Imatra Clubhouse Magazine - International Edition

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international edition imatra clubhouse magazine

klubi lehti

Imatra Clubhouse contact information 28

Cover photo: Sapokka water park/ Jukka P.

Clubhouse magazine editorial board: Hanna M., Jaana T., Annamari, Sari I., Ritva R., Sari K., Henniina K., Tiitu, Satu V., Pertti P., Irene K., Marko T., Tuula K., Jukka P., Veikko K., Tuija S., Miko S., Saila H. and Ritva H.

Greetings from the Office unit 4 Hanna´s interview 5

Young adults group 11

Pertti´s miniature hobby 14 Yard and the garden 15

Online May Day event 20

Clubhouse support & experiences about e-Club 7

First time at transitional work 12

Article translations: Henniina K. and Pertti P.

OccupationaL safety and health 10

Customer service comes from the inside 13


Editorial 3

Story from my cabin 6

What is fibromyalgia? 22

a Case 16 Our jobcoaches 17 Thoughts 18

In the spring owls were born 8 +50 group 9

an Equal remote Clubhouse 21

Veikko´s Interview 23

Moments in time 24-27

3D-modeling online courses 19

In a way, finding that driftwood felt very comforting to me. Of course the tree was uprooted and torn, it had been through a lot. But the driftwood had drifted to the beach, in its way it had ar rived. No longer carried by the waves, drifting just aimlessly. Battered but together.

© 2022 Imatra www.imatranklubitalo.eskot.orgClubhouseISSN2670-2134

We have roots, but the currents of life can tear us apart from our roots. We drift; who is more determined at the helm of their own life, who is more carried away by the winds of life.


So good wood

The waves of life grind us. Sometimes we crash into the beach rocks, we get bruises on our surface. The sun hurts our skin. We live, we experience, we grow. We are weak, we are strong. Every bump, every trace in the driftwood of our lives is a part of us. Part of an individual story. Part of who we are.

Marked by life, but still intact, rich with experiences.

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”- Albert Einstein –

While others were swimming and having a sauna, I went to the beach. A piece of wood, scorched by the sun and polished by beach stones, caught my attention. I picked up this piece of driftwood to examine it more closely. Smooth surfaces polished by water, cracks caused by stones, bare and white wood surface baked by the sun, dark bark stains, twig stumps. All that reminded me of life itself; how we are all drifters in life in our own way.


- Jukka -

The last Päiväranta friday of the summer season 2022 was spent in a sunny weather. The sauna area of the congregation’s camp center was reserved for our use, and what a way to spend an August day on the shore of Lake Immala, in the heat of late summer.

We are also participating in ‘Work’ -project, coordinated by the Eksote (South Karelia Social and Health Care District) and involved in the project are different TE-services of Eksote, Finnish Social In surance Company (KELA), and South-Karelia work employment center (TYP). Many organizations and groups are involved in work ability support. The aim of the project is to create a multidisciplinary and in tegrated package of employment support in South Karelia, where the client receives the necessary service regardless of any diagnosis, social benefit status or clientele.

Greetings from office unit

In all this, our aim is to develop an entity that allows us to find a way to work according to the life situa tion of each member interested in employment.

Covid-19 pandemic has directly affected daily work many ways. Among other things, restaurants and many others have fallen under heavy pressure. The effects have reached our Clubhouse as well, tran sitional work unavailable. Challenging times have passed, now we are moving towards better future.

Join us for “Talent coffee”-groups, attend Work group meetings on Wednesdays, move at your own pace, reflect on what you want. Let’s find the way together to get to your own goal.

Sari I, Sari K, and Jukka P, Job coaches of Imatra Clubhouse.

One of the most visible results from the project is ‘towards gig work’ -workbook, that we have filled together in our clubhouse. Our plan is, that autumn 2021 we have ‘towards gig work’ group. Building an entity where, in addition to filling in the work book, the member can also participate in the Dream Oasis- and Hope trainings. These trainings would support each other, forming a package, that can be performed as whole or do only those parts that are most suited.


By being involved in these projects, we don’t have to develop everything ourselves right from the start. We are involved in developing new tools and prac tices and getting them fresh, in addition, through projects we network, we develop cooperation net works, which is very important, especially today, building collaborative patterns with other actors con firms our own place in this whole.

In our clubhouse we have our own ‘Talent Coffee’ -group, in which the content has been the mapping of one’s own strengths, as well as the completion of the workbook mentioned above towards gig work. ‘Talent Coffee’ group will be active at coming au tumn, every Thursday. As our newest work, we are having ‘working life’ -group every Wednesday at 10am, in our office section, where we are focusing on employment issues (e.g., searching work from internet, filling in CV’s, filling job applications, etc.).

