastes plantations de bananes en Europe ! Autre avantage, ces cultures sont développées en vase clos, ce qui les protège totalement des maladies de plantes qui circulent d’un pays à l’autre. A matter of resilience It is not really around a virtuous concern for the environment that Iceland has begun its transition to renewable energy. No, the switchover was primarily economic, and the story goes back to the 1970s when oil price shocks seriously weakened the country. Turning away from

massive fossil imports, the island decided to generalise geothermal and hydroelectricity. In short, it decided to draw only on its own natural resources to produce its energy autonomously. A strategy that protects the island from oil price fluctuations, but which also offers it a high degree of resilience.

salads, basil... fruits and vegetables that are very exotic in the land of the Vikings. There is even one of the largest banana plantations in Europe! Another advantage is that these crops are grown indoors, which protects them completely from plant diseases that circulate from one country to another.

The benefits of geothermal energy and low-cost electricity are indeed sometimes inconspicuous. Under the streets of Reykjavík, the wide network of hot water pipes allows the pavements to thaw. Geothermal heat is also used in fish farming, for the production of dry algae or salt. In recent years, greenhouses have also been used to produce tomatoes,

Les transports à la traîne C’est au sujet de la mobilité en particulier que s’attaque désormais Reykjavík, engagée à devenir climatiquement neutre à horizon 2040. Des efforts ont déjà été entrepris, notamment le remplacement progressif de la flotte de bus par des véhicules à hydrogène ou des mesures incitatives afin de favoriser les achats

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