一釐米的百萬年 / Nature := Slices of Space x Time

Page 48

on on 板塊撞擊 Plate collisio 造山運動 Orogeny mor orph phis issm 板岩變質 Slate Metam nclilino nc ncli no ori rium rium m 大禹嶺複向斜 Tayuling Syn ttit ittud u e 地層位態 Formation Att

策略 Srategy

斷層作用 Faulting 分水嶺 Watershed ng Poi ng oint ntt 稜線轉折 Ridge Turnin oods oo ds 二葉松林 Red Pine Wo form form m 鞍部地形 Saddle Landffo rosi sion si on 向源侵蝕 Backward Ero grap gr phy 河谷地形 Valley Topog ghtt 與樹冠高度 Tree Canopyy Heiigh ion n 植物演化 Plant Evoluttio sssin ing g Tr Traiil 越嶺古道 Ancient Cross s-Is Isla Is land la and Hig ighw hwaay hw ay Exc xcav a at av atio ion io n 中橫開鑿 Central Crosssrnat atio at io on 季節交替 Season Alteern V lllley eyy 雲霧湧入河谷 Clouds Influxx Va nseet 日出 / 日落 Sunrise/Sun 雲海 Cloud Sea


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the Slice Strategy 大禹嶺作為時空複合體,承載各種自然事物及現 象,其中最具代表性者所發生的場所,便是代表 基地整體樣貌的切片。 包括板岩地質、中橫開鑿、二葉松林、越嶺古道、 分水嶺上稜線及鞍部地形,與其所造成的雲霧劇 烈變幻等。依時間的長短,這些事物與現象大致 可分為長、中、短三組時間性;且各自在基地場 域內的某個特定場所特別茂盛、純粹或顯著,主 導了場所的氛圍與精神,因而這三個場所便作為 切片各自代表了一種時空尺度。 將建築物以前所定義「切片」的方式置入,建立 人藉以體驗場所精神的立足點,同時依族群活動 的分佈,與所欲創造的場所氛圍,配置使用機能。 分析這些場所中事物現象的邏輯與法則,再轉化 為建築物設計的方法,使場所與所置入的建築物 以同樣或相容的邏輯並存共置,最後創造出設計 後整體遊境中的重要 ( 場所 ) 切片。


Tayuling, as Time-Space Complex, carries all kinds of natural things and phenomena. The most representative ones occur at certain places, which are Slices representing the whole appearance of the site.

All of those include the slate geology, the construction of Central Cross-Island Highway, the Red Pine Woods, the ancient crossing trail, watershed, the line of ridges, the saddle landform, and caused by which the drastic changes of mist and cloud. According to the length of time, those things and phenomena could be generally categorized into three groups of long, medium, and short time-spans. Each of them is prosperous, absolute or obvious in a certain place within the site region, dominate the atmosphere and spirit of the vary places. Therefore I chose the three places as three slices with each representing a scale of time and space. Architectures are to be put as the above defined Slice into the places. Then construct standing point for people to experience the spirit of the places. Meanwhile the functions are provided according to the distribution of different groups’ activities, or the atmosphere that is to be created. Analyze the logics or laws of these things and phenomena at the chosen places, and transform them into method for designing architectures. The architecture and the place then exist together by the same or corresponding logics. Finally the tour-realm composed by important (place) slices are designed and created.

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