If you’re considering returning to work, no matter how distant a goal it may be, grab one of our job coaches. Let’s go in peace to build a path towards working life.

Past few months we have been active. What comes to employment program, beneath the surface it has been buzzing all the time. We have been involved in various employment projects. Many have heard about “Missing piece”-project, which is joint project between ESKOT association and Metropolia Uni versity of applied sciences, building employment pathways between existing supported forms of em ployment and the open labor market.

looming over your shoulder. Though sometimes she feels that she has to split herself in five while working alone. There’s only one pair of hands and a limited amount of hours in a day. The days often stretch to be long and fi nancially it takes a new entrepreneur a few years to go to the plus side when it comes to money.

Even though the business is her long time dream accom plished, I asked Hanna what she still dreams about. Han na ponders that it would be a loan-free business and a sensible pay for the work she does. She still has a strong belief that her business is viable. Her dream is to put to gether an online store at some point.

Ihetehhen -fabric store is Hanna Mönkäre’s implemented dream job. Imatra’s Clubhouse member Hanna Mönkäre has owned the fabric store for 2 years now in the heart of Simpele. There is fabric on sale as well as handicrafts and craft supplies and ready products, like beanies and fabric masks. There is few fabric stores in the vicinity, so people come to shop even from farther away.


A lot of times this isn’t rational work. There are easier ways to earn bread. I’ve just always been the way that I ”climb with my butt in front of me.”

Hanna gets balance from home, even though house chores are always waiting there. Though sometimes she takes time for herself and goes into her dogs pen to talk to the family dog.

Hanna has a clothing store at Simpele, called Ihetehhen. You can also follow the store at Facebook.

There is long lines in the sewing service, because there is a lot of repair and decor sewing to be done. There is not that much atelier sewing for the dressmaker Hanna Mönkäre because of a rush in orders, even though it’s her favorite.

About entrepreneurship Hanna says:

The Corona time quieted down the demand in the first few weeks, but it hasn’t affected her business. When people were stuck at home, there was a demand for handicraft supplies so that people had something to do. As well a lot of people started decorating their home with new curtains as more people had been doing more shopping. The sewing of fabric masks also has kept her busy. Overall there’s custom work for many months to come, even though she had to close down the business because of the pandemic.

Hanna´s interview

These days Hanna lives with her husband and son in Rautjärvi. Love brought her from Kitee to Imatra a few years ago, so the family moved to Rautjärvi. While living in Imatra the Clubhouse held a big meaning to her and it still feels like a home where you can come for coffee and meet acquaintances. Without having to accomplish for awhile. Sadly these days with the business she can rarely visit Imatra. But with the e-Clubhouse (remote Club house) she can still be a part of it and sometimes the live videos run in the background while she works.

Hanna had sworn that she’ll never become self-em ployed, but things went a different way. When she was doing business administration studies, she was a part of business where the owner was dreaming about retire ment and she became interested in self-employment. The good thing about self-employment is that you can decide how many hours you work without anyone

Hanna sends her greetings to all the Clubhouse members and invites everyone to visit Simpele. Maybe when the pandemic slows down the Clubhouse could do a trip to Simpele?Jaana T.

Story from my cabin

This is what our spring’s first cabin trip was like. There is still summer and fall, and other cabin trips with berry and mushroom picking involved.

At the cabin there was beautiful scene in front of us and a lot of undone chores. Terrace clean, changing the sheets, wiping the windows and checking the sauna (for spiders, eek!). There seems to be a lot to do, while father carries the wood, pumps water for the sauna and cleans the grill, as the daughter changes the sheets and wipes down the windows.


At the old sauna, bathing is its own unique expe rience. From the small window a little bit of light comes into the sooty space where at its benches its calming and relaxing to sit while throwing water at the stove stones and listening to the water bubbling as it heats up. I don’t want to wash off with cold lake water quite yet, I want to add hot water to the mix.

Before going to sleep we have to check thoroughly that everything is in its place and if the rain were to surprise us and hide everything edible in case a fox were to sneak around the surrounding forest.

At last, the things are packed into the car and the ones staying at home, mother and the cat, have been said goodbye to. They are staying home, since they don’t enjoy being at the cabin. The cat had fallen into the water from the pier when it was but a kitten and it doesn’t like long road trips either.

It’s a beautiful May spring morning, the singing of birds fills the air. At home there is busy hassling; where are the cabin dishes and utensils, and the clean sheets? Father and daughter are preparing the spring’s first cabin trip.

