Hussein Revivalism

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will pass through if he always reconsiders his own deeds and pays attention to them. He must look carefully into himself by asking what it has acquired, the manner of attaining that, the source, and its reason." It is all a process of revision. If you revise yourself in this way, you shall find how you can reform it, and will accordingly win in the Hereafter. In line with the above, Imam `Ali indicated thus: "If a man does not reconsider his own deeds, he shall be the loser." There are many people who do not reconsider their own deeds and do not care for such moral revision for a number of reasons. One of these problems is concerned with the point that more time is allocated for neglecting them than for reconsidering them. In this way, you find many people who do not do that simply because they forget death. In this regard, Imam `Ali's wisdom is thus: “He who fears from Allah shall remain safe in the Hereafter�. It follows that a man who is afraid of Allah the Almighty feels calm and tranquile in his heart. He does not see anything in life but Allah, and all these things are expected to last to the end. As for the Hereafter, such a person is preparing himself for those terrible moments in the Hereafter. Such knowledge in advance makes man even more stable in this world, and he must know that this world is but a bridge leading to the world Hereafter. The wise advice of Imam `Ali runs as follows: " He who accepts advice shall go felicitous; he who reflects shall understand and he who understands shall acquire knowledge of the thing he wishes." Anybody understands that

knowledge is a must for everybody to acquire because it is a way to live up. In this way, anybody can work with their knowledge; they will face troubles and bewilderment if they go without knowledge. Finally, Imam`Ali's remark is that knowledge is a requisite. One of the most important things that human beings can get from knowledge is getting respect which leads to appreciation and knowing others far better. At last, understanding will lead to knowledge. These points are to immunize the human beings, and to enable them protect themselves from the scourge. This work requires mercy of Allah, and the human beings must be ready to make it their habit.

The Second Sermon The dominant culture for everybody in the country [Iraq] is to feel having an interest in shouldering responsibility. However, this feeling differs from those who are in charge of great responsibilities to those who do not assume such positions. The Representative of the Supreme Religious Authority at Najaf remarked at the courtyard of Imam al-Hussein's Sacred Sanctuary that such a culture of feeling an interest in the future of the country must be reinforced. He further enquired about those who must be in charge of training the Iraqi citizens to care for their country. Once a person travels to other countries and nations and meets people over there and deals with their communities, s/he feels that other communities prove to be interested in their own countries and nations, yet others seems to be rather neglectful. The answer

to this mystery lies in feeling responsibility as institutionalized both in the prevailing culture of the country and in each and every individual. However, the liability of those who have high responsibilities differ from those who do not have. The culture of interest in the country will emerge from many things as possible to ease the burden of the citizen. Where a citizen always looks at the official that should manage properly to the institution or the ministry that he run. Sayyid Ahmad al-Safi referred to culture of public treasury and money. He indicated that, "People need to be trained in having a culture of respect for public money, and this culture stems from people's love of their homeland." A man should be deposited on money that he has been supervised. So, we must disseminate the culture of taking care of public money." He also added that the culture of public money does not mean to guard public money but to spend public money wherever it is necessary. It must be invested where it proves significant for rebuilding our country [Iraq]. Public money must serve the country and help rebuilding it. This culture starts with the individual: it must be instructed publicly, and we are expected to develop it and make it a national trait. In the end, Al- Sayyid Ahmad alSafi clarified that the culture of being careful of public money should start with officials and whoever has assumed a responsibility. It follows that we must select qualified people to run a public money.

Report : Editor-in- chief


Hussein Revivalism

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