Impact Night C O C R E AT O R S X S I C
C O N N E C T & C O C R E AT E
PROGRAMME 1915-1940
Reception & SIC Tour
Introduction to Impact Night & SIC
Pitching by 6 CoCreators
Voting, Networking & Resources Exchange
Feedback from guests & Award Announcement
c o c r e at o r s Social Entrepreneurs
Charles CHONG
O p e r at i o n s M a n a g e r Inter Cultural Education
Marketing Advisor L av i o l e t C h a r i t y F o u n d at i o n
Kary LAU Assistant Program Manager Food Angel by Bo Charity Foundation
Aries LEE Founder & CEO HOHOLIFE
Gigi AU YEUNG Founder & CEO DunDum
Project Manager Bond This Way
Jay HO
Sarah CHU Co-Founder Wheel Power Challenge
co-Founder E c o - G r e e n e r gy
Founder A rt B a g e l
Chris LEUNG Intern V o lT r a
Alan LI Founder Laughfull
c o c r e at o r s Social Entrepreneurs
Felix NG
Kenta NG
COO D i F o rs t o r X
Co-Founder D i F o rs t o r X
Peann TAM
co-Founder Eco-Greenergy
Founder & Executive Director V o lT r a
Alan LI Founder Laughfull
Justen LI
James LO
National Coordinator Samaritan's Feet Hong Kong
Manager Nicole Environmental Services
Jessica SHEA Program Executive Food Angel by Bo Charity Foundation
Simon TSE Founder S m a rt e r I n f o r m at i o n T e c h n o l o gy
Elis SIU Managing Director HOHOLIFE
Iris MA Founder Q-bicle
Eugene SIN Marketing manager La Violet Charity F o u n d at i o n Lt d
Antony WONG
Kent WU
Co-founder Around
P ro j e c t M a n a g e r S m a rt e r I n f o r m at i o n T e c h n o l o gy
c o c r e at o r s Entrepreneurs
Yoshi GOTO
Founder Alternative Connection Company Limited
Co-founder GENIE
Rex LAI CO-founder & CEO i m at e ro o m
Tom LAU Co-founder Freshlinker
Denis CHEUNG CO-founder GENIE
Dom HO Co-founder GENIE
Andy LEUNG Co-founder Freshlinker
Mary CHEUNG Co-founder GENIE
Edward IAN Managing Director K i m at u r e
Elliot LEUNG Founder & CEO Gaifong App
Quinn LAI Founder & Director EONIQ
York LIANG COO FreshLinker
c o c r e at o r s Entrepreneurs
Fung SI P ro j e c t D i r e c t o r D r e a m Pa c k e r
Ken WONG BD director FreshLinker
Rem SUEN Co-founder POPme Inc Limited
Kelvin LO
Cassie MAK
Co-founder GENIE
Co-founder GENIE
Ruby TANG Fo u n d er Man ki n d
Jess YEUNG Founder GinZeng T L P E n t e r p r i s e C o Lt d
Brian TSANG Founder ScoreAchiever
Kate YEUNG Pa s t ry C h e f ACO Ca k e
Hugo MAR Founder S e e d u cat i o n
Aric WONG Marketing Director FreshLinker
力富 Founder Dear Future
c o c r e at o r s P r o f e s s i o n a ls & s t u d e n t s
Hedy IP
Brian HUNG
Marketi n g Executive D KS H
é ” Auditor P r o c o n C PA L i m i t e d
Eli TSUI Student
Issac CHAN
Beverly CHUNG
Hollie CHUNG
Officer H o n g Ko n g Exchan ges an d Cleari n g Li m ited
Manager S ta n d a r d C h a rt e r e d
Executive of Environment, New Projects Agile Property Holdings Limited
Encoh LAU
Yanice MAK
student AIESEC
Content Marketing Manager
Maisie WONG Student AIESEC
Alan YIP A n a lys t B a rc l ays
Mary CHEUNG C o- f o u n d er GENIE
GENIE is a mobile app that empowers job-seekers to instantly find temporary jobs that maximise their income, reduce down time and create value for our society. One of the mission of GENIE, is to create more tailored work opportunities for the under-served, such as elderly, single moms, visible minorities and youth.
Sarah CHU
Charles CHONG
C o -fo u n d er W h eel Po w er C h a l l en g e
Laviolet Charity Foundation believes that everyone can chase after their dreams, and we see assisting these individuals in their journeys as our dream.
The aims of Wheel Power Challenge are: -To raise the public concern and awareness of wheelchair users' difficulties in the community -To explore the universal design of the city -To collect data of accessibility of the facilities in the city and make an application/website for all people: accessibility for all
M a r k et i n g A dv i s o r Laviolet Charity Foundation
Justen LI
Andy LEUNG C o- f o u n d e r F r e s h li n k e r
Freshlinker's vision is to provide today’s outstanding university students & graduates with an informative, interactive, one-stop platform of deep industry knowledge, where they can showcase their talent and linking them to the dynamic world of work.
N at i o n a l C o o r d i n ato r Samaritan's Feet Hong Kong
In 2015, Samaritan’s Feet Hong Kong started its mission of washing feet and providing fall-prevention shoes and slippers to elders. It uses shoe distributions as a tool to build relationships and share the message of love and hope.
Antony WONG C o -fo u n d er A ro u n d
Around is a network to connect people, resources and businesses nearby. With better ways of communication, more resources and information can be found and used; more businesses can survive on their own.
Dr. Brandon CHEN Pa rt n e r , WeRoadShow
Mr. Lawrence CHENG Editor-in-Chief, PC Market, S i n g Ta o M a g a z i n e G r o u p
Mr. Baniel CHEUNG
Fo u n d er an d Executive D i recto r, I ntegral Co nsu ltan cy Li m ited
Mr. Richard CHOW
Deputy Head, H KCSS-HSBC Social Enterprise Busi n ess Centre, H KCSS
Mr. Ivan LEE
Director, Co rpo rate Allian ce, H o n g Ko n g D isn eylan d Reso rt
C at e r i n g s p o n s o r s
Impact Night C O N N E C T & C O C R E AT E
CoCreators Impact Night