I wonder if now we could check out our fishing luck? The daughter is at the pier and the father is fishing. The seems to have had some luck, since he catches a few decent sized perches. We had time to smoke them before the other afternoon chores.

After going to the sauna, it’s nice to sit inside the cabin and wonder about the nature’s sounds; common gull screaming, the black-throated diver shouting and the whooper swan tooting. As the sun goes down its time to light the candles and the oil lamp to give off light, warmth and ambience while listening to the radio.

During the small hours it’s amazing to watch the sunrise and perhaps go to the pier to watch and en joy as nature wakes up.

The grill is lit with good technique and soon the smoke starts to rise towards the sky. As the smoke fades and as the coal glows it is time to grill the stakes, sausages, mushrooms and cheese. As the daughter grills, the father prepares an old sauna stove to give off heat. It can warm up slowly as we eat.

Somekind of addiction maybe? We’ve made it possible that we have an e-Clubhouse. A big hug to the employees because they were the ones that made this happen overnight.


“It’s great, that this is an option! You get to know what happens and you get to influence things even during the “normal” period. You get the feel ing that you’re a part of a group and your social needs are met.”

Corona! Corona! Think about how the world would have stopped without these internet connections. We would only have information spreading from one to another.

Over the last few months I’ve gotten to know the e-Clubhouse activities. I’m excited to do things differently, belong to a community. I’ve actively looked at the facebook posts, photos and facebook live videos, etc. Especially the live videos have been great to watch and see, anything can happen.

”The support of the Clubhouse is really significant, but in this situation it really shows! In such a difficult and tense time the clubhouse still cares and you can still be a part of activities and conversations.”

“The operation is evolving day byday and everything evolves with it.It’s great to be a part of the development.”

Clubhouse support

It’s been important to me to be able to participate in the Clubhouse activities. I joined Teams and that way I’ve been a part of the Clubhouse meetings and Media workshop. It’s new and interesting that I sit at home, others at home and at their remote workplaces, and someone controls the meeting from another place. With a computer you can do amazing things that I haven’t even thought about before. The computer also has its own brain and sometimes it doesn’t work like you want it to.

The e-Clubhouse means you can maintain social bonds in this time. But I still wait that I could meet people face to face and see them not just as a talking head on a screen. During the spring the e-Clubhouse has been wonderful to follow. Yesterday I watched a live video of an art day at Imatra’s Clubhouse. When I woke up I watched the morning’s meeting and during the afternoon the rest of it.

Tuija S.

Experiences about e-Clubhouse



In the handicraft group we were active all spring. We did macramé keychains, lanyards and also these great owls with the macramé technique. Also a few tapestry pieces were made and a neck

In the spring owls were born

the end of spring we started doing patterns on waffle fabric with different color cotton thread. This embroidery technique is pretty easy to do and fast to implement. A hand towel was created pret ty easily depending on the thickness of the line. On top of making a hand towel you can make a bag or a pouch. You can let creativity flow.

Now’s a good time to start a hobby. We could con tinue the handicraft group if there’s enough excitement for it. On top of the techniques I mentioned, we could also do other inspiring handicrafts. We get together for the first time 14.15 o’clock on Wednesdays, when we start planning the autumn schedule and activities.

”It’s nice to visit different places with the group, I’m badat leaving the house and doing it alone.”

Ritva H.:

”The movie and the shoemaker museum was great.”

+50 group

”It’s great that Imatra’s Clubhouse arranges nice activities for people over 50.”

”It’s been really great, even though I’ve been incontact with you guys through Teams, it was niceto see you all today.”

”Our little walk made it feel like christmas.”

”This is really invigorating, we’ve gone to different places and had coffee. Because of my age this is the highlight of my day, I get to meet with everyone and chat about things. I hope this kind of group continues.”


Other comments:

”I realized when thursday freed up for me that this kind of group exists. It’s important that you get to have conversations with others that are like you, and be heard.”

”It’s really nice to go to different places with you all. Teams is great because I get to be involved. The groups are great. When my back is in bad condition, I get to come and test its strength with everyone.”


”It was amazing to visit the shoemaker museum with thegroup, I couldn’t do it alone.”


Sari ”I’mK.:very proud of our group, during autumn we’ve gotten new people into our activities, and most of them have started using the wonderous world of technology without prejudice.”

