The Three Musketeers

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closed; and, what was more, the light, which had flashed for an instant, disappeared, and all became dark again. D'Artagnan thought that this could not last, and continued to watch with all his eyes and ears He was right; in a few seconds, two knocks were heard from the inside; and when the young woman of the street answered by one knock, the shutter opened. It may be judged if d'Artagnan did not look and listen eagerly.

Unfortunately, the light had been removed into some other room ; but the eyes of the young man were accustomed to the darkness. Besides, it is said that the eyes of Gascons, like those of cats, have the faculty of seeing in the night. D'Artagnan was able, therefore, to see the young woman take from her pocket something white, which she unfolded quickly, and which took the form of a pocket handkerchief, and she then drew the attention of the person she addressed to the corner of the object she unfolded. This reminded d'Artagnan of the handkerchief he had found at the feet of Madame Bonancieux, which, also, had recalled to his recollection the one that he had drawn from under the foot of Aramis. What the deuce, then, could this handkerchief mean ? Situated as he was, d'Artagnan could not see the countenance of Aramis we say Aramis, because the


young man had no doubt that it was his friend who was conversing from the inside with the lady on the His curiosity, therefore, overcame his prudence; outside. and, profiting by the earnest attention which the sight of the handkerchief excited in the two persons whom we have described, he left his place of concealment, and, quickly as lightning, yet with cautious step, placed himself near a corner of the wall, from which his eye

could completely apartment.






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