2018 Carroll Lee Whiteside Annual Impact Report

Page 11

Brain Health Across the Life Span

Students participated in educational brain challenges,

Research continues to demonstrate the importance of

learned fun facts about the brain, explored brain health

taking care of the brain throughout life, and Illinois

contributors, and were encouraged to complete a brain

Extension remains focused on providing brain health

challenge every day. As we envision a future with

education to audiences of all ages. Trauma-informed

reduced normal, age-related cognitive decline, educating

care and adverse childhood experiences (ACES) are hot

and encouraging youth to take care of their brains and

topics amongst educators and healthcare professionals,

adopt brain health lifestyle factors at an early age will

not only in Illinois but across the nation. Exposure to

help them have strong brains, both now and in the future.

ACES impacts child brain development, and many agencies and school systems are moving toward trauma

Traditional brain health programming remained a

-informed approaches to care and service. In response

vibrant part of Family Life programming efforts in 2018.

to this emerging issue, Illinois Extension engaged in a

Adopting a brain healthy lifestyle has been

lifespan approach to brain health.

demonstrated to reduce cognitive decline due to the normal aging process, providing benefits including

To impact brain growth and development at the earliest

continued independence, reduction of chronic diseases,

of ages, brain health programming geared towards

and improved overall quality of life. This past year, over

parents of young children, caregivers, and child care

60 brain health-related programs were delivered,

providers was provided throughout 2018. Participants

reaching over 921 people. Due to the popularity of brain

engaged in training modules from Better Brains for

health programming, two monthly Wits Fitness brain

Babies curriculum, providing training and insight on

health exercise program sites were added in 2018,

brain development, well-being, attachment, and stress.

bringing the total to five sites. Two additional Wits

Armed with skills and information to positively impact

Fitness programming sites will be starting in 2019.

child and brain development, parents and caregivers alike report that the program provided them with the confidence necessary to best care for children and equipped them to address the impact of stress on the

2018 Brain Health Sites

Thomson Public Library Mt. Carroll Public Library Sterling Public Library

developing brain.

Whiteside Center Senior Center Engaging youth in adopting a healthy brain lifestyle is

Rock River Center

also an emerging trend. Youth participants engaged in brain health programming through Health Jam programs in early 2018.



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