One of the most important trainings to all of us is initial firefighting training, and related practical exercises, guided by professionals. In addition, we wish that many would keep their first aid cards valid or participating first aid practices in our Clubhouse. In these exceptional times it is important to keep up own health and wellbeing, no one need to be alone. It is worth taking advantage of the various opportunities for par ticipation and to use helplines (Eksote, MTKL, etc.). In our Clubhouse there are many lectures and trainings, where people can participate re motely.


A joint health and safety team of ESKOT meets four times a year and their meetings are large ly guided by statutory matters as well as the refinement of various common guidelines and practices in the clubhouses. The substantive content of the meetings is enriched by joint discussions and exchanges of views between the various clubhouses. It is important to know how thing are going on other Clubhouses.

Safety plans are updated every year. It is im portant to check that all emergency routes are clear, and all instructions are clearly visible to all. We are involved in planning and organizing different types of trainings, that are recommend ed for the Clubhouse community.


and Sari K.

Occupational safety and health

Hello everybody, we work as occupational safety and health “officers”, here in Imatra Clubhouse, and as representatives of our own Clubhouse at occupational safety and health team of ESKOT association.

Our important work is to create safety culture to our Clubhouse community. Every Clubhouse at ESKOT, officers are responsible for all so called safety walks (where we together go around the Clubhouse and for example check where the emergency exits are) and exiting ex ercises, that need to be held at least 3-4 times a year, including risk evaluation (ArkiArvi).

Working and getting acquainted with occupa tional health and safety issues is interesting and surprisingly diverse. It has also helped us see things from a slightly different perspective.

The young adult group gets together a few times a month. We’ve done crafts, played board games and went to new places. During the summer Jukka held a photography navigation game, where the young adults went to different checkpoints using a map and some pictures. We also held a beach day, went swimming and played water frisbee. During the beginning of autumn we went to pilates, yoga, and dance mix at The Voima.

Young adult group

Autumn is almost over and Christmas is almost here. So it’s time to set our gaze towards spring and plan ning its program. We’ve already pondered on snow shoeing, camping trips to different places (that last a few hours) and a movie night at our Clubhouse.


Best regards,

Sari I. and Henniina

ESKOT Ry’s young adult groups get together online through Teams once a month. That way we have new fun things to do. For example we went to pho tograph Imatra’s different locations and we held a “sightseeing” through Teams with other Clubhouses. In partnership with different Clubhouses they’ve also held meetings together. I hope we get to see each other in person one day.

We went to the Imatra art museum’s art exhibition, we also got one of the artists to come tell us about the creation of some of the pieces. The artist talked about the stereography machine and its technique. With the machine you view two pictures, and your brain automatically makes it into one three-dimen sional picture. He had three different art pieces displayed, each one having two pictures of the same thing, but both taken at slightly different angles. We tried to also view it without the machine by crossing our eyes. Stereoscopy pictures were first invented by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 1838. This gave us a totally new perspective to art.

Our member Tiitu´s first TE placement was at Nursing home at Karhumäki (loosely translated “Bearhill” in english). Her job inscription was a kitchen assistant. Here´s her experience:

When I started, I was surprised how much work need to be done, in three hours. I didn’t expect the work to be easy, I felt uneasy for start, fearing that I cannot do all work in just three hours. Few months later, with the some advises, and encouragement from the work community, I was able to all the work easily, on daily.

Work community, and customers.

Which was most challenging at work?

I gained much confidence, and positive feed back and encouragement from the work community.

Thank you Tiitu for your answers!

What did you gain from the work?

Did the work match your expectations?


Did something surprise you?

Would you go again?

First time at TE

How did it feel?

I would love to!

Getting into the transitional work after long sick leave/unemployment, it felt interesting challenge, that I wanted take, in order to try working with lower requirements than normal work.

New type of food service to each. First, I wasn’t quite sure whom to ask advice, or get back to time limit. Beginning was hardest part, for making so many things in three hours, but when the work turned into routine, three hours felt more appropriate work time, and have enough time for coffee break, with all the work done.

I had no idea what to expect, before I started to work. I started the work with open mind.

Tiitu has since gone to study. In the picture be low, Tiitu is practicing using the cash register and customer service in the Clubhouse´s reception in connection with her studies.

Which was nice at work?

What would you say to other Clubhouse members, who are thinking about TE? Would you encourage them?

Go, if you have an opportunity! I am sure you have strength, and you get to work in great places with great people.


I ask her where does good customer service come from? ”It comes from the inside, it’s nice work. Also external factors affect it.”

Satu’s motto is: ”When you fall, you should stand back up.”

Satu V. has been a Imatra’s Clubhouse member since the beginning (1999). In the beginning of the Clubhouse there was alot of crafts being done, but Satu isn’t a crafts kind of person. She likes working in the cafe the most, she’s good at customer service.

