I Like Her Style Vancouver • Issue 10

Page 47

2019 C O NT R I BU TO R



YOUR RELATIONSHIP AT HOME. ALL OUR HOMEBODIES RAISE YOUR HAND! Heck yes, we’re right there with ya sweet friend. We are all about that “Let’s stay home” life. Home is our happy place and we know it’s probably yours too.

Feel like you’ve got a handle on these? Check in anyway. Now the fun part.

Let’s start this off by saying that living together isn’t just one big sleep over. Yes, it can be awesome, don’t get us wrong, but it can also be awful.

1. Co-create rituals together.

• You spend money on what? • Seriously, the dishwasher is right there. • What is that smell? • Babe, come on, please stop piling that crap in the corner. • I’m trying to sleep! • Again, the toilet paper roll goes on this way… You can see where this was going, right? We’ve all been there. So how can we minimize these speed bumps and actually cultivate a culture at home that allows you to grow?


1. Figure out your communication styles.

For lifestyle decisions, critiques, and feedback. For when things go awry, ’cause they will, you’ll know how to let each other know in a productive and kind way! Have many conversations on lifestyle things like diet, sleeping styles, alone time, decor, etc. See where you’re on the same page and where you’re not.

2. Make a decision about the division of household management. We’re talking about laundry, dishes, vacuuming, changing sheets, toilet cleaning, repairs, scheduling, frequency, who does what and how often, and most importantly – how do we introduce and continue having these conversations and dividing chores in productive ways?

3. Budget discussion.

Start with these questions: Are we comfortable talking about money? Who pays for what? Joint account? Groceries? Bills? Debts? Goals? If one of you is tight, what happens? Emergency fund?


Photo: Amber Leigh Photography

HERE’S OUR BEST “INCORPORATE YOUR RELATIONSHIP AT HOME” TIPS: What would it look like if your bedtime routine was something you did together? What about your morning routine? What about on weekends? What about dinner time? Making pancakes together, reading before bed, one pouring the wine and the other turning on music, sounds pretty nice right?

2. Plan legit stay at home date nights.

We’re talking more than just Netflix and take out. We mean plan an activity, a theme, anything really. The more intentional the better. A video game marathon? A puzzle with music? A DIY project? “No electricity party”? Picnic on the floor? You see where we’re going here!

3. Work on your space together.

Whether it’s a full renovation, a de-clutter, a DIY project, new photos or artwork, creating a space unique to the two of you that you BOTH have a hand in brings pride in your home. It makes it for a more intimate space, items that tell the story of your love, and who wouldn’t want to enjoy that together? Bonus: It can be quality time spent together as well as the end result!

4. Put ‘Putzing’ and ‘Hometime’ in the calendar.

So much of the time spent at home with busy schedules is just eating, sleeping, and showering. Don’t let that happen. You know those older couples that just putz around the house together? They spend an hour or two at home just doin’ nothing? Yeah, you know how good that feels. Plan for that once a month and stick to it like an appointment. It will be worth it. There you have it friend, a great starting place to create your best relationship at home. Whether you’re just moving in together (Congrats!) or have been shacked up for a while, we hope you’ll take something away from these tips!

What would you like us to talk about next? We’re thinking a Q&A round up! Send in your best questions to promo@ilikeherstylevancouver.com and we gotcha covered.

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@ilikeherstylevancouver | S PRING 2019


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