Customer service comes from the inside

The obstacle in developing the Clubhouse is that the members would rather stay in the old habits. New things feel difficult and we would rather stay in the old, familiar activities.

The importance of the Clubhouse to her is the sense of security. Because she visits the Clubhouse often, she hasn’t needed hospitalization. When she faces a problem she can get help from the employees or the members. Working at the Clubhouse is great and it brings variety to her days.

”When you fall, you should stand back up.”

Satu has been in transitional employement at the Karhumäki nursing home. Even though the work is tough and strenuous sometimes, she has still like it very much. As a whole working with the elderly has been nice and light. She can highly recommend transitional employment. Serving food to people is very rewarding, you can feel useful that way.

I ask, if you for some reason have a bad day, what do you do? ”I go to the Clubhouse or for a walk. I try to chat with people or I bake something.”

Pertti´s miniature hobby

I have been painting and collecting miniatures for my entire adulthood. Miniatures are often called “minis” or “models”, that refers to miniature models, or figurines, which means a stat ue, usually a human shaped. My first miniature wargame was Mordheim, set on the City of Mordheim, in the world of Warhammer Fantasy. In the game, every player has a group of mercenaries, who tries to find treasure in the ruined city, while trying to survive and beat up rival Thenteams.I


moved on to Warhammer Fantasy Battle. I lost my interest to that game when 7th edition and Age of Sigmar came. Then there were many years of inactivity for me, not even single miniature game played. Then I found new inspi ration from Corvus Belli’s Infinity, also starting to have interest on Warhammer 40000, mostly because of the new rules, that are interesting. Miniatures are usually quite expensive. Good quality metal model may cost 5€ a piece, and large models may cost over 10€. Games Work shop’s tank models and some of their larger models are known to cost over 40€.

Miniature hobby requires many types of tools. Matte knives, different types of clues, preci sion cutters, etc. Many of the tools are available at general stores and dedicated hobby stores. High quality acrylic paints are often ordered and bought from the internet and for eign shops, because in Finland, such acrylics are sometimes hard to get or due to high pric-


the painting I recommend Vallejo Game Color and The Army Painter warpaints. Base coating or priming can easily be done with many aerosols, available in many stores. Aerosols can be messy, so be careful. When painting, keep an eye on details, apply few thin layers instead of single heavy layer. When thinning paints, I recommend proper acrylic thinner, such as Vallejo or The Army Painter mixing medium, or similar substances. Many of acrylic paints can be thinned with waPerttiter. P.

The hawthorn tree growing be hind the board fence had to be trimmed by Rami after midsum mer. It was nice to eat outside on the hot summer days, when we settled in to eat under the parasol.

Garden’s summer

The year old berry bushes were making wine berries to be tasted already; two bushes of blackcurrant, two other bushes of redcurrant and one other berry bush.

The summer’s most important task has been to

Spring work

Cutting the grass is a task that’s done once a week, but this summer it was done less due to the heat. Hanski fixed the mower during the start of summer; the sealant had to be copied and he made a new one from the bottom of a milk carton, also the plugs had to be changed, the filter cleaned and the carburetor cleaned as well.

water. The weeding responsibility fell to Ritu in the garden. Ritu and Hanski did the fertilization together when the need arised. They carried many a watering can to the garden and Hanski also watered the front garden’s plants with a hose; he found a good nozzle for it in the garage in fact.

Yard and the garden

The apple tree’s branches were pointing upwards too much, so Ritu’s task was to put them to point sideways. We put small string and small buckets to weigh them down. When the peas had sprouted, Hanski put branches from the hedge as support beams for the sapling.

Planting the seeds happened in June and the reason for that might have been busyness with other things. Hanski had planted the marigold on the 26th of February. We’ve planted 180 seedlings altogether and we’ve planted 20-25 pieces of seedlings on the front yard. These have become our pride and joy and they’re still blossoming.

We had gardening voluntary work in May. During that time, we used oil on the garden furniture; many chairs, two swings and an outdoor table. From the yard we raked twigs and leaves, and used slate stone to line the flower bed. During this time we renovated the growing boxes; added soil and arranged them to be straight.

The garden’s harvest

The harvest was quite small during the summer. This was due to hot weath er and dryness of the summer. The peas, chives, parsley and salad grew the best. The flower that bloomed the best was the cornflower. The flower beds were shy to bloom, because the perennial were planted only last autumn and are still too young to bloom. When the plants luxuriate, then in the next summers we get to enjoy the flowers fully.

In the spring we were waiting for garden work to start af ter a long winter. In April we got salad, parsley, dill seeds and peas. This spring we also wanted summer flower seeds; marigold, cornflower and sunflower. To take care of the garden we bought small garden tolls and to main tain summer furniture we bought furniture oil.


Soon we’ll be ready to do autumn work. You can come rake the leaves and clean up the flower beds when the weather allows it.


But I don’t have the strength, I just don’t have it. Even though I know things will work out, I simply can’t do it.

I wish I had the strength to get up and put on my outdoor clothes. I’d take my camera and I’d immor talize the sight. From the photos I could print post cards and make the people I know happy. Or I could even put some of them in frames and put them on the wall.

When I look out the window, I see a beautiful, snowy, winter wonderland. It calms my restless and scared mind. The beautiful sight is something familiar and safe. Something, like being a child on a Saturday morning, when I went to wake my grand ma up to make some coffee. At that time there was hardly any reason to cry.

over my mind. In the spring the case has a tough test in front of them. They will start a work trial/work try-out. The case is frightened mainly because of the fear if they can handle work rush and stress. In the last 10 years my lethargy has driven me to a psychiatric hospital and to sick leave several times, that have lasted from a few weeks to a few months. Do I have to return to that uncertain ty, hurry and stress?

A Case

During the time I was ill, I haven’t had a good and balanced feeling like I had last year. I went on sick leave in 2007 and it was in 2009 that I felt calm and balanced. Last year I accepted my illness completely. I accepted my weaknesses and that in this rushed, current society I can’t handle the requirements that employers set. I have hands that can do handicrafts, writing and playing. I have a heart that feels, lungs that breathe.

Even though I’m ill, I’m still a living, feeling human being. I will not be a case, a sheet of paper. It’s in sulting and hurts deeply when someone outright says that to you. “I’m me” is my favorite saying.

This case has been ill for 10 years. The diagnosis is bipolar disorder. Mental illnesses have been appar ent for many years in rising numbers and mental illnesses aren’t shunned as much as they were 20 years ago. Although there are exceptions. The case has gotten to know themselves and their illness well. This case knows their limits and knows what they can Restlessnesshandle.comes

I’m a case, among other cases. I’m a few sheets of A4 paper. I’m an unknown doctor’s diagnosis. The case is a meeting for 15 minutes and a few sentenc es in that important sheet of paper. Well, the case gets to say what they want. It’s another thing if it’s taken into account.

I look outside again and it’s still beautiful. Will it still be white tomorrow?

Sari I. is also a Job coach at the Clubhouse. She finds that the core of work coaching is that someone realizes that the life they live is a positive resource and at the same time they also realize how to use their strengths. This of course holds a lot of practical things, but in the end the most important thing is to find enthusiasm for something. Sari wishes that everyone could realize they are capable of doing all kinds of things.


Imatra Clubhouse Job coach Jukka believes that the most valuable skill at work is a genuine and unrushed encounter with another person. He’s pondered a lot about how in work coaching find ing a job isn’t the utmost important thing, instead it is getting to know a person and being interested in their dreams, skills, their ability to work, their starting point and what they consider challenging. He says that all the answers lie in the person them selves. Sometimes you just need space to realize these things yourself while having someone you can share your thoughts with.

Our job coaches

Sari K. is a Job coach at the Clubhouse. He finds her work the best when someone has positive experi ences and has successes, and finds a way forward. She also thinks that the Clubhouse work coaching has unique individuality. You start by listening the other person and by finding out their needs, then tailor the path to suit them. The most important skill for a work environment that you can learn at a Clubhouse is how to interact with other people. This skill gets better as you work with other people in a community.



Tapsala turned into a Clubhouse in 1999, and when it moved to Tainionkoski, I began prac ticing my computer skills, and slowly started to trans-record, and shape stories to the Club house magazine. Workers at that time were good, and patient to share their advice. After some time passed, I wrote independently, and wrote my own stories. I also made statistics and wrote birthday names to the Clubhouse maga

I had enough strength to seek help, had to start everything over. My nurse is nice, familiar person, from years past. It feels as if my nurse understands me, and I learn things that normal people can’t understand how much something frightens so much. My family has also support ed me.

soon will be dark, candles burning bright. (Many people who suffer from mental disorders have more difficulties at au tumn, when it is darker, and I have troubles at spring, when there is lighter, and when nature awakens)Old Granny


two times do transition work, but didn’t have strength on neither job, no more than a month each. I was discouraged.

I haven’t been in the Clubhouse for a while, so I phone call staff, ask news, and share some of my own news, in return. I think it is important to keep touch to others by phone at least, if the members don’t have strength or time to visit


Now when Corona came, I have followed and watched Clubhouse activity from Facebook, including live broadcasts. Now, I am writing this story, that most likely to be published at next Clubhouse magazine.

I began to stay more at home. Depression, one of my many mental problems, started to take over me. Sometimes better, sometimes worse. Now it has been bad too long.

At age of 20+, I got sick, and I was treated many times at Rauha mental hospital. Then I started my rehabilitation, moved to rehabilitation home. I began to visit Tapsala, nearby. There I got myself many sorts of handworks.

- Henni

Finally, I learned alot of about the history of video games, their structure, artificial intelligence and about how to create a main character. I didn’t get to do much 3D-modeling on the course, since the instruction videos were quite outdated and hard to follow. It was also possible to learn programming, but I didn’t do much of it, since it’s not that fun for me. I might still continue the course and do the parts I want to, since you don’t have to do all of the sections, just the ones you want to.

3D-modeling online courses


This XAMK course named ’Introduction to Video Games Creation’ was a very easy way to learn, as long as you know the english language. You’re able to learn and do as much as you want and the course is available to you for 1 year after you sign up for it. After you complete it you get course credit/points and a certificate.

Awhile ago I started a 3D-modeling course that’s also in english and it’s made by my favorite teacher Grant Abbitt, and his teaching is very easy to follow. On the course we learn about the basics of 3D-modeling and there’s no writing essays involved. We learn how to make a monster character and about how to animate it. I’m very thankful that I can learn something like this through the internet, especially because I have a chronic illness.

First we had to learn about what video games consist of and what their history is. In this part you had to take notes, because there was a small test where you had to choose the right answers. In the next section you had to write an essay about your favorite video game, which was quite hard, because it was hard to come up with enough text. After this, you had to write an analysis about the video game you’re playing at the moment.

I also learned to use a new program called Unity (at least a little bit), which is for making video games and I also learned about a drawing program called Krita, which is free. There were alot of things on the course which are hard to fit on this article, but I hope you got a general idea about what the course contains.

The fun of it was immensely increased when one of the participants’ internet was lagging and through the whole thing he had one picture stuck on his screen. So, throughout the whole game he kept shouting, “Perch fish!”

This year we held our May Day event through Teams, but that didn’t slow us down. Together we managed to hold a fun, about 3-hour party that didn’t lack in laughter.

The May Day celebration was finalized with a wheel of fortune game, that had May Day related ques tions like, “are you going to eat funnel cake?”

After the song competition we had casual chit-chat and after we moved on to Jukka’s surprise program where everyone’s spontaneousness was “measured” with a disco song. Especially Jukka’s dance moves while dressed as a soldier has us holding back our laughter. The dancing interlude went really well, so maybe we could do it again!

Online May Day event


The day’s first game was held by Miko and it was “guess the song.” In the competition he played songs and the participants had to guess the song name and it was a plus if they knew the artist and the year it was released. The participants could name almost all the songs and they reminded them of their childhood.

From the boxes was revealed different plants, flow ers, objects and places around Imatra.

Next in the program was Jukka’s quiz and we really had to put our heads together for this one. In the quiz was history and entertainment related ques tions, and in the traditional style of a quiz, all of us together had to try to figure out the answers. Every participant knew something.

When the photo guessing quiz was over, it was again time for some casual conversation and after that we were starting to get to the end of the event.

Next in the program was Sari’s photo guessing quiz. Sari slowly removed boxes on top of the photo and we had to guess as quickly as possible what was in the picture or where it was taken.

The remote May Day party went well and we all want to thank the participants; because of you the Teams held party succeeded!


An Equal remote Clubhouse

the computers had involved learning how to use the keyboard and mouse, using email, using Teams, making a Facebook account, searching for infor mation online, saving files, good behavior on the internet and independent usage of the internet.

The project is financed by STEA and lasts for half a year. Every finnish Clubhouse is taking part in the project. The thought was that after the half year usage of the com puters, the computers would remain at the individual LearningClubhouses.touse

Regards, Tuula & Marko

During spring 2020 we started an Equal Remote Club house project in behalf of the Finland’s Clubhouse coali tion. At Imatra’s Clubhouse, 5 members took part in the project. Every member was given a laptop to use. The criteria for choosing the members to take part in this was if they had no computer of their own or using a comput er was still new to them. The members got guidance on how to use them at the clubhouse and they will be sup ported for the whole half year project.

The project’s main goal is to train the user to use the computer’s different programs and using the computer independently.

At Imatra’s Clubhouse the project has started out well. The participants were easy to find. At first all of the 5 members came to the clubhouse at once to practice us ing a computer. The next goal is that they come to the clubhouse to practice as a group. The goal of the whole project is complete when all of the participants can use their computers at home and can participate in online clubhouse activities.


Well how do I get on in my daily life? It’s really important for me to have something enjoyable to do and have someone to talk to. Being artistic also helps, so does getting enough rest and doing stretches. A positive attitude also helps me to ”survive” my daily pains. Going swimming in cold water, yoga and Taiji helps many others, but I’m too afraid to go into cold water! It’s also important to be grateful for what you have. I go forwards, with small steps.

What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is not researched all that much, but I wanted to share a few things that I read from a research paper. The pain seems to result from neurochemical imbalances in the central nervous system that lead to a “central amplification” of pain perception characterized by allodynia (a heightened sensitivity to stimuli that are not normally painful) and hyperalgesia (an increased response to painful stimuli). Neuroimaging studies support this research, showing that FM is associated with aberrant processing of painful stimuli in the central nervous system. Functional magnetic resonance imaging studies of the brain demonstrate that a pain response can be elicited in patients with FM using a much lower pain stimulus than that needed for healthy controls. The Science of Fibromyalgia, Daniel J. Clauw, MD, Lesley M. Arnold, MD, and Bill H. McCarberg, MD

Fibromyalgia is a challenging illness that causes chronic pain and fatigue. It is believed that 2 to 5 percent of people have fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia’s most ”important” symptom is the almost constant pain that is felt all over the body, that is affected by many different external causes. Patients describe the pain as achy, burning, stinging and stabbing. The pain is made worse by cold, humid and drafty conditions and mental stress. In the sauna the pain is relieved, but afterwards the pain gets worse, they get a so called ”sauna hangover.”

I’ve suffered from fibromyalgia since I was a teen, but the pains have gotten worse over the years. I got my official diagnosis in 2017 from a rheumatologist. I don’t really remember how I realized that I had this illness, since it slowly got worse over time. It must be hard for some people to understand how a healthy looking young person could suffer from chronic pain and other symptoms, like memory problems and brain fog. I get tired and stressed easily, and before I started my medication I also suffered from restless sleep.

Now that medication is mentioned, my current medication helps a little bit, but not enough to make me capable of working. I went to the doctor yesterday and got a new medication. Starting a new one always makes me nervous, since you don’t know what kind of side effects you’ll get. I was also unsure if I was going to be taken seriously, but I was pleasantly surprised and I was listened to. Many other fibromyalgia patients have mentioned their bad experiences with doctors, so going to the doctor is always a bit nervewracking since you don’t know what kind of doctor you’ll face. But getting a diagnosis can be freeing, at least for me it was. When my illness was diagnosed for the first time, my examinations were thorough and factual. But I wanted to give a voice to those that haven’t gotten good treatment.

Thank you for reading my article. I also wanted to say thank you to Imatra’s Clubhouse for their emotional support and understanding environment.

Sometimes doctors suggest leaving out fibromyalgia from the diagnosis list, since every other illness might be connected to it. The same phenomenon occurs when you have a psychosis illness, the doctor might connect a neurological problem to that and write ”doesn’t seem psychotic, is well dressed,” and you still won’t get further examinations into your neurological problem. Your disability pension will also be declined if fibromyalgia is the only illness on your diagnosis list.

- Anonymous

At the Clubhouse Veikko has enjoyed doing kitchen work. In the past he had wanted to study to be a chef, but his friends persuaded him into not doing it. Here he’s gotten to achieve his long-time dream of working in the kitchen because of the work-oriented day.

Veikko has found his second home at the Clubhouse and fulfilled his long-time dream in the Clubhouse kitchen. Veikko was lured by his friends to visit. After his first visit he felt like it was his other home. A nice atmosphere and cheap meals still tempt him to come to the Clubhouse. At home I don’t feel like cooking the same way, Veikko smiles.

On his freetime he likes to read magazines and watch television. At home he’s got a long stack of Commando comics. As a kid he wasn’t allowed to buy them, but as an adult you can do what you want with your own money.

Jaana H.


Veikko´s interview

Veikko immediately felt at home at Imatra’s Clubhouse

Moments in time



Moments in time


Moments in time

Moments in time


FB: ImatranKlubitaloEskotry IG: imatranklubitalo@eskot.orgImatraimatranklubitaloClubhouseSuntionkuja255120ImatraFinlandreception+358504698986

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